It’s still a First Person Friday, People.
I may be at BlogHer (watch for my TWEETS and PICTURES) but Im totally here in spirit via my dad and am completely touched he was willing to step in and post for me today.
I may not always be hauling my tattoo’dass self down the path he’d imagined for me yet he supports me 100% none the less.
As I read MizFit I realize the differences in the ways that different generations have approached âexercise.â
Growing up we had âexerciseâ in gym classes, but while we were in school and afterwards our exercise really took an entirely different form. What might be thought of as exercise now was âfunâ then.
My friends, who were much better at it than I ever was, played tennis, handball and similar games.
Others of us played basketball long after we were any good at it.
After a lunch hour or of evening playing ball we felt tired, not virtuous. We walked because we could get where we wanted to go that way. In the process we did allâor manyâof the right things.
Health clubs were non-existent and gyms were for serious boxers and weight trainers.
But then the world changed.
I no longer could walk places without risking life and limb crossing expressways or spending ridiculous amounts of time doing something that was much faster in a car.
The first obvious sign of the change was an exercycle that appeared in our basement complete with a basket for the book I was reading and a view of the basketball games on TV.
Later it gave way to a treadmill with a better view of the TV. In between there was an abortive attempt at recapturing oneâs youth with some fellow âmature adultsâ at the high school gym one evening a week. Basketball no longer was my game.
The final step in the transition was getting up early to walk with my wife at the shopping plaza about a five minute (drive) from the house. From one end to the other is exactly 0.5 miles. Two trips back and forth and we had done the requisite two miles.
Did the store windows change? Who else was walking that day? All the time we walked past a health club for whose membership our health insurance was willing to pay!
Join? Not for us.
We would leave after sometimes having coffee and half a roll or bagel at the coffee shop.
Sometime during our walks we would talk about the club, but that was all.
I am not sure what the caused us to try the club. I know it was my wifeâs suggestion.
Maybe it was the seasonality of our walks. It can be cold here in the late fall through early spring. Whatever it was, we now are almost âgym rats.â
If we are in town we have our regular schedule of classes and individual visits.
Is it good? You bet. Are we healthier? I know it hasnât hurt. And we have even made new friends.
Am I sorry we didnât join sooner? Maybe, you can teach an old dog new tricksâbut it takes time!
Thanks Dad.
Im compelled to add that you failed to mention how you would always encourage us to be active even if it wasnt your particular passion.
Even if we both knew that I (we?) enjoyed the donuts consumed AFTER we hit tennis balls at the park far, far more than the ball hittage itself.
Even if we both knew my inability to get the ball even remotely close to the basket when we shot hoops would preclude me from being picked first in gym class let ALONE by the (then nonexistent) WNBA.
What didnt we know? The first woman I’d meet who lifted weights (ok, *soup cans*) would inspire me to do something Id pursue for a lifetime.
That woman? Your mom.
Great post – glad to read that Miz’s mom and dad are keeping fit too!
“That woman? Your mom.” Priceless! Cracked me up. Hilarious.
I have to say that I’m not of this generation and yet have found a gym where we are all pretty much hard core lifters or mixed martial arts people.
WAY BETTER than the “new” gym settings.
Cool post.
Yay Miz’ dad!
Why did I always assume you came from a family of athletes??
Have fun at BlogHer.
Exercise has certainly evolved, hasn’t it!
I remember as a kids, some exercise was play, and some exercise was work – the one constant, though, was that there was a lot more unstructured movement in daily life…
Nice to meet The Dad of MizFit…See it runs in the family!
Have a great day!
Oh and enjoyed the post..This cracked me up…
“you can teach an old dog new tricksâbut it takes time!” Awesome, loved it!
What a great guest post. It kind of makes me wish I grew up in a time where what we now call exercise was a day to day activity and just plain “fun”. Although I do LOVE to exercise and think the majority of it is fun, I do sort of wish for more close stores/coffee shops/work that I could walk to and more outdoor adult pick up games going on!
So very true and so odd that we are trying now to replicate all this with classes like ‘recess group exercise’ etc as adults.
We should just go outside and PLAY.
Right Miz? Miz’ dad? đ
greetings from the windy city!
I’m off in a few to play outside (ok hand out swag bags to runners as they finished—-but still) but had to peek in first.
More from chicago later….
If you’re here don’t forget the Blogs & Body Image panel is at 115!
Love this post! Interesting to see how times have changed! I’m definitely all about having fun when I exercise and have to admit, I’m not much of a gym rat.
Today’s society really isn’t geared towards a healthy lifestyle. We want to get places faster (and often safer) so we take the car. We ride in elevators rather than taking the stairs. We feel as if we must make a special trip to the gym to get a workout rather than just making it a part of our daily lives.
Here is an article I wrote about a few weeks ago about how stairs these days are designed in ways that make us not want to use them (and how designers are working to change this trend).
Just thought you may find it interesting! Times are hopefully changing in the right direction at least in some ways!
I really enjoyed the post and it made me think about exercise for fun vs for health and the social benefits of staying active.
Especially interesting is the picture painted about the change from folks walking and playing (fun time) to WORKING out on stationary bikes and treadmills.
Thank you Miz and dad for the post.
This was very interesting! When I grew up (I’m the same age as Miz) there was a time when my dad used to go to gym. It sounded very masculine and mysterious. I never saw my mom exercise when I was a child, although she took up walking later in life and now goes to gym, while my dad just works in the garden.
I think one of the best examples we can set our kids is being physically active and working out (both formally and informally). I didn’t have that as a kid and I only really started exercising and loving it in my very late thirties. My husband, on the other hand, comes from a very active family. Most of their family photos from that time show them cycling, horse-riding, rowing and playing ball games as a family. Craig was an avid sportsman in school and competed in the toughest canoe marathon in the country at the age of 17. His father used to run marathons and ultra-marathons and Craig still runs, although not such long distances anymore.
So I’m definitely working to get up to speed so that we can be a good example to the kids we’re still planning to have!
Thanks MizDad! It was nice meeting you!
Fantastic MizDad! Although so much has changed over the years, I think the really cool thing is that both you and your wife were open to it. Thank you for sharing!!
It sure is interesting how the times have changed. My dad and I have spoke of this often. Thanks for sharing!
The days of playing basketball, baseball, kickball, etc. and not caring who was good or not were grand. Why can exercise be fun anymore…seems so much more like work!
My mother has always been a walker – I remember throughout my childhood how she would go for marathon walks all the time (and almost speed walk). My dad was never active.
BUT when a new gym opened up nearby when I was 10, we all signed up and my parents would drive me there when I wanted to exercise (since our neighbourhood wasn’t safe for kids to walk around). Encouraged us even though it wasn’t their thing.
Now, my dad has a trainer twice a week, my mother goes to pilates and is looking into a trainer and a gym. Slowly each of us has motivated another in the family to work out.
My brother on the other hand – ALWAYS a gym rat.
Great post, Dad. I hope you still have time for those romantic walks occasionally.
Awesome post!
I miss the days when I was younger (VERY small town girl) where we could ride our bikes everywhere or walk…and it was no big deal. It was fun. Now? My husband worries about weirdos and I worry about crossing busy streets where you’re in good shape if you dont’ get hit in your car! Too sad. I think I’m a country girl at heart.
Maybe you can talk to Dan about not always being good at sports but enjoying it all the same while you are visiting.
How times do change. Last night Dan and Tim “exercised” playing WiiFit Boxing! I use the term exercise very loosely
I’m so not a team player type. As such, nothing in gym class (except the ropes in elementary school, and later, climbing in high school) really interested me.
Now, I work out so that I can have an easier time doing the things I enjoy (rock climbing and yoga).
My fave thing about your dad: that he’s flexible. I always admire people that can roll with the punches. Sounds like you guys are a great fam!
It’s so true. All the changes in fitness your
dad speaks of. Even my generation. We used to race in the pool, practice different dives, hold hand stands under water and now it’s called water aerobics. Your Dad sounds awesome….like father like daughter.
Very interesting post!
Thanks, MizDad!! (FitDaddy?)
This was very interesting, and reminded me of MY dad. He was born and raised on a farm – always worked hard in his youth, joined the Navy during the war and was in terrific shape most of his life. Even after he became a dentist, he found ways to be physically active his entire life, without ever once going to a “gym” to work out.
His motto seemed to be “Move it or Lose it”, and it worked – his weight never changed and he stayed trim and fit until his death.
Loved reading this!
How awesome is it that your grandmother lifted soup cans! I love it!
Great post. Thanks MizDad!
Ok totally off point but I am not sure I realized that Mizfit got her writing style from her father too…. Nicely done dad.
Thanks mizfit for letting me see another side of our miz-dad.
What a great post and to think it was grandmom that showed you the way to weight training *big grin*. Sounds like you have great parents. Hope you’re having fun at the conference.
I really enjoyed this post! Thanks! My mom used to set a timer and we’d dance all over the house. She takes care of my grandmother now, and they go for walks through the house from room to room, looking at the pictures on the wall and talking about old times. Great stuff.
I love this post!! I think it is so inspiring that your parents started at the gym later in their life. Yes, it inspires ME, a 23-year-old. I’ve been lucky to have great parents for encouraging activity too. I’ve never been a team sports person, but my parents always supported my various biking, dancing, skating, whatever attempts. Even my nana does yoga at the age of 85! đ
Awesome post! It was so fun finding out about your life pre “MizFit”! Thanks for having him share. There’s a man at the pool where I swim and he has to be 90 if he’s a day. He’s amazing!
Dad and Miz,
This post is so cool. How fun is it to have your dad on you blog. Gym rats at your age? That means there’s still hope for me.
Hope you’re having fun at the conference.
Thx for the “dad” post!!! I may be a bit younger than your dad but I still remember my younger days of gym class in school & playing outside & not having to worry. In fact, the rule was get outside & play… tag, dodge ball, hula hoop, bike riding, kick the can (loved that Twilight Zone episode of this!) and more. Yes, I was still “fat” but I was active! Just ate too much!
I love that your dad & mom changed with the times & they sound wonderful. I can see where you get your great attitude!
OH, PS!!! Good luck with your panel! I know it will be a hit! Can’t wait to hear more!
checking in.
panel went GREAT.
off and running to an interview.
Pics coming soon…
Fabulous post!! A fun and fit family, just what this world needs more of!! Wonderful, wonderful.
Things are always in flux. My parents belong to a gym, too, and remain active.
It’s important to stay active – physically, mentally and to keep a passion in there somewhere.
Great post! My mom is in her 70s, and she just joined a gym. It’s never to late! đ
Wonderful post! My dad (who is in his early 70’s) has always exercised and he fits into the same pants he wore 30 yrs ago!
An by “exercise” he walks the dog 2-3 times a day, and spends 30 minutes at home lifting light weights, doing push ups, sit ups, and some other exercises. Nothing strenuous, but enough to get his heart rate up a bit & work his muscles.
He’s done this as long as I can remember….all in the early morning before my mom wakes up.
And he DID join a gym for a few years, along w/my mom, in their retirement village. They both enjoyed it a lot….though my Mom would spend her time *talking* (she’s the social one) and my dad would spend his time on the eliptical & really breaking a sweat (with some chatting in between).
So whether it’s a gym, outside, or at home — he always finds a way to get in some daily exercise. And he’s in great shape đ
Thanks Dad-o’-Mizfit.
Awww your dad sounds fab… So does his mom!
What a great guest post!
And I think it really highlights that the best way to stay healthy for life is to be flexible. Times change, our options change, our bodies change… lots of excuses to give up and become sedentary. Those who adapt and keep challenging themselves are the ones who lead fit and active lives no matter what their age.
The whole MizFit family is an awesome inspiration.
great post FitDad!!! Hope your having fun at BlogHer Miz, it sounds awesome!!
Thanks Mizdad! You got some daughter, buddy!