Subtitle: The real title of this should have been ‘Allow Myself to Plagiarize Myself.’ Portions of this originally appeared in post & in a magazine. All of today’s post was inspired by this blogger’s tweets.
Writing a fitness column means my inbox overflows with opportunities to review health-related products. Most of these solicitations I delete knowing that, although they claim to seek my honest opinion, they’d be truly disappointed at how honest my opinion can frequently be.
Recently, though, a request came in which I couldn’t decline.
First, I ask you indulge me in some back story.
Over a decade ago I had a neighbor who would regale me with his exercising-in-the-garage stories. Our conversations were always the same and unfailingly focused upon his sweaty experiences hoisting kettlebells.
Being the mature woman I am my first reaction was not to investigate the kettlebell & its fantastic fitness producing properties. I instead dubbed my neighbor K-Bell, mocked him/his stories relentlessly to the Husband, and gave his workout nary a thought.
Little did I realize ole K-Bell was a man ahead of his time (though he was still totally mockworthy. Dude worked out next to his car in the garage in the TEXAS HEAT!).
Flash forward to 2009 & kettlebells are all the rage.
As a result, when I was offered the chance to test a kettlebell/KB exercise DVD I immediately agreed. It may have taken a decade to pique my MizFit curiosity, but piqued it finally was.
My kettlebell arrived and when I ripped into the box I discovered what looked like a cannonball with an suitcase handle attached.
And it looked dangerous.
Even with the DVD it only took me a moment to realize I required some background knowledge before this uncoordinated woman could commence swinging. Beyond the fact I feared accidental self-harm, I’m a total fitness nerd at heart.
I was far more curious where the kettlebell concept originated than how tight it could conceivably make my glutes.
Kettlebells, I discovered, were invented by the Russians.
Initially used as counterweights in the marketplace (who knew?) they were soon adopted for strength and flexibility purposes.
(For the other fitness nerds among us:) One man, Pavel Tsatsouline, a former Soviet Special Forces instructor, is credited for introducing kettlebell training to the United States.
Tsatsouline is also the man I loved to hate after my attempt at the DVD workout, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
I wanted to know why hoisting kettlebells supposedly trumped traditional weight training.
Were there benefits beyond sheer novelty to my handled cannonball?
The answer, I found, was yes. A single kettlebell could do a vast number of exercises which, were free weights used, would require a veritable weight rack to execute.
Kettlebells also utilized functional movement or real-world strength.
Much to my chagrin, I’ve realized the chance of my being stopped on the street & asked to bench press is quite slim and the likelihood I’ll hoist/attempt to shove an unwieldy suitcase into an overhead airplane bin is far greater. I needed the functional strength this handled cannonball could offer.
Finally, it was the promise to increase endurance, flexibility and core strength which sold me on the idea.
That and the notion I’d complete the *same* training routine as the Russian Special Forces.
Or so I thought.
Research completed, I was eager to squat, swing and snatch. I planned to workout, see how I felt, and write my column. Ah, the ignorance of a newbie kettlebeller’s best laid plans.
I popped in the DVD, grabbed my kettlebell, and swung not a swing. I watched, slack jawed, as the host of the DVD, vigorously squatted and snatched her weighty kettlebell with ease.
Here’s where I confess had I not committed to writing about my experience I’d have thrown in the not yet sweaty towel. My kettlebell would have done one swing only: straight into a closet.
In the name of journalism, however, I persevered. I did the entire DVD my first time sans kettlebell. And my second and third time, too. I fumbled along with the instructions on the Turkish Get-up and the squat. I struggled to keep up with the workout routine *without* a kettlebell in my hands.
Eventually (if by eventually you mean after a longass while—which I do) it clicked.
My get-ups flowed& no longer resembled Get-Up And Tumble To Floor. I performed the shoulder press properly and my imaginary weight never touched my body. My core stabilized and my movements, like the pro’s on the DVD, were fluid and controlled. My heart rate elevated and I saw how the workout taxed my aerobic and anaerobic systems.
My kettlebell, though, remained grounded.
I appreciated the fact that the DVD manufacturer trusted I’d not, in a spasm of swinging, fling the kettlebell into the TV. I possessed no such confidence, but did possess kettlebell skillz after hours spent mimicking the video’s moves.
Armed with my knowledge I took the entire workout outdoors. I swung, snatched, and pressed in the grass with the same wild abandon Id seen onscreen. After ten minutes I was more exhausted than I typically was after my cardio and weight routine combined.
As Oprah says: I had an Aha! moment.
Outside, where I feared no wreckage, I swung freely. I employed the explosive movements that make the kettlebell a cardiovascular workout. I embraced the full concept of swinging in multiple planes with multiple joint actions.
Not only did I grasp the routine, I saw how it could increase strength in all aspects of life from carrying groceries to martial arts.
Would I recommend a kettlebell DVD workout? Sure, if you have the time and patience to learn the moves
properly without the kettlebell first.
Would I recommend kettlebells in general? My answer for that is exactly the same.
GoFit, while not the focus of the rambles above, makes a pretty cool kettlebell & dvd set.
The company is the industry leader for providing quality products paired with fantastic trainers and innovative instructors.
(translation: you shall never, ever see MizFit leading a video.)
My fave is the DVD which teaches all basic kettlebell techniques & is led by top kettlebell trainer, Sarah Lurie.
So lay it on me, People.
Have you been longing to try out the ‘bell? What’s holding you back?
Are you a novice ‘beller & did you need to start like I did: learning form sans weight?
I know there are many ‘bell masters among my readers—got some tips you wanna share?
Please to enlighten us ALL in the comments and you mightcould win your OWN kettlebell/dvd combo.
Winner announced FRIDAY. USA only.
I had never heard of these until recently. I googled them and was amazed. I wonder what my 5 sons would think of the kettleball?
I have to say I saw your post and thought SKIM!!! 🙂
Very interesting though (I didn’t skim :)) as I have been afraid of kettlebells but really curious.
Where can I buy one not on the internet?
I am new to use a kettle bell and just have been playing around with it at the gym.
I would love to have a dvd to use at home, Miz.
LOL @ you calling your neighbor K-Bell.
I have been intrigued by kettlebells since they became “all the rage” – kudos to your neighbor K-Bell, even if he was working out in his garage in the Texas heat 🙂
Although I can picture perfectly what would happen if I tossed one of these into the TV, I think I would still like to try. What you said about having to swing suitcases, etc. makes perfect sense – being able to work out from all angles to prepare for a multitude of situations is kinda cool!
I was far more curious where the kettlebell concept originated than how tight it could conceivably make my glutes.
That is why I come here, Miz.
I haven’t tried kettlebells yet mainly because I don’t have one.
I have never tried the kettlebell but have heard LOTS of great things! I would love to get one….need to start doing some internet searches 😉
I am not in the know about kettlebells, though I think I will now look into it more and may have to work on getting some. Always looking for new ways to exercise, for me and the family.
Oh gosh. I better spare any attempt at Kettlebells for when the kids aren’t around (safety first!). But maybe I’ll “practice” next time I get mad at hubby for not picking up his socks off the floor?
I wanna see a video of you outside swinging.
I have used the kettlebell for a while now and gain lots of strength.
Tips? I am not at the place to give anyone any tips yet LOL!
oh gosh! I’ve been avoiding kbells like the plague but only because I KNOW I will immediately “need” a ton of vids when I realize how much I like them =) and along comes your super-fab giveaway… perfect! oh, me! please!
Newish reader and I have a question:
Is your claiming to be uncoordinated the same as how all models claim to have been ugly in high school? 😉
I’ve seen enough Ice Chamber videos ( to know what to expect. I’ve seen the Go Fit brand at Target; a bit too pricey for me, even when they’re on sale. I’d love to give it a shot!
My husband bought me kettlebells for my birthday – great guy! I got a 12kg and a 16kg. Hefty stuff! I love them. I had a session with a trainer/KB expert first, then got my own, then I am having another session with her (and with my KBs) so she can check my form and teach me a good few exercises to do. At present I only feel confident with 4 exercises. Love the fact KBs can get my hr up to about 160bpm. N
I have a kettlebell so no need to enter me.
I hired a trainer to show me a few moves and am pretty confident with it now.
I’d definitely recommend a DVD or trainer before starting.
I’m a fan.
I’m also one of those obnoxious people who give fitness/health related gifts. Gave a KB to my mother-in-law for her birthday (after she had knee surgery that disrupted her typical cardio routine). Last I saw, it was being used as a doorstop.
TOTALLY anticipated doorstoppage around here as well 😉
Because (ohh segue to different comment) I’m really that uncoordinated.
There is a REASON I’m all about weights and not, say, golf or tennis.
I adore weights however I also adore the lack of need for hand/eye coordination.
I bought a kettlebell several months ago… a 15 lb. I figured that it would be heavy enough to do me some good, without being heavy enough to break everything around me if I turned out to be too clumsy to manage it.
The DVD didn’t quite work for me, other than in breaking down the basics. I turned to the websites of several of the functional fitness trainers out there, and found great videos. Pulling from the various how to clips really helped me – especially with avoiding wrist bruises.
I still can’t complete a Turkish Getup without a prayer that nobody sees me, but I’m having loads of fun. And, it’s working. I can see it in my shoulders. It’s probably about time for me to bump up the weight on about 1/2 of the exercises.
I have never used a kettleball, but I have this weird fascination with trying them out. To me, it looks like a great, non-conventional workout. I do appreciate the advice about learning how to use them before starting to use them. I suppose that is true no matter what exercise we do.
Oh… forgot to add my daughter’s fascination with the kettlebell. She is begging me for a small kettlebell, so she can join me in my Saturday morning swinging on the patio.
Are there KBs sized right for the 8 year old little mizfits?
Joy? There’s yer million dollar idea!
Plastic KB for kids (fisher price? You reading? Hire this woman as a consultant!).
Now I’d say it will get you on Oprah but that would need to be a KB for Canines…
I think kettleballs are fantastic! But you do really need to know what you’re doing beforehand!
Sounds like way too much effort.
Since I have always called them kettleBALLS I think there is little chance Id ever master them.
Fun article.
Not for me 🙂
I’m impressed by your writing. Are you a poferssional or just very knowledgeable?
bg1I7S eqemsvhgsyqv
I’ve been putting off trying out kettlebells because the idea of buying them and lugging them home is just too much effort. But anything referred to as “cannonball with a suitcase handle attached” strikes me as FUN!!!
Today I may be buying new running shoes (*jumps up and down excitedly*) so perhaps I will buy some kettlebells as well. Just for kicks. It would make me feel so badass.
I think it’s really funny that you had to go outside in order to actually swing the kettlebell… when I was running at my university’s track last summer, there was a man on the grassy center part every night, swinging his kettlebell. I can only imagine his wife yelling at him to get out of the house with those darn things!
I’d love to try working out with a k-bell. My fear of conking myself is what’s held me back so far, and I hadn’t thought of mastering the moves FIRST, then adding the bell. D’oh!
I love that you did the DVD w/o the bell to understand the moves! I get thrown (well, not literally) into the kettlebell during workout and it’s my least favorite thing – my form for the squats is not good, and that sucker is heavy!!! The smallest one is 26 pounds – I would love to win this and get a lighter kettle bell and actually master the moves and get a good workout with it.
Oh, and I wear gloves in hopes of having a better grip so I won’t let go and maim someone.
I’ve seen them at the gym, usually only the PTrainers use them with their clients but they seem interesting enough.
Not quite sure what to do with them so a DVD sounds useful but that would mean I’d have to buy at least one and I don’t do well exercising at home. the give includes a bell and a dvd. AND IM WITH YOU. Im typically not a home weights woman either. I think for me the outside part of it all was the biggest selling point!
Thanks for the review though!
OMG! I read about these ages ago and always wanted to try them & integrate them into my workouts!!! Well, my gym does not have them & I do not work out during the light of day either SO getting something I can do at home would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool! You know I love change & variety & to me, these have looked like a good deal from way back when I first started reading about them.
I know this is random generator BUT I so want them!
Thx for the great back story & the review!
I have a kettlebell already and love it so no need to enter me.
I want to know if your subtitle is an Austin Powers reference?
I’ve been fascinated by Kettle Bells since I first saw them. And I’ve heard about fantastic results from them.
I’m all into training that will help in “real life.” So bring on the KBs!
I haz the fear of the kettlebell. I have zero hand eye coordination (my brother called me “unco” as a kid, fo uncoordinated!) so I can just see the damage I’d do to myself and my surroundings.
Considering I manage to bruise myself with weights already (and I can count on 2 hands the minor injuries I’ve inflicted on myself this week already), I’d stay far, far away.
I have always wanted to have a kettlebell workout. The last couple of times that i have went to the store the 15 lbs were always sold out. When I thought about buying one online the shipping cost was pretty high. I would be interested in taking my workouts to the next level and also I crossfit sometimes and the WOD requires kettlebell. I usually try to wing it with a dumbbell. It works but the grip is different and I was more afraid of throwing that into a tv or wall than a kettlebell. But of course most of the crossfit workouts i do at home and the only access to the kettlebell i do have occasionally is at the gym.
When I saw your post I got so excited because I have been wanting a kettle bell for a while now! Actually, it was to be my reward for hitting my next weight loss milestone! But if I win it from you, that would be great too,lol!
Thanks Miz,
I am very glad I could inspire! I also feel a lot better about the fact that I am still learning form – I haven’t braved using the actual bell yet. Things have gotten crazy, to say the least, and I have put my bell on the back burner – your post has inspired me (you always seem to inspire me) to get back on the wagon! I will learn the kettlebell but I don’t know that you will ever see a video of that! hehe!
much luv, jen
I’ve been curious about (and interested in acquiring) Kettlebells for some time. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen them at the second hand stores where I shop, and I simply can’t afford to buy them new on my very limited finances.
I love the idea of ‘functionality’–that the exercise could help you function better in real life.
I’d love to give these a try.
I am just now reaching a more comfortable place with my body and am becoming more open to experiementing with new activities. I’d love to try out the kettle bell….and it would be nice to do in the privacy of my home!
love da ‘bells! Use them at home for quick spurts of exercise during commercials watching LMN.
Pls dont count me in contest, I already have some 😉
I first met the K-Bell online, and was instantly interested. When my trainer lugged some to the park for us to try, I jumped with excitement. I loved them…… and may just have to get some for me’self now training is no more.
I agree with the outdoors aspect being more fun, I can’t imagine swinging away in front of the TV, disaster would surely ensue at my house!
I appreciate the USA only on this giveaway, and pity the postperson who get’s to deliver that parcel 🙂
Dang! I thought you were leading in with ‘it originated in Texas’! Oh well!
I have a friend that has been using the Kbells for a few years. She uses them, can’t walk for a few days and sets them aside. After a few weeks, she re-establishes her love for them and the vicious cycle starts again.
I’d love to try them, but yes, not in front of the TV!
rolling with the Tornado but had to say YESYESYES!!
It is an Austin Powers ‘allow myself to introduce…..myself’ reference.
Only in the USofA.
I would SO love to have kettlebells to swing around!
Guess I’ll have to stick to swinging cast-iron dutch ovens in and out of the firepit.
(which happens once, maybe twice, a decade!)
I’ve heard good things about kettlebells, but I haven’t tried one because I’ve never seen them at the gym or in stores–they just sort of slipped my mind. I think they’d be cool cause it looks like you could get a great home workout in with them 🙂
I really want to try kettlebells at home – my trainer used them with me previously and we got a lot of results but we mostly just used them as weights. I think the cost has just been holding me back at this point – I’ve been spending on fitness in other ways.
I’d still consider myself a novice though!
i’ve seen the kettle bell on biggest looser. i wish our gym had them to use them/try. we don’t even have a bosu ball (? sp). i’ve been trying to build up a gym @ home so we can cancel our membership. have a treadmill & elliptical w/ some free weights & a body ball! now if i can just get DH to put a TV mounted on the wall! LOL
Like the TRX, this is something I desperately want, but because there’s nowhere in my apartment for me to swing freely, and I’m not bringing something that cool to the gym (because I’m a personal trainer there, people think that my fitness toys are their fitness toys), I’m not totally sure I’d use it. I do howeve have a medicine ball with a handle attached, although it’s half the weight I’d want.
Yes! I have been wanting to try kettlebells for so long! One of my friends from college started a kettlebells gym a couple of years ago with small group classes that I really wanted to do, but I moved away just in time for the opening. Supposedly my gym up here in NYC is coordinating with a big kettlebell trainer to bring it there, so I am waiting on that. But, I would love to get started in the meantime!
Now feeling totally LESS of a wimp for doing workout videos at first sans things in my hands, tvm.
I’m VERY coordinated. My shoes always match my outfit. Other that that, well, let’s just say that “oops” is frequently heard around here…
Do we have to repick our kettlebell names?
: )
Im now Ornery McWhineyThrowsStuffSwingMasterPants.
No need to enter me as I think mine would be as someone mentioned above: a door stop.
I love the idea but I am too much of a klutz.
Enjoyed the article though.
I swing my 2 kettlebells usually once a week. I listen to an audio workout as I found the Video swingers – not in pace with mine.
It’s a great leg workout. ( Swinging and squatting) Love my Kettlebells!
My husband, whose desire to do any kind of physical activity is rather low, really wants to try kettlebells, so I hope I can win this for him! I have been very fascinated by them, but I am also scared because I have read so many things about how they can be dangerous to use and require careful study and precision.
Please enter me in this one 🙂
Yes, I want to swing some kettlebells as they were all the rage/rave in my favorite fitness forum, videofitness, a few months ago.
What is holding me back: the fact that I am a newbie and the price.
I LOOOOVE kettlebells and actually have this DVD – it’s very informative, great for a beginner! I’m nto commenting to enter the contest, but merely interjecting into the conversation.
Kettlebells are one of my favorite ways to spend my time working out and are SO effective. 20 minutes with the kettlebell can equal an hour at the gym (if done correctly). I strongly encourage everyone to give it a try. Don’t be afraid, everyone was a beginner before they mastered the technique, you’ll be swinging away in no time!
I hadn’t thought about having my very own kettlebell and a DVD! The trainer I worked with about a year ago was very high on the kettlebell routines. I was very skeptical at first. He had me doing all kinds of crazy things–exact names of which I can’t remember except for Kettlebell Swing. Alot of the exercises often made me feel like a klutzy cheerleader. I have to say though, other than some bruises from where I obviously wasn’t doing the exercise properly (which is where the DVD and practice would have come in handy) I really felt like I was getting good workouts. Particularly in the hips and buns area.
Methinks I was along the lines of awkward stripper.
Ungainly Rockette?
Wow. I would try this but for my animals. The gather in a semi circle around me while I lift weights in the morning. The thought of accidentally crushing or bopping the doggie makes me cringe.
On the other hand…it would give me an excuse to escape from those furry annoyances, who’ve been known to add unnecessary 10-15 minutes to my workout with constant shooing.
never even heard of it… but would be fun to try I suppose! I love new ways to workout!
Coordination I have…. HEY…I tooted my own horn!
but coordination with, what a ball with a handle that ‘s heavy?
on ice skates? HA jk.
luckily I have a roooooomy back yard and a portable dvd player! would LOVE to give it a go!
I wish you had prefaced your post with a VIDEO today!!!!
I adore your austin powers refrence!
thanks for the smiles tooo!
Kettlebells are cute! Even if you’re using it as a doorstop, it’s a cute doorstop 🙂
I’ve copied a few exercises from trainers at the gym…but have only figured out how to do 2-3. They are hard though–I would love to learn how to do more properly!
I have loathe to part with the bucks to buy one of these. Because I know if I bought the one I learn on today, I’d outgrow it quickly.
So I’m playing along on my own watching the YouTube videos and using a milk jug with sand and water in it. I truly need to win this one. (or just admit it and take a KB class).
Please. Just this once. let me win. I will do a video of myself using it. (yes, outside. because dogs and windows do not need to experience the KB swing.)
I took a kettlebell class with a one-on-one trainer last year, but I’ve never done it since then. Which is unacceptable, because I liked it! But I didn’t have the kettlebells myself, and the classes were out of my way to get to (and also a bit expensive). So yes, I’d definitely like to try them again!
I have seen kettlebells a lot at the gym. And I always watch people using them. I like that the exercises look really functional, something I’m in desperate need of. I agree, I probably have to ever bench press anything in real life… ;
I like a challenge and learning new things, but I think it would take me quite some time to learn the moves as I’m not very coordinated at all… Oh, and I’m wondering what the toddler would be able to do with them if he ever got his hands on them??? Scary thought! 🙂 But then again, that’s true for about anything else in the house…
I don’t know why I never thought of trying the DVD without the kettlebell! Every time I’ve tried the routine WITH the KB, my back hurts so much that I literally have to sit down for the rest of the day. Last time, I couldn’t even stand in the shower, that’s how badly it hurt. But, perhaps I will try it without the bell, and see how that helps! I feel like an idiot for never thinking of that before.
I spent a boatload of money on a trainer specific to Kettlebells and I am AMAZED at how my strength and endurance and flexibilty has changed over the last three months. I have 3 months left on my membership and that should get me through marathon training (a strong core is so improtant to all athletes but I want that 4 hour marathon dang it!). So I go, I snatch, get-up, swing, squat, lift, and press my way into a strong body through Kettlebells!
This sounds like something I’d love to try!! I do not enjoy weight training and have never felt like it really made me stronger, say, when I was called upon to help a friend move. But I want to be stronger. This sounds AWESOME!
I have wanted to try the kettle bells and have seen them in the stores, but they aren’t in my budget right now. It would be great to have the opportunity to give them a try. I need something to shake up my exercise routine.
Such a neat post! I’ve tried kettle bells a few times – but only under supervision from a personal trainer. I’m a little afraid that trying on my own would send me flying across the room (kettle bell still in hand), but I’ll try anything once!
I’ve been longing to try it for a while, only issue is my fear in my coordination and dropping it on any body part or into the TV. But, a shakeup in my workout routine would be great.
My gym doesn’t have them either, but I have used them at Crossfit, which I have done with a friend on a few occasions.
They’re a great alternative to the same old lifting, for sure. But the proper form is SUPER important! I have seen people get really hurt not using them correctly so I think your suggestion of learning sans weight, is a great one!
The idea of a dvd sounds interesting. And hey, it can’t be any more evil than the 30 Day Shred!
i LOVE mine.
Lauren Brooks even has a fantastic DVD for kettlebells & pregnant moms.
I highly recommend going to a in person class though, at least until you can get the form down. I thought I was doing okay until I did a couple of classes in person and realized my form was off. (the reason why my wrists were sore/bruised)
It’s a great NON IMPACT workout for the entire body. 🙂
Advice from a kettlebeller: When you feel dizzy STOP! I’ve seen people over extend themselves and literally go flying as they swing and lose muscle control.
I would love to add kettle bell training to my workout routine. I have heard about it and I am curious about it.
I’ve been intrigued ever since I had someone approach my mom and tell her that they taught classes. She couldn’t remember who the person was, but it got me googling it. I’d love to add kettlebell to my workouts. It looks like a ton of fun!
I’d love to try the bells, they seem like an awsome total-body workout tool, but I haven’t because I can’t afford to sign up for classes…and I’d rather not try to go at it alone without some instruction, at least a DVD…because I would be that person who dropped a kettle bell on her neck, or hurled it at the TV or the fish tank.
Perfect timing for this post – I actually went to Dicks sporting goods to get a bell yesterday but sadly they did not have the weight I wanted so it is off to Sport Chalet today to grab one!! I just tried it last week at Boot camp for the first time and fell in love!!
Girl, I love you for always being real.
No need to enter me.
xo xo
I’m still fairly a novice at free weights. I fear severe injury with a kettlebell as I’ve been known to smash dumbbells into my knees during routines. Yes, I’m blushing at admitting that.
I do wonder if I’d use it or whether it’d end up decorating the laundry room like the weighted sports hoop. LOL
ps, I do enjoy GoFit’s resistance bands though.
That’s it – if I ever see you on the street in Austin I’ll be challenging you to a pushup contest (you’ll win, but it will be fun).
In all seriousness though, I love trying new things but I hate when I don’t *get it* right away. Kettlebells have intrigued me though…
ooooh Im in QUIX!
except for today. and the near future. its 102 outside and methinks we’d burn our hands.
unless theres grass near by.
or puddles?
can we do coffee instead?
oh my I am not a bell master, I have been trying to do kettlebell workouts with a regular hand weight..some moves work and some ummm not so good. I would love to test out a true set
brandon and i would LOVE to try out kettlebells … but our stupid gym doesn’t have them … and we’re broke. boo.
I’m realizing that I need to do more than cycling for fitness. I would love to try kettlebell workouts.
The kettle bells are only available to the personal trainers at my gym at this point.
I don’t know if I can deal with another piece of equipment to work out with. There is only so much of me to go around 🙂
Know the feeling, Miz?
i would really love to win this since i’ve been wanting to try kettlebell workouts
I heard about kettlebells from a friend and they sound awesome!!! I can’t wait to try them out!
I love kettlebells, but it’s SUPER important to use proper form! You can really mess up your back (and your body too) if you’re not doing it right. Kudos to Miz Fit for working through the movements before adding the weight.
I’m fortunate to live in San Diego where Sarah Lurie has an all kettlebell gym-I had already messed my back up, but they taught me how to do it properly and it works fine now. I definitely recommend learning through a certified instructor if you have access…
I’d love to try k-bells as my pole classes are coming to a close and i am now less scared of harming my previously weak wrists with these feats of nature.
PS no need to enter me in the contest-I already have a lovely bright red KB taunting me at home every time I walk past it…
I’ve always been fascinated with Kettlebells but never wanted to invest in them if I wouldn’t use them. But after this review I may have to if I don’t win.
I totally see the functional training. I used modified kettlebells in Physical Training to rehab my back after surgery and it was stressed to me over and over to do functional training instead of static.
Have seen them on tv but none of the local gyms offer classes w/kb’s so i would love to have a set to use at home.
You know, I’ve been looking for a “shake it up” project. Maybe I’ll netflix a DVD and see if this is something I’ll want to pursue. Can’t hurt. 🙂
Been swinging away on kettlebells with abandon for a while now… it took some time and effort to keep from my shoulders flying out of socket, but now I swing away. The only issue now is how to make a “pood” sound intimidating and heavy as it is!!!
I have been curious, but I have also put them off as something to try later, when i felt i was in better shape, but if they are good at working the glutes then count me in.
As I close in on another decade passing, I’d like to leave my 40’s in the best shape yet….at least as compared to my 20’s before kids….and life….and gravity set in.
I’ve swung the bell in my past as my brother attempted to reform my workouts but dropped it literally and figuratively since I hated lifting. I’ve had a rebirth in lifting through muscle pump class and would love the opportunity to re-visit the kettlebell as functional fitness.
About six months ago, I ripped out a page from some magazine at work that shows a great kettlebell workout. Er…..someday I will actually get a kettlebell.
I never really understood the whole kettle ball thing…don’t put it down till you try it though…I guess I’ll have to give it a try someday. I’ll probably need some gloves to help my grip or else that thing will be flying into my TV screen…lol!
I’ve been wanting to try a kettleball, but haven’t because 1) I’m a grad student and therefore broke, and 2) I haven’t heard of anyone that uses one regularly. There really needs to be a rental service for these kinds of things (oh, yeah, they’re called gyms).
I’ve read about Kettlebells over and over again but always afraid to try them out. I may have to after this post.
Totally been wanting to try a kettlebell workout since you wrote about it a while ago. Mostly because I’m lazy. 😉 And that’s also the reason I haven’t tried it. I would love to be able to skip the weight machine assholes the gym.
I obsessed over kettlebells over the Internet for three years. I was stuck in bed because of a chronic illness, and loved to stare at photos of cross-fit fanatics using the weights. My body was going to hell, but they looked so damn buff. It was a nice form of escapism. Now I’m better and I want to get my body back, and the functional fitness approach has been the only way I’ve been able to make progress. I lust for a kettlebell, but they can be pricey, and I haven’t figured out how to convince my sibs to get me one for Christmas. They say it looks like a weapon.
I’ve looked at the kettlebell sets at Target everytime they have a sale. I pick them up, swing a little like the videos I’ve seen online….but i never end up with one in my car. Looks like fun….but serious.
Choose me!choose me
I have always been intrigued by the ‘bells but, I haven’t tried them. I suppose I just never had good instruction available and I want to be sure I am starting the right way if I am beginning a new routine. I would love to get into the ‘bell routine!
Saw these on a sign in town and had no idea what they were, but I have looked into them since then. Not sure if it’s something I would keep up. But they are intriguing!
K-bells are definitely on my future workouts-to-do list. I’d also do it outside!
ooh, i’ve been wanting to try kettlebells!! why haven’t i yet? umm, for fear of hurting myself 🙂 haha, i guess i just need some proper instruction 😉
I feel like everyone is watching me doing free weights and thinking I don’t have much coordination. I would look like a real spaz with a kettlebell. Maybe a DVD at home to learn the moves would be a good way to start.
The kettlebell sounds like a great idea, but I’m concerned it would wreak havoc on my tennis elbow. I was in physical therapy for it for over a year and every time we tried to strengthen it the inflammation would flare up again and we were back at working to control that. It is much stronger now (before I couldn’t even lift a gallon of milk without considerable pain), but I have to be careful not to cross that very fine line between strengthening and over-doing it. I haven’t seen a kettlebell demo, but I could envision it being a line-crossing activity for me.
I’d love to try one, but I’ve always been kind of afraid I’ll whack myself in the head with it…
I’d love to try it out! I’ve been intimidated to make the investment in case I hated it…. or ended up knocking myself out. But a slow start is the way to go on this one. thanks!
Advice on poundage. For example, if you use 15lb for bicep curl=? kettlebell? 20, 25, 30???
I’d love to give this a shot. Thank
I love, love, love, love my kettlebell. Did I say love? It took a little bit, but I really love the workout it gives me in a short period of time. And I do love swinging it best outside. I can take my kiddos to the park and swing while I’m watching them. Then I feel like Mother of the Year and a Badass working out at the park. :o)
I’ve been tempted to try kettlebells as a workout since I first glimpsed & lifted one a couple of years ago. I already train with clubbells, which use some similar exercises & also support functional strength but feel incredibly different – clubs swing easily, for instance, but take more coordination to do slower grinding movements from what I can tell.
I had a coach teach me my first clubbell exercises, too – so I could start outside with the clubs in my hands & not be worried I’d throw one into the teevee.
hmmm, I always want to try these but I worry that they’ll be like dumbbells to me- I see the benefit but as long as I’m fortunate enough to have gym access I want to use machines!
I know these are amazing for intensity and strength, but they’re so intimidating!
My friends have used these weights, and they think they’re great. As for me, I’d love to try them out, but I’m a little nervous…I am coordination-challenged (singing and clapping on the beat is out of my league), so it might take me a while to get the hang of the kettle bells.
I have been wanting to try the kettleBell for quite awhile. I keep hoping my gym will offer a class, but that hasn’t happened yet. I don’t want to go buy one because I don’t know the correct moves and don’t need to injure myself doing something stupid. Also, if I don’t like it then I will have a KettleBell sitting around my house taking up space. So, until the gym offers some kind of classes, I will be sticking with free weights.
I’m late to this (just had one of those weeks and haven’t been very communicative online) but wanted to say I love kettlebells–haven’t used them much while pregnant (though I do have one kb dvd for pregnancy). Being a workout DVD addict I have of course several kb DVDs. I love instructor Lauren Brooks ( the best. I also have some great workouts with Anthony Diluglio of the Art of Strength series.
I was interested in KBs for a long while, but like so many, was intimidated and thought my general lack of coordination would be a problem.
I ended up waiting to try them until I could take a class, earlier this year.
Love them, so very much! The workouts were so effective and efficient, and the gains in strength were impressive and USEFUL. (When I moved in May, I realized just how much I owed my KB class.)
My innate clumsiness did not turn out the be the barrier I thought it would be, either – I’ve yet to drop a bell, or send one flying.
I bought some bells to use at home, so not interested in the giveaway… mostly I wanted to chime in just to say that KBs may seem intimidating, but they’re just waiting to show you how much they like you!
I bought the GoFit DVD and 15lb kettlebell set at your recommendation. I love the kettlebell and I generally love the feel of the weight.
The DVD content needed work. I’m looking for somewhere on the website to send it, versus making it public.
If I hadn’t read your recommendations to do it without the weight first, I don’t think I would have tried long enough to discover I like it.
So I thank you for that!
Ever since I gave up my gym membership in the spring, I’ve been wanting to fling some kettles…strength and cardio workout combined, can’t beat that with a stick.
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