Email me a mailing address (MizFit08 at yahoo dot com) and your sweet treat shall be on its way!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by fitnessexperts and FitnessDoc. FitnessDoc said: The winner of the PUREVIA gift basket… [] […]
I am sneaking and commenting here 🙂
My grandma is a long term breast cancer survivor.
I am cheating here as well. You are so kind to so many people MizFit.
Thank you.
I didn’t realize it was Lance’s cancerversary (did you make that up? Your friend Janell??) today.
It’s the month my dad was diagnosed and I will make a donation in his name.
Congrats Rebecca!
I haven’t been wearing my Livestrong bracelet lately…I need to put it back on because it is a reminder of how lucky I am to be healthy, and a reminder to continue to be the healthiest, best person I can be.
Thanks for the blog comments MizFit…felt like I had a celebrity sighting in my comments! :>
Adventures in Tri-ing
I am sneaking here too! POD reached out to me & asked me to post about this. I have my family members hit by cancer.
Today is my mother-in-law’s bday & she died from small cell lung cancer a few years ago. So to her, to my mom that died from liposarcoma & all the other people I mention on my post today, let’s beat this thing!
Thx Miz for doing this & to POD for surviving & contacting me & to all of the rest of you out there!
I really love giving and receiving gift baskets whenever there are special occasions. I order them directly from our local supplier::-
i usually give fruit gift baskets whenever there are special ocassions.;;`
gift baskets can really be a nice way to expres your feelings to someone,.~
gift baskets are very cute specially if they are laced with flowers and satin wreathes: