I give you Dave Grotto & his fourth installment of the Food of the Month Club.
Please to enjoy Barbies, Beans, & Bemusement.
by Carla
I give you Dave Grotto & his fourth installment of the Food of the Month Club.
Please to enjoy Barbies, Beans, & Bemusement.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by fitnessexperts and FitnessDoc. FitnessDoc said: Dave Grotto & MizFit’s Food of the Month Club (video post). [carlabirnberg.com] http://bit.ly/3p7L1O […]
Too funny! And a good reminder to eat more beans. Did Ken say three cups a week? Not sure I’m getting that many!
Ok, I just choked on my yogurt while watching this!!! I heart beans, and haven’t been eating enough lately!
That was so cute,
I just might toot
(OK, let’s hope not.) Clever way to get some good info to the masses. Excellent job, as always.
Now, I always heard it “beans, beans, good for your heart…” LOL.
Great, as always. Love the needlework in your backdrop, too!
Hey Crabby! Yes, Veronica mentioned that the recommended amount is 3 cups (1/2 cup a day) a week. This is according to the dietary guidelines for Americans. Not surprisingly, most Americans don’t get anywhere near that amount.
Interestingly enough, this video is quite timely with breast cancer awareness month as there is an inverse releationship between fiber and breast cancer risk, weight (a risk factor for breast cancer) and a parallel relationship with longevity.
Oh My God!!! LOL! Funny and true.
We already have beans planned for dinner tonight. Navy bean soup. Mmmmm.
Way too funny! Beans & I don’t mix.. well me & a lot don’t mix so the toot is a staple in this house.. OMG, TMI.. sorry!
Jody – I have found with most of my patients is that the sudden introduction of fiber spurs on “toot, toot, toot goes the tuba”. My suggestions? Add 1 tablespoon each day of beans to your diet for a week. Then add 2 tablespoons and so on until you reach 1/2 cup per day. Toss them on a salad, in soups, on sandwhiches until you are saying “Bean there, done that”.
Very cute! Since I wasn’t allowed to have a barbie growing up, I’ll try to “sneak them in” whenever I can… 😉
I love beans. I’ll have some kidney beans with my salad today, and we are having lentil soup tomorrow night for dinner.
You guys are hilarious! Best use of Barbie I think I’ve ever seen! And I love my beans although I seem to go through phases where I eat them every day and then I don’t for awhile. What do you guys think of the whole “antinutrient” issue with beans? Every time I eat them I keep hearing Mark Sisson’s voice in my head…
Hi Charlotte:
Antinutrient issue with beans? If you look at the USDA ranking of the top 100 antioxidant foods, beans hold 4 of the top 20 spaces! There is well documented research that supports the health benefits of eating beans. Look at Asian, Mediterranean, South American (and I could go on) traditional diets where beans are a mainstay in their diet. Undoubtedly the healthiest diets on earth!
Always ask yourself, “Where is the science to support such statements?” Want reliable nutrition information? Seek out advice from a registered dietitian! http://www.eatright.org
Too cute! I loved my Barbies – this makes me want to dig them out. Nice reminder about the importance of beans in our diets – I sprinkle garbanzo and kidney beans on my salads, but in the summertime (which is still going on here, thanks, Texas!), I don’t eat 3 cups a week. It’s definitely easier in the cooler months, when I have all kinds of bean soups for dinner.
We’ve missed you!!
Hey Carla!
I wanted to let you and your readers know that http://www.OperationBeautiful.com is being turned into the book? If you submit another photograph of a note, you could be featured in the book! Check out this post for details — you can also win some pretty sweet prizes! 🙂 http://operationbeautiful.com/the-operation-beautiful-contest-you-could-be-in-the-book-and-win-amazing-swag/
Thanks as always!
PS maybe we need to post a http://www.OperationBeautiful.com note on a barbie doll. LOL.
Realizing I have quite lax in getting beans into my diet. Must rectify that NOW. Like Shelley said, it seems easier to add beans to foods in the cooler seasons…
Yummy. I”m so glad I like beans now! Chock full of nutrients and deliciousness.
Beans are the best! Especially since I keep toying with the idea of going vegetarian.
And Barbies? They rock!
We have a New England version that requires the specific accent …beans, beans in the pot…you get the rest.
Funny video!
Beans and Barbies?
LOVE this and my daughter will too.
lol I love the Barbie theater.
Beans are yummy! Stirring a teaspoon of baking soda into them helps. Beano, too.
Great reminders 🙂 Love beans…definately dont’ get enough though!
I heart beans!!! I try to find a way to add them to lots of things. My newest fave are homemade bean burgers – cuban black bean patties – so good!
Too funny and such good info… LOVE beans 🙂
carlabirnberg.com to GoogleReader!
Beans are a staple in our house! We’re having bean moussaka tonight…
I loved this video!