suckhole disappointment.
But, before we get to that, please to indulge me in a trip down memory lane as we revisit a post from a year ago.
(Alas, I did not see the foreshadowing & break off my bad relationship.)
An Ode to my Crappy Email.
By MizFit | November 13, 2008
(thumbtyped in exasperation.)
Whatβs the DEAL, Tmobile?
You I used to like.
No more. Uh uh.
(Love to say: TAKE A HIKE!)
On my Sidekickβ’ I rely.
Itβs not good. This I know.
But still itβs your JOB
to make my email GO!
People they miffed.
From friends to the Band.
βWhy you *no* respond!?!β
PR peeps demand.
MizFit? She sighs.
Whereβd the dang emails go?
Sheβs responded to all.
so this much she know:
If you need to reach me
just send & resend.
Some day my Tmobile
this sh*t they will mend.
Did I learn?
I did not.
Tmobile has/had me bound to a contract until Im 90 & I just didnt feel like paying the break-up-with-them-early fee.
How did they reward my loyalty?
By losing every single solitary piece of my information.
Why am I telling you this? Only partially to whine.
I know many of you have an address for me which ends in–please delete this address as I can no longer access it.
Please to always feel free to email me at
Please to chime in below with the name of your handheld device and why you adore it.
Please to tell me that Im not mistaken in my belief that a touch screen would s-l-o-w down my typing speed (rolling sans daycare as I do Im known to create entire posts/columns at times using only my thumbs).
Thank you.
Would love to say I’ve got the greatest do-it-all mobile solution for you, but I am perfectly happy with my pay as you go phone from Virgin Mobile. Is it the tops in technology? Uhh, it has the name Virgin in it — as in, “I’ve never done that before and don’t think I should, so this is as far as I’m willing to go” — what’s that tell ya? But it’s reliable. As for my laptop, I gave up on MSN’s Calendar after it crashed for about the bazillionth time and switched to Cozi. Still doesn’t do everything I’d like but it doesn’t crap out on me when I need to know what the heck I’m supposed to be doing each day.
Sorry, that’s all I got! Good luck!
This does not sound like fun! I have a pink blackberry curve, I think. It is fine and reliable. My husband has an iphone and loves it. It has a much better web interface and is a much sexier device. Better luck with you new cell phone provider and device….
Oh, man – how frustrating for you!
Your poor thumbs…
I loved your ode to a crappy Tmobile, but sorry that you’re experiencing problems with it. I don’t have a cell phone because of all the stress that comes with it, but mainly I don’t like being tracked. I love getting out of the house without a phone ringing in my ear.
well, I won’t be switching to T-mobile now…
I pay more than I’d like for my ATT phone, but have great coverage while traveling, and the customer service is excellent. I’ve thought of going somewhere cheaper (like Cricket) but right now it’s worth knowing when I pick up the phone, I’ll be able to make and receive the calls I want to.
I hadn’t seen the article you linked before.
You lost everything?
I think I’d return to paper.
(I love your rhymes and miss those!!)
I’ve been telling you for ages to get an iphone though I hadn’t thought about the fact that the touch screen could slow you down.
Get a blackberry with keys π
I’ve sent you about ten emails to that account.
I’ll resend.
No advice re phones – shoot, I just started texting a couple of months ago! But sorry for the frustration you must be going through AND the lock in to their contract – as we are committed to Sprint forever, I know we would be royally screwed if they ever messed up as badly as Tmobile has.
I love my iphone mainly for all the different stuff it can do.
Did you see that people are talking class action lawsuit about the loss since DANGER didn’t back any data up before attempting an upgrade?
How sad for you. I can’t help either. I have an AT&T “go phone.” Saves money if you really don’t use the phone much. (And we don’t.)
I had never seen an iPhone close up until our houseguest showed us his. I have MAJOR phone envy now. But I don’t want the bill that goes with the envy!
How annoying! I hope they are compensating you!
I have the blackberry touch and it’s fantastic!
Though if I lost all my information and emails I think I would return to my filofax.
Loathe the touch screen and make tons of mistakes whilst playing with son’s itouch. I feel no need to carry my email with me – a cell phone is totally enough! Don’t these little gizmos let you make a back up on your computer?
Pay the fee. Divorce ain’t cheap, but sometimes ya just gotta do it!
So…I need to resend my gym teaching story is what you’re sayin’???
You know, there is a way out of the contract without the late fee. I’ll have to find the link, but it basically involves using a ton of free minutes when they are available, making you a far less than profitable customer.
Let me know if you want me to find the link.
Oh, and Blackberry Curve on AT&T for me. I absolutely love it.
So… yeah, TMobile sucks a lot of the time… but they have the best service by far in my area, so i stick with ’em. I have a Blackberry Curve 8900 (AT&T calls it the Tour) and freaking love the thing. I’m trying to get my mom to get one too…
I found you through twitter as I have a sidekick too.
You know they are making us pay for a new handheld device if we want to switch and pay to break contracts as well.
Frank’s got both an iPhone & a Blackberry Curve, and I’d say: if you want uber reliable email, calendar, contacts, get a blackberry.
If you want to utilize the bazillion apps, and must have excellent web browsing, get an iPhone.
the Curve has never once let me down.
I really like my iPhone – I have 3G everywhere and haven’t had a problem. Plus once I got used to the touch screen I was fine. I can type a bazillion words when it’s horizontal, not vertical. π
thanks so much for your thoughts.
I need to launch Operation Visit A TMobile Store (this weekend when I have husbandaschildcare? or is it better to bring a potentially screaming Tornado? who can say…) & see what my options are.
I think that the longer I wait perhaps the more likely it will be they’ll let me break the contract w/out penalty.
I laugh Im relying on PEREZ HILTON to lead the way…
My condolences on your loss π
Now I need to know if you really typed that rhyme with your thumbs??
(Get a Blackberry Tour!)
Hi Miz! Long time, no see. π
I’ve had AT&T forever and have had no problem with them. I had a Blackberry Curve and LOVED it. I could type super fast on it and never had any trouble. Then curiosity got the best of me and I got an iPhone. I was reluctant because of the touch screen. I was afraid it would be hard to type on. It’s not! I love, love, love it. I type as fast, if not faster on the iPhone than I did on my Blackberry. That being said, I don’t type posts on it.
Something else to consider is that the iPhone doesn’t have any type of email alert when the phone is sleeping, so you have to wake the phone (and unlock it) to see if you have email. So if you want to glance at your phone and see if you have email, get the Blackberry. Plus, the iPhone doesn’t have true “push” email. It checks for email every 5 minutes or so, but if you need your email the second it is sent, get a Blackberry.
So sorry about Tmobile. What a nightmare.
Can you translate for me? I am so unsavvy!!! Just kidding! I heard about this on the news… BAD! I just have a cell phone & no blackberry, iPhone or anything else so I don’t have much to offer except sympathy & I will beat them up if you want!!! We can combine our muscle strength power! π
I love that you have not lost your humour about this. Your tweet about getting a free data holding device from them in the mail (a mini-notebook) made me LOL.
oh and Jody has a good musclepower idea!!
I’ve been following your Tweets about this but wasn’t sure of the full story, so I’m glad you linked to that article. How infuriating. I just have a simple little phone through Verizon, so I can’t offer any phone advice, but perhaps it’s time to break up with Tmobile.
I’m sorry about your phone! π
I’m about to be done with my dinosaur contract/phone, so this happened in teh nick of time for me π Thanks for asking the Q – sorry you’re having troubles! I hope you get it resolved soon.
as much as I LOVE my iPhone, I miss the keys from my blackberry. It’s hard for me to text and I could not imagine writing a blog post on there.
but the iPhone has so many cool apps and it syncs w/my computer and it holds everything I use…..
I’m not much help other than to say DUMP tMobile!
The blackberry, hand’s down.
Also – GIGANTIC thank you for your comment on my blog. It was totally what I needed to read this morning, and I’m smiling just thinking about what you wrote.:-)
thanks again.
I’d say don’t replace it and just get a cell phone but I can not imagine you without your handheld π
I’m sorry that it’s been so frustrating! Part of the reason why I tend to avoid handheld devices is because of that.
The day that gmail goes down, however, I’ll be SCREWED.
I recently switched from Verizon, which was great, to AT&T because we wanted the Iphone.
We both use MACs at home and just like how everything syncs up.
Although we knew our plans would be outragous, we somehow forgot to add in all the extra fees and now we are basically paying a car payment just for our fricken’ phones!
I’d still recommend the Iphone even with these warnings:
It has slowed my typing down
More typos
Expensive monthly bill!
Good Luck MizFit!
see?? There’s thay typing slow’age π
Caint have that….
Thanks for all the tips!
That sucks. All there is to it.
Wow! That’s really crappy. I’m quite fond of my iPhone. I’ve never been a heavy cell phone user(um, because I generally avoid speaking on any phone as much as I can – can you say phone-phobic?), but I like that I can do so much on my iPhone and it’s easy to use. I don’t mind the touch screen for typing, but I was never that fond of texting with the number keys in the first place.
DUDE that sucks so bad!
As much as I love my iPhone I reckon a Blackberry would be better for frantic on the go typing π
Re Robin’s comment, iPhones do have Push email now but you might just want to get some sleep π
I have a blackberry curve and love it. Best of all, you can do your own backups. We tested the iPhones in the IT department and we have a few out in the general population and they are tempermental, at best. I’d stay away! π
Good luck!
Absolutely no advice for you as I don’t use a handheld anything…. (well, nothing I’ll admit to, anyway!) π
Sorry you are having so much trouble – hope you can sort it out without paying too much!
I use Verizon. And BK and I aren’t fans of the SmartPhones, as we don’t see the need (but then we have no kids and rarely need to access information rightthisverysecond), but I am thinking about getting a notebook as a new computer.
Sorry about the phone issues :/ In other news, I saw the following article and thought of you!
Hope all is well!
What’s this newfangeled comboblulator you speak of?
I dont’ have me none of them fancy molide thingamajigs.
Too complicated for little old me π
Someday I’ll drag myself into the modern age and get a cell.
Thank you! You often write very interesting articles. You improved my mood.
Oh Miz – what a pain in the neck (and other parts as well)! I used to have Tmobile but wanted better coverage so am now with Verizon. Must admit I’m still a techno-dinosaur as I only have a cell phone.
I have the pink Blackberry Curve from Verizon and I love it. It has a full keyboard and I always have service. It does slow down a bit if I open too many apps at once without closing them, but the Blackberry has completely opened my world to the joys of apps, mobile web, and blackberry messenger.
If you’re planning to be on the web a lot, I would suggest an iPhone or Blackberry Storm – both of which allow you to browse actual web browsers and not a modified mobile version of sites.
Carrier pigeon or message in a bottle? Fanmail from flounder?
Oh man, that SUCKS.
I’ve got Verizon, which I LOVE. Good customer service, and I’ve never had trouble getting a signal anywhere.
My phone is a(n) LGenV Touch. It has a touch screen on the outside, but you can flip it open to access a full QWERTY keyboard (with tactile buttons) on the inside. (I use the touch screen for phone functions and the inside keyboard to send text messages/emails.)
Good luck in your search for a new handheld!
you guys are AWESOME.
Im thinking Blackberry Tour.
Im also thinking Im gonna try and begplead&b*tch my way to getting a free one from Tmobile.
*runs to affix photo to vision board*
Zliten and I have sidekicks too. Love them, loved the service, but this ain’t cool. If they can fix things, I’ll stay with them because I’m still on a LX from 2 years ago and it’s my favoritest phone ever. I love the keyboard, hate touch screens, mostly just surf the internet, im, send emails, occasionally call people, etc. Zliten got the newest 2009 phone and HATES it, it’s super buggy and locks up all the time and things don’t work properly. He also lost all his data (because the thing has a 20 second battery life) and I didn’t. I think he’s going to be gunning for a new phone.
I’ve been on sprint and cingular (and older companies, had a cell since 1997) and nothing compares to tmobile service BEFORE this incident. I saw an announcement that they were going to be issuing a 100$ credit to people who lost data (beyond the 20) but it was read to me so I don’t have a link, and I’ve heard about people getting out of the contract without a fee and getting G1s for free (again, don’t have the link).
Good luck, whatever you decide to do!
No phone here, if my Mommy didn’t call me to check up once a week to make sure I was still living, I’d never talk on the phone.
Ah sorry! Losing your emails/info sucks!
Unfortunately no advice from me… I just have a simple old Tracfone, used only on the road and only hubby has the number. It is cheap too! I don’t email, text or any of that cell phone stuff. It is almost never turned on. My main cell use is to let hubby know I’ve arrived somewhere safely and as an alarm clock in my hotel room.
I guess I am not connected. But I kind of like it that way.
how sucky! i had heard not so great things about t-mobile from some friends. i’m on verizon and they’re annoying as hell, but they have great coverage [since I live in the land of sparse / no coverage, it’s a big plus – i can get a signal when others can’t].
i don’t text. my hands are screwed up enough. thus not using shift much today.
Before switching to at&t and the iPhone, I used a TMobile Dash for about two years. I LOVED typing on that thing.
The iPhone is such a better product in many ways – especially for a long-time mac user – but I do not like typing more than a sentence on the touch screen. I do it, but do not like it. I miss the tactile sensation of hitting keys. Much easier to type w/thumbs while still being able to keep an eye on where dogs & kids are trying to run off to.
Love the Blackberry Curve more than words can say. Postable, tweetable, facebookable,everything at my fingers-able. Can add every e-mail you have to it (I have a gmail and hotmail linked up but I have room for 8 more if I were that crazy.)
I came from the Palm Centro which was touchscreen and I always hung up on people when my face hit it the wrong way. And the keyboard didn’t have all the keys. Stunk. I hear the IPhones are great but I’m jaded on the touchscreen because of my hangup experiences. so so so so so sorry to hear about all that crazyness and that everything was lost. They stink times times 10. or times a bajillion.
Oh, if only iPhones had a stylus and “graffiti” like the old Palm Pilots, I’d be perfectly content! (I know, Think Geek has iPhone styluses, but I’m not paying $25 for one, even though I don’t enjoy typing on a touch screen.) Otherwise, I’m really happy with the iPhone, even though AT&T’s service in my area can get spotty at times.
Pubsgal’s PSA: Whichever technology one rolls with, be sure to back up your data! Web-based email users, you can usually export or make a hard-copy printout of your Contacts lists. Gmail users, for example, can export in vCard or various CSV (comma separate value) formats, and you can print your list. (Click the Contacts link on the left, and then make your choice from the upper right corner of the screen.) Yahoo email users can do this also; click the Contacts tab to view your Contacts, and then click the Tools menu button to export or print your contacts. If you’re using a handheld device, sync with your local computer as often as possible.
Oh I feel your pain! I am locked into G-mobile (ghetto) until the Mayan predictions come true. I have an old BB. No help with picking out a new one. Thinking of a new one, but then I’ll be locked in until they invent a new technology beyond the phone.:o)
Seriously? T-Mobile should kiss your feet and dismiss any cancellation fee for you to move after this debacle. They should charge MicroSoft the cost because of their failed server.
My phone is not web-enabled so I cannot suggest a new device.
I hear ya on the t-mobile crap! I have Verizon and I LOVE it! I use the Blackberry Tour and it gives me great service and I get all my e-mails and can even check my blog stats for http:/! Thats my suggestion π Good luck!
Then you have to thumb type more rhymes.
I’d forgotten your rhymes!
Well, I only have a regular phone so I’m of no help to you in the advice dept. However I so there with you in sympathy! I’ve been screwed by our cell carrier before (Sprint) and I totally understand the pain it can cause. May you find a more reliable solution ASAP!
That’s BS… how messed up. Sorry boo!
Always keepin’ it real Miz! Awesome!
Grr. Tmobile. They have no reception in Boondocks, KS. So I switched to Verizon. I have a Blackberry Storm, now, and I’m an absolute addict. I never thought I would so enjoy having all that information constantly at my fingertips. But-alas!-I am a convert.
But I’ve also played with a friend’s iPhone, and let me tell you, that thing is sweet. I have no problem maintaining texting speed on either one. Only downside I’ve seen (so far) is that when it’s cold out, I have to take my gloves off to use it! But living in Austin, maybe that wouldn’t be a problem for you.
iPhone! iPhone! iPhone! forever!!!!!
meh, don’t wait to try and get out of your contract…isn’t your hubby an attorney? They essentially haven’t provided you the service you payed for, but waiting too long you may by lack of action, agree to the shit service.
iphone isn’t expensive if you dont get unlimited texts, etc. The tax is a bitch tho, taxed on $600 retail price not the $199 “sale price” of the phone.
If you really want a physical keypad, dont get the iphone, but honestly, especially in horizontal mode, and after you get the learning curve, typing is fast. On my phone you have to tap towards the left of the key, so once you figure out the quirks its a GO GO GO! π
certainly like your web site however you have to test the spelling on several of your posts. Several of them are rife with spelling issues and I in finding it very troublesome to inform the reality then again I’ll definitely come back again.