Today, People, is National Love Your Body Day (or, if you live in our domicile, it’s simply Wednesday. We like to think every day is NLYBD up in herre).
And Im here to shout from the proverbial rafters that I DO.
I love my body.
I love, appreciate, & take better care of it now at forty than I did at twenty.
I love my body because it complied with my demands yesterday and did a backbend much to the Tornado’s shock & delight.
I love my body because it’s a house for my spirit, my soul & for all the things which truly matter in life.
I love my body because when I am still and when I listen it provides me all the answers I need.
I love my body because Ive finally realized that embracing it and all its imperfections is the is, for me, that path to living fully & with out fear or hesitation.
Because Im one who writes some blog posts over the weekend I had BodyLove on the brain this weekend I tossed this question out to my Tweeple:
why do you love your body? right now. today. precisely as it is.
I received some amazing tweets in response:
@that_danielle: I love my body for growing this baby & I know how fortunate I was that the whole process has been easy for me. #34wks
@trihardist: My body healed enough in 3 weeks to get back to cyclocross, and for that I love it!
@ashleyecarr: I love my bod because it grew my gorgeous daughter… It’s so clever!! I can’t grow basil but a baby? No problem!
@suzrunningmama: Because it finished Ironman, 5 marathons, and gave birth to the kid that took a whole lot to get.
@christie0: it does things I never thought possible!
@pubsgal: It enables me to embrace my family and friends and take care of them and myself. (Also got me through my first sprint tri & hopefully more!)
@dbwrite4u: bcuz it done birthed out two awesome babies – 1 w/o pain meds -& didn’t let me down
@imadedinner: Because no matter what, my eyes and smile sparkle π
@fitarella: because its curvy and HAWT!
@joannasutter: because muscles are a sign of hard work and dedication
@katiejoytweets: I love my body today! I feel lean and STRONG and impressed my trainer with my power. Feeding my body w/nourishing foods.
Imagine a world where your body is The Ideal, no matter how it changes. Love your body, and you’ll inhabit that world forever.
I also had tweeted to me the link to this amazing amazing AMAZING post.
(seriously. go read, comment and then come back. I can wait.)
and yeah.
I’m also here to say that Im not naive enough to think, just because it’s a day when we’re commanded to, bodylove is easy & simple as all that.
It took me decades & lots of work to get to the place I am today.
As a result, you may be entered to win one of my fave things (pictured below) for the lowlow price of an insightful/helpful comment (We’re all about the giving with the strings attached up in herre).
Please to hit us up with either a reason why you love your body TODAY or one tip for how we might find our way to the place of self-love.
I know the tip which helped me the most was to surround myself with people who love and accept themselves for who they are *right now.*
It’s amazing how attitudes like that can be contagious.
I LOVE ME mirror winner announced Friday. USA and CANADA only.
I love my body because is basically healthy and healthy is so important! And also I also love my body because it can sense Joy and pleasure.
Okay. I love my body because, over the course of the last 8 months of careful eating, exercise, and lots of activity, it has rediscovered MY HUSBAND’S body all over again. It is confident and randy and ready for him to love it.
Yes dearies. I love my body because it found it’s lost mojo. And I love that.
I love my body today because it give me the strength get up in the morning and do everything I need to do. I love you, body, and I promise to take good care of you. Please don’t ever give up on me.
WOW. I love Sue’s comment.
I am not at the place of body love yet HOWEVER today I shall strive to love it in all its imperfections.
I wonder if it’s different for us men?
I don’t spend lots of time hating my body in general just my gut!
Today I will be thankful I can focus on my gut as it means everything else is working pretty damn well.
I love my body now even though it’s not quite the weight I want it to be. I love it now because it has responded to my efforts to change it — it has never betrayed me — even when I was morbidly obese.
It stayed healthy enough to allow me to make it healthier.
It didn’t moan when I gave up sodas, tea, coffee, and caffeine. It didn’t threaten me with a strike when I threw out the salt shaker.
It laughed with joy when I began to allow myself to be photographed and danced when I started walking every day.
It DOES occassionally beat me to the pizza buffet, but that’s okay… I can still out run her to the salad bar.
Not lovin my body today (2nd sinus infection in @1 month, among other more troublingbody issues). But, I can start loving my body by being healthier and trying, now, to appreciate all that it’s done for me! After all, I have no major disabilities and it has almost always reliably got me where I need and more importantly want to be!
I love my body today because it is wonderfully made. In spite of my imperfections, my body is lovely. It carried my children, it moves me from place to place, it enables me to be here.
I love my body today because it’s bouncing back from heart issues and responding well to some Tibetan Rites yoga exercises. Said body gets me through the day, responds to my commands, and lets me wear my favourite jeans again. It’s put up with a lot over the decades and knows it has way more in store for it.
My body is well-nourished and well-managed. Crohn’s Disease and food allergies will NOT bring me down!
It felt as though you were speaking to me with the toxic friends remark.
I need to work on that as their FAT TALK can easily trigger my own.
I love my body because it is mine and it is perfect for me. Sure there are some squidgy bits here and there but hey I live in Canada – I need a little extra insulation in December.
Mostly I love my body because it allows me to do what I want to do. Every day I see people whose bodies are broken down and battered – mine might not look like Heidi Klum’s but it allows me to live the life I need to live in the manner I want to live it and that my friends is worth all the sweat and sacrifice it has taken.
I love my body today because it is getting stronger each and every day. For three months I’ve focused on healing versus all the other (now minor) issues. It is amazing how your mind & body respond to adversity. Crutches be gone, running shoes here I come!
I HEART THIS POST! It is contagious and I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the question since you posted it on Twitter. When I go throughout my day, I think to myself, yep, I love it because of this too, and this too and this too. Honestly, without it, I wouldn’t be here loving on my kids and my husband, so for that reason alone, I am blessed! Your question made me appreciate today and the days I’m blessed to have.
I love my body today because it has muscles & is strong in the face of all else. I love it for being stronger now than when I was younger which means I am learning & I need to keep on learning… How to get there… keep working on yourself & never give up!
Thx for the awesome post!
I love my body because it’s never given up on me…when I’ve given up on it.
I gained some weight with the babies, and my (now ex) husband destroyed any sense of self-esteem hassling me about it…after I left him, I started slowly changing my body–we’re still on that train–but I couldn’t erase his words from my head. When I looked in the mirror, I saw what he saw. And I was convinced that everyone saw that, too.
It took dating a man who genuinely desired me for me to realize that my ex’s worldview is not universal. Now, even though that man is long gone, I make no excuses for my body, give no apologies. I know there are a few dozen extra pounds on it, but I know that I am never going to be model-skinny and therefore I embrace my curves.
I keep fighting the good fight on the weight (started running this week, doing a 5k in December!) but regardless of what happens with my body I know that I am strong, and sexy, and capable.
Sorry for the long comment. π
I have not always loved my body though today (and finally) I love my body because it is the ‘flawed vehicle’ that carries around this magnificent soul, a kind heart and a sharp, pithy mind and a great sense of humor. For that ‘carriage’, I am forever grateful though I am hoping beyond hope that in my next life, I come back without any physical flaws. I’m bargaining that all my next life flaws are mental. Then I can run for office or be a top executive in a banking conglomerate though I will be sexy and easy on the eyes.
Alice…that was awesome…and not long at all…
I love my body because it represents everything that I have learned and now teach others. The number one thingI have taken away (not what I teach my clients): humility. To learn while teaching others is a humbling experience and I have been blessed to have that happen to me. Learning empathy first hand and being able to apply it is tremendous.
I love what I know now, and all that I don’t know and love my body for opening my eyes to it…:o)
welllllll, today I love my body because I have a flat currently and am about to exit the car and *change it myself*
I shall return w/updates π
BTW: You inspired me to host a giveaway on my blog, too!
Wow, I feel like I’ve been living in a hole for a week now. TOday is Love your body day?! Missed the boat on that one.
And kudos to you for changing your own flat!!!
I love my body because it defies what all the doctors keep telling me. I’m stable on medications for my bipolar disorder with no symptoms. I have no pain after major back surgery and I can run again even faster and longer than before. My body is a wonderful blessing.
I love my body because I can finally understand it.
I love my body because if it could get me through losing my husband, it could get me through anything, no matter the shape or size it is in.
And, loving it helps me want to take care of it.
I love my body because:
1. it is what allowed me to run and play freely as a child.
2. it withstood the abuse and mistreatment I gave it while battling my eating disorder in college.
3. it was strong and powerful as I trained and ran my first 5k.
4. it is the amazing vessel which is helping to produce my child.
Love your body day, huh?
I love my body because, despite the abuse I have heaped on it over the years, it still keeps going. It has occasionally let me down, but it’s mine and I think I’ll keep it.
(Besides all that, I need it to cart around my incredible brain and charm and wit, to say nothing of my enormous EGO!!!) *snort*
Actually, I really need that mirror to remind me of this every day – not the ego part, the love part.
Did you get that tire changed, girl? Need me to come and help?
I love my body. Sometimes that love comes with a lot of pain, physically and emotionally. However, my body has fought back as strongly as my spirit through everything life has thrown at me. So it may not be skinny, may not meet the media criteria for ‘pretty’, but all in all it’s a pretty admirable and amazing thing.
I love my body today because it is my only one! I am going to work harder on being in love with it, but it will happen.
Inspirational to read some many positive and loving comments! I love my body because quite simply it’s me, and I can’t imagine being or wanting to be anybody else.
Ah I love how you mentioned surrounding yourself with people who love and accept themselves – I think that’s really key, because so many seemingly wonderful relationships can easily be toxic where body image is concerned. I love my bf of 2 years and we have a wonderful relationship, yet he has actually said that he feels guilty eating ANYthing around me because I’m so keyed into nutrition and health. Not good! And I would hope it goes without saying that I have never judged him on his appearance or eating habits–this is all self-imposed on his part. It is so sad to know how deeply someone does NOT love their body.
Me, I’m definitely coming around to realizing everything my body does for me and pretty much anyone would not hesitate to tell me I look good – it’s only when we start the comparisons that we get into trouble! If I was the only human body that existed in this world, I would never think to consider it less than perfect, but still, with my health and fitness in tact in a world with many other bodies, I have no reason to think otherwise anyway.
I love my body because it’s strong enough can carry me across a finish line, fit enough to keep up in a basketball game with crazy 12 year-olds but soft enough to provide the best snuggles to my little nieces.
Having NEVER had body issues when younger-I have way too many days when I focus only on the negatives of my body. This must change. (and I feel a blog post coming…)
When I change my focus and look at what I can do, I love my body because:
-I can pick up my 65# dog and put her in the car so she gets to continue being a part of my life wherever I go.
-my smile is infectious. and thankfully the rest of me isn’t anymore (flu, bronchitis I hate thee).
-it takes me anywhere I want to go.
A huge part of my personal life is talking with people about taking that small shift to refocus the way they see themselves in the world. I need to practice what I preach more. Thanks to you all for helping me see this.
I love my body, because I feel healthy and sexy and have the strength to do whatever I need to do in a day and still have energy to play. And I can doa tribal snake arm that makes my husband grin from ear to ear.
Finding things to do that made me fel strong and sexy helped me appreciate my body as is and feel comfortable in my own skin. Taking a bellydance class on a whim was one of the best things I ever did – strong and sexy…that’s me π
I love my body because it is still here and it’s still keeping me…
I am one of the last twitter holdouts I guess π BUT I am filled with body love lately.
Does that count?
I love my body not only because it brought my daughters into the world but also because it’s been able to withstand every physical & emotional brick it’s been thrown. Better at 47 than at 27! WoOT!
i love my body because i’ve worked so hard to get it. it has gone through a lot, and yet it gives me so much joy. i love my legs, taking me for runs..i love my arms, able to bear stong loads…i love my abs, because they’ve come from hard work, sweat & sometimes tears. i love my body…flaws and all, because it’s alive and healthy. it is powerful and beautiful. just like we all are! happy national love your body day! xo
I love my body because it carries me on long runs and it is allowing me to push it to run a marathon in December, something I never thought I would be able to do.
i love my body because it lets me do all the activities that I love to do such as yoga, pilates, walking, hiking, biking, swimming, and more!
I love my body because it protects and houses all my internal organs.
Most of the time it works OK. Right now, I’m not loving it so much. When the pain goes away, I’ll feel differently.
Honestly, I didn’t begin to love my body until I realized that everyone else loves me *regardless* of my body.
I lived for a very long time with the believe that “if I’m fat, nobody will love me”, but at the ripe age of 29, I discovered that was not true at all. The ones who truly love me will do so whether I’m fat, thin, sick, tired, grumpy, limping…
When I came to that realization, I was able to finally love my own body for exactly what it is…strong, a little lumpy, but highly functional. =)
God blessed me with my body. I love it. It’s not perfect by any means (who/what is?), but it allows me to do all the things I enjoy.
I Love My Body Because….My Mother And Father Taught me 2! Everyone on Twitter knows that I am on A weightLoss Journey. I do this Because at 279 pounds, I run the risk of getting High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Or many of the other Heath problems associated with DM (Which I have managed to avoid thus far) I CURRENTLY, as is, LOVE and HAVE ALWAYS LOVED My Body! I have a grueling Schedule and DEMANDING PHYSICAL job, often times treating my Nursing Home Patient while KNEELING ON THE FLOOR!!! My Body has YET to let ME or My Patients Down!! YAY, MY BODY π
@JackSh*t Your comment made me LOL at work. So literal you are! Now my boss thinks I’m insane. π
I love my body because given the proper time and training and dedication, it hasn’t let me down yet. It has beat or has made progress towards every goal I’ve set. Half marathon? Check. A real pushup? Try 50. I’m still working on a lot of goals (full marathon, an unassisted pullup, goal weight, etc) but I have full confidence that this ol’ bod can do anything I ask it to!
I’ve also ALWAYS loved my eyes. Though they can’t see for crap without coke bottles, they sure are purdy. And when I’m even somewhat in shape, my legs look pretty ripped.
Three years ago, the best thing I could say about my body was that it is just the shell that dragged my brain to work and back every day. Sad, huh.
I love my body because it has recovered from years of neglect and now I can use it to get money. By running for charity that is, lol!
I really don’t need to be entered. I just wanted to say this is why I read, these posts are great and we all need to remember that everyday is love your body day!!
I love my body because, at 55, it can run (all right, jog) 5 miles. Something it couldn’t of done at 15 or 25 or 35 or 45!
I love my body because it has achieved so many 5K’s that I never thought I could do!
Hmmm…I guess I don’t “love” my body – but I’m wise enough now to stop demanding perfection of it.
Thank you for such an inspiring post. I’ve been known to concentrate on the negatives, but my body is strong and beautiful, even if it’s not the weight I originally thought I needed to be happy!
I saw your tweets about loving your body because it was strong enough to change your flat tire.
That is the true meaning of loving our bodies for the God given gift they are.
What a wonderful post. I am learning to love my body. In the 70’s I thought it was something to use to get attention. π
Anyhoo, I love the strength in my legs. I ride longer and faster on my bike and feel stronger even when I walk across a room. Now I just have to work on the rest of me.
I love my body because without it I wouldn’t be here. Kind of simple, but I rather like being alive π It can be fun!
reason why you love your body TODAY: It’s mobile. And for that I am SO grateful. I work with individuals with disabilities and watching them makes me realize we all need to be thankful for what we have and what it allows us to do.
I love my body today because I know it is going to get me through having 4 wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow!
I love my body because it took me on an amazing hike today in Muir Woods…:-) Very cool post Miz.
i love my body because it is nonairbrushed awesomeness.
I have been totally preoccupied with this concept for the last two weeks… not only loving my body, but loving myself. And I have read so many books where the power to love ones body and oneself literally heals that I have now embarked on the most exciting relationship of my life – one with myself.
I love my body for its resilience and sticking around when I was hell-bent on destroying it. Not only is responding beautifully to my tender ministrations, but it surprises me every single day.
Today I love my body because even though I have spent 33 years being hateful, angry and ashamed of it, my body has never done anything but love and completely support me. Thank you body. π
I love my body because it appears unassuming, but in reality it is powerful and strong. I like to think it reflects my inner personality π
I love my body because it is the product of my own work. I’m the one who has to eat well and exercise and stay healthy and treat it right to ensure that it continues to run smoothly. I can’t rely on someone else to make my body what it is, and I love the challenge of it being my responsibility.
OMG, you can do a backbend??? I am totally impressed. π
So I’m a little late on this bandwagon…
But I love my body for taking me through the journey of Life – all its ups and downs, the craziness of the Nutty and the amazing love from my husband. It’s been through hell and back, and will continue to do so unless I acknowledge its’ hard work and accomplishments.
makes me wish i had caught this yesterday :/ today is a new day, though, and I do love everything my body has allowed me to do–things i never imagined possible!
This post made me really thoughtful over the past couple of days. How I’m finally make it up to my body for the many years in which, as Quix said put so well, “it [was] just the shell that dragged my brain to work and back every day.” My body has taken me some amazing places, birthed two beautiful children (both times, the amazement that these gorgeous beings came out of *me*?!?!), and is forgiving enough to bounce back into shape in my 40s. I’m very grateful for it.