One of the two people pictured above is getting tubes IN & adenoids OUT this morning.
One of the two people pictured above is highly cognizant of the fact this is all entirely routine yet is still freaking out aware today is a…day.
One of the two people pictured above is so pumped about the fact she is on the receiving end of a new princess tent post-op.
One of the two people pictured above is so pumped about the fact she is on the receiving end of a glass of wine post-op.
What do both of the people pictured above have in common?
They’re both PUMPED that the Ren Man is playing hooky & spending the day hanging out with them.
ahhh hope it goes well! A princess tent? I want one 😉
Good luck today Miz.
It’s harder on you than it is on her 🙂
What a week for you!
A flat tire and surgery? What are your weekend plans, Miz?
GOOD LUCK THIS MORNING (& I await a photo of the tent upon completion. Twit pic?).
I hope all goes well – we’ll all be saying some prayers for you both!
Enjoy that wine! 🙂
Ah Miz and Lil’ Miz…my thoughts will be with you today knowing this will be a thing in th epast and all will be well with you both.
Your guy rocks for playing hookey to be with you both!
Ahhh, necessary evils followed by the joys of wine and pops up tents in the company of the man that they love.
Tubes thing should be a breeze. My kid was running around the house several hours after surgery like nothing every happened.
Adenoids? No experience with that, but she’s strong like her momma, so I expect the best comeback ever!
Hugs and shiraz to you both.
Thinking of you guys today. I’m sure it will all go well. These things really are harder on Mom & Dad than they are on the kids! Glad you can all be together as a family and enjoy some silly princess time, too. Oh, and when that wine cork comes out, I’ll hear it. And I’ll be right over. ;^P
I’ll be thinking of you and Princess Tornado. Those little tubes are like miracle workers. I’m sure they will be just the problem solver for her ear infections.
Keep us posted!
With love,
Hope it all goes off without a hitch. I’m sure it will. Enjoy your princess tent…lol
love and hugs
Remember the old Bill Cosby bit about tonsils?
“Ice cream! We’re gonna get ice cream!”
Chill out, mom, everything will be fine!
Awww, hope everything goes well today! Is it wrong I would still be totally pumped over a princess tent too? 😛
Oh…I know…not matter how routine it is, that’s YOUR BABY. I still feel that way about mine!
Sending good thoughts and corkscrew!
: )
Good luck with your day!!! I’m sure that wine will taste yummy lol.
I hope all goes well today!
I’ve been on the receiving end of similar surgery (plus tonsils) and all I really remember is coming home to a new pink princess bed that I was absolutely thrilled about. Good memory for me – hope the same for you/her.
Love, Hugs & prayers to you all!! xoxo (Go E, Go!)
oh boy, i certainly know that anything that is going on with your baby that requires doctors is worrysome!!!! i am sure it will all be ok but know that we are all thinking of you all!!! blessings! and then afterward, cheers!
Good luck! It is always hard when something is going on with your kids. Harder on you than them!!
eeewww… that does not sound like a fun way to spend a Friday. Well, except for that well deserved glass of wine.
I’ll be praying for ya today & hoping all goes well! Glad Ren man is spending it with ya!
It’s wonderful that the Ren Man is going to spend the day with you, but I can’t believe he’s gonna let the Tornado have wine while you recover from the tubes surgery!
Oh, wait…….. 🙂
Hope all goes well and that setting up the Princess tent is the most difficult part of the day!!!
It’s just a day and will pass like any other day. Granted, this one’s got a wee bit more going on, but that’ll make it go faster.
Well, I am completely and utterly beside myself from having not won the I LOVE ME mirror…I can’t think of anything to write about how it’s so devastating to watch your child have to go thru crap like this at an age they don’t understand what’s going on. They already don’t understand why they have to hurt and then they have to go thru this b.s. with tubes and those things that start with an “a”. I have tons of compassion for you. I can look back at the double visits where I cried for the suffering of my kids.
And then Danny was always bummed when I didn’t get him a Princess tent – he turned out to be a queen anyway. For the holidays though, they once got the Barbie spa. It was bright pink plastic and although on the tv commercial, the spa was shown bubbling and Barbie was in all her spa glory, in order to make the spa blow bubbles into the water, you had to push a rubber button in and out, in and out. I wish now that I’d gotten the tent.
Sorry you guys have to go through this. I’ll be thinking of you.
I freakin love her shirt. That is adorable.
Hope everything goes well. 😉
Best of luck today! I swear these things are harder on the moms:) I hope the Tornado is back up to full F1 speed in no time and that all goes smoothly today!
I don’t have any kids but my mom has told me several times it is harder to watch your kids go through stuff sometimes than it is for them to go through it.
I’ll be praying that all turns out well and the post-op gifts are thuroughly enjoyed 🙂
well, the after part sounds great so enjoy that and have a great weekend Miz!
Thinking of you guys today. Hope all goes well!
GOOD LUCK TO MISS TT!!! Sending happy thoughts your way 🙂 Let me know how it goes, k?
good luck today! (just make sure they take the tubes out…)
Aw, Good luck today. Glad Ren Man is there too!
Best wishes and prayers for a successful surgery. Enjoy the wine, friend!
Thinking of you both and enjoy your weekend after it’s OVER! 🙂
Much love to both E and her mama today. xoxoxo
Hope it all goes well!
The Tornado’s happy beaming bright confidence is kinda inspiring.
Happy thoughts to you.
Surgeries on tiny toots are hardest for the grown ups.
And here’s to hoping the Tornado is back in action soon!
Who knows, adenoids out might help her sleeping situation!
If a doctor even said “adenoids” to me, I’d freak out. Medical-ese gives me the cold sweats.
Have a great day and glass of vino!
Sending best thoughts for your little one.. and her Mom.
Just adenoids, or ads and tonsils? Either way, good luck to the Tornado for a speedy recovery with lots of ice cream. And good luck to you, Miz, for a speedy recovery with lots of wine!
Sending good thoughts your way, it’s better done now than later…I KNOW!
The Tornado is SO CUTE! I just want to squeeze her!
I’m having surgery next month on my elbow. I want a princess tent AND a glass of wine post-op. Instead, I’m getting a couple sick days and a bottle of vicodin. Not the same, but it’ll do.
Have a great weekend!
Sending you healing vibes today! BTW, that is the cutest picture. EVER.
Hugs and healing thoughts to you all today!
Good luck to the tornado! And I would love a princess tent!
Sending good vibes, prayers, and all that other stuff your whole family’s way!
Ooooo! A princess tent! I want one.
What a lovely picture. Routine or not, it’s stressful all the same. Hope it goes well and without fuss. 🙂
Good luck with the day. Always tougher on Mommy and Daddy. She’ll love the tent. My boys luv the princess tent ;). I really should do something about that.
Oh, jeepers. I hope everything goes well!!
You have had “a couple days” of “stuff”! I am sure all will be well & the pricess tent & wine will be muchly appreciated & “downed”!
Hugs and have a good weekend!
Hope all goes well. I’d be nervous wreck even knowing it’s a very safe procedure.
Hugs from one mom to another. Best wishes for your beautiful daughter, and I hope she enjoys that tent!
I am thinking of you both today…. will head to Twitter to see if you have tweeted an update….
Mizfit, I never tire of the love you show for your daughter.
Yay! I hope everything goes well and sounds like a lovely afternoon for the both of you. 🙂
When I had my adenoids out in 1955, they hadn’t invented tubes yet. (Another four years of constant ear infections before my allergy treatment began.) Hadn’t invented princess tents either. Not fair!
Hugs to all!
I’ll totally be there for the post op princess tent party! I’ve been through surgeries with my kids and they never get easier. The worst part is waiting while the procedure is being done and there is nothing I can say to make it easier or go faster.
What I can say is that she’ll forget about this all in a few weeks and all that will remain is the memories of playing with mommy and daddy and being the princess of the castle.
Princess tent? Nutty and I will be over soon! :o)
Hope everything went well..thinking of you both!
I hope everything went well for all of you today! And I hope you enjoyed Ren Man and your respective post-op pleasures…
I’m going to take this opportunity to tell you how much I just love your blog. Not that you need any extra words of praise… but it never hurts to hear positive things. You’re freakin’ hilarious…but, mostly, I just really appreciate your perspective and parenting philosophies and approach to life in general. It’s a treat to read your entries.
I hope your day went as smoothly as possible, although I would be right up there with you in terms of anxiety. Here’s to quick recoveries (both yours and your sweet Supergrrl’s!)
Oh my gosh! She’s the cutest little thing I’ve every seen. Looks just like you too. I love her t-shirt.
I’m reading from most recent to older posts so I know everything went well for your little princess. I’m so glad. 🙂
I’ve made a blog, I’ve made goals. One of my goals for the week was to find 5 inspirational blogs to follow. Tag! I’m LOVIN your baby girl’s tee. Raising her right, you are.:) Thanks for being an inspiration!
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