Subtitle: If this were a really kicka** post Id have a pair of these to giveaway. Good GOSH I love me some Five Fingers.
We’ve previously established there are innumerable things I’ll attempt in the name of coming up with a freakin blog post journalism.
I’ve awkwardly swung a kettlebell.
This time, however, I’m letting you down.
I’ve decided upon a post topic I found intriguing (if by intriguing you mean mildly nut-jobbish—which I do) yet one which this MizFit is far too fearful (and delicate) to attempt.
What fitness endeavor turned this intrepid writer squeamish?
Barefoot running.
Yep, you read that correctly.
There’s a contingent of runners regularly exiting their domiciles barefoot and not merely to jog to the mailbox & back praying their In Touch weekly hath arrived.
In addition, if you buy into the group’s motto: one foot at a time, one sole at a time, one hell of a good time, then I’ve not only failed you but deprived myself of a damn enjoyable escapade in the process.
According to its practitioners, the notion of barefoot running started at the beginning.
The beginning, they contend, of us.
Sure we all commence our lives barefoot (and in many cases spend our entire first year that way) yet the fact we also spend the majority of this same year crawling seems not to lessen their zeal-like passion for this point.
In the minds of many barefoot runners the very reason our ancestors survived was the fact they frequently remained shoeless through adulthood.
Those who escaped from predators ran swiftly (according to individuals like Ken Saxton, editor of the web
site because their healthy, bare feet enabled them to learn to run properly.
If you’re anything like I am, your initial reaction to Saxton’s words is one of confusion.
It was only after a few readings I ‘got’ his point that the discomfort which at times accompanies barefoot running is a gift because of what it tells the runner.
Pain can, indeed, be a signal for us to change our gait or tweak our stride a fact I’m quickly learning is true as I train for my own shoe-clad race.
In Saxton’s mind, only through serving as your own foot whisperer (my phrase not his) will you ever learn to run properly and pain free.
This assertion baffled the newbie-runner in me.
My feet can throb after just *wearing* shoes for twelve hours. How badly might they ache if I jogged barefoot for a mile or two?
The barefoot running community would answer a resounding: far less.
They believe our feet were designed to keep us moving upright, at varying speeds and do so in total comfort. Feet weren’t created, in their opinion, to be swathed in leather or canvas without being sore later.
We think we need shoes, they’d contend, as a reaction to skilled marketing campaigns and a desire for moneymaking by shoe companies. (MizFit note: I must add that at this point in my research I was thinking constantly of this blogger who is my sole provider of shoe porn.)
I’m nothing if not a skeptic, but I felt my anti-barefoot running resolve weaken.
Why did I love my running shoes?
Was it the support they provided or had I bought into the notion they’d make me faster, stronger, lighter on my feet and look pretty damn snazzy as well.
Grab a sneaker and plop it on it on a flat surface. See how the front of the shoe curves slightly upward?
This curl is added to encourage a heel-to-toe rolling movement when the wearer walks or runs, yet a rolling motion has been shown to cause potential injury to the wearer’s knees and back.
Now stand barefoot and check out how your toes are positioned.
Are they naturally curving upward or gripping downward against the floor?
Barefoot running made much more intellectual sense after I completed this little experiment.
Quite honestly I couldn’t get past what I deemed the ick factor of potential disease.
While this isn’t a much discussed topic I’m convinced it poses a rather large danger that my fancypants Nike Air Rifts prevent.
Puncture wounds (!), even on soles thickened over time, pose a real and frequent threat.
One irrefutable fact is the need to start slow no matter your shoe-clad fitness level.
It’s suggested one walk before running to allow the soles of the feet to thicken properly (why does that phrase make me throw up a little in my mouth?).
Sites such as encourage newbies to stroll barefoot at every opportunity before progressing running and, only after time, should one attempt long barefoot running sessions.
Foot acclimation can vary, but the consensus is it takes three or four weeks to prepare the feet to pound the pavement.
In the end, I wasn’t convinced enough to attempt an outdoor barefoot run.
The promise of running barefoot (imagined as childlike frolicking whist birds weave garlands in my hair) was compelling yet my older, wiser, wet-blanket self really had zero interest in risking injury easily avoided by covering my feet.
As a result, if you need me this morning you can find my cynical-arse running my neighborhood marathon training.
Shoes firmly intact.
I hate shoes, and, at home, I rarely wear shoes at all. The soles of my feet are quite tough because of my frequent barefootedness. And yes, shoes do not feel comfortable or natural to me. They squeeze my toes together, curve upward at the toes, and even well-fitting ones rub at my heels.
However, I would never go running (or even walking barefoot) in my neighborhood. There is always broken glass everywhere (not to mention dog poo). Rather than risk injury and feces squishing (blech!), I always wear shoes outdoors.
I do like to be barefoot at the beach though. Maybe I just need to live near the ocean for barefoot running. 😉
Do you remember Zola Budd in the 80s who used to run in the olympics barefoot? And there are some Ethiopians who run marathons barefoot too.
I think they are amazing and the theory of why it would be better does make sense, but this is the modern age, with tarmac, debris and the blessings of good shoes, lol!
I like the idea, but am with you on the ick-factor. Inside the house and yard it’s fine, but when I’m out there I want to shield myself from sharp and/or dirty things.
for some reason I loved Zola Budd!
Had an ode to her in the post but that morphed it into a novel 😉
People really do this?
I’m thinking not the C25K’ers 🙂 which is where I’m at.
I shall keep my asics on!
As a kid I used to walk barefoot everywhere. As a result I stubbed my toes a lot 😀 But my feet were impenetrable! I could walk over stones, glass, hold a flame to my foot for about 5 seconds, no pain 😀
Then I grew up, and shoes became a necessary part of attire, and my feet of steel became feet of meat. So I don’t think I’ll go back to the barefoot any time soon.
Are those your feet? or stock photo?
What shoes are they?
I need my Flintstone Feet in some shoes when I hit the pavement. But at home? It’s all barefeet, all the time, when I’m workin’ out the (kinda)sexy bod.
Love the feel of being barefoot – but outside of the house where the wild things are? Not so much. (Sandy beaches excluded, of course.)
OMG hilarious. I do love barefoot beach walking (I do not love running at all. In fact just talking about running makes ME throw up in my mouth a little) but barefoot walking on the beach for an hour or so is my favorite. Exercise PLUS a pedicure. That sand and salt water makes my feet so soft! So, I’ll be thinking of this post on Friday morning when I set out on my beach trek.
Have you tried barefoot treadmill runs, Miz?
I’ve done lots of barefoot treadmill walking at home (while watching BL :)).
I like it!
I had zero clue anyone did this and am glad you were afraid.
Although I do already have thick soles….
I’d run(if I ran) barefoot on the beach…but nowhere else as, well there are many many things one could would get stuck in the feet.
Kudos for not following the “crowd”.
PS I LOVE your shoes…do tell…where do I find some? they look cool, comfy and by golly like I could get away with my dresses wearing such as these! 🙂
i too love being barefoot.
i do my best thinking with my shoes off.
however, the thought of running barefoot outside long distance makes me not interested.
this is a trend i’d probably skip too.
Miz have you tried running in your vibram five fingers?
Since running barefoot, my strides are shorter, my posture better and strangely it’s more “effortless”.
Parenting conundrum……I love going barefoot…, in my vff’s or flip flops when not at work (I live in a sunny climate)
My soon to be 11 year old son, is ALWAYS barefoot too except for school……….yet I’m always on his case, teling him to put on his shoes.
Sometimes parents make no sense at all 😉
Whatever you put on your feet the most important thing is that you lift your sole (or is it soul?) 😉
I totally see the point of the Barefoot Runners, though, like you, I wouldn’t try it in these modern days. For one – lots of concrete. Concrete that does not give the way pavement and dirt roads of our ancestors did. Also, glass, and a**holes who throw crap everywhere on that concrete.
I love the idea and if I had regular access to an indoor track I would probably give it a try, but because I run outdoors, I can’t commit.
Alas, NO. Ive not tried running in the fivefingers and have used them merely to ‘run to the store’ or ‘dash to a move’ (WELCOME TO LOSERVILLE. Population: MizFit)
That said, thanks for the next-post idea 🙂
Im so like you are Marc and am already claiming “when youre old like I am you can make bad choices too…”
We’re born without shoes, so let’s run barefoot? With that line of reasoning, why not run naked? Our ancestors probably would have dug a good pair of Nike Airs. Plus, I have this vision of me stepping on a giant piece of glass if I were to attempt walking/jogging barefoot. And then, if I were naked, it would flip up and gash my left boob. And then I’d be a naked, shoeless, gory mess. Hey…I have a Halloween costume idea!
crazy talk, just crazy talk! I like the soft cushiony part of my feet…
I also walked around barefoot all the time as a kid, bee stings and gravel driveway be damned. But now I live in a house with lots of wood floors, and the world seems full of sharp things, and I wear slippers in the house and shoes outside it.
I have troubles with my feet now sometimes, when I never did before.
Have you read Born to Run yet? The author does suggest that running almost barefoot would be better, but he still isn’t crazy enough to suggest that you start right away.
I am gradually working my way down to less-structured shoes. I just bought some Asics Gel DS trainers — the soles are a little flatter than my other ones. I’m still getting used to them. My husband is down to really thin-soled shoes for most of his runs, but he was flat-footed to start.
P.S. I would try a barefoot run in the summer. But it’s already too chilly here to try it now. Check out this article about barefoot running. It made me want to do it!
I want those shoes in the picture.
Not being a Hobbit, I wear shoes. But, not those fugly ones pictured….
Right. And my running has just started to feel good since I added extra insoles to my sneakers.
I don’t know. Running barefoot through meadows and leaf strewn forests is one thing, running barefoot on concrete and asphalt where there might be broken glass or chewed gum or other things that I won’t bother listing just doesn’t sound like all that much fun to me.
And – I tend to wear something supportive on my feet while walking around the house, standing in the kitchen cooking & cleaning, etc. Otherwise my feet and back hurt.
As a young ‘un on the farm I often spent a few weeks of the summer toughening my feet and never worrying about the assorted blessings one might stumble onto in the farmyard. I could walk on gravel barefoot. That was my goal. I got away from it in my mid-teens and have limited desire to go back. In theory, it’s fine. In practice, I am a wuss.
I spend a lot of time barefoot, just not when I run, except on a sandy beach!
I support your feelings 🙂
Have you heard of the high heel races? Don’t even think of going there, buddy!
fast peek in as the Tornado & I need to get moving (roller skating) BUT if I watched such trash as RH of Atlanta (wink) I might have seen a HIGH HEEL RACE for charity & thought: crazytown.
And ouch.
Even running barefoot in the meadows and forests would be uncomfortable – there are sticks and thick stalks and pokey things everywhere, to say nothing of bugs and things that bite or squish…..
Then there’s snow and ice and slush and mud.
Those barefoot ancestors of ours didn’t have much choice in the matter….. until someone invented shoes. And why do you think that person invented shoes? As protection from the sticks and bugs and gravel and snow and icky things! Sheesh.
(obviously firmly in the footwear camp up here in the frozen north!)
I have tried this a couple of times and ended up in too much pain to try it again (even indoors it hurts!) and yet I DO think they are right. I’m just too impatient to train my feet and do a real Experiment.
I am not sold on this. Having popped several bike tires on nails, staples, and broken glass, I am not keen on the same thing happening to my feet! I am really curious about those new running shoes that fit like feet, though for the padding. Now that is something I would try!
No. Just no. I really think barefoot running could only be done by someone with a neutral foot. If you over- or underprotnate, you’d be setting yourself up for major foot injuries.
I get that we evolved from primitive humans who didn’t wear shoes and had great callouses to protect their piggies. But in the intervening years and with the help of the agricultural and textile revolutions, we have evolved again. Now, we need shoes for our own protection, and for stability. I’m betting there are some big differences in the muscular stability of our lower legs and those of our barefoot predecessors.
Geek girl out.
I wear shoes to bed! Not running barefoot here.
Aside from the fact that you might run over dog crap or old cigarette butts, and forgetting that it’s freezing half of the year in most parts of the country, the idea is crazy to me. (And I’m not even mentioning that city dwellers would have to avoid broken glass, hypodermic needles, and God knows what else during their run.) The bigger issue is body mechanics. I have really flat feet, slightly bowed legs, and knees that fall inward. My custom orthotics have eased up my chronic knee pain a bit because they shift the way my legs are naturally. I’m sure there are people who have naturally perfect body mechanics who could run barefoot and not have any joint pain. But plenty of people need the stability of a shoe to correct bad genes.
I understand wanting to run as our ancestors ran, but we’re so unlike our ancestors it makes me wonder. I mean, our ancestors didn’t spend 40 hours a week (and more!) on a computer. And why live like our ancestors with this one thing but not others? They didn’t have hot water for showering post-run, Gatorade or Powerbars for energy, or moisture-wicking socks. Sounds like one big (and successful) gimick.
I hate having shoes on when I’m at home but I couldn’t imagine leaving the house without my shoes on. Too many sharp, pointy or just plain gross things I wouldn’t want to step on barefoot. Plus I live on a college campus so I can guarantee that I would be likely be standing in some bodily fluids at some point if I ran around campus barefoot….ewww no thanks 😉
I grew up on an island. Do you know what that means? “Stitckers” (aka sand spurs). Also, broken glass (yes, even ON the darn beach!)… doggie poo… etc.
I’ll stick with me shoes, thanks! 🙂
Do you ever weight train barefoot?
Going barefoot sounds great in theory but doesn’t reflect the realities of the world most of us live in. I wouldn’t dream of trying it anywhere except the indoor track, and they almost certainly wouldn’t allow it there.
I’ve been toying with the idea of moving to a thinner-soled shoe for short runs, though. I bought some of those Chinese mary jane shoes for walking to and from the office and I love how flexible they are, and how my feet move in them. I’m a toe and midfoot striker, even in my heavy running shoes, so I think I’d do well in lightweight racing flats or just ordinary sneakers.
The main reason I would never do this is the tough surfaces and the fear of scraping, puncturing -in some way injuring the bottom of my feet. OUCH.
However, my favorite shoe is the Nike FREE -which is their “take” on barefoot working out. It is quite flexible and gives me just a bit of support. Making it a protected experience without a lot of extra cushioning. I’d advise everyone to go for support with less cushioning now.
And I LOVE how the MTBs are the thickest, less “feeling of the ground” shoes I have found and yet allegedly support the walking barefoot idea with their rocker soles.
I wonder if there are any bare foot runners living in Canada who practice this in the middle of winter 😉
I really like the idea of running barefoot… when I was little, I used to always walk around barefoot and I kind of enjoyed how my feet would toughen up by walking over acorns from our big oak trees. But I am also very fond of shoes. They keep my feet warm.
Barefoot as kid, all the time, as an adult, NEVER. I can’t even stand on hard floors for more than a little bit and I wear shoes constantly, shoes are my friends. Even slippers will make my legs ache. But then this is less to do with my feet and more to do with my legs.
I started the C25k program earlier this year. Upon completing it, I was looking for another challenge, so I tried barefoot running.
I. Love. It.
Whoever said this: Since running barefoot, my strides are shorter, my posture better and strangely it’s more “effortless”. … is spot on.
The muscles used are different, and I can see both barefoot running and shod running being a regular part of my routine from here on out.
Man, I think running barefoot would be great if you were out on the verdant steppe, loping on smooth grass and soft earth. But if I were to try that stuff on my sidewalk, down the block, loop around the neighborhood? I’d have to stop at the emergency room on the way back for tetnus shots, bandaging and an antibiotics prescription. Count me out!
My dad used to walk the dogs barefoot around the neighborhood. Me, I like being barefoot well enough around my house and even out in the yard sometimes, but with my current foot troubles, doc says no. Grrrr.
I would not want to walk our streets barefoot. All the winter gravel by the side of the road just spells “OUCH” to me.
As both a runner & your shoe porn provider, I have to say that I feel exactly the same way about barefoot running. Being barefoot & playing outside is a great childhood memory, but the thought of running? With rocks & sticks & glass & other nastiness? Ow. And also possibly yuck.
sadly my cynicalarse already possesses thickened soles (lovely image I know. a result of the NIKE AIR RIFTS picture above? perhaps.) I mightcould have been swayed to give this ONE TRY but a few of your comments above.
So, I haven’t read all of the comments, and I don’t know if anyone has already mentioned this, but have you heard of Vibram? Check out They have a wide range of “shoes” for people who want to live life barefoot. Basically, it’s just a little layer of protection from the environments, but it also allows you to get around all those pesky shoes-required laws.
Hmmm. I think my knees and feet appreciate the cushion my shoes gives them. I won’t be trying to run barefoot anytime soon.
Miz, I have read a lot about this barefoot trend & Dr. J wrote a great post on it. First, my feet are uglier than ugly being flat, wide & bad bunions so…. not babies I want to show that often. AND, as we get older, feet get worse so they are flatter (if that is possible), wider & bunions are way worse than my younger days! I even buy special inserts for my running shoes to help my major overpronation. The poor little pads on the bottom of my feet (the forefoot on the bottom) are getting so sensitive as I age along with all my other feet probs so barefoot running is not something I even want to try unless I am on the beach… in Hawaii preferably! 🙂
AND, in my congested southern CA, not a place I want to jog barefoot… I am with you on your thought process!
I’d entirely forgotten Zola Budd until I read this.
Remember her:
Can you imagine running barefoot on one of our 100 degree days – ouch! But I keep reading more and more about how all the cushioning and correction of high tech running shoes may be doing more harm than good.
There was an article about Zola Budd a few months ago in Runner’s World. She’s living in North Carolina. And wearing shoes.
If you have them, you MUST try an outdoor run and tell us about it! I have been seeing these things everywhere and I think they look pretty ridiculous. One of my friends actually got a pair. She says she feels more “in tune” with the earth.
I’m not dropping 80 bucks on silly looking shoes until I get a Mizfit stamp of approval.
i’ve heard about this too, but coming from someone with foot issues—I just could not bring myself to do it. I now have to wear good shoes in the house because it is painful for me to walk barefoot on our ceramic tile.
(also known as: I am old and falling apart!)
I’m also an ick factor person–my kids are never allowed to run in the yard barefoot. They might get worms!
my husband thinks I’m crazy and denying them a child given right. (yes, I hope he gets worms, lol!)
I’m with you. Shoes for me. I like to be barefoot when I’m not on my feet, but I’ve been known to put on slippers or sandals just to walk to the kitchen or outside to our patio. I hate stepping on ouchy crap. 🙂
What does the pain from a bee sting or glass splinter tell us of barefoot running, I wonder?
Oh no oh no oh no! My tootsies are too tender.
Side note: I dated a total slob once who was doing construction on his house. He could walk barefoot over messily stacked extension cords (God forbid he coil something neatly. And no, I’m not bitter about that [or him] at all…). If I stepped on those cords barefoot there’d be some colorful language!
brandon and i both recently read “born to run” by christopher mcdougall (review on blog!) and the book covers barefoot running a bit. i’m inspired to try it … at least on grass to start out … when the weather gets warmer again.
as for the five fingers, i SO WANT TO TRY THEM.
Barefoot running intrigues me but like you I’ll keep my Asics on my feet.
Hunni wanted to vibram 5 fingers after seeing them n the guy at the running store the last time I got shoes. But sadly he has huge feet and they hadn’t yet made a size big enough for his feet. Perhaps soon.
Folks with diabetes will want to think twice (or maybe three or four times) about barefoot anything. Because diabetes can cause both nerve damage and vascular damage if not managed properly, you might not feel it if your foot gets injured, and it may take longer for your feet to heal. (Foot care guidelines here:
That said…I used to walk around barefoot indoors and in my yard all the time, because my feet were very tough. Now, I still go barefoot (or in socks) indoors quite a lot, but rarely outdoors anymore.
I’d love to try those Vibram Five Fingers shoes, but not at $80 a pair. (I don’t even spend that much on regular shoes, running or otherwise!) I wonder, though, if running aqua shoes would be similar? That might be a handy skill to develop for triathlons.
All I can think about is the time when I had first moved to Phoenix and went out to get the mail – barefoot. It was 119F and I actually burned the soles of my feet — and this was on the white pavement and I was afraid to touch the black top. Ow. That’s all I can think of.
In addition, I wear shoes most of the time because a.) my job is in a lab where it is illegal to wear anything but closed toe shoes (hello corrosive chemicals) and b.) my backyard is half dog poop and half rocks – if I’m going to be stepping on either one of those things, I want shoes.
Running barefoot just seems like a gimmick, like others have said. Also, I don’t run without a sports bra or a sweat band or a water bottle. Should I not use those either? I mean, choosing no shoes seems a bit arbitrary I guess. Do they eat like those evolutionary ancestors of ours ate?
And, as a person who runs with dogs…dude, they step on my feet SO MUCH. I don’t really want doggie toenails scratching the heck out of my poor feet.
I have huge problems with those Vibrams even though some people love them. I am convinced they will damage your knees and feet. I have serious knee problems, and I asked my psychical therapist about them, and she thinks that could lead to problems. I know I find a huge difference for myself when I wear tennis shoes that have great arch supports. But that’s me.
I am barefoot at home as long as it isn’t too cold, then it is all about uggs for me… I hurt my heel once a few years ago running on the beach barefoot. I got heel spurs and they took a really long time to heal. Now I wear running shoes on the beach and almost always wear them.
I’m kind of torn on this. The first thing I do when coming into my house is take off my shoes. I NEVER wear shoes inside. I will walk around barefoot outside to get the mail, or grab something from the car. And I wear flip flops otherwise… all year around, unless it be raining!
I just recently started dancing again (Jazz Dance) and we warm up barefoot, and often dance barefoot. I have to say that my feet have become much more grounded and strong. When dancing you really need to be able to ground your feet, even when you’re on eleve (on the balls of your feet– tiptoe). This requires you to be able to stretch out your toes and grab… something that is hard at first if your feet are used to being squished together into shoes.
I’ve found also that after 3 months of classes my feet don’t hurt anymore when standing in my kitchen for several hours– which they did before I started really working them out.
Some part of me really does think that all of this “support” shoes give us makes our muscles weak, and therefore need support. I’m sure there are exceptions– there always are. But just seeing how much better my feet FEEL after three months of working them… I eschew my shoes even more now!
I do understand the “ickies” that people get when thinking about walking around barefoot out int he public sector. I’ve been seriously considering geting a pair of vibrams for when I’m out and about. Seems like good protection while still getting to “move your tootsies”.
But then I’m not a runner, so that’s a whole ‘nother ball of wax.
I own a pair of FiveFingers Sprint! LOVE THEM!
I’m all about the barefoot running, Miz! But you gotta be smart about it. I’ve run barefoot on dirt trails, grass (football fields are perfect), treadmills, outdoor tracks, dirt roads, concrete and asphalt. And I have learned from experience that the only surfaces my feet like are dirt and grass. Everything else has left me with horrible, crippling, scarring blisters all over my feet. Yes, I have scars from barefoot running. I think that I have a very pronounced pawback, which produces way too much friction against the balls of my feet.
Along those lines, I’d point out that our feet were designed to go barefoot, indeed, but they did not evolve to encounter concrete, asphalt, or glass. Sand burrs and thorns? Sure. Prickly grasses, yes indeedy. But not pavement. So I’m not sure I agree with the idea that my toesies should be barefoot on asphalt.
But by all means, Miz, get thyself to a football field and try doing a little easy jogging! It feels wonderful!
All commence our lives barefoot (and in many cases spend our entire first year that way) yet the fact we also spend the majority of this same year crawling seems not to lessen their zeal-like passion for this point.
Such cute toesies!! 🙂 I am still adjusting to running in my Vibrams, but I love them. They have changed my stride for the better and I feel more connected on a run not just to the ground, but through my whole body.
I really love the pair of shoes on that picture, can you pleas tell me what model they are.
thanks 🙂
i love to use memory foams because they are soft and they can make impressions -;”