Ahhh. Halloween.
The holiday filled with the temptation of the treats & the urge to poke ones own eyes out because the princess phase feels never ending.
The day of/weeks prior where we (yes Im dragging you into this with me) strive to resist the call of the candy corn & the summoning of the Snickers.
And, because Im confident you dont come here for the Try knitting, drawing, or any other activity which keeps your hands occupied so you cant snack! This tactic works wonders!! type of suggestions Im gonna level with you.
My suggestion? Indulge.
Let me back up first (& give you an Ive so been there, Sister story).
Once upon a time MizFit was working her ass off to lose some weight in her arse.
Whilst hammering out a tween manuscript she’d gained what she referred to as the Writer’s Fifteen Twenty and, much to her dismay, nothing shoe owned fit over her newly acquired saddlebags.
(In a rant for a different day Ill share how the aforementioned twenty pound ‘bags were the result of ‘healthy’ foods. Pretzels, popcorn etc. My first real introduction into the cold, hard world of portion control.)
She decided to eat very very clean.
Always. For the ever foreseeable future and, when the s-bags were gone, perhaps she would add in a treat day.
And then Halloween arrived.
Our dieting Miz was awesome in that she purchased bags of candy & ripped into nary a one before 10.31.
But then, after the first goblins & ballerinas arrived on her doorstep, it grew ugly.
In a one for you, tiny girl dressed as a ladybug and three for MizFit kind of way.
This was also the night she learned that dogs shouldnt have chocolate and felt HORRIBLE even though the dog seemed no worse for wear. who knew? obviously not MizFit.
Sugar high. Sugar crash. Woke up the next morning feeling bloatedcrappyorneryterrible (the technical term).
My over-eating-feeling-poorly-afterward point here is nothing new (we’ve all been there, huh?).
It’s the years after, when I applied my lesson learned, that makes me almost urge you to do some planned indulging.
Everything with fitness/health, in my opinion, is about setting ourselves up for success & living in a fashion you can maintain for the long haul.
Now, I plan in my Halloween transgressions (I know. daring, powerful word choice huh? “treat” is just such an overused term and one which I lately equate with properly pooping in a potty.)
I know that I enjoy snacking on candy as I distribute it to the dressed up masses—-so I set myself up for success and *acknowledge* it’s going to happen before hand.
It’s a treat (wink) and one I thoroughly enjoy because, for me, it has become less about the candy & more about the entire festive experience.
For me, when I ‘allow’ myself to have candy as I pass it out, Ive found I eat less & enjoy it more (mildly annoying sentence I realize but shockingly true.).
I figure Halloween is only once a year and, as much as I adore rub on tattoos, Im not going to pass that out in lieu of candy simply so *I* wont eat any junk.
But that’s me and, as my tagline espouses, fitness (& healthy living) isnt about fitting into traditional wizdom.
If you’d asked me for tips/suggestions *in general* with regards to not indulging on Halloween night I’d have bestowed upon you something like this:
*Never buy your candy ahead of time. Purchase it ON Halloween morning so youre not tempted to rip into the bags early.
*Hand out nonfood products. Everything from temporary tattoos to toothbrushes (I kid. I kid.) are guaranteed to be enjoyed by children of all ages.
*Purchase candy you do not like so you’re not tempted to consume any (I always rolled my sweet-toothed eyes at that one. Candy I dont like?! I do not comprehend.).
* Brush your teeth before the doorbell starts ringing as a mental reminder that you are finished eating for the night.
*Prepare yourself a healthy treat to eat as you hand out the candy. That way you have your indulgence and arent lured to the candy bowl.
*Take out a few pieces before the night begins and decide this is *all* you shall indulge in that evening. (MizFit note: OK, I like this one and would actually do it.).
*Wear a costume or don constricting/form fitting attire. Anything which makes you a smidge more aware of your body can act as a deterrent for overindulging.
There you go.
What I do. What I’d tell you to do. All in one long rambling post.
Now you. What’s your plan for this Saturday night?
Treat fright? Know it’s gonna be alright? Do you put up a fight? Or embrace the night?
Please to hit us all up on the comments.
Peter says
October 28, 2009 at 3:02 amI added your blog to bookmarks. And i’ll read your articles more often!
Fat[free]Me says
October 28, 2009 at 3:52 amI am running away to stay with a friend!
Bea says
October 28, 2009 at 3:54 amI giggled at the mere image of cramming myself into formfitting attire so I wouldn’t over eat.
I’d find a way around that one
I figure I can have treats on Halloween DAY/NIGHT and be ok.
Tammy says
October 28, 2009 at 4:05 amI am 100% an all or nothing woman.
My plan is to eat NOT ONE piece of candy.
Any suggestions for my leftovers??
Diana says
October 28, 2009 at 5:01 amWe’re doing nothing fun. Not passing out candy. No dress up party. But, I think we may invite our friends over for a scary movie night! Doesn’t address the candy problem though.
I have a 24-7 test of cany contorl. my hubby eats it like no other…ALWAYS candy in the house. I don’t give in too often, but my thing is that if I don’t see it in front on me then I don’t eat it. I’m not a big candy person anyway. It’s salty that gets me every stinkin time.
Joanna says
October 28, 2009 at 5:26 amI eat a healthy dinner before the trick or treaters arrive and brush my teeth so I’m not tempted to OD on the candy.
If I have one piece I have a hard time stopping so I just don’t start. I’d rather share a fresh baked, frosted sugar cookie from my favorite bakery as a treat.
Nancy says
October 28, 2009 at 5:28 amOMG I just saw your pictures on twitter.
You must post some after Halloween, too.
moonduster (Becky) says
October 28, 2009 at 5:28 amI allow myself some sweets. I still lose weight and I don’t feel restricted or like I’m missing something.
Marianne says
October 28, 2009 at 5:32 amWell…I plan on consuming alcohol, which will make me less interested in the candy. Savvy, no??? LOL
Fab Kate says
October 28, 2009 at 5:35 amI haven’t decided yet what I’m going to do. I’ll probably have a piece of candy or two if I want it. While I posted a while back about what I usually do, I just don’t feel the stress about candy that I usually do.
It’s a nice place to be.
Miz says
October 28, 2009 at 5:38 amFor ME the consumption of alcohol makes the crappycandy all that much MORE alluring….
Donna says
October 28, 2009 at 5:49 amAgreeAgreeAgree!!! My thoughts exactly. I’m sick of ppl who say you should never ever give in to temptation, “cheat days only cheat you,” blahblahblah. If you know it’s coming and you PLAN for it, as you say, it keeps you from going mental and downing a whole bag o’ fun size Snickers. And then feeling crappy about that and taking solace in a whole bag o’ something else. If you want a piece of candy, have a piece of candy. All your hard work isn’t going to be undone because of what you did on one day. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Just be sensible.
Carly says
October 28, 2009 at 5:51 amLMAO about the never ending Princess phase! Your princess is ADORABLE! We are just getting to it and I am ready to gouge my tomboy eyes out. ha!
Good Halloween tips. I am trying not to put on my annual 10lbs this month.
Lynn says
October 28, 2009 at 5:53 amHow adorable is your princess!!
May I toss prayer in the mix?
Some halloweens that’s what it takes for me!
Mary :: A Merry Life says
October 28, 2009 at 5:55 amUm yeah, I bought a bag of halloween candy yesterday. For myself. Haha. It’s sitting in my drawer now after a few pieces landed in my mouth yesterday. It makes me happy since I won’t be going to parties or trick or treating. I’ve just got my candy.
Sarah says
October 28, 2009 at 5:58 amI love that you are normal as I listen to many nutritionsts who swore by going cold turkey on treats.
It worked well for them & in my opinion caused me to start a binging pattern.
GeorgiaMist says
October 28, 2009 at 6:05 amI don’t really like candy! Works for me!
Jody - Fit at 51 says
October 28, 2009 at 6:26 amAh, another thing we have in common.. candy corn! I love it too! This year they have a million different flavors too! OH NO! So, I do not bring it in the house. I take the “don’t buy things you like. Bring in the house the stuff that does NOT tempt you”.
BUT, like you, I am a planner & if I “run into” something I like, I take a couple & put it aside for me. I work out too hard not to enjoy here & there.
Your suggestions are great & I follow the don’t buy & hand out what I can’t resist.. candy corn!
OH, such a cutie Tornado princess & loved the poop line!
dragonmamma/naomi w. says
October 28, 2009 at 6:26 amThat kid is pretty adorable, and I have the feeling she knows it!
Ah, Halloween. Love it. Don’t even think about throwing away your kids’ stashes when they go to bed, ’cause half the fun is dumping it on the bed, separating it into piles of different colors, counting it, and just plain ol’ running their fingers through it over and over. Let them eat the good stuff (chocolate) and throw the rest out when it’s dusty.
I’m also in the “moderate” group when it comes to myself. Eat a good meal, then have some treats. What’s the big deal? Just don’t treat every day like Halloween.
Amy H. says
October 28, 2009 at 6:29 amI have a cute pumpkin bag that hangs on the door, sort of a self-serve for trick or treaters. That way I can go trick or treating with my husband and two kids and not stay home munching on candy. Suprisingly, there’s usually candy left in the door pumpkin at the end of the night.
Marste says
October 28, 2009 at 6:51 amI’ll be at DisneyWorld for Halloween. I’m actually kind of sad about it, because there are KIDS in my neighborhood, and I LOVELOVELOVE handing out candy on Halloween!
No tips on how to avoid eating it, though. *wrinkles nose*
Tracey @ I'm Not Superhuman says
October 28, 2009 at 7:18 amI live in an apartment, so no trick-or-treaters for me. Which means I didn’t buy an ounce of candy. Which means I won’t eat any. I have no control over my body around sugary treats.
Lara says
October 28, 2009 at 7:22 amRight or wrong I tend to dump my entire bowl (what ever is left) into the last trick or treaters bag LOL
That way I’m never tempted by leftovers.
workout mommy says
October 28, 2009 at 7:30 ami need to buy more candy because I foolishly bought a bunch a few weeks ago that has somehow disappeared. (wiping chocolate ring from mouth)
Erica says
October 28, 2009 at 8:01 amYour daughter looks SO cute! how is she feeling? Great tips/tricks! I am not…I know, I know…a big chocolate person. It just really doesn’t do much for me. So I buy all the reeses, butterfingers, hersheys etc etc and none of the sugary gummy treats that I know I’ll be tempted to dig into
Erica says
October 28, 2009 at 8:04 amHey- me again! Any hotel/resort recommendations in Austin? I didn’t even consider Texas! And I have never been there. Let me know
Jack Sh*t, Gettin' Fit says
October 28, 2009 at 8:17 amWhat is this candy you don’t like nonsense?
Princess phase eventually ends. Unfortunately, that’s when the tough sledding starts…
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
October 28, 2009 at 8:20 amI don’t comprehend the non-liked candy thing either. If its candy, i generally like it. Unless its tamarind candy. Then i hate it.
Plan for Saturday? Handing out candy, possibly a pizza date with one of my favorite 4 year olds!
Lainie (Fit Fig) says
October 28, 2009 at 8:22 amThis year I bought candy I don’t like so much–and crunchy kinds that I can’t eat with my braces. It also helps that eating sweets gives me a toothache lately (cavity, maybe? hope not, but it’s keeping me from the sweets, at least).
Of course, I have been known to dip into the stash my kids bring home…esp. if they get any Reese’s. That may sound evil but trust me, they get more than they ever need to be eating, so I consider it good mothering to “help them” eat their candy. I think I’ll do the thing this year of picking out what Mommy wants to steal as soon as they bring it home (and when they’re not looking) and then leave the rest of it alone. Again, the sore teeth will help anyway.
Leah J. Utas says
October 28, 2009 at 8:28 amI always made sure I bought chocolate bars that I liked in case any were left. And I always bought a lot so we wouldn’t run out. I ate many a fun-sized bar. This year I bought less than half what I have in the past. I bought the kind I like, of course, but we’ll probably give it all away. And I’ve hid the box lest it taunt me.
Geosomin says
October 28, 2009 at 8:37 amI”ve never had much of a thing for chocolate (working in a chocolate factory for a while pretty much ended that) so I just get stuff like chocolat ebars that I don’t really like and then I’m not tempted to eat it. And I’m one of those jerks who takes leftover candy to work the next day.
I can’t buy Rockets or sour candies or chips tho – seriously. I would eat the WHOLE bag before any kids get there…
Nikki says
October 28, 2009 at 8:37 amI’m eating!
Let the chips fall where they may…it’s only one night and the chocolate bars are sooo little!!
Shannon Fab Fattie says
October 28, 2009 at 8:46 amShe is so cute I just want to reach in the computer and pinch her little cheeks! I would love all the princess stuff. Can I just come hang out with you two for a day or 10?
The best advice you gave is DO NOT buy before hand and buy what you do not like. As long as I stay away from chocolate I am good. Bring chocolate in the house and it is officially over. My poor rottens hide their bags from me when they get home, lol. Okay that is really not funny it ticks me off!
Shelley B says
October 28, 2009 at 8:53 amLast year I bought candy that didn’t interest me (Nerds, anyone?) and I’ll probably do the same this year…of course, coming off a vacation, I’ve had my fill of treats and am ready to abstain for a while, lol!
Sagan says
October 28, 2009 at 8:54 amI don’t give out candy (*hangs head in shame*)- kids don’t come to my neck of the woods! (I live in a mildly sketchy downtown area ;))
I’ll be going to a friend’s place for a party that night so I’m sure there will be some indulgence… my key is to not buy any candy, though, and that way if there’s something that entices me at the party I can have it that ONE night and it won’t whisper to me for the next couple weeks.
I think that those of us without kids might be more able to get around this particular holiday!
As I was reading this, I couldn’t help but think “yes, Halloween IS just one day, but so is our birthdays, and Christmas, and Thanksgiving, and Easter, and….” I think that sometimes we get distracted by the “it’s just one day!” even though every day becomes “just one day”.
But you know me. I still believe in indulgence (as today’s chocolate giveaway is a good indicator of ;)).
Valerie says
October 28, 2009 at 8:58 amYeah, I’ll be up at 4:00 a.m volunteering at my local theater. Can I just go to sleep before the trick-or-treaters arrive? No? Ok, then I’ll probably do a minor pig-out (I’ll need the sugar to keep me awake) and try to work it off the next week.
Funny, that never would have worked for me 2 years ago. Now, however, I find I enjoy the morning workouts (my dog really likes the run), so I’m motivated to get my butt out of bed.
MizFit says
October 28, 2009 at 9:19 amall the comments have totally brought back this memory (and why I say that I ADORE all candy).
Once upon a time I was a little misfit.
It was the day AFTER Halloween and I have eaten all my candy.
My sisters knew to hide theirs from me.
I found their stashes (closets? both of you? really?!) and, yes, ate theirs as well.
Being the fabulous liar I was NOT I insisted someone broke in the house, ate the candy, touched NOTHING else, and left.
and refused to back down from my story.
(and I wonder why the Tornado is so stubborn).
Id totally forgotten that…
Michelle Smiles says
October 28, 2009 at 9:33 amLast year I bought candy I didn’t like (I detest candy corn) but then Sabrina brought home a lot of stuff that I did like. Bless the neighbors giving out mini snickers. This year she will be old enough to be aware that mommy and daddy ate most of her stash so I think we are going to do to a local dentist who is offering to pay kids $1 per pound of candy they turn in and then will ship that candy to the troops. (Can snickers survive the Iraq sun?) We’ll let her keep some but she doesn’t need a boat load of candy.
This year, I refrained from buying candy until very recently and then left in the garage so I am not faced with it (in Atx it might not be the advisable spot).
Dr. J says
October 28, 2009 at 9:35 amI don’t eat candy, nor do I crave it. I guess I’ve broken my addiction to sugar and fat. Life is no longer worth living…
T says
October 28, 2009 at 9:35 amsee, i’m the weird type who doesn’t like much candy. in fact, i’ll list what i DO like right here:
– plain hershey’s kisses
– strawberry (pink!) starbursts
– mr. goodbars
– cherry dumdums
– brach’s (onlyONLY brach’s) candy corn
as a result, halloween was a lot of bartering with the other kids day after when i was younger for the stuff i did like (except for candy corn, which i didn’t start liking until high school).
now, i have my candy corn and that’s it. back in the day, i’d buy several jumbo-size bags and devour them all. this year? i’m on my second bag (a small one); only because i accidentally left half the jumbo bag get stale.
the rest of my family (and brandon), however, LOVE candy a lot more than i do. so, to help combat candy snacking, my mom’s purchased stuff that we don’t like. the problem is, it’s candy i’ve found over the years that MOST kids don’t like. this year’s going to be interesting …
Extreme Fitness Results says
October 28, 2009 at 9:53 amI love the idea of planning your treats ahead of time. If you select say 15 pieces of candy that have to last you the whole night, each one will be special, and you’ll push yourself to delay eating them as much as you can in order to make them last. Much better than mindless indulgence which isn’t even that fun after the 3rd piece.
Karen says
October 28, 2009 at 10:02 amIs that your daughter??
Halloween is a rough one for me. I have found previous years that it almost grows into a race to see who eats more when we are handing out candy.
I am not explaining it well but my husband and I eat more I think because we are together.
This year I will try portiioning some candy out. I can’t do worse.
deb roby says
October 28, 2009 at 10:33 amWe are not doing halloween. First, I don’t. And Second, we have no kids who come to our house.
So safe from the temptation of candy.
How I generally treat tempting times? I recognize them as “cheat” days and kind of plan the indulgence into the day. Maybe watch what I eat earlier – or do some more cardio -or harder cardio. And do not let said indulgence extend to the next day.
Katy says
October 28, 2009 at 10:35 amGirl, you must be in my head…or my belly. I put a ban on Halloween candy in my house this year, so I don’t come down with a case of the nibbles. But I am a candy corn FREAK. Like, eat the whole bag in one sitting nonsense.
The husband brought home one sample size of the candy crack and I ate each piece slowly and thoroughly. SO GOOD. And then, I stopped! It was perfect portion control. And so worth it.
myra says
October 28, 2009 at 10:42 amOh Miz, Alas oh princess mother! I have already eaten my portion of everything for 2009. There are no more treats available.
Beautiful daughter decided she is too big for trick or treating, and would be soooooo embarrassed if her mother were to don a costume.
I’m going to try my best. I can do much better.
POD says
October 28, 2009 at 11:33 amShe must be a pink fairy. I love that photo! of the Tor!
I have made a vow – oath – whathaveyou to get thru this entire holiday season without gaining weight which will make two years in a row that I have not jumped off the deep end of the (food) pool without my water wingie thingies. Last year was so easy because partner in crime (sister) had just had WLS. Now she’s a freakin rail and I could put her out with a swing from my elbow. Since she pays attention, that helps me pay attention.
Plus I don’t like Snickers. My choice would be the Milky Way.
Cynthia says
October 28, 2009 at 11:43 amI just want a Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkin. You say there is not one? There should be. I just want ONE. OK, that was a lie. But I would only EAT one. I swear.
Actually, around here we could probably offer frozen Milky Ways… just set the candy on the porch and let freeze. No, really, we don’t get too many trick or treaters up our hill. Too cold and too much work to walk up. They don’t bother and we’ve learned not to.
kristen says
October 28, 2009 at 12:13 pmIt’s just one night. I agree with the alcohol making you eat more thing. and plan on both. Without guilt. I porbably won’t have any more until Christmas morning.
Becky says
October 28, 2009 at 1:16 pmI pretty much never eat candy. Seriously. Its up there with fast food. I don’t buy it, don’t look at it, try not to even think about it.
We almost always get invited to some sort of Halloween shindig where the beer is flowing and the candy pretty much non-existent, so I drink my Halloween calories.
But this year, I did pick up some candy for the kids on my block, since they go out trick or treating way before our party starts.
I’ve been eating a piece per night as my dessert. That seems to hold my craving pretty well. One night I had more than one piece and sugary sick, so now I just have one. So far, its been okay.
This post reminds me of the year I had my wisdom teeth out the day before Halloween and I couldn’t go out drinking. So I told my roommate at the time that I’d hand out the candy.
I couldn’t really CHEW anything so I was sure I wouldn’t eat any of it.
I’ll be damned if I didn’t find a way to shove about 1,000 calories worth of tiny pieces of 3 musketeers down my throat, ice packs strapped to my face and all.
I’m pretty sure the vicodin made me do it.
TB--Milwaukee says
October 28, 2009 at 1:25 pmLove me some Halloween candy. Bought some dum dum at Sam’s Club today. I don’t care for them, but what the kids bring home in their goody bags: LOOK OUT!!
MizFit says
October 28, 2009 at 1:26 pmyeah, Becky, I laughed.
and made a mental AVOID VICODIN SATURDAY note.
and it’s funny that I’d never think to put a McD’s french fry in my candycorn hole—-but candy? yes.
Becky says
October 28, 2009 at 1:37 pmShould I be worried that you needed to make a mental note to avoid Vicodin on Saturday?? Do you keep in it your medicine cabinet? You know, for those REALLY crappy days??
Miz says
October 28, 2009 at 1:41 pmI laugh I’ve never even seen a vicodin in person.
I live a *wild* life.
Diane Fit to the Finish says
October 28, 2009 at 2:00 pmI totally agree with indulge BUT with a slight modification. Plan your indulgeness and all will be okay! I got into trouble when I didn’t plan and instead had no candy to pass out to anybody because I had passed it all down my throat.
This really happened.
Liz says
October 28, 2009 at 2:04 pmI can’t eat any.
One bite triggers an onslaught.
MizFit says
October 28, 2009 at 2:05 pmDiane I TOTALLY agree. For me it’s all about the planned:
Mary Meps says
October 28, 2009 at 3:00 pmI will confess. I already opened the bag of Charm’s Blow Pops and have eaten one almost everyday. I’m not sure there will be any left on Saturday. :-O They’re only 60 calories, so it’s not a big ta da really. I’ve left the Reese’s alone … so far. I can restrict myself to one piece of candy a day. I wish I could report I do better than that, but I don’t. I do NOT under any circumstances buy licorice. That’d be gone already. :-O
For some reason though, I now have the other holidays under control. Thanksgiving good. Christmas good. New Years good. There might be a piece of pie in there or two, but otherwise I don’t over indulge.
Pubsgal says
October 28, 2009 at 3:43 pmI’m cracking up, because Becky mentioned my secret: schedule major dental work! Except I guess it doesn’t always work. Last year I had some major dental work done shortly after Halloween, and that killed the urge to eat any more candy. Nothing scheduled this year, so maybe I’ll just do some extra vigorous flossing.
Last year I did a planned indulgence, and that worked pretty well. My favorite Halloween candies are the mini or fun-size frozen Snickers or Milky Way, and those mint Three Musketeers are great frozen, too. Luckily, it takes time to freeze them. Scales may lag on telling me that I’ve had too much candy, but the blood glucose meter? Immediate feedback.
What Dragonmama said is true for my two: they love to make the piles of candy and play with it, but there are so many kinds that they taste, don’t like, and then move on to the next one. I used to be concerned about them “wasting” it, but now, not so much. Not like people at work want it there, either.
MamaBearJune says
October 28, 2009 at 3:43 pmPlanned indulgences are key – for those who don’t have binge eating problems. If you know you can’t control it, don’t do it. I would think that if you could plan it, you would have a better chance of avoiding binges, but I’ve never had that issue, so I won’t assume that it’s true. :-/
Love candy corn with cocktail peanuts – it’s like a Payday bar. Total yumminess.
Andrea@WellnessNotes says
October 28, 2009 at 4:06 pmI’ll probably have a few pieces of candy, or better yet, some good, dark chocolate (which I enjoy a lot more). I don’t think Halloween is an excuse to overindulge, but it’s okay to have some chocolate. I think having a plan beforehand is an excellent plan though. It’s just too easy to keep reaching for more candy and before you know it you’ve eaten several bags worth of it…
Have a wonderful Halloween with your little princess. I’m still wondering if the toddler would notice if I put him into a princess costume… Just kidding. I can’t afford the therapy down the road anyway…
vickie says
October 28, 2009 at 4:27 pm“*Wear a costume or don constricting/form fitting attire. Anything which makes you a smidge more aware of your body can act as a deterrent for overindulging.”
need to add WITH NO POCKETS for wrappers!
Dani @ WRW says
October 28, 2009 at 5:05 pmI’m not sure how I’m going to handle the candy thing yet if I’m honest. I’m a little bit on the terrified side just thinking about it. I’m recently back on track (Day 9) after stumbling for a few weeks so don’t want to derail.
Last year, I was an “all or nothing” kind of gal and didn’t touch a singe chocolate or candy as I PROMISED MYSELF that I wouldn’t eat that junk on Halloween. However, my ebil brain reasoned that the next day was not technically Halloween and I had fulfilled my end of that promise! I ended up blowing my diet to Hades and stumbling off and on until January 5th!
I. Can. Not. Do. That. This. Year.
I wish everyone the best of luck with the candy bowl … and have a Happy Halloween!
Quix says
October 28, 2009 at 5:26 pmOn the day of, or when it’s planned for, I indulge. Otherwise, I fit it in when I can. Sweets just don’t do it for me. One or two fun sizes are enough, any more and I feel sick. I don’t like feeling sick! I remember recently a day when I had a sliver of cake, a 1/3 cup of soft serve, and something else sweet that evening – I was so ill the next day I vowed NEVER AGAIN.
Mike says
October 28, 2009 at 6:03 pmHolidays always intervene with weight loss plans and healthy eating don’t they? I do agree that taking a break from a healthy diet to enjoy some candy is alright (now and then!)
And lol at the line about toothbrushes being guaranteed to be enjoyed by children.
Debra says
October 28, 2009 at 6:38 pmI have to say that I LOVE the pic of your little princess. Too cute! And of course, good advice, as always!
charlotte says
October 28, 2009 at 9:26 pmFirst – This is the most sensible advice from a fitness professional I think I’ve ever read on the candy subject!
Second – my “tip” to not overindulging on Halloween is to be the parent who takes my wee ones out trick-or-treating! I get a nice stroll around the neighborhood (and lots of chatting with the neighbors) and the kids are territorial enough about their bags that I couldn’t sneak a piece even if I wanted to.
Third – I *do* buy myself candy. But only the kind I really really love (mmm… jelly beans). And I buy it when I want it rather than saving it up for a holiday. Mostly it works.
bjbella5 says
October 28, 2009 at 9:55 pmPlanned indulgence. I think I need to try that, rather than the usual: white knuckle absolutely none until I cave in and eat until my belly gets sick.
Diana (Soap & Chocolate) says
October 29, 2009 at 9:08 amAm I to assume that the picture above is the Tornado in her costume? LOVE IT! Think she might share with a random NYC blogger?
Anyway, this post hit home because I’m in the office and the economy-sized bag of assorted chocolate bars has just landed with a sonic boom. I saw it coming in the door but was powerless to stop it, so by the microwave it shall sit until it’s all gone, which could be weeks and weeks (my office is VERY small)! It would go faster if I’d help, but the kicker is I really don’t want it. Sure, I love chocolate and all, but not the kind that makes me feel ill. That’s why I keep my fancy pants 70% dark chocolate in my desk so I can indulge daily, which is indeed planned. Said kicker is the IDEA of the festive Halloween treats, physically manifested in front of my face. The kid in me wants to indulge along with everyone else, but I know I don’t like it half as well as my desk stash’s “good stuff.” In my case, it seems obvious that I should steer clear of the Halloween candy entirely so as to avoid a chain reaction mindless overindulgence, yet is that “deprivation”? The whole thing is a frustrating mindf#$k that wouldn’t even exist if the candy wasn’t there in the first place. Sad.
RhodeyGirl says
October 29, 2009 at 8:16 pmI am loving this post MizFit. I actually never want the candy the day of Halloween (maybe because my dad has everyone over and sets out amazing trays of veggies, fruits, whole foods pizza, etc) but the day after? watch out. I usually combat it by picking 2 of my absolute favorites and eating them without a drop of guilt. My fav? take 5 bars. the best junk ever.
RhodeyGirl says
October 29, 2009 at 8:19 pmP.S. The only time I would ever TOUCH candy is that day after Halloween. On other days I remember all the chemicals and JUNK in it and have no desire to eat it.
m i c h e l l e says
October 29, 2009 at 11:19 pm… or move to a neighborhood that has no sidewalks = no trick or treaters/no need to buy bags of candy
… or leave on plane at 11:55pm on Halloween so you are not in town on Sunday morning to be tempted by children’s bags of snickers, kit kats and m&ms
Lauren (Let Them Eat Lentils) says
October 30, 2009 at 6:14 pmThese are some great tips! I’m currently unemployed and I have to say, not being in the office has been the biggest deterrent from overindulging with the holidays. I didn’t even start to worry about Halloween candy this year and I’m realizing this is the first time in the years since I’ve been working that I’m not concerned. There’s just so much PRESSURE to eat the treats people made or candy corn on their desk or whatever. I would never go out and buy that stuff myself, but I’ll eat a ton of it at work. Gah.
SeaShore says
November 1, 2009 at 9:34 amThat picture is adorable!
I ate candy last night. Struggled a bit this morning, but I’m over it now