We’ve talked before about the power of gratitude and how much we receive when we make the time to volunteer and help others.
Studies have shown that there actually exists a sort of Helpers High which occurs post-volunteering/kind act.
This burst of euphoria/endorphins followed by a long period of immense calm is only one of many positive physical manifestation of acts of kindness.
Stress related health problems have been shown to decrease following volunteering/kind acts and, amazingly, the health benefits/sense of well being can return for hours or even days merely when the helping act is remembered.
What’s my point with all this Rah Rah Go Volunteerism! info?
It’s almost Tweetsgiving and, this year, Im inviting you to join me.
Scheduled for November 24 – 26, 2009, TweetsGiving is a global celebration that seeks to change the world through the power of gratitude.
This 48 hour event was created by Epic Change and encourages us to express thanks using online tools & at live get-togethers across the world.
(I know. That’s the kicker huh? Those of us who are working to live more & be online LESS cant escape this one as they actually encourage us to meet up with Tweeple, err, people in real life at gratitude gatherings)
Guest are invited to give to a common cause in honor of those people and things that make them grateful.
Epic Change launched the original TweetsGiving in November 08, with just six days of planning and only two days before the US Thanksgiving holiday, successfully raising over $10,000 to build a classroom in Arusha, Tanzania. Now those students need a technology lab to equip them for participation in a global marketplace.
Bottom line? This is an easy one to participate in, People. Simply tell the world what you are most grateful for (in a tweet, a blog post, or at a Gratitude Gathering in your home/city) and if you can afford to DONATE IN IN HONOR OF THAT.
I’ve chose to participate in a simple and personal way.
I joined their cause, plan to blog my gratitude on 11.24 and link back to their site (they’re trying to get as many gratitude posts/links as possible on that day).
I, personally, feel called to leave my domicile SHOCKING I KNOW attend a gathering (look here for one in your city).
If I didnt I think I would have made a traditional donation to a charity of my choice.
That, however, isnt what this is about.
It’s about being grateful.
Being thankful.
And, in my opinion, always walking around with an eye to what act (no matter how seemingly small) we might do to make another person’s life a little easier.
It’s about this:
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Join me? It’s really pretty easy–just be grateful on the 24th.
Cool. I’m in! Thank you for telling us about it. I love that Emerson quote. My mom had a poster of it in our downstairs bathroom and it is still one of my faves!
That sounds awesome. Thank so much for bringing this to your attention. Can you bring it up again next week>
Love it! Some friends and I were recently talking about the subject of being thankful for what he have and helping others when we can.
You know all the cool stuff 🙂
Tweetsgiving? Helpers High? Im in!!!
I also challenge people to be thankful in a time when they feel there is absolutely nothing going for them to be thankful for. Find the silver lining in your situation!
I like that your theme lately (ok yesterday and today) is gratitude.
LIke Yum Yucky said I needed the reminder that I have much to be grateful for even when my days seem to suck 🙂
Sometimes I feel guilty for having so very much to be thankful for. I’m truly living a blessed life.
A reminder for folks that many food banks are struggling with the increase in need and decrease in contributions. They could use our help.
This is why you are the Mayor of Blogville 🙂
Id never even hear of this.
off to see if there is a get together where I live.
Thanks Miz.!
Such a neat idea. Too bad there aren’t any get-togethers in Canada!
I kind of like that Thanksgiving is at different times in Canada and the USA- I’m reminded to be thankful in early October, and then all this talk of American Thanksgiving further supports the thankfulness so that it’s strong in my mind throughout November, too. It’s all about the gratitude.
Count me in, my post on the 24th will talk about some things I am thankful for.
SO grateful for your post!!! As the founder of TweetsGiving, I’m so thankful for your help spreading the word. I can’t wait to take the world by storm with an overwhelming wave of gratitude. Even if your readers don’t live near an existing TweetsGiving event, I hope you’ll all join us by spreading gratitude online beginning at NOON EST on November 24th – check out http://bit.ly/TGonline for more details.
If you want to better understand the gratitude from which all this originated, hope you’ll check out my post at http://epicchangeblog.org/2009/11/06/in-gratitude-for-hope-restored/
Thanks SO MUCH!!!
Founder, TweetsGiving & Epic Change
Thanks for mentioning this. I am always grateful and thankful though having a target and cause sometimes makes it more conscious. I am grateful for friends too!
Love this! I best do my post for this now in draft form so I have it done & don’t forget to do this! My memory.. glad I have some of it but I do forget a lot too! 🙂
THX MIZ! Awesome!
Great idea–Thanks for pointing this out!
Love the reminder to be grateful! Will have to check this out now that you’ve dragged my technophobe butt over to twitter.
That is a great idea…:)
Great idea -why didn’t I know about this on my own? (sigh)..
I’ll join you. The idea of the helper high- I know that one so well.
I am pretending to laugh but am more afraid: what would I do without you to keep me informed.
Don’t ever go anywhere Id be entirely lost! 🙂
Very nice idea – not a tweeter, but a blogger I be (yar) – so I will participate in that manner!
Love that Emmerson quote! Please remind me about the 24th – I need a lot of reminding these days… 🙂
I love this. I am grateful for every thing that I have and love giving back. Feels better than getting.
As my 3 yo calls it, “I can’t wait for Thanks For Giving.”;)
And I love Jody’s idea of doing the post now b/c I will not remember. :o)
Thanks for the heads up! What a great, great idea.
Love this idea. I recently read a blog post on the practice of gratitude, suggesting that when you reflect on what you are grateful for, also recognize what YOUR role was in making it come about.
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As much time as I’ve spent whining lately about the little things, I have so much to be thankful for, and I’ll be joining ya. At least with the sharing what I’m grateful for part and linking back. 🙂
Thanks so much for getting involved, Miz! This campaign is definitely an important one and I’m so glad you are spreading the word 🙂
What a great idea. I was planning a gratitude post any way so this fits perfectly with it. I will gladly be a part of it and link away!
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