Before I give her some link love I have to say how freakin AWED I am by all that Jen does in a day.
She works, she’s a sistergirlfriendsdaugherAMAZINGfriend, she blogs, she stays healthy, she LIVES life fully—-and she never, ever snaps at me when I text her the same questions over & over because Ive forgotten her answer.
Now the eCookbook.
I’m honored to be a contributor (you can thank me later. I did not contribute recipes & did MizFit Moments, tips for working out while cooking, instead) & LOVE that it’s a charitable venture as well.
what are you waiting for?
that’s my whole post.
why arent you clicking through?!
Were you waiting for this?
Very nice! I can’t wait to get my ecookbook and read your contributions.
You done good!
I love Prior Fat Girl!!
Yay! What a great project.
Jen really did a great job! Hope it’s a HIT! 🙂
Make my recipe! -Italian Wedding soup! It’s delicious! 🙂
PS I tried the Shirataki Noodles- and washed them several times. Still didn’t care for the smell and couldn’t get past the texture. Blahhh lol
WOW! That is one impressive chick!
I don’t read Jen’s blog regularly but the times that I have clicked on over, she seems totally awesome. Love the ecookbooks! And obviously if it’s got the MizFit Seal of Approval then there’s just no questions about its goodness 😀
ow! How fun- totally checking it out!
You are involved in such cool stuff Miz.
I agree…JEN ROCKS! Thanks for putting together such an amazing cookbook! Got my copy last night!
Congrats to all.. I will have to click over there! I am not a cook.. are there 5 ingredient meals!!!! 🙂
Hmm… I read blogs on a similar topic, but i never visited your blog. I added it to favorites and i’ll be your constant reader.
I love it! HEALTHY recipes + charitable donation = awesome! Gonna go check it out right now.
I love you two and am excited you are doing more stuff together!
oh yay!
This is awesome!!!
i use a mechanical treadmill at home and it seems adquate for basic exercise,,`
i prefer to use mechanical treadmills over electric treadmills~~;