Subtitle: Because really, People, who doesn’t need some extra tips for their arsenal this time of year.
- Find a partner(s). If you missed the boat on this round of MizFit Motivational Match-Ups just take a few minutes, identify the supporters in your life, & ask them if they’d mind helping you stay on track during the holiday season. Have extra cash? Hire a personal trainer accountability partner for a few sessions. Nothing sparks gym-motivation like knowing someone is waiting for you …and taking your money whether you show or not!
- Blog about it. If youre reading this chances are there’s no need to tell you this one. Nothing sparks motivation more than sharing your goals with the entire healthy living community. Not a blogger? Consider launching one *just* for the holiday season! Heck, you can password the blog if you’d like or not even tell anyone you’ve launched it. The mere act of typing out & posting your goals may be motivation enough.
- Set new short term goals. Im not one to suggest attempting anything other than weight *maintaining* during this season, however, that doesnt mean we need to roll 100% GOAL FREE! Try setting challenges which have nothing to do with the SCALE yet everything to do with FITNESS. Devise your own pushup challenge. Set a goal of walking your own personal 5k one weekend. Make the focus on increasing your fitness level before 2010 and not on changing the number on the scale.
- Always have an exercise plan B. Dont let “Im not in the mood for XYZ workout” even qualify as an excuse. When planning your workouts for the week create a few back-up plans in case time or your motivation threatens to derail your exercise time. Snag a few workout DVDS, record a couple of workout TV shows, buy a jumprope or hula hoop at the Dollar Store. Always set yourself up for success & roll with a Plan B.
- Think outside the box. Keep your workouts FUN, ALWAYS CHANGING, & ENJOYABLE.
- Just start! It’s trite but very true that if we begin a workout (even if we decide from the start we’re “allowed” to stop) we typically tend to finish it. As fellow tribe-member Woody Allen said: 80% of success is showing up. Make showing up a non-negotiable.
- Set up a reward system. Another well-worn piece of motivation advice yet one which I frequently see people NOT doing. Make today the day you create a thorough longass list of things YOU find rewarding from the free to the costly. I carry my list like this with me *everywhere* & use it frequently as an Im stressed what would feel like a reward yet NOT contain sugar? reference.
And speaking of rewards.
Today I have a treat for one of us which would make the perfect reward to a workoutweek completed to perfection.
A spa-themed giveaway from Stonyfield which includes 4 coupons for free containers of Oikos organic Greek yogurt, a reusable Oikos tote bag, and the “Take- 5” Anti-Stress spa kit from Earth Therapeutics (a loofah massage sponge, Anti-Stress massage soap, a body brush, Anti-Stress massage lotion and a soothing gel eye mask).
You may be entered to win this fab treat for the low low price of a comment below.
What’s your best tip for sustaining workout motivation when life grows hectic?
Please to hit us *all* up in the comments.
USA ONLY. Winner announced TOMORROW
get outside. I LOVE hiking, going for walks. Also, sign up for a race. Even if you have to walk it..who cares..push yourself.
You mentioned once before about the Plan B and it is KEY for me now.
I used to drive to the gym, see that all the treadmills were filled and drive home.
No joke.
I always add in something new around the holidays to make me look forward to exercise.
Last year I added in a hip hop cardio class which was awesome.
That video of you juggling for fitness is too funny but does it work?
I like that you separate doom from destiny. There is something to be said on difficult to account pro the estimation that we can again fail to fulfill our destiny.
I worked out really hard the other day. Then I “rewarded” myself with 7 large cookies the next day. This is a true story. And I’m a idiot.
Love this post! You’ve given me an idea to keep me motivated!
I missed the match up things but have conned my wife into exercising with me.
The benefits are better I think 🙂
I can not remeber where I read it but someone in the blog world lost weight o ver Thanksgiving and said he did it by maintaining his exercise.
That’s my tip.
No matter what you eat keep working out 🙂
I need a big plan B, Treadmill has a problem!
just checking in from birthday cake for breakfast land (her not me. for now anyway) and then off to the gym to LIFT after a long family visiting hiatus.
I always have exercise DVD at home in case it snows too much and I can’t get out to the gym!
my new motivation? Is working on no longer seeing myself as a f@+ person who gets to do whatever she pleases. I have been unconsciously keeping my old mentality whilst trying to lose weight and get healthy. My OLD self skips workouts and eats badly because that’s what she expects f@+ people to do. And then she gets frustrated when there are no results on the scale or she looks like a stuffed sausage in her work clothes. Then she eats more because that’s what emotional eaters do.
The ME i’m working on starting yesterday, is really envisioning herself as that healthy person, who is accountable.
Until I get the hang of this new task at hand, no diet plan or workout in the world will help me.
Banish the fear! When I first started exercising I was afraid I couldn’t do it. But I could!
I just know that my workout is “my” time and may be the only time I have to myself all day. I’m going to be selfish and take that time!! I also know I will feel better and be far more productive if I get a workout in. It also helps any holiday stress…
Thanks for bringing up the word ‘motivation’ with the word ‘spa(z)’ — I get it!
As another fellow tribemember I’m hoping for fitness gifts this Hanukkah since its so early.
That will motivate me!
I tried a spinning class yesterday and it kicked my tush, but what a great workout! Loved it! I’m curious as to what is on your rewards list. My best tip for motivation is to find your focus and remember who it is you want to be.
I tell myself there’s no rush, all I have to do is put on my workout clothes and spend ten minutes listening to my ipod. No target heart rate, no pressure. I always end up doing a full workout, every time.
I don’t think I would have accomplished what I’ve done so far w/o my blog. The whole read (or at least my handful of readers) are my accountability partners, WooT to them.
I suck at giving tips, but I think the best I could probably think of is to think about how good you feel after your workout, and that w/ the little endorphin kick all the hectic bs will seem alot less stressful and more managable (to an extent, anyway).
whole world, not “whole read”. Proofreading FAIL 🙁
Such fab tips!!!! All of them great! I do a lot of them but I am all about planning ahead! I already know my gyms hours through the New Year’s holiday so if I need to change things up, I can plan for it. I plan ahead for gatherings & parties or just busy days. I bring food when need be like these trips I have been taking to UCLA for my teeth. I do set goals even during the holiday season & one is : SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! Even if I am busy, I find a way to fit my exercise in as it really is a stress relief for me. I am so focused in the gym that all other craziness disappears.
And, by the way, man do I need that eye mask.. this old age is attacking my eyes!!! 🙂
PS: Love what you would do with the tote bag on my giveaway post today! You, me & Charlotte all having giveaways today! Yahoo!
I keep motivated sometimes by not allowing myself to do one thing if i don’t do another. In the morning, I can’t have a cup of decaf. coffee UNTIL I drink a full water bottle. Sometimes I can’t water TV, until I do 30minutes cardio!
Do what works for you
I take the kids to the child watch. So I can have an hour kid free time….plus I get to take a shower without a 2 year old banging on my door!
That is all the motivation I need=)
but katie can’t we deem it CARDIO when the child bangs on shower door, scares the crap out of us & elevates our heart rate to a mindblowinglevel?
We do up in herre anyway…
Great tips, Miz!
I have nothing to add.
My motivational partner was away for most of last week. I need her to kick my butt today.
The best way for me to get my butt to the gym is by dragging my husband along with me. That way I don’t wimp out and stay home with him (and eat and eat and eat). When we make workout goals together we hold each other accountable.
Great tips, blogging keeps me accountable!
Staying motivated:
I go back and read my previous posts about how accomplished/great I feel about certain workouts (like a recent 6 mile run). Being able to read my words and see how happy I looked in the pictures reminds me how great I felt and makes me want to keep it up!
What works for me…. signing up for races and having a goal, going to classes (as my fellow class members call me out when I don’t show) and blogging.
I always make exercising have a little personal reward in it as well! I always make a playlist with my all time favorite songs, and some new ones i’ve been dying to learn the words to! And I promise myself to only listen to those songs/that playlist when I run. It gives me a motivation to workout because it’s the only chance I can truly enjoy and immerse myself in the music! It’s awesome, and makes the run more fun 🙂
Hi there. Remember me?
I love Oikos…my fave Greek!
I’m no motivation expert, but I agree with the small goals. It’s too hard to realize where you have been and where you have arrived if you don’t reevaluate often. I also think too many people think “exercise” means cardio classes, gym memberships. Any movement = exercise. Finding something you enjoy, be it walking, biking, skating, hiking, means you are more likely to stick with it.
My best workout tip? Start up a brand new challenge, of course! Hence the 31-day 200 Reps Challenge I’m kicking off TODAY- just for the holiday season. This post of yours was very timely!
My one tried and true tip is that I negotiate a specific time frame with myself. I’ll say: “Just do it for 10 minutes, if you feel like stopping then you can and be done with it.” If it’s running, I still have to get back home (after all I’m 10 minutes away) so I actually get a 20 minute workout. Works 99.9% of the time because after 10 minutes I’m warmed up and think that I could stand another 10 and another, etc. etc.
Funny – I use exercise as my stress reliever. As a first year law student, I need anything to relieve a little stress. I allow myself 60 minutes a few times a week to step away from the books and take time for myself. It keeps me sane.
great tips! i do the time frame thing too. “just run for 15 minutes and then you can stop” and usually i’m like well it’s only like 15 or 25 minutes more, you can do it 🙂
A definite support/accoutability system. I found the #mamavation team. am part of it and LOVE it and IRL I now ahve an exercise partner.
I ran for the first time yesterday since a kid…not long mind you…but I…me…I ran! It is working and I love it!
To stay motivated, I tell myself to just go to the gym for 20 minutes, and I can do whatever I feel like while I’m there. Doesn’t matter if I’m due for a weight training session, or if it’s been ages since I last ran; I’m allowed to do whatever I want.
My biggest motivators are tracking my exercise (nothing elaborate, s a simple note on my calendar) and issuing myself silly personal challenges such as the Elliptical 5k or the 4×3 Medley (15 minutes each: elliptical, bicycle, stair climber, and weights.) I have also been known to imagine that my workout is being broadcast to the world at large. What can I say? I have an active mind and am easily entertained. 🙂
My number one motivator is scheduling my workouts just like I do work, sleep, eating, etc. I look at my schedule at the beginning of the week and map out 4 – 6 workouts depending on how hectic it is, and having it scheduled makes me stick to it!
thanks for this post! i needed this today, since i have no motivation whatsoever! 🙂
I schedule my workouts in my planner. And I treat them like appointments I can’t miss. No excuses. If something comes up, I have to reschedule. I usually work out on Saturday mornings with hubby while the toddler is in the child care at our gym. Last Saturday I had my annual “holiday breakfast” with one of my friends (I have several of these coming up). I rescheduled my workout to before the breakfast and was at the gym by 7:00 a.m.
Oh, and I saw that it was the Tornado’s birthday a few days ago, but I didn’t have a chance to comment. Happy Belated Birthday, Tornado! And happy memories of such a special day to you, MizFit! 🙂
Please sign me up for the giveaway. I could use a spa treatment. 🙂
My best motivation is looking at a picture of myself. I want to change things. I also keep a Backpacking magazine by my bed and look through it and all of the places I want to hike but could not do it in the shape I’m in so I am motivated to work out.
My best motivation is my husband. I want to live a long life with him. Not just live it but out there and experiencing life. No aches. No pains. No pills.
Really my best motivation is scheduling a definite time to exercise. If I have my clothes laid out and my alarm going off early, I have no excuse!
I’m trying to see what it’s like to drastically decrease my sugar intake this week. Any rewards you could list that don’t include sugar would be much appreciated! My motivation for working out (which I just started doing again) is the feeling afterward. There is nothing like the feeling of your body getting stronger!!!
music! if i know i’m gonna be jammin out to tunes on my ipod during a run or dancing to a workout dvd, i get pumped to work out.
I was tired of forcing myself to the gym after work and/or making excuses not to workout in the evening all together. I finally had enough of this self-imposed struggle for motivation and started working out in the mornings, before work and before I had enough time to think of any excuses (because there are none at 5 am, really). Probably doesn’t sound like the most motivating approach, but it’s been great. Knowing that I’ll be starting my day fresh and strong is a great feeling. And having my evenings free keeps me motivated enough to stick with it nearly every day.
So I guess my tip would be to take a look at your schedule and be realistic in choosing a time where you can fit in a good workout just about every day. It can be done, especially if you stop looking for short cuts and just push through it. If you still need motivation, how about being healthy, feeling strong and looking awesome? Pretty motivating stuff right there.
To keep motivated in the workout department when I see my motivation dropping I place pictures of myself from my heaviest weight all over the house (on the fridge, the mirror in the bathroom, on the coffee table, on my bike, etc.) Seeing those a couple times gets me to get to my workout and the one of the bike gets me riding hard again. I also do the well I will just start with 10 mins and if after the 10 mins I feel like stopping I will….which by the time I got 10 mins in I feel like doing more since I’m already going.
My newfound motivation – remembering the legacy you want to leave behind. I want to be my daughter’s role model..not the lazy woman who sits in front of the tv for hours.
I wear a bracelet I found geo-caching…the beads are black and it has a sexy little red dress pendant hanging from it with the neck straps molded in to a heart shape. I feel it & I see it and it constantly reminds (nags) me to “get out there” and just do something-anything… to stir the “pond.”
All my friends work so I have to rely on myself…or this blog for motivation!! Thanks MizFit!!
The rain has stopped so I’m taking my bike out today!
hummm my best tip for sustaining workout motivation when life grows hectic? Get away…leave your cell phone at home and just get out. Take a walk, hike or bike ride. I love breathing the fresh air and taking my mind off of whatever craziness I have going on. 🙂
When I’m feeling unmotivated, I try to challenge myself. Even just seeing little gold stars on a calendar for the days I work out is sometimes enough to get me out of bed in the morning! Just telling yourself that you are worth it gets you going!
What a fantastic post!!!! WOWOWOW! I so needed to read this … as I’ve totally been struggling! Now is the time to make that change!!!
My best tip would be to do the things you LOVE! Mine previously had been workout tapes/dvds at home. I lost my first 50’ish lbs that way. Then I started going to the gym and though I LOVED it… I somehow stopped going. NOW, I’m going back to that original love to work my way back to the gym!!!! 🙂
When I lack motivation, I always think of how far I’ve come, and how crappy it’d be to backtrack in my successes.
Love Oikos! So good, it’s always hard for me to realize that it’s not bad for me. 😉
My best tip?
Do something you like. Don’t deprive yourself. And think of exercise or working out like taking a vitamin, or making your bed, or goin to work. It’s not always something we LIKE to do, but it’s usually something we HAVE to do.
Great post – between you and Diane (Fit to the Finish) I am totally motivated!!! Love your “just start” and “set new short term goals” – hmmm…I feel a post brewing about this!
As for sustaining motivation, I remind myself that at most, including drive time, it’s only 75 minutes out of my day – but the benefits of those 75 minutes last way beyond the initial time investment. So worth it!!!
Love the “Just Start” suggestion. It’s so true… if I just start I usually always end up finishing. All great suggestions here!
I MAKE myself make time for it. If it’s built into my schedule already then I don’t have to worry about fitting it in between something else. And I make it non-negotiable by making myself do it as soon as possible after work. The longer I have to talk myself out of it, the harder it is to make myself do it.
AND I find something I truly love to do. I used to hate running, but after training for a half marathon last spring I fell in love with it. 3 miles is a great escape for me from the hectic world. I LOVE the me time!!
Ready for a superficial one? Cute workout clothes. I love clothes, so why wouldn’t I want my gym wardrobe to rock? Love slipping on cute gym clothes.
Damn. I’m shallow.
I convince myself I am worth it to make the time for myself to fit exercise into life. Sometimes we get so stressed and busy we forget to include the one thing that makes us feel better.
I find seeking out fun a great motivator this time of year. Anything that will make me laugh or giggle while I work out will do it.
And, barring that, I beg and plead for people to workout with me. (so yeah- the find a partner).
In reality I find such great focus AFTER I workout that I don’t have much of a problem motivating myself to do so.
Don’t enter me in your give away- can’t use the yogurt.
really, having a toddler pretty much assures you are gonna be moving. That aside if I need to skip a workout I just hit the laundry and do some housework. Nothing gets you sweating faster than mopping and also a round of piggy back rides to up the hr!
(some days I do both!)
Please please please let me win. I’ve always wanted to try a Greek yogurt bath!
I am SO GLAD you posted this today! I was just talking to a friend about workout motivation yesterday and how this time of year is the WORST for getting motivated to do anything other than eat cookies and watch holiday specials on TV.
So my workout motivation isn’t exactly motivation its tricking myself.
I make myself a deal. I tell myself that I have to get dressed and walk into the gym. If, when I get there, I don’t want to work out I can go home-guilt free and continue eating cookies.
It works EVERYTIME. Once I walk in and see everyone else breaking a sweat, I want to join them. Even if I only end up working out for 20 minutes, it is better than the zero minutes I would have done otherwise.
The other deal I make with myself is that if I don’t want to go workout, I have to clean the house. Cleaning the house from top to bottom not only burns a ton of calories (since it usually takes awhile) but it is almost always less appealing than going to the gym! 🙂
Staying motivated is hard this time of year; there are far too many goodies & parties that try to pull us away from our goals. I think that if we work to maintain status quo we will not set ourselves up for failure.
I know that sometimes it is hard to get out the door for a workout; but I also know that I never regret it once I am on my way!
I find that having goals helps me stay on track; right now I am doing the 100 push-up and 200 sit-up challenges, I am also running in the Las Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon December 6th.
I also keep in mind how GREAT I feel after I have gotten in a workout!
Love your ramblings in Jens cookbook. I wish I had gotten in on the motivational matchup but didn’t see it in time.( I’m new) However I am glad to say have jumped into the healthy bandwagon and motivation is just what I need!!
Thanks for the tips
DAMN you guys are pretty creativeawesome & not just doing the “Ill yammer a bit to get entered” comment 🙂
I appreciate it….and am filing all these away too.
I have to agree with #33 – I say just for 10 m inutes and then another 10 and then before you know it I’ve reached my goal of 40-45 minutes. But that is when I actually get to the gym – its the getting there that is so hard for me. Its old here in Boston now and bundling up is not much fun. So I’ve started wearing jeans/pants that are a bit snug to remind me why I need to work out and watch what I eat – then instead of feeling crappy about clothes are tight I feel inspired by them.
I needed this today: I’ve been floundering. I’m totally bookmarking this post.
Thanks, everybody!
baby steps!!! if you want to lose weight and keep it off remember that it won’t happen right away.. but it will happen! that’s what i keep telling myself in order to stay motivated!
Oh! But no entry for me; I’m a dairy-free girl. 😉
I think the ‘thinking outside the box’ aspect is key. So many people think working out means ‘going to the gym’ or ‘running’ which makes them cringe. Even gardening can be working out! It’s so easy to incorporate fitness into your life in a small way.
I have realized that I’m a 5 year old. My best motivator?
Gold star stickers on a calendar.
No joke, there’s nothing more rewarding than being able to take another star on the wall. And when I can’t? It makes me aware that I GOTTA tomorrow! I even grade the stars different colors for different levels of exercise with Gold being the ultimate and red being the “warning! This barely qualifies as exercise!”
i think about all the wonderful strength and glow i get after the workout! it’s so refreshing
For me it’s the scheduling of the time. If I save that time to work out, I’ll use it. Maybe change what type of workout, but it’ll be something.
My best tip is to write down your goals and place them somewhere you can see them – just a few small goals!
Also, I just noticed from your bio on fitbloggin that you have competed before. Do you still? I compete also. 🙂
I have had good success with the “just start” tip. If I just get moving, be it walking, running, weights, a video, I will end up working out for 45 minutes. So I quit listening to my reasons for not wanting to do it, and I “just start.”
Such a timely post. My motivation was seriously lacking for my morning workout. I promised myself a stress-free night of reading on the couch if I finished my workout. I did, and am SO looking forward to my book! Another thing I do is bring a book to read on the boring cardio machines when I don’t want to workout. I know they say you get a less intense workout, but it is better than nothing!
I go on walks with friends, or rent new fitness DVDs at the library to spice things up! Then I can preview new ones before I decide to buy them. 🙂
I would love to win this giveaway!
Just to say I agree with blogs…blogging holds “your feet to the fire.” In blogging, you hold yourself accountable for the things you say and then you end up doing them. We are so use to “cheap talk” but when you see results because of your workouts, you can be encouraged, and when you blog, well, that’s a new level. My blog has helped me formulate new ideas, and put discipline into my life.
Thanks for letting me share:
Good question today:
I have to pull all of the strings this time of year so I am going with the personal trainer.
Don’t know why but winter always equals poor motivation for me.
Love the list 🙂
I’ve been working the #chainmovement!
Basically the idea came to me when I was thinking about how as a kid we would always make those red/green chains out of construction paper to count down to Christmas (oh so unPC now). Anyhow, the act of removing a chain — counting down was FUN!
So, I thought why not do it in reverse. ADD a chain link for everyday I get my butt moving, and then if I miss a day, I have to start over. It plays on my OCD and not wanting to wreck the chain once it gets going. The thought alone of starting over after I already have 10 links will get me in the gym. And the requirements for “moving” can be all your own. For me its 20-30 minutes of elevated heart rate.
So far i have 14 days in a row as I haven’t gotten moving yet today!
If you want to join me, use #chainmovement on twitter 🙂
I’ve found my bootcamp class to be incredibly motivating. We have a great, small group and wonderful instructor. The people and sense of accountability are the only way I can drag my butt out of bed at 4:30 in the morning! Also, I have finally reached the point where a 3 mile run is easy for me – never been to that point before and don’t want to lose it!
Thanks for a great post. I’ve always wanted to start a blog about my weight loss and fitness journey but I’m a terrible writer and embarrassed to have anyone see what I write. I never thought about keeping it just for myself and not even launching it to the public!
What’s worked for me lately is clearing my head before and during a workout. This time of year is really bad as far as stress levels are concerned. I can’t let it keep me from my workouts though. I’ve found if I isolate myself from my family for an hour while I workout and clear my head, we are all happier!
What do you do on days when you can’t get in a workout at your usual time? Like this morning, I slept in, and now I am DREADING my run. I will still do it, but I won’t do it happily. How do I make myself HAPPY to run later?!?
P.S. Obviously my best tip is to do it first thing in the morning so it is as natural and necessary as brushing your teeth or blowing out your hair.
Thinking of how awesome and strong I’ll feel afterwards (plus the warm, muscle-melting shower) always helps push me in the direction of a workout!
Thanks for the great tips!
This: “Im stressed what would feel like a reward yet NOT contain sugar?” is going to be my new holiday motto. Heck, I might just get it tattooed backwards on my forehead so I can read it every time I look in the mirror.
My exercise or workout every morning is my ticket to the rest of the day. I live in the north country (Vermont) and my surviving the long, dark, cold winters is to get outside everyday. Once I’m out there there’s no standing around if I don’t want to freeze my a_ _ off. Might as well get moving. Tracking my food intake on Spark has been a great motivator to keeping me accountable. Yes! those clothes stashed way in the back of my closet feel like a whole new wardrobe, just when I thought I had nothing to wear.
Didn’t have time to read all the comments, but the doggies staring at me AND the promise that they will be worn-out and quiet for the evening is always a good motivator for me!
We’ve all heard it, but it is really true just getting my butt to the gym is the hardest part. Once I start moving it is easy to push myself, it is the starting part that can be challenging. So I try to just get out the door.
I like to try to make exercise fun. When life is hectic, nobody wants to add on a miserable workout. Any way to get myself moving is good for me!
Schedule it into my calendar. Every week I sit down and write out my weekly calendar and I ALWAYS schedule fitness in there. (I highlight it in green so I can tell I am getting enough workouts in that week. Work stuff is blue, social things are pink, btw.) I make sure there are cardio 2-3 days, yoga at least one day and 2-3 sessions of resistance training/interval.
I’m definitely going to start blogging more about my exercise than I have been. I find that this time of year gets so crazy that I have to constantly remind myself that exercise helps me relax. And I’ll ALWAYS feel worse if I don’t go to the gym.
You are so right that blogging is a big help. I feel like I have to get to the gym and accomplish my workouts when I post about them.
Also when I know my PT is waiting for me I am more motivated to go and push between sessions.
I promise myself that I can leave the gym/class/turn the bike around/walk right back home after 15 minutes if I just don’t get into it once I’m there. After all, what’s 15 minutes? I’ve used this trick LOTS of times, and I’ve never once taken myself up on the offer. Once I start moving, I’m fine-the hard part is getting up off the sofa.
That ‘ripped’ dude’s photos on your sidebar are some prime motivation …. :-O
I will often imagine I am doing something else related to the exercise motion I’m doing. Instead of tricep curls, I’m skiiing down a mountain. I really tuck into the squat their, too, when I imagine I’m skiing. I imagine I’m ice skating sometimes. Again, I will use better form and more energy.
Sometimes I imagine I’m swimming and being chased by a shark …. nooooo, don’t wanna diiiiee!!!
Silly, yes. It works for me though.
I don’t have a tip. I just try and fit my workout in EARLY in the day, because the longer the day goes on, the less chance I will be able to find the time to work out. And if I do the workout early, I no longer have to have it nagging in the back of my mind.
What awesome motivational tips! I’d add: make sure you get outside on a nice day instead of sitting inside reading all your favorite blogs, but I tried that and feel like I totally missed out.
(Lovely day in the bay area though, gotta say.)
It might sound silly, but one of the most motivating things for me at this time of year is not wanting to put off going to the gym until the new year. Nothing wrong with starting a workout routine for the new year, but I don’t want to be one of the people who suddenly shows up in January after months away. So I drag my butt out to the gym on those cold December mornings, then I reward myself with a warm treat — coffee with special flavor or cinnamon honey in my oatmeal — when I get home.
I think when you said that just making little goals like maintaining over the holidays is a great idea. Because so many times people just give up around the holidays and just start at the new year…but it is a great idea to just maintain, because in the long run, you’d be happier with yourself!
All great tips! The biggest thing that keeps me going is knowing that my work outs have helped me lose 80 pounds and have made me feel so great. I plan on keeping this feeling so I just keep heading to the gym and working out. I LOVE it and truly miss it when I can’t get there.
This may be a little corny but my one year old keeps me motivated. I want to be the best mom I can be and to do that I need to be healthy and help her live a healthy lifestyle. Amazingly she loves things like almond butter, veggie burgers, and plain yogurt. She also rides along while I run. So not to be even cornier (is that a word?) but she’s my motivational partner. Awesome post especially around the holidays!
I remind myself that workout time is ME time, and a hectic life needs room for ME time.
These are such great tips!
What really helps me is planning specific times to workout and even what I will do for those workouts. My other tip is like #33: I also will set a minimum cardio goal for myself (usually something relatively low and seemingly easy like 25 minutes), and then when I get there I will tell myself, “Just 5 more minutes.” Then 5 more minutes comes and I’ll often do 5 more and 5 more after that!
My main motivation was to improve my health; when I saw the great results with blood glucose levels and other health indicators that get tested & tracked more frequently for me now, that has helped keep me going.
My other motivation (and reward!) is scheduling an athletic event each quarter; I really love participating in runs and triathlons, and training helps keep me on track, too.
Regarding motivation, though, I think a big “aha” for me was when I started reading fitness blogs: even the hard-core people aren’t always rarin’ to go work out, they just go and get ‘er done.
Others have mentioned items that work for me, too: classes at the gym, mixing things up a bit, having backup plans or breaking exercise into smaller chunks in the day, having all the clothes laid out/gym bag packed and ready the night before, “you only need to do 5 minutes…” turning into at least 30, getting it done in morning or at lunch. I save my music for when I am truly dragging, rather than using it during every run. Oh, and have to say I love the Cammy’s (#38) “4×3 Medley” idea, because I get SOOOOO bored running on a treadmill for my entire cardio session! I’ll have to try that one next time I’m at the gym.
My motivation is how good it makes me feel. I get so stressed this time of year, and a good,long run makes me feel so much better!
Exercise six or seven days a week and repeat. This is a surefire formula for exercise addiction and, once you get addicted, you’ll never want to skip the endorphins and release that a good cardio session brings.
Rewarding myself with things I wouldn’t get otherwise.
Nothing works better than committing to a new form of exercise for a month and having someone holding a stopwatch for everything you do!
When life is hectic is when I need to work out most! Even though I feel like I don’t have the time, I know that if I MAKE the time to exercise, I will be so much more productive. I just set my morning alarm a bit earlier in order to accommodate a workout. I also bring my workout clothes with me everywhere…if I get a sudden urge to exercise or I find myself with some extra time, I am totally prepared. I also keep a pair of running shoes and a yoga mat in my car at all times. Yea for endorphins!
To accomplish my morning workouts, I have two connected strengths: routine and preparation! I prepare everything I need to work out the night before, and I do this every single night, even on weekends. Then, every morning, I roll out of bed and work out. I don’t think about it, I just do it! Otherwise it would never get done, because I’m not a big fan of exercise!
Thanks for the motivation. It really does wonders for your fitness. My personal trainer from Carlsbad also advises to accomodate a workout plan everyday. Just the right amount of motivation i need. Thanks guys!
I am actually currently looking for a buddy who would run with me say, thrice a week. We can listen to music, sing or chat while running. What could be more fun than that? Your list is helpful. 🙂
– Kaith
I always try to have varied workouts to keep me interested… and I don’t really plan which workout I’m going to do, just that I’m going to do something. That way, when I get to that day, I can see what I’m in the mood for.
I’m taking dance classes right now twice a week which is at the local community college, and so there’s attendance and grading which makes it easier to get myself there even if I don’t feel like it! Of course, once I’m 5 minutes in I’m not thinking about anything but focusing on the moves, so that helps! My class ends on 12/16 and doesn’t start back up until the end of January, so I have a full month to fill! I got some DVDs (pilates, yoga and yoga booty ballet which goes well with the dance training), I can always do my regular dance class workout as it’s now ingrained into my brain and it’s about 45-50 minutes. My kids and I made hula hoops (the big adult kind) and we’re doing that for a fun workout on the weekends– great for the core!! And if all else fails, I pull out my weights and do a weight and pushup workout while I’m watching TV or a movie…
And lets not forget walking the dog!
I figure if I do a different thing each day I’m working out, it’s really hard to get bored, and I can always find “something” that I’m willing to do…
Since June I have been committed to doing some form of exercise daiily. I just tell myself that I have to do it. I guess Nike was on to something with its “just do it” campaign.
Great post this will really help me.
Im no expert, but I feel you just designed an exceptionally beneficial stage point. You obviously know what youre talking about, and I can truly get behind that. Thanks for getting so upfront and so honest.
Perfect write-up, I’m a large believer in commenting on blogs and forums to assist the web log authors realize that they’ve added a little something of value to your web!
I have only one tip. What about having fun? Exercise should be fun. If it isn’t, try a different kind of activity that you enjoy.
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