I struggled with what to post today as, even though we dont celebrate Christmas, it does feel like a day of “meaning” for me none the less.
I was headed down the MizFit’s Muzings on Faith path until I realized I have enough serious in my life right now and merely needed some laughs.
And the Blogger Virtual Talent Show was born (if by “born” you mean I decided I was doing it & tweeted the aforementioned decision—-which I d0).
AND, since my posts are all set to run at 2a-ish central time, all of ya’ll still have time to join me.
Take a pic of yer little known skill.
Write about the uber-talent we, your faithful readers, have no clue you possess.
Shoot a ridonkulous video (see below) which if nothing else makes YOU GIGGLE & lessens your stress-load.
Quite frankly even when I made the suggestion I had nary a skill/talent in mind.
I possess one “really? you do that? I didnt think you the type!” talent and, since Ive already serenaded you with my mad clarinet playing skillz, the only talent which remained is captured below.
Please to enjoy.
And yeah.
The Sidekick had to get into the act as well.
Please to enjoy her talent, too.
Oh, but before I let ye scamper off & take on your day, I have a little tidbit to share.
A heads-up about some upcoming MizFit’citement you definitely will not wanna miss (she types mired in some bigass blogger pridefulness).
New Years Day.
Me & another healthy living expert.
The early birds getteth the proverbial gummie worm.
Cue music fraught with suspense.
Edited to say if you shot a video and wanna share it please to upload HERE (you can also check out any uploaded videos at that link as well).
lmao, I love it! I have been so long without internet access it feels good to be back checking in. Thanks so much!
I think this was a great idea and I am just LOVING it. And you, MizFit – YOU! A wonderful gift to me this year.
BTW, my own Tornado? Well, yesterday she played with knives AND took my curling iron out of the closet, plugged it in the wall, set it down, and I came out to find it scorching the carpet. She, too, is talented. But I didn’t capture it on video for obvious reasons – those reasons being my coming completely unglued.
You really are gifted and what a gift you’ve been in my life this year! Thanks for sharing your mad skills with us!
I look forward to finding out what’s in store for us…I mean YOU in January!
I didn’t do a video yet but still plan to!
I can’t believe how many people joined in your craziness, Miz.
Oh, and I’ve marked my calendar for NYDay 🙂
I love your talent. I’m super jealous at yoga when the instructor just shows off prior to class. And the Tornado’s talent is awesome. How did she not fall over.
Check out my cool Simpson skills over at my blog 🙂
I am amazed at your talent, Woman!!!!
How long did it take you to be able to do this?
Thanks for organizing this too. I liked seeing people’s posts and videos and loved laughing at all the silly tweets back and forth between people.
Happy holidays
That is so cool!! I want to try your talent. But I think I need some bigger mats first. And cushier ones. I’m thinking toppling over onto hardwood floors the first 86 times might not be such a good idea.
Carla, great talent show!! Next year I am going to be on video – for sure!
But, check out my post – http://www.jeninreallife.com/2009/12/23/a-talent-worthy-of-a-bookworm/ ~~ even a sill bookworm has talent! HA!
Love to you & your family EVERY day!
Damn there are lots of videos there!!
Now I want to see you do the Tornados talent and she do yours 😉
Amazing talent you got there Miz!!!! Loved Tornado too! You guys are very very talented! 🙂
I have a post over at my site too!
OK, New Years.. I am very curious now! Don’t forget the early bird is a bit later on the West coast! 🙂
Have a wonderful one!
I love all the videos! And wish I had a hidden talent to share….. sigh.
Thanks for the entertainment, Carla!
You and Tornado are born naturals!
Just submitted a video that is hardly appropriate during this cheery season, but it’s what I do. 🙂
Is T running around a little red Christmas tree??
Today’s talent? Cleaning up barf! Yay! I’m so lucky.
Posting mine in just a second (it’s a pic not a video so I can’t upload it, right?). Thanks again for the idea, what fun!
If I can find the cord for my camera, I will post a pic of my newest talent – balancing my bellydance sword on my head. If not, you may just have to imagine the coolness. BWAHA!
Happy Holiday Mizfit 🙂
Okay – I posted a video on my blog of my non-talent.
(because I am too embarrassed to add it to the other videos….)
That is certainly a talent, as I would fall flat on my face if I did that. 🙂
Now that’s a talent.
I got nothin’.
This was/is a great idea, Miz. A way without food to bring everyone together. I just hope I have enough time to look at all the wondrous talent though there are so many out there it may take days. Maybe we could skip Christmas and just read blogs and view videos and commend each other.
Love to you and yours during this ‘holy day’ season. Come to California and I will cook you a meal.
Oh your Tornado is being a tornado! Or a circular table duster. Too cute. Off to see the others. 🙂
Are you whistling that same tune as in Kill Bill? lol!
Love this! Thank you for putting it together!
You are the best!
Merry Christmas! (anyway! 😉 )
Love this concept. BTW, does the Tornado teach that technique to teens? It could be worth millions.
I’ve been watching the videos as they come in and they’re so fun!
It’s great to see the faces and hear the voices behind some of my favorite blogs, too.
Great idea!
Off to transform myself from Cranky Health Blogger to Cheerful Christmas Celebrator– will be back to Cranky by Dec 26.
Thanks again for a great talent show!
This was a cool idea. Who wants to blog health this time of year anyway? There’s lots of talent in your Bumbling Band.
No fair…there’s no way the adults can possibly compete with the cuteness of toddlers. That was the most entertaining rendition of the alphabet song I’ve ever heard!
As for the adults…this is a truly dizzying display of amazingness. The goat impersonation had me totally cracking up.
Now I see why you call her the tornado!
I’m in, sort of. 🙂 No time to even invent a talent, but I decided it was the spirit that counted: http://bit.ly/8Va8hn
I’m looking forward to checking out the madcap results of the more creative. Maybe tonight when it’s quiet again.
I don’t often comment, but I did want to say thank you so much for hte gift that your blog is to me and to the rest of this community on the web. You really are fun, funny and inpirational!
Have a fabulous holiday!
Love it! She is a tornado – and you with the headstand. That truly is a talent!
Happy Holidays!
Dang, you make that look so easy! That is true talent 🙂
A full lotus headstand WHILE whistling?? You are my hero:) My hero with loose hips! Thanks again for the idea – I had so much fun do my “talent” post that that in and of itself was one of the best gifts I’ve gotten this season! Thanks for doing what you do best: bringing people together!!
I am uploading it now, but have to warn you, my grandparents internet conection is s l o w… so it may be Christmas before it makes it on the site. 😉
Thank you for all you do Miss Carla. I enjoy reading your blogs, following your tweets and your friendship the past year. I am blessed to have met you!
Nice Headstand!
Here is my silly little talent. http://bit.ly/58OQyf
Dang…I am very impressed!!!
you are the BEST. ok, when you tweeted about the talent show, i was so excited..I have been trying to get a talent show going with my brownies & cub scouts and pffffft..nowhere. Once again, you have found a way to inspire and entertain! Omg, my daughter & I watched every video and loved it. We then got to work brainstorming. Yea..last minute lusy here. We’ll be good & ready next year. What a fanfrickintabulous idea!!!! The tornado was a highlight, we have some lap runners in the family too. So funny.Thanks , as always. Nice way to bring the Miz community together.
Happy Happy!
LOL, my daughter has the same talent as your daughter! Twinners!
GREAT IDEA!! I loved watching everyone’s talent. Maybe it should be an annual event?
I am in South Carolina but wished I brought my flip video camera to do a crazy video!!! Have a Happy New Year!!!
Imagine me wiggling my ears. It’s freakish. Never been captured on video but that’s what I would have put up if I wasnt’ lame.
Happy New Year!
Ha, love it! I’ve been practicing yoga for years and years but I still can’t do headstand unless I’m against the wall. Oh well…maybe someday.
BODA weight loss
ok I posted my video of myself showing off my cookies in a poor attempt at possibly finding a talent along the way, but instead my dog attacked me. all on video for your viewing pleasure! i guess my talent is being an idiot! hahahahah
That is way cool! I’m loving all the videos!