This weekend I will have been married to Ren. Man for 13 years (together for 16).
There are few things Im entirely certain of in my life, but one is we’d not still be together if I hadnt entered this union loving myself first.
If I can impart one thing to you today it is that.
Think it.
Write it.
Live it.
Please to share below why you love yourself right now.
Why, should you never change a hair on your head or the number on that horrible hunk of metal the scale, you would *still* adore the person you are today.
One commenter shall receive the I HEART Myself item of his/her choice from my lovely shop.
winner announced 1.11.10
entire universe eligible.
I have a wonderful, loud, no-holds-barred laugh. And I laugh really easily – it doesn’t take much to make me crack a smile. I once was told I’m “good for other people’s self esteem” because I laugh at their jokes even if they’re really dumb.
i love myself because while i have fought with myself, i have never, ever, given up on myself.
Oh… great post! Happy anniversary to you and your hubby; I love the pic of you and the Tornado, by the way!
I love myself because I work hard to bring joy into the lives of others; I know that I am making a difference on this big blue spinning ball!
Happy anniversary to you and your husband.
I love myself because I’m capable of empathy for others, I am a good and loving mommy, I am capable of achieving great things when I put my mind to it, and I have an interesting imagination.
Happy anniversary!
I love my laugh. I love that I’m growing more and more confident in my cooking. I love that my muscles ache from exercise. I love that I embrace change, even when I’m scared #$&*less. I love that I’m strong inside and getting stronger outside.
Awwwww! Yay! Happy Anniversary for this weekend! 🙂
I love myself because I can listen to music and not just appreciate it, but interact with it, extract things other people can’t hear, and impart some of myself into it even when it’s not mine.
Happy Anniversary! May you have many, many more wonderful years together!
I love myself because I’m not afraid to say what I think and I’ll make it known if I disagree. I love myself because I’m good at what I do, and others recognize it even though I don’t toot my own horn. I love myself because I’ve made so many positive changes in my health over the last 2 1/2 years.
I would totally have mocked the importance of this idea when I was younger, Miz.
You are right and not just in romantic relationships.
I needed to love myself before I could even be a good FRIEND.
And that’s why I love myself now—-I AM A GREAT FRIEND.
Happy anniversary!
I love that I’m corny. Corny-ness is runnin’ thru my veins! And I can laugh at the slightest funny thing, even if other people think it not so worthy of a chuckle.
Sometimes I laugh so hard I can’t breathe and I feel like I’m doing laughing-abs exercises. That is the best of all….
I’m going to keep on laughing. Even if others don’t get the joke.
(I’m not following directions :))
I love the picture and wonder if I could even walk around wearing that tee shirt or if I would need to tell everyone “Its kind of a joke” or somehting.
Sad huh?
Um, you have a SHOP??? (come on, payday, come on!)
I love myself because I never give up.
Happy Happy Happy anniversary. And I totally want to hang the picture of you and The Tornado on MY fridge because it’s that cute.
(stops shouting)
I need to buy bags of them 🙂 as I want to pass them out to random strangers.
Very cool, Mizzy.
I love myself because I am me and I’m all I have.
I love me because I am beautiful in the truest sense of the word (and it has taken a BLOODY long time to be able to say that and not cringe….)
THANKS for the kind wishes and for playing along at home.
I can not stress enough how, for me, the SELF LOVE came first and THEN I shed the el bees.
I KNOW that is the reason why it has been 16 years and I havent looked back.
Nan? I have a plethora of pins in my purse (ahh alliteration. I love ye) and pass them out to RANDOM people all the time purely to see their reactions.
methinks thats a post in and of itself.
I love myself because I am really strong. I love my muscle, even tho it turns other women off.
Talk about a fun giveaway. I LOVE that tshirt. I love myself because I am incredibly dedicated. I can do pretty much anything I put my mind/body into!
Ive wanted that tee since I saw it here and had NO IDEA you had a store.
I need the tee.
This morning I can not think of one reason 🙁
Happy anniversary.
I love myself because I’ve been able to coach my friends through challenging times with their careers even WHEN I WANTED TO TELL THEM TO SUCK IT UP AND BE GRATEFUL THAT THEY HAVE A JOB. That is all.
Happy Anniversary!
First of all, happy anniversary!! What a wonderful thing to celebrate; I hope you have something wonderful planned. 🙂
In reading this and thinking “Why do I love myself?” I’ve discovered something. I can think of a lot of things I love *about* myself – something that definitely wasn’t always true! – but none of them are really *why* I love myself. At the end of the day, I love myself just because I’m me. There are lots of people I adore and admire and emulate, but I really can’t imagine wanting to be anyone but me. Not because I’m perfect or better than anyone else, but because I’ve finally realized I don’t have to be those things to deserve love. I’m worth loving without being perfect.
It feels so good to have finally reached a place where I don’t feel I need an excuse for loving me, nor do I feel I need to apologize for it, and I can be happy for other people who love themselves. 🙂 That makes it so much easier to accept that it’s possible for someone else to really love me, and not be constantly waiting for them to come to their senses and realize how unloveable I really am.
And I couldn’t agree more that the best way to succeed in a relationship is to first love yourself at least as much as you’d like the other person to love you. I’d even venture to say you need to love yourself as much as you love *them*…
Have a wonderful weekend and anniversary!
Oh, and as for the shop? Thank God I finally paid off all my debt, because I’m doing some serious shopping…I think my daughters and I need matching sets of EVERYTHING. 🙂
I <3 MYSELF because I am me…and I am still learning new things about me every single day.
A specific reason why I (heart) myself is that through the years, I’ve always slept great. It’s funny that sometimes food and my relationship to it seems like such a mystery (that I am investigating) but sleep is easy. I know it’s not for many people. I think there’s an analogy there, that food could be easy, without thinking too hard or too consciously, as I develop the basic habits I’ve built around sleep. Wow, big topic! Did not expect. Will carry on w/ these thoughts on my own blog space.
Happy anniversary, and cute shirt!
I love myself because I think I might be able to see an abdominal (maybe, I’m not sure) 🙂
I love myself because I no matter what I always speak my mind. I have no filter what so ever. It tends to get me in trouble but that is just who I am.
Happy Anniversary!!
FIRST Happy Anniversary MizFit and RenMan!! woo hoo!
Second…now I will answer your question…
“…you would *still* adore the person you are today”
I am worth it!
I am so much stronger than I ever thought. Even when I left my abusive ex husband, I was ok. Stressed, but ok. When he challenged me for custody and drained my resources, I was still ok. When I lost my job and thought I might not make rent, I was still ok. Even now, when my beloved piece of crap has died and I can’t afford a new car and have to rent a car to see my children…I’m still ok. I’m so strong.
Also, I am a badass cook. 😛
I love myself because even if I’m alone in a room, I can make myself laugh. Life is stressful, and times are tough. But after years of work, I truly enjoy my own company! I’m one funny chick!
Happy Anniversary!
I have a lot of self deprecating humor so I’ll leave that out and be serious….Hmm why I love myself, I’d have to say because I am strong. I survived a childhood filled with alcoholism and verbal abuse and border line abandonment. I love myself because I realize that without that childhood I wouldn’t have developed into the person I am today. Funny, resilient, strong, creative, empathetic, …just me, not another one out there exactly like me!
Thanks for being you! 🙂
p.s. Thank you for this post because I have to say that I haven’t really taken the time to sit and think about what I love about me. I spend a lot of time thinking about what needs to be changed, it was quite refreshing to reflect and realize that there are a lot of good things about me that are fine just the way they are. No fine tuning needed! 🙂
Congratulations, Miz and RenMan!
I love myself because I have made it through some really tough times and managed to stay intact. Despite those obstacles, I’ve accomplished more than I ever thought I could and I’m very proud of myself.
I love myself because I am setting an example for ‘the others.’
Plus I am so consummately lovable.
Happy Anniversary.
Comments are worth as much again as the post. Thanks, all, for sharing.
I was lucky enough to have a mentor in college who helped (forced/coerced/strong-armed) me to love myself. Of course, a big part of that was coming to terms with my sexuality. I guess it’s hard to really love yourself until you really know yourself. Prior to that, I derived most of my worth (and my identity) from the things that I did, i.e. “I am a keyboardist”; “I am an artist”; “I am a Christian.” As we started to peel those things away, I realized that I didn’t have any concrete, centered identity apart from what I did. Does everyone go through that same process?
At any rate, I feel confident in saying that I love me because I am me. And I am worthy of love. Everything else comes and goes (for example, I’m not particularly in love with my eating habits, right now). But my own worth doesn’t change.
Happy Anniversary!
It’s a funny thing. A few years ago I fell in love with a guy, we were together for a year, and then he abruptly dumped me without warning. I fell into depression and had some disordered eating issues, and immediately rebounded by getting into another almost year-long relationship with another guy who was incredibly negative and emotionally abusive and only worsened my issues.
So I took some time for myself- another year or so- and explored my own issues, staying away from the idea of entering into another relationship. I started addressing the problems I was having and dealing with them on my own, knowing that there was no way I could be with someone if I didn’t resolve my issues first and LOVE MYSELF first.
The VERY DAY that I realized I’d done enough work on my own and that I was OPEN to being with someone again, and ABLE to love someone else for the simple fact that I love MYSELF again, I met someone and we fell for each other within about an hour of meeting each other.
And now we’ve been together for only just over two months and I am incredibly happy.
I love myself because I didn’t need to rely on someone else to fix my problems. I love myself because I was capable of resolving my issues. I love myself because I’ve come out that much stronger for having gone through that whole mess, and I love myself because now I’m able to really love other people.
I love myself because I am strong and surprise myself all the time with the things I can accomplish successfully. Whether is was running in my first 5 and 10k’s or giving a huge presentation, I always doubted myself. But I surpassed my greatest expectations each and every time.
Happy anniversary!
Hmm i love that I strive to see the best in other people 🙂
Great pic and Happy Annivers MIz!!
First off, happy anniversary!
I love myself (man, that’s hard to say) because I work extremely hard and never give up. It’s easy to see that in my work, but I was most surprised to see that quality in the rehabbing of my knee injury. I’ve been much more persistent in discovering the source of my pain and more dogged about healing it than I would have imagined.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MIZ! how wonderful! i too agree about how important it is to love yourself in marriage, we would definitely NOT be as happy as a couple as we are right now. I love myself because I found myself. She’s giving, she’s funny, and she’s capable of anything. She’s actually pretty damn cool.
I love myself because I’m funny as hell and can make all the people I love laugh too.
Happy Anniversary to you and the Ren Man!! The Tornado has some excellent role models!
I love myself because I tell it like it is. I don’t hang out with peeps that bring me down. I surround myself with good,not evil….AND Im doing a bang up job with our two kids! They rock my world.
Happy Annivesary!
I love myself because I am nearly work through my fears. I am willing to try anything twice. I don’t cower in the corner when I am afraid. I hit my fears head on.
I’m ok….
But…a purse…you…a purse? does it match your shoes?
I love myself because I never give up on myself or the people I care about.
That picture is Love it!
I love myself because I am radiant 😀
First of all, Happy Anniversary!
I love myself, right now, in this moment, because I can!
I will be 49 in a couple of weeks and have finally been hit in the head enough times to GET that I have a choice! This is the year, I will LIVE my life. I will no longer let my weight and size hold me back because of other’s comments or opinions!
As you showed me I am enough. Period.
And you need a sidebar link to your store!
‘Shop mizfit’ or something.
I love myself because no matter what is going on in my life, who I am with, whomever else loves me or not, I am all I’ve got.
If only everyone would learn this lesson before getting into a serious relationship! Looking outward for love and self-worth solves nothing. I grew up in a small town, and I saw plenty of teenage girls get pregnant just so that they’d always have someone around who loved them. It’s so sad.
You make this world a better place, MizFit. Way to go!
I admire you a lot…you’re a role model! I love your dedication to fitness, how you impart that to your daughter, and also your relationship with RenMan seems pretty awesome. Happy anniversary!
I love myself because tomorrow I’m moving into an apartment by myself. I can pay all the bills, and my social life will keep me from getting bored.
I love myself because I have inner strength that helps me get through anything and everything!
I LOVE myself because I am strong, independent, and have the ability to see the potential in myself.
I LOVE myself because my parents raised into a wonderful human being who is turned off by selfish people and is compassionate to those who are hurt by selfishness.
I LOVE myself because I have the drive and determination to reach the lofty goals I have set for myself.
I LOVE myself right now in this very moment because I have grown up into a person that I had no idea existed within me…and I am so excited to see what layers the next years may unfold!
OMG- that picture is real cute. Your daughter is the perfect little cupcake of a child. 🙂 And I don’t even want to think about all the pain that went into your ink- YIKES!
I digress.
What I love about me is that I am a cheerleader for everybody. Sure, there are times when I get jealous of a great achievement that I wish that I could accomplish too, but I am genuinely happy for other’s joys and I will support them until the end of time.
Alison 🙂
no words for how I appreciate all of you for playing along.
When I blog I just write from my heart. Some days I’m not certain anyone will feel called to comment (today) yet I need to express what’s rattling around in my head.
Thank you.
I love myself right now because even though it terrifies me, I am going back to school to get my master’s degree. Class starts on Monday!
Happy anniversary!
I love myself because I seem to persevere in the midst of chaos.
Happy Anniversary to you both!
How do I love me, let me count the ways…….
Well, mostly, I love myself because, seriously? Where would I be without me?
Oooh this is a fantastic and thought provoking request. Ok, I love myself no matter what because I know without a doubt that the beauty of life is inspired and painted by what my mind and body bring to it. I value that appreciation above a number on the scale or an image looking back at me in the mirror.
I love myself because I am a ball of contradictions. I can be pulled together and polished – or a big goofball. I have a cute giggle that easily turns into side splitting deep belly laughs if I am truly amused by something. I look for the good in everyone – and am quick to defend the weak, helpless, or the wronged. I love myself because for so long I didn’t — I battled those demons and kicked their a*** — and can now show my nieces, my daughters, and countless others how to love themselves no matter what.
I love myself because I am fearfully and wonderfully made – and there will never be another person just like me! Great post and t-shirts!
I love myself first because of the precious gift of life bestowed to me by my donor family. I was literally on the brink of death and a family, in their moment of tremendous grief, courageously and lovingly, gave me their son’s liver to save my life. I have vowed to his family that I will always give myself to others through life and love. All my decisions now are based on what is best for me and I love the self that I have become as a result. I know that when I am happy and at my best, I can love my kids, family, friends and others as I vowed.
I love myself because I am worthy of my love, unconditionally. God put me here and gave me all the things around me and within me. I am looking outside at the world which is HIS, covered with snow and I feel His love. I can do nothing less than love myself.
I love my stubbornness (um, persistence), a trait I’m told that I’ve had since I was a little shorty.
Love the pic of you and your daughter.
I love myself because I am kind of awesome. 🙂
Hey, have a WONDERFUL anniversary celebration this weekend. And thanks for spreading the health-affirming, life-affirming, self-affirming messages that inspire so many of us!
And someone’s got to be the skeptical crank in any crowd, and I kinda love that that’s me. (But not about YOUR gospel, which I totally believe in.)
Happy Anniversary!! WOW!!
i love myself because i never give up.
Happy Anniversary! 🙂 I love that picture of you and your lil tornado! 🙂 hehe
I<3 myself (for the first time in many years) because I am determined to win my weight loss battle no matter how long it takes me. 🙂
I just saw this in small print above- entire universe eligible. I chuckled thinking of you mailing a tee shirt to an alien on planet mars or something…its early here and I am goofy. lol
Right now what I love about myself is that I am LEARNING to love myself. I am learning that I am worth the self love and support. I’ve always loved to cheer on and support everyone else, but I am learning how do to that for me. I love the fact that I’ve had the ability to look past the physical and mental barricades I’ve created and can see past the blockade and see that I AM WORTH IT!!
Happy Anniversary!
I love myself because I run. Time and time and time again, I put one foot in front of the other and push myslf to do more than I ever thought or imagined that I could do. I love me because I run.
Happy Anniversary Miz!!
Happy anniversary! 😉
I’m into the self love a lot lately, so I have no trouble with this, tee hee. But when it comes down to it, I think the thing I love most about myself is my drive. When I figure out something I really want – like when I really pin down a specific goal – I am so incredibly focused and driven and trying to get me to stop is like trying to unclench the jaws of a big ol slobbery dog from his favorite toy.
Great advice! Timely too-
I’m taking this year(even though I don’t make resolutions) to seriously figure this one out…to be kinder to myself…to be more accepting…and yes, to love myself too!! I can see the negative affects in my marriage-good thing hubby is patient!
Saying it doesn’t mean you feel it though, any tips to help the process would be appreciated?
Happy Anniversary!
I love myself because I have an uncanny ability of knowing when something is wrong with someone, and can almost always make them smile.
I love myself because I refuse to stuff myself into a stereotype. I’m just me…wonderfully fabulous.
Yesterday I went to the mailbox, passing by our complex’s man-made lagoon on the way. There were 5 ducks sitting on the bank, but when they saw me, they jumped in and swam over. ‘Cause they knew I’d feed them.
I LOVE that the ducks and geese recognize me!
Strange? Perhaps. Am I a sucker? OH YES! But I love it.
I have a big, soft heart. And I love myself for it.
Happy anniversary!
all over the world…oz needs some of the Miz love.
I am so impressed with all 78 of these commenters sharing why they love themselves.
I love myself because I do not give up.
BODA weight loss
Happy Anniversary, Miz and Ren!!!
I love myself because I have become the person who keeps trying. Doing a box jump this week was a huge step (haha, literally) for me and it proved to myself that I CAN DO anything, eventually.
I remeber seeing a tweet of yours once where you said you wake up each morning and choose to be married.
I wanted to let you know that changed my marriedlife.
I love myself because I’m endlessly optimistic and I never give up!
Why WOULDN’T I love myself?! I’m awesome.
And it’s funny that I just cringed at myself when I said that!
Happy Anniversary! You and Ren are just a year ahead of Tim and me (we just celebrated 12 years married, 15 together).
Just four short years ago I couldn’t say “even though I am overweight, I love and accept myself”. It was my very first EFT (emotional freedom technique) session.
Today, I love myself most of all and the reason I love myself is because I am me and there is no one else like me and I bring value to myself, to my husband, to my friends and family and ultimately to the rest of the world, just by being me.
Because I’m fucking awesome.
This is why I love myself:
What do I love?
I love that I am a woman of integrity, and what you see is pretty much what you get. I have no interest in games or politics because life is too short.
I love that when I decide someone is family, or when it comes to my family, they get all of me. I can handle the tears/frustrations/joy/laughter. Bring it on because I know how to draw boundries when I need to as well.
I love that I have learned how to find the silver lining in almost any situation. If I can learn something from it, grow from it, make connections…well then the situation wasn’t nearly as cruddy as it might appear on the surface. I love that being that positive is empowering.
I love that I know how to cook, a little random, but I still love it.
I love that I’m carefree and somewhat scattered brain. I’m more concerned about people than tasks!! I think that’s important for healthy relationships!
I love that no matter how much I think I screw up, I can get up the next day and move on and tackle it head on!
I work hard,genuinely care about others,and try to make life good for my family. I feel I have, and still do, make a difference in other people’s life. I love my life and I love being me!
cutest. picture. ever.
and, of course, a wonderful message.
I need that tee as the very thought of wearing it in public gives me a panic attack 😉
I love myself for standing up to my stalker and coming out victorious after fighting for justice for 3 years.
Thank you for inspiring me every day! I proudly wear your bracelet everyday as a reminder that I AM worth it.
I love myself for being a well-balanced woman, and for being able to smile while 10 months pregnant 🙂
I love myself right now because even though I was moody and unhappy, I did my workout today. I also did it early enough so that I’d have time to go out and shovel the snow so that the kids coming home from school wouldn’t have to wade through the snow on my sidewalk. I love myself because even though I was tired from working out I still enjoyed shovelling the snow and made a point of having fun while I was doing it, and was singing and being silly even though there were people out and about and looking at me. 🙂
ok… i love myself because i continue to work on the things i don’t particularly love about myself.
or if that’s too circular, i suppose because i am good at learning technology.
I love myself because I can, and do, laugh at myself… all the time.
You always amaze me Miz! You know I have trouble with this as I have said to you in comments & my own posts. BUT, I can say that for today I love myself for the courage to do that boxing & kickboxing! I was scared to make a fool of myself but I did it & survived it! Well, with some bruises to the shins!
Crap, I probably need this shirt just so I would wear it, look in the mirror, say it to myself, live it & hopefully start believing it!
Happy Anniversary to you! Have a wonderful celebration!
I love myself because I am mentally and physically strong. And I am not afraid to admit when I am feeling less strong and need help (which sometimes takes mental strength).
And I love you for giving away such an awesome shirt and encouraging your readers to think about this!
I love myself because I believe in my innate worth as a human being. Tautological? Perhaps. But true nonetheless. And also, I love myself for being commenter #100! How auspicious!
I have a great laugh and I’m not afraid to use it! Oh – I also have pretty feet. Especially when my toes are painted 🙂
I love myself because I am capable of anything that I set my mind to. My body is capable of so much. I can run, sing, dance, laugh, hug, kiss. My body, no matter how much I like to be hard on it, is absolutely amazing! I love myself!
I think that it is incredibly wonderful that you can honestly say that you love yourself. It is something I struggle with every day. It is hard. How positive of a post that was! Thank you for sharing!
(oh and I would love to win a shirt!)
I love myself, because I look at the glass half full in any circumstance, and always cheer people up when they are down
When I finally came to love myself my marriage got better and I got to a happy place in me. I didn’t need to lose weight I just need to be me. The weight fell off after I got to this point.
I love myself as its the only way I can love others and give love. I also love my failures. That’s how I roll now. What a great post!
I love myself because I am smart as a whip and have a great smile.
One (of the many!) reasons I love myself is because I am optimistic. I like to see the good in people, look at the bright side of situations – see the GOOD and HAPPY in life and people. And I’m pretty damn fun too. 😉
Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
I love myself for still thinking I can change my life, past experience to the contrary:-S
I love myself because I AM WORTH LOVING!
Happy Anniversary to you!!
I love myself because I’m generally patient, even when things are going crazy around me.
Happy Anniversary!!!
I love myself because I do whatever I put my mind to – I don’t take no for an answer. In fact, if you tell me “no”, that just makes me work harder to prove you wrong!
I love myself because at fifty-something, I have finally come to believe that I am entitled to be fabulous! And because I have sturdy, stalwart legs that are built for endurance; they’ve gotten me this far. 🙂
I love myself because I changed my life. I turned 18, grabbed the reins and *galloped?* away from the danger zone of being morbidly obese. :]
Happy Anniversary!
I love myself because I’m taking care of me!
I love myself because I finally know that I can get through anything – and survive!
I love myself because no matter how many times I fail or get knocked down I always get up.
I love myself because no matter how bad I may be feeling I can still make someone else laugh (and that cheers me up)
Finally I love myself because I deserve it!
Happy anniversary to you and your husband. My wife and I are going on year 9 and it’s awesome.
What an adorable picture (I love your shirts)
I love myself because at 43, I am in better shape and feeling more fit than I have in well over 10 years. Exercising daily and eating healthy has really given me new life.
I’m going with what popped into my head immediately when I read your question:
I am fan-f*cking-tastic.
That was my initial thought. And I’m not arrogant and I don’t swear in public, but I that’s how I feel about myself rightinthismoment! And I’m being unapologetically honest. =)
I love myself now because I’ve finally learned to GIVE to myself without feeling guilty that I might be taking away from others!
outofthemist AT gmail DOT com
I love myself because I am my Mothers only child…and I owe it to her to be the best I can be!
i love myself right now because I am keeping my head up and trying to remain positive despite some challenges right now.
And how fitting that the giveaway winners will be announced on my 25th birthday 🙂 Thanks so much for the chance to win such a great shirt, MizFit.
I love this post! Not much else to say, that motto is perfect 🙂
When I want something or believe in something, I go forward with it whole-heartedly. I have passion.
I love myself because no matter the circumstances, I will ALWAYS make it through to the other side.
I am also in love with that pic of you and the Tornado!
Happy Anniversary!!!
I love myself because I AM…no reason in particular which is great progress, I used to think I had to be good at something or look just right to be loved but I am loveable just for being me…by me and by others! Happy New Year to All!
Happy Anniversary!
I love myself because- I have finally found love and acceptance for who I am… a strong capable woman.
Happy Anniversary! I’ve been with my hubby for 17 years this year (married for 9). I cannot believe its been that long. :o)
I love myself because I am not a quitter. I love myself because I am a survivor.
I love myself because there is no one else like me. I love myself because I can find a way to laugh at almost anything.
Happy Anniversary!! 🙂
It has taken me a while to learn to love the person I am. I always thought that if I lose this weight I will finally like myself. But the person I truly am will be the same person I am when I lose the weight.
What I like about me is my sense of adventure and my ease with being myself even when others think it’s “not cool.” I love trying new things and having fun. I don’t care about fashion rules are what is considered “correct.” I am me. I am so thankful that the man I married love me for who I am and always will be. 🙂
I love myself because I never give up on myself. Ever.
happy anniversary! I love myself because I am kind. Honestly, I don’t love myself as much as I should, but I fake it really well.
I have a poster I used to have hanging on the wall of my room Picture Snoopy dancing with his head up singing “I am the sunshine of my life” thats where I was….I’m on my way back.
Happy Anniversary!
I don’t know why.. I just do.. and it’s the unconditional kind of love!
(Because I know you like poetry…) and in the words of Bif Naked:
I’m lookin’ in the mirror and I like what I see:
I’ve lost the fear & the horror that’s been eating at me
‘Cause being with you is like a hangman’s noose
I was living my life in dead man’s shoes
I’ve had enough. Made up my mind
I’m gonna get up and out and wahhh!
I love myself today
Not like yesterday
I’m cool, I’m calm
I’m gonna be okay! Uh huh
I love myself today
Not like yesterday
Take another look at me now
Cause it’s your last look
Your last look forever!!
I love this song…It’s called I Love Myself Today and to me it’s very powerful. I don’t look at it as a relationship song, but as a “I got rid of that little negative voice in my head” song.
Happy Anniversary!
Getting to the point of loving myself has been a battle of epic proportions, until one day I realized that I just needed to stop fighting and accept. I love myself for never giving up on myself and for always being optimistic.
Great post, Miz! and happy anniversary!
I love my overly pensive and sometimes melancholy disposition. Using pain as fuel for my creative outlets has been a gift and free therapy!
I love myself because God loved me first and he has promised to never leave me or forsake me. (1 John 4:19; Romans 8:38-9). Also, I love myself because I can spend time with myself, with only myself, and genuinely, deeply enjoy that time.
Universal. Aha, I have a chance.
Whoot 😉
I love my ability to listen and connect with others. I learned it from my father, and it’s something I hope to never let go.
I found your site because I’m trying to figure out if it’s ok to love myself. I have to tell you that after reading all of these comments, I can tell that it’s not only ok to love myself, but I’m so excited to start loving myself!!
Thanks for changing my life today!!