Is this thing on?
(Why do I feel like Sid the Science Kid?)
If it is:
Just a heads up that I will be on Dr Fitness & the Fat Guy show this week.
Thursday at 11a central.
Have a question you’d want the guys to pose to me?
(I know you do judging by my inbox. Now is not the time to be shy with those bodyglidedidyoupeeduringtheracedidthetutuchafe queries!)
Please to hit me/them up in the comments or @fatguy on twitter.
It worked and I’m first! 🙂
I saw your tweets a while ago about mobile blogging and photos.
Did you figure that out?
Oh and my question is a basic one:
Will you do another race or is it back to bodybuilding for you?
What device do you use to mobile blog with?
I would love to know what youj utilized to get you through the race.
Since you had no music how did you slefmotivate?
That kind of stuff. I’d love your tips as a first timer.
Mindset Mizzy.
How did you run for so long when you don’t love running???
The women at 500 in 2010 enlightened me a bit about my emotionally scarring experience. What do you do about problems, er rather emergencies, um, never mind.
Should I start small with running? 5k etc and then a big race?
Are you still a personal trainer?
I’ve always been curious.
How do we listen to the show?
Tell us more about the bodybuilding competition(s?) in your former life, and/or what you loved/hated about being a trainer!
…and I *think* I’m going to have to pass on the 10k. Zliten has put up with a lot of *gotoracecheermeonearlyam* type things recently and I’m trying to do races we can run together, and he’s not quite at 6 miles yet. 🙂 And I think I need a mental break and make the spring about fun running not hardcore.
Have you always been so disciplined? A lot of people couldn’t have run that distance with a dislike of running.
Hi Carla,
I am curious about the same thing as Diane.
I have no plans to run yet would love some tips for mental tenacity with regards to exercise.
How did you maintain your training regimen while not as you so often say ‘enjoying the process’