About five months ago I posted the below & mentioned how few men were readywillingandable to step up, disrobe & join us women.
Today I wanna welcome Steve to the Exposed! movement.
I had the pleasure of spending lots of time with him at Fitbloggin and, to employ an overused phrase, HE ROCKS.
Please to stop by his blog today & applaud his rockage.
To be honest, when Michelle from eatingjourney emailed and asked me to join in her Exposed blogger movement I had absolutely no intention of doing my own Exposed post.
It wasnt that I didnt think it was an amazing & powerful concept idea because I entirely did.
When I worked as a counselor for college-aged women Id launch all of our groups with an exercise Id imagine many of you are familiar with.
Id present them with butcher paper & ask them to draw what they though the outline of their body would look like.
Next Id have them plop on the paper & Id trace them and we’d compare the two pictures.
99.99999% of the time the women believed themselves to be far, far larger than they actually were.
No matter how many times I saw this exercise in action it broke my heart.
The women with whom I worked not only didnt appreciate their bodies for all the amazing things they could do—-they werent living *in* their bodies enough to have any sense of what they looked like.
As a result I adored Michelle’s idea & was really inspired watching bloggers from all over the world jump in, post Exposed pictures, and spread the body appreciation instead of the bodyloathing that can sometimes emerge in the blogworld.
My hesitation came from the fact I know all too frequently we (The royal. The To my chagrin I experienced a lot of this reaction over here) whether we wish to admit it or not still judge the proverbial book by its cover.
I feared that because many of you perceive me as “already fit” it might lessen my message of overall overwhelming thankfulness and appreciation for every single facet of my body.
The fact is it was only after I worked my way to this place of self-love that, suddenly, all else (including but not limited to the physique) fell into place.
As soon as my healthy-living was no longer about the vessel but about what my body could do it was practically as if my body sensed it.
It immediately stopped fighting me and, it seemed, was eager to be as fit & healthy as it could possibly be.
(bear with me here as I didnt draw on my photo like the other women did. I could give you a million pretend-reasons why but honestly I just couldn’t figure out how.)
I am thankful for my eyes. I can see and, as a woman who has had a close family member struggle repeatedly with losing various aspects of his sight, I never, ever take that for granted.
I am thankful to my brain for the fact I can think clearly and remember. As a woman who has had seen a family member lose memory as a result of Alzheimers (then referred to merely as dementia) I dont take that for granted.
I am thankful I can walk. Lately the Tornado and I seem to be encountering many people in wheelchairs. As a result, she’s has started asking why they cant walk like she can. I am grateful for my legs.
I am thankful for my health, my strength & for making it to 40 without any major aches, pains or injuries.
My body demands foodfoodfood (plenty of clean whole nutritious meals), exercise (not too much but consistently over years) & lots of rest in the form of sleep and spiritual/meditation time.
What Ive learned (finally) is that when I give my body what it seeks it repays me ten-fold by being able to do pretty much anything I ask of it in return.
That’s me.
EXPOSED & proudly joining the ranks of these gutsy beautiful inspiring strong WOMEN (I tried, to no avail, to get Ren Man to join me.).
Now you.
Men AND women.
I know it can be a really difficult, challenging experience but Im asking you to just consider taking a turn:
Why do YOU love your body? What specifically do you love about it?
Are you willing to expose yourself?
This is the first I’ve heard of the exposed movement but I think it’s wonderful – thanks also for turning me onto Michelle’s blog. Your right – when it comes to this fitness stuff its way too easy to be self loathing rather than be grateful for what we do have, especially when state-of-mind has SO much to do with state-of-body. What you said right here really good to me (in a good way): “As soon as my healthy-living was no longer about the vessel but about what my body could do it was practically as if my body sensed it.” Amen!
How did I, too, miss this the first time around?
I would join you—except I have no blog 🙂
(It looks like Steve isn’t EXPOSED yet. FYI)
I love my body for its power and strength in the face of what would have made me crumble before.
Steve’s exposed now! 😛 Technical difficulty!
Thank you so much for supporting me with this, makes the whole thing a little less scary 🙂
I loved this post when you first posted it for us and love it now as well.
Is it wrong I am laughing that Steve left you hanging?
(saw your tweet)
Thanks for sharing this here – what you have done, what Steve has done, and what all of the people who have joined in this movement have done – just touches upon something much deeper than our outer bodies. So, so good to see this!!
I love me, myself for a change.
And it doesn’t matter how cool someone else is, it isn’t going to make me turn my life upside down for them.
Also, I have to find a better motivator than hatred for my body flaws. Because I just don’t hate them anymore.
So far, not wanting to let myself down has worked. But more because of the abstract concept of a goal. Not a crazy ideal. Which is new. For me.
I love this movement- I think it is a fantastic idea. Great list of all of the things you enjoy about your body…we take so many of them for granted (like the ability to walk). I love how strong my legs are…I often watch the men who take my pump class looking at how much weight I’m putting on my bar. Immediately, they load on the same and more. Half way through the squats track, I will see them stopping…shaking out their legs…sweating like there is no tomorrow. haha 🙂 I may be 5’1″ but I got some strong legs 🙂
I have not been commenting much lately but I have been reading.
I would not have the courage to do this no matter what I looked like.
Off to cheer on Steve.
I love my new body too … not sure about exposing it on my blog though … well, maybe … let me think on it for a while.
I don’t really love my body, truth be told. I do take progress pictures from time to time to send to my trainer so I’m not the only one who sees the ole body…so maybe I am just a little exposed. Baby steps. Congrats to you, Steve, and all the others who are leaps and bounds ahead of me. Maybe I’ll follow in your footsteps someday.
Long time reader. First time commenter.
Thank you for sending me/us Steves way.
Carla, your posts.. always so – I don’t even have the words – but just amazing! You rock & are amazing for all your self love for you & love for others!
I kind of think my pic on my blog is sort of exposed.. I guess you can tell me…. I am sort of wearing stuff like you have on.
I really admire those that “expose” for health.
I love that I have muscles & keep aging the best way I can. Mentally, I still need work. 🙂
This post felt as tho it were for me. Not the body love the judgement.
I would have totally judged you and thought:
It’s easy when you look so fit.
Food for thought.
I am going to do this tomorrow. I love the idea.
I loved this post this time around just as much as the first time I’d read it.
I’m not sure quite WHY I haven’t joined in the Exposed movement. I just… haven’t. Yet. Hm, maybe that says something about my own comfortableness with my body…
I love that I have two strongstrong legs to walk with, even if my feet have been beat to *(&* by this point, and even though my hips get sore if I don’t wear shoes with a build-up because my one leg is longer than the other. I love that my core is strong enough that I can hold a plank position for five minutes. I love that my fingers can fly like the wind across a keyboard to convey all my thoughts efficiently as I write!
I am going to do that butcher paper thing tonight at my book club!!!
I drew my body against the wall, tracing it with a big black marker. Instead of an outline of my body, when I backed away to observe my drawing, I had created a cave door to an entirely new dimension and in a few moments I’m going to jump through that cave door and see what the rest of my life looks like. (I hope there are showers and coffee.)
I cannot expose myself except from the inside out.
I read the first chapter of In the Land of the
I should add that Steve and I look about the same exposed.
I love the idea of these “Exposed” posts! I am contemplating doing it but I am a bit weary because I know co-workers read or at least check my blog so I don’t know if it’s something they need to see. My family reads it too but that doesn’t faze me, they’ve seen me in bathing suits etc
I love that my body still bounces back from whatever I do to it.
I loved this when it first came out, wasn’t brave enough then to try, but am willing now.
I’ve grown quite a bit in the last 6 months, mentally, spiritualy – I actually like myself now.
I think this is a great movement and I’m game to finally join in.
if you do decide to join in please get me your links!
I did it. I don’t know if I can handle leaving it up, but I did it.
I love that men are joining this!!
Such an amazing movement, I love the idea….maybe someday I’ll expose myself as well 😉
Love your thoughts about what you love about your body, Miz, and especially this:
As soon as my healthy-living was no longer about the vessel but about what my body could do it was practically as if my body sensed it.
This is going to be my main thought for today as I continue to move forward in this journey. I really do think this is a key element, and one I need to embrace fully.
This is a great idea for an exercise. I will have to recommend it to my friends who work with clients who have eating disorders.
9 weight loss
Thank you. Simply and truthfully.
I did a KINDA SORTA EXPOSED- just my tummy. lol I was not brave enough…. lol
Thanks. You inspired me to do my own Exposed post, with a picture. Way out of my comfort zone but I am willing.
I love that my body is such an amazing endurance vessel…
Am I willing to expose myself? Not yet because, yeah, we do still judge books by their covers…
I feel like such a downer saying this, but I don’t really love my body. I have two knee injuries right now, and that makes me kind of mad at my body. If I can ever rebound from those, I’ll tell you that I love that my body heals. I’m really hoping I can say that one day!
Im not ignoring any of you who have willing shared the fact that you arent at the place of selflove yet.
Im mulling.
Im jotting.
Its a whole ‘nother post.
oh and Tracey? IMO honesty and laying oneself bare can never be a downer….
You (everyone that has exposed yourselves) rock. I’m just not quite that brave yet. I know a few coworkers that read my blog and I don’t know if I’m comfortable having a half nekkid picture out there, being boss lady and all. Blackmail fodder perhaps? 🙂
I jumped in hot tub this weekend with just my sports bra and my racing shorts on because I forgot a bathing suit. That’s progress, right?
I do love what my body can do (half marathons, duathalons, epic walks, pretty much whatever crazy athletic feats I ask of it), but I feel like since I’ve completely let go of care of what the scale says, it’s been feeling like it’s ok to creep on up, so this month it is go time!!! Not that I think I’m a heffer gaining 10 lbs or anything, but I do see the potential, if it continues, to mess with my sporty spice mojo. So dealing with it now, during the off-season.
Ramble ramble ramble. 🙂
I already “exposed” myself without the degree of officiality, officialness?, etc.
Here it is…http://kgershman.blogspot.com/2010/02/scale-was-kind-my-friends-but.html
I took updated progress pics the other day, but haven’t posted the comparisons, yet.
Thanks again for this post.
I am not sure about posting a photo on my blog just because the thought of some perv downloading my photo kind of creeps me out a little. I do love what my body has become, including how it is different than everyone elses (and different than what *I* thought it would be).
I am thankful for it and all it can do – especially my thighs!!
Tune in tomorrow…
It’s not that I don’t want to bare all…it just seems odd to do it just for that. I may wait until I have a pic of me in a 2 piece this summer and do that instead. Or in my workout shorts and sportsbra or something.
Don’t ask me why I find it too wierd to do…I just do. I don’t show my undies to noone 🙂
I”m most thankful for my stomach. It’s got crazy wierd muscles from bellydance…and I’m proud to show it. Still a bit miffed at my bottom, but overall…not so shabby 🙂
Perhaps, if some of us are not so willing to be exposedon our own blogs, you should offer to do an “Exposed Gallery” post on yours with our “exposed photos” ?
I love that idea…and am always open to a guest post as well.
No, I’m not willing. I’m just not a skin gal. Even when I was young and thin, I didn’t wear revealing clothing. Besides it doesn’t fit into the new blog. 😀
I appreciate my body and I am grateful I learned to treat it so much better. It takes me up mountains and all sorts of things.
This is such a great post, it must feel so empowering putting your body out there like that. I love how this has spread across so many people’s blogs! The photo will be a great reminder to you of how far you have come and the amazing work you have done. Well done!
Go girl! I did a similar post and it was syndicated on BlogHer. We have to love ourselves -it all starts there!
This is a fascinating movement to me. Thank you for sharing about it. I saw Michelle’s blog today as well.
It’s so important to be able to put into words what we love about ourselves.
i love my body. it does pretty much everything i ask of it and it pays me back by making me feel strong, fit and healthy.
I just wanted to drop a line and thank Miz, and everyone else again for the support given to me and to the Exposed movement. I won’t lie, it was terrifying to put it out there like that, but you guys helped make it alot easier. I’m proud to be part of such an awesome community like this.
To everyone else who did Exposed posts today, You. Are. Awesome. and you are beyond inspiring! You should be proud of yourselves, the rest of us are! 🙂
One of my fave posts of yours:) ANd thanks for the link to Steve – he rocks!!
You look strong and fabulous!
Sigh, I’m still trying to get the courage to expose my body on my blog, but still can’t do it yet…
I hope you can take this the right way.
A few months ago I would have read this post and hated myself because I don’t look like you do.
Now I do not wish to look like you do.
I love my fluffy 🙂 body because it is mine.
It is getting stronger and I am doing what I love to get it there.
No weight training and I htink that’s ok because “fitness isn’t about fitting in”
Love this post.
I am so grateful for my 45 year old body and what it can do. I have a sister with a form of muscular dystrophy. I see her struggle and realize what a gift I have. To not to use that gift seems like an insult to her.
My post today is about what I learned from an injury. I broke a toe a few weeks ago and that minor injury really taught me a great deal about how fortunate I am.
I just dropped my exposed pics into the wild and it feels really good. There are so many things I appreciate about my body and the list grows daily.
kudos to you and Steve!!
No, I’m not ready to expose myself..honestly, with 57lbs too lose, its too ugly.
But I do have things I do like about my body..Although I did have to think long and hard and about.
1. I like my face. I really do. Faults and all. I gotta good face;)
2. I like being short. My hubby has taken to calling me “adjective smurf” (cranky smurf, cutie smurf, kitchen smurf) and i like it. I don’t mind being a “cute height”.
3. I like my feet. I have weird baby toes, but they aren’t gross…they are different.
umm..that’s all i’ve got..but its a start non?
I’m getting to the point where I could…but working at an elementary school makes that kinda risky…
I’ve been committed to a yoga class for over a month now and am starting to get muscle (who knew?) more so than I ever did by belonging to a gym.
Steve’s lookin’ good! (I’m not a big fan of uber skinny guys like the first pic).
: )