(A rainy, soggy, messy play in one act)
Everything started out ok. Ellen was way excited about our little trip. (It seems even she felt a bit stifled having lolled about in my glove compartment for far too long)
She arrived bright & early Saturday morning inexplicably wearing all white (this may or may not be due to the fact Ren Man accidentally crumpled up/tossed out the Ellen pictured above. No amount of botox would lessen her wrinklage so I was compelled to find me a new Ellen on short notice).
Before I could scream too much at the husband get too caught up in her attire misstep Ren Man spontaneously bestowed the beauties pictured below upon me.
For no reason.
I know, I married well.
The gift bestowage also gave me an idea for Ellen!
Given the RAINY forecast I figured a pair of my rain boots might spare at least the bottom of her pants a coating of NASCARgrime.
We packed the car and were on our way.
Everyone was extremely overjoyed Ellen was tagging along.
& Ellen wasnt apprehensive in the slightest about driving all the way to Dallas with me at the wheel. She’s such a great friend.
After a couple of hours driving the Tornado was ready for a snack and I was readyREADY for more coffee.
We soon stopped for a snack and, being the healthy livin’ role-model I am, I begrudgingly selected fruit over the greasy calling of the hash-browns.
While we were there the Tornado played in the kids area and Ellen & I bumped into a mutual friend!
Finally we were back on our way & much to our chagrin the skies kept darkening.
Still we soldiered onward.
Once there we asked this helpful woman for assistance in locating our seats.
She was a smidgetad aggressive & appeared to launch her own GitTheRaceInformationWomanOnEllen campain. I wished her luck with that.
Excitement abounded despite the drizzly weather & the Tornado was thrilled to be able to share the joy with a superstar friend.
Me? I was still fullbloated from the plethora of hashbrowns & breakfast chicken minithings the fruit and ready to just sit in the bleachers and wait for the flag to drop.
She’s not one to loll about and was ready to make use of our rain delay waiting time.
After our workout the loudspeaker announced the race was officially delayed until 6pm. We’d driven to Dallas anticipating a 230 start.
The Tornado unhappily pointed out the current time & requested we retire to the warmth of our vehicle for a bit.
Ren Man was hungry, the Tornado was hungry & Ellen was hungry.
For some reason I think Ellen feared Id brought enveloped CHICKEN along for our snack (yes that’s a shout out to you).
I shall spare you the disappointment (Ren Man) the whining (TornadoStyle) & the HuhCouldThisBeABlessingInDisguise? (me) and just wrap it all up by saying we packed up & drove the four hours back home (the race was postponed until Monday).
Ellen & I decided to make the best of it and hit the gym…
for some restorative yoga.
It was the perfect meditative ending to our crazy NASCARless day.
I love tornado.
Such a cute post! I am so sorry that you drove all that way for nothing, though. Blech.
LOVE this.
If you really adored Ellen though would you not have given her your new boots? 🙂
I remember you saying the first time you did this that it fixed your blog mojo because you laughed.
Fabulous. Wonderful. Thank you for taking the time. Me Likey lotsa pictures.
I love the look on your daughter’s face when she’s holding Ellen.
She must think you’re crazy in a good way 🙂
Did you really work out on the metal risers??
You have to be on Ellen. Like, yesterday.
Hahaha! Great story, Miz! I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but it seems like you made the best of it!
Love the Tornado. Her expressions are priceless!
You are so much fun. SO much fun.
This was great! You’re hilarious!
LOL that you added in Oprah.
Only you.
🙂 Love it~!
I love this!
I really hope you do end up on Ellen someday soon! She needs to see this!
Thank you for the laughs, Carla. Really need it today. GREAT post.
Four hour trip and it got canceled? Auggghh!
You’re nuts, lady. (Of course I mean that in the best possible way.)
I work in PR (not for Ellen though) and you MUST get this to her people.
Have you sent it in to her?
It’s too creative not to. She’s bound to love at least the workout portion 😉
(I’ll look for the contact info Miz.)
Those boots? LOVE THEM!!! They go so well with your leg sleeve, too! RenMan is da bomb!
Your Nascar adventure is too funny, from the looks Princess T was giving you (or was it Ellen?) – you know that WHEN you finally get on Ellen’s show, the Tornado will have to tag along to meet the real person!
Oh, and for my run tomorrow? You’re coming with me for the first mile – either my attitude will be better OR I’ll have a partner in misery, lol!
You should do this MizFit:
It’s the link to SKYPE with Ellen.
Id not see that before, Jenny, and I do love me some Skype….
The look on your child’s face when she’s holding Ellen so you can take a photo tells me that she thinks you are nuts.
Sounds like quasi-fun was had by all though I’m worried that if you had not brought along Ellen, the trip would have been a wash.
HaHa!! This is terrific!! Ellen is missing out on some great times with you guys!
This is awesome!
You need to get on that show!
I noticed that Ellen arrived at your house without any shoes on (or are my eyeballs broke?). I will make note of that when I come to visit you. My Flintstone Feet will be naked in your honor. 😛
Love it. Love all of the pictures. 🙂
What a disappointment that the race was postponed, but it looks like y’all had fun, anyway. That Ellen is such a card (board figure….)
Love it!:)
Those. Are. Awesome. Boots! ^_^ Sorry there was a rain delay 🙁 but it looks like u made the best of it anyways. Also, the Tornado continues to be one of the cutest kids ever.
This was adorable…you’ll get on that show, I can feel it!
Bummer that the race was postponed. Or not. Ellen and Miz adventures!!! 🙂
Oh yeah. She needs you. You protected her from the storm and gave her candy. How can she not be your new best friend now?
Wait. I’m still stuck on NASCAR being in Dallas. Really? I lived there for 8 years and I didn’t know this? Not that I’d have gone to NASCAR if I had known. But still. That seems weird that I didn’t know that.
Good thing you redeemed the trip with the Ellen photo-op.
rockin boots!
have a great weekend!
So funny! Ellen should put you on just for that awesome illustration of her 🙂
Awww, what a bummer. At least Ellen looks like she had fun though! 🙂
I wish I knew you were in Dallas!!!!!! i would have drove up to meet you!!!
With all that fabulousness she is going to be powerless to resist. There must be someone who can do jedi mind control for you. That Skype connection will come in handy!
Awww. In a former life I dated a race car driver. I guess I’m not the Nascar type …
OMG I loved this post! Gave a me a good laugh on this afternoon at work that seems to not want to end. Looks like Ellen had a great time!
At least you got a great post out of it!
🙂 🙂 🙂
You are too friggin funny!
OMG you are too funny!!! I can’t tell you how much I love this. Nascar???
and LOVE the boots!
hilarious! Yes, peeps from Ellen Show….where are you!?
Come on Ellen it is time to recognize MizFits contribution to our lives and the effect she could have on thousands of others if you would invite her on your show.
OK, so I have to confess…I don’t watch a lot of TV, and *gasp* don’t watch Ellen, BUT I would become an avid viewer if you were on!! Come on The Ellen Show! I am off to tweet at them.
Love the boots girl! And the tornado is cute as ever. 🙂
You are hilarious
Glad Ellen and you had a great day!! ; )
LOVE it.. this was the first Ellen post I’d seen… i’m taking from the comments though, that it’s not the first you have done.. so going looking!! LOVED it!! 🙂 and the boots, too awesome.
Loved it. My daughter is in 3rd grade and we just finished our Flat Stanley project. Ellen is SO much sassier. Thanks for the laughs and smiles. Hugs, Kirsten
Wow, I haven/t had a pair of cowboy boots since the late 80’s, but those are super coool! What a nice surprise. I have a gut feeling about this Ellen thing. I think it is going to happen eventually. I thought of you yesterday on my run. I wore my long sleeve Unaplogetically Myself tee- shirt and felt like it gave me an edge…:-)
The Tornado’s face while holding Ellen is comic gold. Love it!! (And your new boots!!)
I’m just catching up on the last few posts (I’ve been so bad about my blog reading and, no, I swear I haven’t forgotten about the guest post – it’s just been that hectic!)… I will ironically be making my excuses (too busy, no extra clothing laying around, etc.) for not joining you on the t-shirt adventure I just read about (can’t wait to see what the second part is for tomorrow), but I do want you to know that you got me seriously thinking about what my normal range of excuses are. Thanks for that! Your blog is always great for promoting a little introspection!
So glad I just read this… absolutely made my day! The photos of Tornado with Ellen (and the looks of dismay) are priceless! I posed my son in such photos, he has yet to forgive me and HE is 23! ; )
This is awesome! Except Emma doesn’t look happy in ANY of the pics – what’s up with that?