First I want to thank Carla for the opportunity to Guest Post!
She totally is her own Unapologetically Self Super Hero and I think that has finally rubbed off on me! Thank you!
This journey I am on has been long and will assuredly be a lifetime of learning, and that is ok because in the process I am learning about me and changing not just on the inside but on the outside as well, both need to transform to be truly successful.
Recently I put myself out there and asked for help in an endeavor I was trying to win. Asking for help was hard for me as I have always only relied on myself because I am independent and strong…so I thought.
Well what I realized after asking for help, putting my soul on display that I was not as strong as initially thought and that actually baring my weaknesses in reality made me stronger! This was a total contradiction in my old way of thinking.
This process was so awakening and empowering for me.
I realized I was indeed strong (and gaining strength internally and physically) and it is ok to allow your weaknesses to show and ask for help. THAT builds more strength than you can ever imagine.
Admitting you need the help, asking for it and accepting it. All different parts of this process and to finally get them all together in order is like a huge (no pun intended here) chip off my shoulders.
There is not just one way to reach a goal, no matter what that goal may be…weight loss…beginning a new job…starting your own business…starting a family…whatever the goal many will arrive.
How they arrive is as unique as the person.
It may take trying a hundred different routes before one that fits will work, but in the process of each failure we, as Thomas Edison said, find another way that will not work and we can cross that off our list of ideas.
For some of us (speaking of myself here) we seem to travel down those same paths looking for different scenery and outcome. The true definition of insane. I am finding my way back to sanity, back to what I know has worked and forever going to leave the roads that lead me astray.
I have found a few routes that work for me and in case you are wondering, my goal is to be fit, healthy and an acceptable weight. A side goal is that I inspire my family, in particular my husband to join me in this journey and to be a great role model for our children.
What has worked…more of a simplified “diet” of eating whole unprocessed foods, listening to my internal hunger cues and not obsessing over it. I know we need to move more…burn more calories, but a formal exercise program just does not work or fit into my life.
Instead by making a concerted effort to walk more, even if it is in place at the keyboard, when I am writing or working, setting up challenges with my kids on the Wii or making a power walk date with a friend, those things work for me.
Gliding across my kitchen floor as I clean it, or doing lunges during cooking or cleaning sessions, THIS works for me as well.
I may not fit a particular mold or profile of someone who wants and needs to lose a lot of weight, but mentally I have arrived…finally…it feels AWESOME!
I have a long road ahead of me to reach my goal, but I finally am mentally ready to enjoy this process and accept the roads to lead to success and alter those that do not.
Your blog was down again this morning, MizFit.
You ARE succeeding!! And it is all part of that journey, you getting to that place which is right for you. A healthy lifestyle can really take you such a long way toward really feeling good (mentally, emotionally, physically). So – what you are doing is awesome!!!
Great guest post!
Sounds like you are in a great place mentally when it comes to your journey. I think the journey to be fit is mostly mental so I would say you are succeeding in the best way ever! Keep up the great work you are doing for yourself.
Trish, I love your approach and that you’re going for a whole-life style fitness plan, rather than a strict exercise regime. This is what I’ve been trying to achieve for years. You’re right, it’s a long road, but like you say, the journey feels “awesome”. You are already a success.
MizFit, thank you for introducing us to Trish.
The mind is one of the most powerful muscles in our bodies. It sounds like you have flexed it and are on the road to success.
That’s the spirit! Weaknesses (and finding them) are all a part of our STRENGTHS.
Excellent insight. Thanks for the reminders.
Jumping in to thank Carla’s fans for their kind words and support! You guys are just totally awesome…and I just want to update real quick…I just got back from my 110 min 30 sec #amerryworkoutpledge walk…I really thought it could not be done(me do it anyway)…but I did it and I wore my no Excuse shirt to boot!
Thank you Carla…for being you! You totally rock!
back atcha, sister. back atcha.
That is awesome! I think finding what works for US is so important. Everyone is different. When it comes to weight loss and healthy choices we need to embrace where we are different and go with it. Great post.
Trish is really a wonderful woman. I’m glad you’re finding your lane and not giving in to the pressure to get fit inside a box that everyone else tries to stuff themselves into. Do it your way, lady!
Yep, as MizFit says, “Fitness is not about fitting in.” Sounds like you’ve found a path that’s working for you, and thanks for sharing it with us!
I, too, have found that the posts where I’m struggling or ask for help are the ones I get the most feedback, and in a positive way. Love that about this blog community!
I love the positivity!! I think a good attitude, like Trish has, is really the #1 key to succeeding at anything. And I’m glad she is!
You have such a positive attitude towards your health and well-being, I have no doubt it is a great asset to you in your journey. A great attitude will really empower you as your strive to reach your weight loss goals, as will keeping your eye on the vision of success!
such a great post! you can’t get anywhere in life unless you are open to exploring what’s inside. you did that, found your weaknesses and that made you strong. awesome!
Great Job Trish! I agree with YumYucky and Sagan. Or as Ghandi said, “be the change you want to see in the world.” Glad to hear your world is succeeding more and more each day! WOOT!! 🙂
Goooooooo Trish! Being mentally ready is so important – I don’t think you can do much if you are not.
Attitude is key! I agree 100%.