Subtitle: Well, almost wordless…
Yes, People.
Here’s where you come to my domicile & repossess my Mother of the Year trophy.
I loved the Ring Pop®, as a kid. I love the new Ring Pops® as an adult. And the Tornado adores the Ring Pop® as well (although Id be lying if I didnt say that the way they color our tongues made even this toolaidbackmama horrified).
Bazooka now has a sugarfree version of my beloved childhood treat & I have two bags of this memories-inducing treat to giveaway.
The pops come in blue raspberry, watermelon, and strawberry & are (waitforit) sweetened with Splenda (I know. Please to feel free to lecture me in the comments. It was my child’s first splenda taste and a rarity for me.)
Are you old skool as I am and do you recall this edible bling fondly?
Would you, too, love to have a blue tongue as the Tornado did? (my red tongue was far less exciting)
You may be entered to win a bag for the lowlow price of a RingPop comment below.
Entire universe eligible to win. Winner announced 5.24.10
ah yes, ye olde ring pop! My kids love them but I always find at least one left to goop up the counter lol
I’d judge you if I didn’t have such fond memories of these as well 🙂
Erm, I WANT RING POPS. I love them. I even love how I would wear them on my pointer finger and how it’d get all my other fingers sticky. Must. Have. Blue!
Oh yeah, I used to pretend I was a power ranger with ring pops too. I think me and Tornado would be good friends 🙂
I did not grow up with the aforementioned ring pops (perhaps they were not in South Africa?) but they look like TONS TONS TONSA fun.
I know my nieces would love to share in the blue-tongue brigade.
THis is a no judgement zone right?
Of course it is.
THey say ring pops help with Speech therapy…
And with sibling stress. 🙂
I used to wear these everywhere as a kid.
Are the sugarfree as tasty!?
oh my cuteness! A little treat every now and again is good for the soul 😉 (splenda and all!) I’d love to win! I have some mini (or they’re not much shorter than me) friends I’d love to share these with
I LOVED ringpops but had to wear them on my pinkie because these fingers were ALWAYS pudgy and more like sausages than wearers of the bling. My daughter once threw a tantrum at a basketball for a ringpop and wouldn’t you know my dad, her pappou, not only bought her one – he bought the whole damn box – and passed them out to all the players and their little siblings at the 7 year old basketball game. He was a hit. And there were more blue tongues than I could count. I love him.
Is there anyone who didn’t love Ring Pops as a kid?
I’m pretty sure there are at least 3 guys I’m engaged to thanks to the ring pop. 🙂
I LOVED Ringpops!!! My brothers and I thought they were so cool!
Ring Pops rock! I, for one, think the new sugar free ones are great! Just like anything else, it’s all about balance and moderation, so I think a little bit of Splenda (especially in place of a high calorie, nutritionally useless amount of sugar) is a great way to let your kids have candy!
Aw one of my favorite childhood snacks!
oh yes, I LOVED Ring Pops as a kid, who am I kidding I still love them! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I’ve never had one….but my son loves them. It’s the impulse item he can’t leave the store without, even though I’ll find it unfinished in a baggie on the counter days later!
I LOVE THESE!! They were a favorite summer treat (when all the house rules were relaxed!!) Great idea for a giveaway!!
I think that’s a perfect accessory for a princess!
What cute pictures! I gave these out one year for Halloween (thank you Sam’s Club for selling the giant tub o’ Ring Pops) – I had something different (Airheads?) for the boys but guess what? They wanted the Ring Pops, too!
No need to enter me! Just stopping by to say, “gosh that tornado sure is cute!!!!!”
I LOVE THE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Tornado!
Yes–mother of the year. I feel bad for kids who don’t get to experience the best childhood candies. Ring pops were awesome when I was little, and they’re still just as good.
Okay – I’ll bite for this one! At least my kids would!
Oh, I’m old skool all right. I used to love those Ring Pops. I only liked the watermelon flavor though and liked to pair it up with those candy necklaces and bracelets … it was a very sexy delicious look.
I’d repossess your MotY trophy if you *didn’t* allow that child the joy of a ring pop. It’s a rite of passage. Next up: candy necklace or a bomb pop (you get red AND blue with that)!
Just not for breakfast. Well, not every day. 🙂
ooohhh…Ring Pops. I haven’t had those in forever! ‘Lil princess is the perfect model for them, love it!
OMG! No way! Sugar free ring pops! Where do I sign up?
I’ll pass on the ring-pop giveaway, but I just wanted you to know that your daughter is a-freaking-dorable! She looks a little like my cousin (in-law) and a Dora the Explorer doppleganger. Fun!!!
BTW, thanks for stopping by my bloggie yesterday!!!
Ring pops were such a fun treat when I was a kid – although I’ll admit, I liked the more for their “ring” qualities rather than the “candy” qualities – nothing like a giant fake rock on your finger to impress people! haha!
My all-time FAVORITE candy as a child was Lik-M-Aid/Fun Dip – you know, the sugar powder that you dip a little candy stick into? YUM YUM!
Treats on occasion are a good thing, and ring pops qualify as a treat for the kids and inner kids both. And they are cute and fun besides.
Haha. Those smiles made my morning!
LOVE the ring pop!!! My DS requests that for his snack after soccer most of the time. Although not only does his tongue turn blue…also his lips, gums, teeth–everything in his mouth!! I’m glad my DS likes something that I liked as a kid. 🙂
OMG! I loved this things growing up. I thought I was so cool with that ring around my little finger. I hope I can be even cooler now as a grown up 🙂
The Tornado is adorable! I loved Ring Pops (and Push Pops!) growing up – I would always get them from the food stand at the iceskating rink after my lessons!
What a face! Too CUTE!!
Ah…its the simple pleasures of life that bring the most smiles.
Have a great day!!
I love that you allow junk in the house and nothing is forbidden.
I think the “forbidden foods” caused my eating issues.
don’t need to enter me, but i totally loved those things as a kid 🙂 along with candy cigarettes. i’m guessing that’s ok, seeing as i never smoked the real thing!
that totally made me LAUGH Shannon (and have a candy cig.flashback. D*mn I loved those things).
Oh…I love(d) those cigs too!
I’ll tell you how old Skool *I* am. Ring Pops came out AFTER MY CHILDHOOD. They were AFTER my time! How crazy is that? I am ancient.
I remember: sugar powder straws (mmmmmmmmm), sugar dots on paper, wax syrup bottles and the like.
Oh ring pops….brings me back to birthday parties at the rollerblading rink…would love to be entered!
(I just noticed these are sugar-free….LOVE THAT.)
Oh my gosh, I would LOVE to win some ringpops 🙂 I adored them as a kid too, along with candy necklaces and bubblegum cigarettes, hehe.
My favorite Ring Pop is their Blue Raspberry 🙂
Think I may have been too old for Ring Pops (though I remember tootsie pops). Wearable candy? I remember the candy necklaces and LOVED them.
Cannot judge your mom-choices.
When I was little we would go to Nelands ice cream and sit up at the counter, where they also had containers with candy. I would always pick the red ring pop as my treat. Good memories:-)
I am so glad they are bringin out sugar free ring pops. this means everyone will be able to enjoy them at our wedding and teh kids will be able to have more then one. parnets will not have to worry about sugar and even the diabetics can have a taste. We are decorating our wedding table with ring pops as that is what my fiance proposed with over a year ago. We will be getting married in August. Way to go RING POPS.
This is the best news I’ve heard all day – but that’s not saying much considering the day I’ve had.
I remember these as a kid-I used to wear one on each hand and show off my bling to all the other kids. I even got “married” to one of the neighborhood boys with a ring pop, lol.
I loved ringpops…red was my favourite. Sugar free is a great idea. I use do get enough suger fuel form one of those to run around in circles for hours and hours…:)
On my 6th anniversary my lovely J gave me a red ringpop to wear all day (it’s the candy one dontcha know…). I loved it. We were camping so I didn’t eat it…it was prety inedible by the end of the day… 🙂
Mmmm I loved ring pops as a kid. The red ones were my favourite.
On my 6th anniversary (the candy one dontcha know) my J gave me a red ring pop to wear for the day 🙂
Sugar free is a great idea….
I don’t care for splendaded ringpops but it looks as if the Tornado is loving them with that blue tongue. Hannah always asks if her tongue changes colors too.
You want to win that sign about hippies. I just know it.
I LOVE me some ring pops! My kids love them too!
LOVE ring pops! Grew up on those things. Red was my fave. Would love to try the sugar-free version.
I don’t want the RingTop (Is that bad?) but just wanted to say that I love (almost) wordless Wednesday…
I’ve never had one.
I think that’s kind of sad.
I would like to change that so count me in on this giveaway.
haha, ringpops! they are so cool, and also fashionable. …still. and plus, they don’t have metal, so i can wear them at work with all the magnetic stuff.
My kids favorite treat at the store (yes, I bribe my children with HFCS candy to get them to behave at the store – or, as I like to call it, rewarding good behavior) is Ring Pops. I didn’t really have them as a kid but I sure have a lot of good memories now of them!!
Good blog, I want to build up mine own and probably will use the same script as yours.
How did you know that the key to my heart is in candy form? That sounds wonderful and your Tornado is as adorable as ever.
Zliten tried proposing to me with a ring pop a few times, lol. And an onion ring, and that kinda hurt. Anyhoo, Ring pops are fun and sugar free ring pops are cool! I have a little splenda in my day, and I’m sure I’ve put worse things in my body (*cough*vodka-and-cigs*cough*) on occasion.
My kids love, LOVE ring pops! This would be an awesome for the summer.