Yes, People.
Ive heard your cries.
Ive heeded your one email millions of messages.
Ive gotten a DM on Twitter My DMs hath overflowed and I am finally responding.
Companies adore me and beg for me to use their products. (**crickets chirping**)
You long for a home workout youtube series.
Please to (git to exercising &) enjoy.
You are a tease 🙂
I thought you were making a home workout video!
a DVD!
You know these fitness magazines seriously are missing the boat not having you as a regular in their magazines. Shall we make noise to another…shape…oxygen…clean eating?
I read your post yesterday and didn’t “get” it since I love to run and never really need any prodding.
Today’s post? I need lots of prodding.
Any tips for gadgets etc. which might make me more likely to weight train?
Thanks Miz.
You’ll be on Ellen and Oprah and Tyra and On Demand…WOOT!
Cool videos and I like the WorkoutsOnTheRun thing.
one question: who on earth are milionaire moms?
Check you out! An entire section of your site for videos! You are so fancy!!!
love the changes! love the new look! love the video and love you!! (ok not in that creepy stalker way..yet)
You are so organized now!!
I am going to have to check these all out after some sleep! Need my post workout sleep since I do it when most are snoozing & I should be too! 🙂
Woohoo! Great set-up.
Went to the gym this morning and tried BodyPump for the first time. I thought you’d be proud 😀
Fantastic videos and new layout!
You are so awesome. Do you mind if I ask what batteries you use to keep going? Duracell? Energizer right?
Love the videos thanks for taking the time to do that!
Nice videos. My knees always crack when I do tricep dips!
I was thinking home workout DVD too!!! I’d buy that DVD!
awesome! bookmarked. 🙂
For your readers who are asking for a dvd you can just string the videos together and practically make your own MizFit DVD!
Very cool!
You are very cool to put these all together in one link – thank you!
Cool videos. I watched quite a few. I had never seen the Ren Man other than in cartoon. Watching the Tornado is always a fun time. She is such a sweetheart!
P.S. Bring on the GREATNESS for JUNE!!!
wooohooo! that’s a lot of sweet new workout moves to try.
Awesome! I’m gittin’ to it!
Thanks for the nice words. I’m liking low carb and not feeling tired (yet) but with being hypothyroid, fatigue is always lurking 🙁
I love the changes. I welcome your step. thank you.
I’m working on the speedwalk thing for now, as my knee is being it’s stubborn self (anyone have a robot kneecap I can borrow??). Someday I will move up to running again…knock on wood.
I love running/walking in new locations and exploring on my own…there’s so much I’d never see if I never got out there in the mornings. It’s a great way to start the day 🙂
Heh…my above post is for June 2, not 1. It would make more sense there…:)
Ah yes. I need coffee…
LOVEloveLOVE the new concept! The core video gave me some good ideas but I must say the outtakes with the Tornado is still my all-time fave. Man, I love you guys!