Ok, People.
It’s been ages since we’ve done a “who are you?” post and, quite frankly, Im wondering who the hell you are!
Since receiving my much needed injection of blogBOTOX Ive had an influx of new peeps & am kinda sad we havent all officially met.
I was tempted to fall back upon the tried & true please to tell us all about the origin of your blog’s name, comment-handle or Twitter alias.
(There are some great stories out there and names which are NOT what they appear on the surface)
I decided, however, to get a little creative & compel you to do so as well.
Today’s assignment—should you choose to accept—-is merely to share a little known talent.
To TOOT YOUR OWN HORN if you will & shout out to yourself about something at which you ROCK & which we might never have guessed.
And yeah.
If you’re so drawn (or if you wanna PRETEND you’ve no hidden skillz) feel free to ‘splain your name/blog’s name & inform me it’s high time to add you to my blogroll as that shit hasnt been updated since Bush was President.
Me? Im a misfit.
Me? I do possess a talent I rarely have the opportunity to share.
Please to enjoy:
I’m not sure how good I would be at it any longer since I’ve not done it in years, but one of my hidden talents is playing the saxophone. I was in orchestra and jazz band through high school and part of college. I’ve played alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones at one point or another.
As for my blog name(s), I chose Mel Gets Fit (http://www.melgetsfit.com) for my weight loss blog because several of my friends call me Mel and I’m on a quest for better health & fitness. I figured it was reasonably short and easy to remember.
The name of my other blog (not related to weight loss) is The Daily Mel (http://www.thedailymel.com). Sadly, I rarely have time to update it on a daily basis any longer due to my busy schedule. I selected the name as a play on the name of the UK newspaper, The Daily Mail.
I love these WHO ARE YOU posts 🙂
I need to get a blog but I do have a talent!!
I can say the alphabet backwards really really fast.
Does that count?
Love ya Miz.
I am Helen and I would love to be on your blogroll!!!
A talent? I can juggle my three kids and a husband.
Not literally but….
Oh and I want your talent.
How long did you do yoga to learn that?
I’m Starfire, and my friends know me as a human dictionary, and veritable dustbin of weird-n-useless information (and the occasional helpful fact too)
Also, I have this weird compulsion to walk regular half-marathons and actually FINISH a charity 100km (I kinda had to pull out of my last one at 88km, and it still BURNS… which is why I’m training for my next one). Of course, most people who know me already know that one…
You know me MizFit – but did you know that I am a clarinetist, and pretty good?
I don’t have a blog but I am a MALE MIZFIT READER!!
That’s a talent—no?
Hmmm, I don’t think I haz any special talents. I will go to Target today and see if I can purchase any! 🙂
Have a great day!
You do! You are a very talented writer.
I can walk on the knuckles of my toes, which mostly just unsettles people/totally grosses them out. My blog has been named after many things, but it is currently because of my focus on writing about TV. And, I mean, you can totally add me to you blogroll since you give my grief about updating over Twitter. And giving grief is another way of saying you care. Plus our early morning Twitter exchanges are a delight. (; <3
Hahah nice headstand! I would do that every time company came over 🙂 Ummm special talents?? oh geez…I know the words to almost every song.
Holy tattoo!!
I can stand on my hands and no matter my weight fluctuations I have always been able to do this LOL
No small feat.
Hi I’m Jennifer from A Knack for Nutrition. My hidden talent is my ability to consume copious amounts of water in one day! Seriously, I just chug! haha! My blog name is derived from my love of healthy food but since the beginning it has transformed into so much more. Nowadays, I recap my travels abroad and soon after I will start recapping my training for my first half-marathon!
Dang, girl! You got some skills! If this blogging gig doesn’t workout you’ve got a future in the circ de soleil!
I like to think I’m a pretty good gift giver…or at least I try!
I play the flute and I can wrap my leg around the back of my neck. Not at the same time, though.
You already know me 🙂 And you can see a talent of mine over on my blog right now 🙂
I don’t blog yet.
And I can do that thing where you flip a pancake from the pan up in the air and catch it in the pan again!
Thrills the kids to no end 😉
My lone talent is the mommy ability to keep calm in a crisis.
I have LOTS of hidden talents, but master at not so many. I LOVE to find the metaphors in life but the most hidden talent is my art. I can draw and my favorite is drawing people.
That is one wild talent.
My hidden talent is I’m pretty good at throwing odd spices together in food and having it work out.
Evan isn’t the only male Mizfit reader, although I agree with him that it is a talent. 🙂
Special talents, let me think . . . I can do a 30 second plank with my oldest son standing on my lower back. I think that is a talent. Maybe I’ll do a video of that.
Aw, I always hated talent shows because I have nothing that cool to do. And then I end up wishing I could sing really well or at least dance with a bit of rhythm.
And onward… My blog, I’m (not) Superhuman, is so named because I’m injured and all. But also kinda superhuman for how I’ve been dealing. And dealing, and dealing. I blog about all sorts of health things, including my neverending, annoying injuries.
My talent is lurking 🙂
I love your blog.
I’ve got no marketable talents, but I’m very impressed with yours! You know me!
Holy Headstand, Batman. That was quite a headstand with a twist thrown in at the end. Very impressive!
I guess my hidden talent, aside from my general awesomeness of course, is my ability to do- and actually enjoy- copious amounts of library/historical research. Weird, I know.
The blog name, well, “fat girl slim” @ doesthisfatmakemybuttlookbig – not too much hidden meaning there;) Just an acknowlegement that I was fat, now I’m less so. And, honey, if you have to ask then it’s not the pants, it’s just your ass.
I’d love to be on the blogroll!
Hidden Talent? hm….
I can say the abc’s backwards….
I can peel a banana with my feet…
I can go through any disney cartoon movie and know all the words and the songs.
Nothing helpful at all in life but it makes me fun!
That is some talent Miz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me, nothing too exciting. I can still do the splits.. although it takes me longer to get there at this age than when I was young. I can do them on both sides too!
Amanda of RunToTheFinish.blogspot.com here…man I am a passionate runner, but I don’t by any means consider myself talented…
I sing in the shower, but not well.
I can’t make a power tool from a toothpick like McGyver.
So what is my hidden talent…I’d say it’s being a perpetual optimist
That was a really impressive handstand. I love your “I am my own favorite superhero” motto. I wish I had a skill that was as equally impressive. I asked my wife what skill I have to brag about, and she said I could burp on command and burp the alphabet. I admit, that is a skill I have. My children are most impressed by it. I have a small blog on health, fitness and whatever I feel like writing about. Keep up the good work, I usually keep up with you each day.
Hmmm. My husband is amazed that I can just build or make something. I’ve been able to do that since I was a kid. I see it in my head, may jot my own plans down, and just make it or repair it. (I wish I was like that with cooking).
“fit by 41, maybe 42” came from starting my fitness journey at age 40. I was 2 months away from 41 and figured I wouldn’t be able to erase 30+ years of bad habits in just 2 months.
Great talent, Miz! (Now, can you drink your water while in that position?)
An unintended result of this post? My realization how much I have to work on with my self-love.
I immediately thought I have no talents!
That’s sad and deep in my heart I know it isn’t true.
Please to *officially* meet you.
Cool talent. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to stand on my head one day.
Blog: Eye of the ‘Drea = (surprise, surprise) Eye of the Tiger inspiration. I like that song for all of the obvious reasons. When I’m trying to dig deep during a workout, that’s one of the songs that helps.
I also liked Eye of the ‘Drea because, for me, it means taking a look from my perspective but you should also know that one of my friends calls me Crazy ‘Drea whenever I tell her what I’ve been up to lately…
Hmmm…. hidden talents, you say.
I’m not sure I have any. Unless the ability to waste copious amounts of time day-dreaming is a talent?
Yeah, I didn’t think so, either.
Must give this some thought.
Hmmm, Well, you know me, in the blog world. 🙂 My talent? Being able to laugh at pretty much anything! Not really a talent? Yeah I know, I was grasping. OK I love to sing and I have a pretty good voice, though it hasn’t been exercised in years!
I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to comment since I’m not a newbie BUT I can do some awesome rhymes.
That’s my talent.
thanks for outting yerselves and shouting out to your blogs.
I sorely need to update my rotating blogroll & this is just the motivation I need.
And love the talents/quirks as well.
Id almost forgotten I play the sax, too.
I need to get that thing from my parents’ house before they toss it….
I make a mean pot of turkey chili. Does that count as a talent? No? I also know all the words to just about every Christmas song ever….like several verses. It’s frightening really.
yep, super impressed with your talent
as for my own…..ummmmm…..
I can leap tall buildings in a single bound
….or was that superman….??
Talents? Not sure if it counts, but I was the drum major (conductor) for a drum & bugle corps when I was younger and I can keep time like a metronome!
My blog name is ActiveEggplant. Before he died my father started calling me Eggplant because I was “curvy”. I hated it at the time. But I’ve grown to embrace it now! I was a runner in my early 20s and fell out of it after dad died. I figured I’d put the name to good use & get myself back on track with being active. So ActiveEggplant was born in February 2010. Here’s the link! http://activeeggplant.com
I love your talent. I’ve been trying to do headstands in yoga but it hurts my noggin.
Okay so I’m Christine, also known as Sherazade96 and also known to some as Dert. Sherazade is a perverted spelling of Scherherazade, who was the storyteller of the 1001 Arabian Nights. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, so I thought the name was appropriate. The perverted spelling comes from a book by Leila Sabbar, and I related to the main character when I was much, much younger…
(bored yet from that description? Yawn)
My talent? Crazy backbends, kind of like this guy without the crazy wiener sticking out:
OK so my twitter name is stephhamm154. Obviously severely lacking in the creativity and its meaning should be fairly obvious. My excuse is that I’m a new mom to a 4 month old and so sleep deprived that something requiring a) thought, or b) effort would cause my over-taxed brain to implode. I’m always open to suggestions for a better name (unless your suggestion is “annoyinggal”, “patheticchick” or something along those lines. I would respectfully decline said suggestions). I’m obviously long winded and love writing and photography but I have to say that my secret talent would be that I can do a back bridge and walk across the room in that pose. Truly a party asset right there.
If my video worked, I’d do a demo and shock and amaze you all. But you’ll have to take my word for it, it’s hot.
I can also eat a human sized back of Munchie Mix in a single sitting, though that’s a talent I’m trying to rid myself of.
I am a newbie reader and can’t remember how I found you.
My talent? I can come up with an excuse for not working out faster than anyone I know LOL
I’d say that is TWO talents, Carla – the whistling and the headstand thingie. 🙂
My name is Shelley and my blog name started out as “A Forty-Something’s Weight Loss Journey” but evolved into “My Journey to Fit: A Forty-Something’s Weight Loss Journey” when I got my domain. It was supposed to be shorter but ended up being longer. Hah, I never do things the easy way!
My hidden talent? I can write, in cursive, backward. Like a whole letter…which I used to do. My poor grandmother had to hold my letters up to the mirror to read them, lol!
Oh, and please add me to your blog roll, wherever it might be (I can’t seem to find it). Gracias (ooh, another hidden talent?)
I can bust a move!
This is adorable! LOL! 🙂
I have a knack for remembering actors in movies. It makes me a veritable threat during long road trips when my husband and I play Hollywood Shuffle.
As for my blog, I chose I’m a Drama Mama for several reasons. I used to do a lot of theatre (not so much now) and I have a tendency to be overly dramatic and exaggerate situations. I tend to create drama where there’s no place for it. And I’m a mom.
the end.
I be Quix/Leah.
I blog about random bits that float through my mind.
I am motivated by competition and love races, but struggling somewhere between wanting to lose the last 10 and body acceptance.
I used to be the stay puft marshmallow girl at 265 lbs but I is not anymore, thankfully.
I am happier now than I ever have been, and only wish for more hours in the day to do more awesome things that I love to go along with all the other awesome things I already do.
My hidden talent? Today it’s rambling, apparently…
I have the ability to do yoga while completely (almost, most of the time) tuning out my husband and child who are next to me goofing off in the worst of ways. 😉
If that doesn’t count, I draw and stuff.. It’s a hidden talent because I’m still working on it!
My blog Irresistible Bliss is named after an album by the band Soul Coughing. When trying to name my blog, my husband and I were looking through free fonts and I kept seeing the oddest font names and joking that I’d name my blog after one of them. Eventually I decided they looked like the names of Soul Coughing songs, and then Irresistible Bliss popped into my head and it stuck.
My twitter name goodfairyofny was taken from a book called The Good Fairies of New York by Martin Millar. 😉
I’m Hallie and my blog is healthytwists.com…just trying to be a healthy happy Hallie! I always say my secret talent (or, party trick) is knowing the calorie count of just about anything…but I think among this group, that’s probably not all that much of a talent 🙂
I am the blogger formerly known as Fattie Fatterton. And my hidden talent is that I used to be an opera singer. I have my Bachelor’s degree in it.
I’m pretty much a no-talent ass clown that has learned that she enjoys exercising at the gym and lifting heavy things.
I’m striving to be “a non fat girl” but until I get there I go by Anonymous Fat Girl or AFG (or my name which is Bobbie).
I’ve met some really cool people blogging and I look forward to meeting many more… 🙂
Tell me you do that all the time at parties, Miz.
Are you kidding!? that is amazing talent! you’re not a misfit- you’re a role model with that video!
tooting my horn: I am really good at sudoku. I think I would do it as my talent if I was on Miss America (big, unlikely if there)
I can say the alphabet backwards. FAST.
Yeah, all kindsa awesome there.
Girl your cross-legged tripos headstand is amazing! I was a gymnast for 9 years and can still do back-flips. also, I am incredibly good at schmoozing to rich people o behalf of various non-profits. Like, I could be a schmoozing consultant I’m so good at it.
I am going to answer both.
Talent: if I ever memorize a number I NEVER forget it. I can tell you my phone number from when I was 4 and my ex husbands social security number, hee hee. Also, I am really good at alphabetizing things and I edit people’s spelling/grammar in my head when I read. Ya, useful talents.
My blog name: Kat’s Adventures in Dietland is a play on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The roller coaster weight loss adventures I’ve had are very through the looking glass. Yes, I’m a lit nerd too, the info doesn’t cease to amaze.
Holy moly! I would love to be able to walk round all day knowing I could pop a headstand at any moment to liven up a meeting or family gathering. Mwahahha.
Wow, so many cool peeps & talents!! Ok, well since I got Mizzy’s permission I’m gonna toot my own horn for my TV Career that no one knew I wanted until now 🙂
Please go here to vote for me (you can vote as many times as you wish everyday until July 3rd!!)
No blog. No talent.
I’m stealing all these new blogs to READ 😉
My hidden talent is singing “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” one word off the whole song — starting one word early and ending one note early. (So while everyone else sings the opening “take,” I’m on the second word, “me,” and so on. The “peanuts and crackerjacks” part is the hardest.)
My blog, Change Is Possible, is to try to encourage folks who are realizing they’re in a rut and want to get out but don’t know how. I used to be 80 pounds heavier, sedentary, eating the Standard American Diet (aptly acronymed SAD) and in massive debt. I lost the weight, got fit, took a short break to fight cancer, started doing triathlon, went vegetarian, and am opening a personal training studio in my house in the next five days… Loans outstanding are: mortgage, hubby’s car loan (to be paid off by August, 3 years early!), student loan. Change IS possible!
My hidden talent is that I can touch my elbows together behind my back.
My blog name was picked on a whim – because I like to make “stuff”. Clever, no? 🙂
Hehehe I remember when you posted that video before, it’s awesome!
I can type 97 words per minute with only 1 typing error. Writing extraordinaire!
the 10,000,000th comment =)
1. blog is biobabbler ’cause I’m a biologist with a very chatty, enthusiastic nature and I LOVE words (and honestly part of starting it was to spare my poor Facebook friends from ceaseless prattle)
2. hidden talents: 2 come to mind: 1) can put ankles behind head (makes yoga teachers very happy) 2) don’t freak out around rattlesnakes, giant spiders, etc. Handy as professional biologist. =) Oh, and 3) take some decent pics now and then.
3. You have MANY MANY talents, hidden or otherwise.
My passion is helping people find the best solution possible to get to their ideal shape. I run a blog with three other people called askfitnesscoach.com where our number one objective is to give indivduals a place where they can ask questions about health, fitness, and weight loss and get honest answers.
I believe that anything to be desired starts in your head and works its way out to your body and changes your heart in the process.
http://www.idealshape.com is where I help people get their head in the game because I believe your head is the key to unlocking your IdealShape.
Thanks Miz for letting us share. I think I am going to see if I can do that move you did in your video.
Love your talent! 🙂 I’m not sure I have any hidden talents- ok, I’m a fairly good singer. 🙂
I named my blog “A Very Busy Mind” because, well, my mind is very busy. (It also doubles as a qualifier for rambling posts. ;))
As for a hidden talent, someone already said it, but I learn the words to songs VERY quickly. I also have a memory attached to almost every song I’ve ever heard.
This is my very first time here. I’ll be back. My talent–I’m a very good story teller. I was a children’s librarian for years and in addition to reading stories, I learned how to tell stories. I’m in great demand at campfires and when the family’s gathered on the back porch of an evening.
let me try that link again!
My name is Brooke and I’m not on a diet. Like the saying goes, it’s a lifestyle change. 🙂
My talent is I can sing. Like super duper well. I should audition for Broadway. 😀
Here’s too tootin my horn.
I am fluent in American Sign Language.
Oh and when I ran my first 5k, I didn’t come in last! ROCK IT BABY!!!
You can whistle upside down? You are my new hero. Also, how many times can you pump your criss-crossed legs?
My talent is…picking my nose.
Really. You’ve never seen ANYTHING like it.
Love this post and the responses! My talent is that I speak 4 languages and have a relatively easy time learning them. I love it!
Hello Miz,
I am Kimberley from http://the-phoenix-rises-again.blogspot.com/. I chose this name for my blog because I have been successful at weight loss before and then I crashed and burned…rinse and repeat several times…but, I always rise up from the ashes.
My talents are usually confined to one particular room. I will let you guess which one…
I hope you said the kitchen!
man I love you guys…
Talent? Hmmm. My wife says I was born an old man, so I don’t know that I can say I have many talents. Skills, perhaps, but not many innate talents. If anything, it would have to be paring down difficult things into smaller manageable pieces. That helps when you’re into the sciences – (among other things, I’m a chemist). My blog — Live Fit Blog. Filled with many strange and [maybe] helpful tips for fitting fitness into busy lives…
I’m a kick butt 5-pin bowler and my grandmother has been inducted into the canadian 5-pin bowling hall of fame, not once but twice!
Hmmm … I’m Mandy AKA Gemfit (I’m a GEMini who wanted to get FIT) and my hidden talent?
I can entertain people with my terriblenogood ten-pin bowling? I used to lunge like a drunkard but now I lunge like a tipsy person?
I am managing to plan my wedding without getting stressed too much and actually looking forward to the day?
I am impulsive. Loving. Laughing.
My little known talent? I can sleep almost anywhere and I can deal with almost every single possible dirty place ever. Comes from lots and lots of dirt (no pun intended) cheap backpacking. Oh, and I’m extremely thrifty and NOT a pack rat! Oh yeah, I can pack super light too. But I believe these are all “talents” learned from experience and practice.
I wish I had more hidden talents, like being able to tight rope walk. Maybe I’ll try learning one day!
Hi Miz! Very late to the party. You know me I think. Hidden talent? Does quilting count?
I love this idea Mizfit!
My hidden talent is that I can tell whether someone is miming or not – I know! What a useful talent! You have no idea how many days I have saved with this 🙂
Wow – I am so impressed – how the heck do you do that??? As for my hidden talents, I can wiggle my left eyebrow while my right one remains still. That’s it.
You got some mad skillz.
I can wave with my pinky toe. Does that count?
OK I tried Mizzy.
I can not stand on my head.
That’s my new goal.
My blog name came about because I’d been waiting around to lose weight, like it would just happen overnight and that wishing would make it happen. I decided finally decided to get serious, and not only take off the weight, but keep it off – thus Weighting Around. My current (and last) weight loss journey has taken 11 months so far and I am almost there! So I’d say my hidden talent is the perseverance I’ve found within.
Dang!! Is there anything you CAN’T DO? very impressed. Don’t know what my talent is? Does whining count as a talent? I am always whining about how the scale doesn’t move down despite my heroic attempts at workingout. My blog title is paulawannacracker.blogspot.com. Why paulawannacracker? Well, cuz it seems like I’m always hungry and I’m known to roam the student center at work in search of a snack and end up eating the free crackers thus, paulawannacracker.
You’ve inspired me to seek my hidden talent and even make a video.. hmmm better start brain stormin.
hidden talents …? um … i have one of the best b.s. detectors. EVER. so much so that people who are not genuine tend to hate me immediately because they know i can see right through them.
does that count?
as for the blog name … i share it with my fiance brandon. waaaay back when we started dating, i realized he made (okay, still makes) these weird mmrraa-ing sounds, typically when cranky. i said he sounded like a baby dinosaur … i picked up on the sounds and started making them myself … and it snowballed from there. so we’re the baby dinosaurs and we’re a team. yay.
I’m still insanely jealous of your ability to whistle. And I adore headstands. Yours, mine, other peoples. There should be more standing on heads!
I have an uncanny ability to spot a book that I’d want to read (and buy!) from clear across a bookstore. Oh, and I can make French Toast like nobody’s business.
Hidden talent? I really don’t know of one. Most of it is “used to” as in I used to play the piano, violin, etc… used to be pretty good, too! But I hate practicing (LOATHE it), so that combined with having offspring and needing to prioritize my activities has my musical skilz pretty much falling by the wayside.
I’d rather add to my ever-growing collection of books, which have managed to spill over every bookcase I own, and has my husband eyeballing spare walls and calculating how much the lumber would cost to cover them in bookshelves just so we can get these things un-double-shelved and alleviate the pile problem that’s starting.
Yes, he identifies with Sisyphus. He is also the most patient, tolerant man I know. The man totally rocks.
My blog title was basically an exercise in desperation. It’s called “It’s All About the Walls” because about four years ago I wanted to start blogging and I had to name the blasted thing. The only thought that would come to my mind was, “Well, you’re about to start working at an architecture firm, and they deal with walls, plus walls are ALL around you, plus you could get all deep about ‘mental walls’…” and thus the world’s weirdest blog title was born.
But really, it was all about the titular desperation.
Speaking of folks who rock, that’d be you, Miz 😀 I don’t comment much, but I do read regularly and I thoroughly enjoy your blog.
Let’s see……
I can touch my nose with my tongue, knock 20 bucks off a grocery bill in a flash, and bake a mean cupcake. But just one. How’s that for talent? 😉
I’m not sure if it’s a talent or not, but I have a pretty good memory when it comes to remembering useless knowledge type things. But I can’t remember what I am supposed to get from the grocery store, or what I went into the next room for.
My blog name is simple.. it’s me…changed. 🙂 I’m really enjoying your blog. Thanks for sharing so much with all of us.
I’m really good at eating pizza and it at 271 lbs… IT SHOWED (hence ‘BodyByPizza’). Now I’m really good at eating pizza AND working out. *bows*
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