This email arrived in my in-box the other day and started me thinking.
I oft say in pseudo-jest to Ren Man if mama aint happy aint nobody happy.
The logical extension of that adage didnt occur to me until I read the email below.
Logical at least up in herre where we definitely do follow the if mama aint HEALTHY aint nobody HEALTHY.
The idea of a Sistahood or Mamavation may not be your (fingerquote) thing (unFQ) but there’s no denying the validity of Leah’s assertion that moms are the catalyst and cornerstones of many family units.
On this Father’s Day my gift to Ren Man (among a stack of other treats. What can I say? Dude married well.) is my continued commitment to keeping our family unit healthy.
Join me?
Dear Friends,
July will mark the one year anniversary of the Mamavation campaign. Over the course of the year, Mamavation Moms have lost over 111 lbs. They were given community love & support, expert advice and shiny fitness equipment. They learned how to live an active healthy lifestyle and then they were tasked with sharing that with their friends and family—an honorable task, but not an easy one.
Since then, a sorority has sprung up around the Mamavation campaign, The Sistahood, and it is comprised of over 100 moms of all shapes and sizes supporting one another in a real community and helping each other reach their healthy goals.
We are a group of women who are learning healthy living imperfectly and sharing our discoveries with each other in a humble supportive fashion.
The Mamavation campaign doesn’t stand for just getting skinnier, it stands for families.
We are a movement—moms who want a better life for their family and are comfortable using social media to reach those goals. We want to effect real lasting change within ourselves and within our immediate reach. And we recognize that moms are the only ones in the family unit who have the power to create change. We control the pocketbook and calendar. And as mother lions, we have the ability and passion to create a life for our children that was better than the one we were dealt. We are the catalysts and the cornerstone. We are moms.
This Monday, June 21st, will mark the first day that applications are accepted for Mamavation campaign #5. Any mom in social media with an active blog and twitter account is encouraged to apply, but this campaign is NOT for the faint of heart. @Bookieboo will demand ultimate submission to the process, the community, and the lifestyle. Yes, there is incredible fitness swag, but that is only a bonus to someone who truly wants to change their life and the life of their family.
In order to become a Mamavation Mom, the applicant must be considered “overweight” or higher on the BMI scale. She must have a family and be willing to share her lifestyle with them. The ultimate goal of the program is to spare herself and the family from the symptoms of obesity and give everyone a healthy new lifestyle.
If you know someone who could use a Mamavation, send them here, They can either apply to the Mamavation campaign to become an official Mamavation Mom OR they can pledge to the Sistahood.
Leah Segedie
Bookieboo LLC
Chief Mom of Operations
Bookieboo Fitness Hangout for Moms
Serenity Now
I don’t know anything about mamavtion but I love LOVE your if mama aint healthy aint no body healthy.
You rock.
Happy Fathers Day to Ren Man.
I can’t wait to have a family and commit to keeping them healthy too.
xo xo
SO true! …I have to say it…as they say on real housewives of nj- Happy wife, happy life 😉
You are so right.
I had not thought about it in terms of my driving the ship 🙂 but since I have become more healthy the hubby shockingly has too.
A little bit anyway.
(LOL @ the RH reference Erica!!!)
(okay – and the healthy eats too!)
Enjoy the day with the RenMan!!
Mamavation LOL
Love the word and hadn’t head of the movement.
Heard not head.
I can’t type today.
this looks like a great way for people to stay on track/accountable and get healthy. my mom has always been a motivation to me because she is so active! I’m glad this is targeting that audience
Love your post on Mamavation. Perfect motivation for us struggling SAHMs trying to lose weight. I’ve lost 90 pounds so far, but I have 20 pounds to go. Thanks for posting this, it helps keep me going!
I root on all the mamas because I think it’s incredible that they juggle a family, sometimes a job, AND children. Mamas are amazing. I think I’m going to give my mom a hug today too.
Tell Ren Man Happy Father’s Day!
“…my continued commitment to keeping our family unit healthy.”
That is my favoritist sentence in this post of yours. Happy Day! xoxo
I agree with Yum Yucky.
That’s what I love ya.
Happy Father’s Day to the Ren Man!
You motivate so many — I agree, Ren Man married well.
Happy Father’s Day to him.
I love your continued commitment. Mom’s and Dad’s rock!
Thanks for the link!
And I agree completely – if I’m on track with fruits and veggies, so are my daughter and hubby. If not….well, it all goes downhill!
I get where the Mamavation movement is coming from, and I agree that SAHMs have a lot of power and influence in their families’ health and well being.
However, the statement “moms are the only ones in the family with the power to create change” made me wince a little. Partly, I’m sure, because my husband is our family’s primary caregiver (including nutritionally). I do think the primary caregiver in a family has more power in nurturing the health of the household, but I would not presume it to be all his…or all mine. It’s ours.
Hi dudes! Im an new model and I want to make it by myself in the industry! I love messing around with cute guys and just having a good time you know?! I love my dogs, and just can’t get enough of them… and I like it when people show my kitten the same attention jk lmao!