Ive made no secret of the fact that I adore the exercise skirt/dress notion.
Inexplicably I LOVE being clad in uberfeminine attire whilst working out when I own only a few of these garments designed for non-exercise activities.
(truly. Ren Man & I have a deal. I’ll pretty much get gussied up and accompany him ANYWHERE–he just needs to provide the necessary attire. He’s my personal shopper.)
That said, I tend to wear my workout skirts for more than just exercise.
If I like them (and I’m a picky one) Ill don them for absolutely everything.
From bosu to brunch.
From weights to wine.
As a result, even with my new decision to hold fewer giveaways (myriad reasons. wanna know? let me know.), I caved immediately when it came to Shabby Apple’s Firefly Pose skirt.
I think I shocked the company a tad with my immediateimmediate YES! but what’s not to love about a badass skirt & a company who cares?
After receiving, wearing, washing & LOVING the skirt my answer is a resounding NOTHING!
The skirt, like its philanthropic company, rocks.
First I ran in my Firefly Pose skirt. I did realize (given the name. I’m quick that way.) it’s intended for yoga–but I was curious what it would be like to run in.
VERDICT: The skirt is NOT for the Texas heat & running. It IS for the indoor air-conditioning and treadmill lolloping. In summation, it all depends on your climate, however the liners shorts (lovingly displayed below) were fab fitting and didn’t ride up at all.
Next I yoga’d in my Firefly Pose skirt.
VERDICT: Id never done yoga in a skirt before & was nervous it would cause me to be so distracted (fearing exposing myself) that Id not be able to get my OM-on. I think because Id already run in the skirt & trusted the fit of the shorts I found I didn’t fret and wasn’t distracted. Comfy. Comfy. Comfy.
Finally’ I made Ren Man take me to a movie in my Firefly Pose skirt.
VERDICT: Heaven, People, heaven. Now, some of this may have been due to the fact we had a sitter & saw a semi-grownup low-brow flick, but I really did feel pretty fancypantsGIRLIE in my skirt. In addition I had zero fears of forgetting to cross my legs & pulling an insertherethenameofthelateststartoflashtheworldherJAYJAY.
Thankfully, People, my LOVE can be your GAIN.
Shabby Apple has generously agreed to giveaway a Firefly Pose skirt to one fortunate USA reader/commenter.
You may be entered to win for the lowlow cost of a comment below.
How would YOU use the Firefly Pose skirt should you win? Would you don it for laundry folding or lunges? Pilates or powershopping?
And men? You’re not excluded. Feel free to chime in with the name of the woman upon whom you’d bestow the skirt should the random number generator smile benevolently upon you.
Winner announced 6.28.10
**FTC? My lovely skirt was FREE. The opinions above are all my own.
I think I need a US address because I WANT! Anyone flying out NZ way I can nominate to bring it for me if/WHEN I win?
Very snazzy.
Oh, and I forgot to say what I’d do in it: EVERYTHING. I’d lunge into the grocery store, SQUAT while putting groceries away, run to pilates and boxing.
I would use the skirt to do my daily Callanetics. Thanks for the giveaway!
Canada here so I can’t win but I had to say how flipping cute you and your daughter are AND how I now want that skirt and your flip flops 🙂
I appreciate your honesty about the heat and the skirt.
I live in a climate where it doesn’t get as how but like that I know you are honest in your reviews.
Love the tattoo.
I would wear it to run my first 5K this summer:-)
Since you said it was ok 🙂 I wouldn’t wear this but my wife would love it.
She does bikram yoga.
Thank you for all that you do to make this world a healthier place Miz.
We may see you in Las Vegas!!!
Oh my I love that skirt. And I tend to wear workout clothes all day, and Trophy Husband? Loves me in a skirt. So not only would I go out and LIVE in the skirt, I’d also let my husband tell me how hot I look in it, and proceed to take it off of me. *wink*
will you laugh if I told you I was a cheerleader in high school?!?!
ok, I would totally laugh because it is kinda funny – BUT, that was the only time I have even worked out in a skirt. I would love to try everything in my Firefly Pose Skirt so just send it my way …hehe!
If I could I would wear skirts round the clock … but as I’m sure you know it isn’t always that easy with a toddler. This, though, would be perfect and I think I’ll have to get at least one or two at some point even if I don’t win 🙂
If it’s too hot for the Texas summer then it’s surely too hot for the Georgia summer but it’s awfully cute. I can see running in it in the fall and spring times and using it for casual wear the rest of the time.
OOOH do we win the tee too?
I love that as well.
I’d wear the skirt to run in and MAYBE in Las Vegas with you if I can scrape together the funds.
I’d do bodyweight exercises! And then out to run errands or see friends or do whatever!
Love the skirt!
Well, since I am a workout addict myself, so I’d wear it everywhere and beyond. Probably to bed even, as I have been known to sleep in my workout clothes so I can get right up and go to it!
I have never had a workout skirt and am ready to rock one! It’s on the top of my shopping list. So, I would wear it at yoga, pilates and maybe spinning?! Can’t wait to try!!
Jeez, I don’t normally wear skirts, and I can’t win anyway, but you made me want one of these.
I’d do pretty much everything in the skirt! I LOVE my running skirt, and wear it to run errands (even errands I ride my bike for), yoga, Pilates, weight lifting….
I love those skirt/short thingees! I can’t wait until the day I can find one in my size and wear comfortably! 🙂
Love the pic of you and the tornado doing the Yoga pose! 🙂
I can’t win yet you still make me smile on this Monday.
Does Shaby Apple ship to Canada??
Dang girly you look absolutely amazing! I would love this skirt to do Yoga or run in. I am obsessed with anything girly lol.
I’d totally pull a Miz and wear it from yoga right into date time 😉
Canadian here ;( so I can’t win.
Those pictures are priceless!
I’d wear that skirt to the gym…I like to look like a lady when doing manly deadlifts. 😉
So cute! I think I’d wear it biking but then go out in it. Because, you’re right, it’s so cute enough to pretend it’s not for working out.
I have a couple of running skirts and I wear them everywhere – short bike rides, grocery store, runs, Six Flags, and I’ve even worn them to work! This one, with it’s cute little pattern, I could definitely see wearing to work or out on the town (in addition to wearing all day in an attempt to psych myself to work out!).
Cute! I want one:) I had a similar skirt once but the shorts underneath really rode up. I was constantly pulling at them. I would wear it to the gym and errands afterwards!
I love the pics & especially the one with Tornado!!!
OK, since I don’t buy clothes & have so few, I would wear it anywhere & everywhere! My hubby would be happy to see me in something different! 🙂 I do the gym so I have no worries about running in it inside AND my outdoor runs are early enough that it is still not hot yet.
Very cute!
I know I can’t win, but I wanted to say I love the photo of you with the skirt pulled up! Makes you look about the same age as the Tornado! *giggle*
I desire a running skirt – in fact, back in March when Happy Texan Kelly and I were doing the Armadillo Dash, I was enthralled by the women who were wearing them…but didn’t think I could pull it off. Now? Bring it! I’d wear it not only to run in, but also just as a comfy casual run-around-town outfit!
That skirt is so super cute! Love how there are actual shorts under it and not “bloomers”. I’d wear it for almost anything, but mostly I think it’d be fun to wear while teaching my boot camp class, because they would be cuter than shorts and cooler than wearing pants out in the sun. Plus it would be fun to wear a skirt for a change.
Perfect post for this week – these last 6 mos or so, I’ve developed a love affair with dresses and skirts for work (after years of hating them) and have realized that I now have enough to go an entire week in dresses. And the running has given me calves that I actually want to show off. 🙂 My only complaint is that the running skirt I bought has shorts that ride up and are uncomfortable.
So, in short, I’d love a workout skirt that I could wear on my treadmill runs, lifting sessions and trips to the grocery store.
Oooooh! Ooooh! I wannnnnnnnt it. I like the idea of yoga-ing in a skirt, and it does look super comfortable, plus – Shabby Apple has the best stuff.
SO CUTE. Love it.
The boyfriend has taking me shopping for back-country camping gear, but now he has to put up with me wearing my rain jacket all the time. Tehe. I love it. If there’s a cloud in the sky, my camping rain coat is coming with me, regardless if we’re in the city. I think it’s important to like our workout gear that much 😀
I would likely wear it for/to everything as well. I think it would be fun to just run errands in!
adorable! I think it would be great for my strength training days.
I can’t win ;(
Still I laughed that you took one for the team and flashed us your ‘drawers.’
This is why I come here LOL
I have to laugh, because I have the same addiction: LOVE my running skirts, but I can’t remember the last time I wore a “real” skirt out or around town!! I would rock this firefly pose skirt in class…from the boring ones at school to the sweaty ones at gym! I love how they are versatile like that!
I think mine would be the full day clothes as well. I usually am up early working out (took shower the night before) then I am off for the day. So most of my day is spent in workout attire. The wonderful skirt would make that “ok”! HA
I would give this to my wife.
She would rock it.
(I know I’m biased ;))
It has been so many years since I have worn any kind of skirt that I don’t know quite what I would do LOL!
I love my skirts but since I share this TX heat now I guess I can’t sport it outside 😉 I don’t have a yoga one- and since I do yoga at home I would totally be confident to wear it!
I need to win me the lottery (*throws open arms and shouts THERE IS ABUNDANCE IN MY WORLD*) so I could git you all this skirt.
That’s how much I (& Ren Man ;)) loved it.
I think, same as you, I’d wear it for everything. I keep eyeing running/workouts skirts, but have been too timid to buy one.
knowing me I would wear it for everything! I think it would be great to have a skirt to wear around town and then walk into the gym and get my run on without changing!
I am already sold on running skirts and I’m sure I would try it out on a cooler day. I’ve never done yoga in a skirt, though — most of mine are either too short or sheer underneath — so I’d love to give that a try!
From Canada but…I have a skirt similar and LOVE it! A girlfriend even told me that you can wear them in to the water if you need a cool little dip! I wear mine cycling as well!!
I’m already sold on running skirts … and since I’m devoting 2010 to wearing a skirt or dress every day, it would be great to have more skirt-y options for working out! (Step aerobics, walk/jogging, body pump.)
I love running skirts too but since this particular skirt is not for running, I’d use it at home to zoomba or yoga.
I would use it as a reward for reaching my fitness goal (to be a size 12) because I don’t think that skirt is anywhere near my current size (18-20). If they had one in my size I’d be putting my credit card info in right now.
Ooh, I’d love to have it to wear to the Sister’s Outdoor quilt show. Lots of walking, I know it’d be comfortable.
I would wear it as we ran together in VEGAS!!!!
Seriously, workout clothing for women has come a long way since I’ve last looked. I may seriously consider buying some cute/functional pieces these days. If I had this skirt I would use it for my running days on the treadmill. I hate the treadmill and I hate running, but I do it anyway, because Im waiting for it to become a life habit. I might as well look cute doing something I hate right. That’s where the firefly would enter. Then once I rocked out the treadmill for the full 30mins instead of 15, I would go hit some of the iron in the weight room, just because more people need to know that you can still be a girl and lift weights, and lift heavy at that. Yup, so there. That’s what I would do. Lol.
I would wear that skirt all the time!! I have wanted one for a while now, but it would be great for riding my bike around town. Not that I don’t already wear a skirt while doing that, but this way, I’d be more classy.
Oooooh, cute! I’d love to play tennis in that. Or, maybe ride my bike to church or the farmer’s market, so I could still look nice without flashing anyone.
I have only recently found workout skirts, and am saving like crazy for one. This one would be used for my latest attempts at yoga, which I tried years ago and am now finding to be a great thing. (Wonder why I missed that the first time? I’m just slow.)
I’d wear it for all of the above! So cute. This would be perfect for bike riding, Pilates, yoga, walking, etc. Love it!
I have to say that if I won a skirt, I would give it away to a friend since I don’t *get* skirts. Weird, hunh?
The picture of you and your daughter doing yoga is priceless.
I’ve been wanting to try a running skirt forever! Sounds like it might not be great for the NYC summer heat, but I’d look so fancy on the treadmill!
I hadn’t seen this company before and many not wait to see if I win.
LOVE the skirt and it looks fab on you.
I would wear mine for lifting weights … and for training people in my new little home-grown fitness studio! Living in Phoenix, I wouldn’t be wearing it outside any time soon!!
I love that look of that skirt. I have seen them before, but they were not that pretty. I so want one. I often run while my daughter is at sports practice. Then afterward we stop at the store for fresh veggies. She would rather I wear a skirt and look pretty out in public then my old running shorts.
Hope I win! Hope I win!
I love the idea of a running skirt, but it’s frustrating to me that the skirt only goes up to a size large. This runner is not small! Of course, the fit guide does say the large would fit a size 14 waist, which is what I am, so maybe it would still work. It’s really cute!
I would wear it to work, I’m forever climbing under desks to fix cables (I’m in IT) and can never wear skirts!!! Then, I would be ready if I wanted to work out after work. 🙂
I love half moon even if I fall out of it all the time. And it would look really graceful in a skirt.
And I love pretty workout clothes to wear out. I do buy some pretty shirts so I can wear them on errands before the gym.
I would LOVE to try a work out skirt for running- I’m always self conscious that my shorts are ridding up my thighs or that I have a wedgie : ( This would solve my problems!! LOL
I guess my wife would wear it, though it might flatter my legs a bit better…jk.
Actually, she has an awesome figure, but never seems to get into skirt/dress wearing…perhaps she’ll like this, though.
I also do everything in my workout skirts! I think they are super flattering and so comfortable. I don’t have any by firefly (mine are mostly from Target), but I’d love to try one. Skirts ROCK!
I want to be entered!
I would use it to run with. Perhaps cycle with, that could be not so interesting (too much…maybe?) and I’d lounge out by the pool in them and at the beach. Get my tan on!
I would wear my skirt to run in! BTW- that outfit your daughter is wearing in the pictures? Too cute! Plus, daughter is wearing the exact same thing today.
wow i did not know workout skirts existed. ive never seen anyone wear one before. this is just a comment and not entering the contest, because i dont think a workout skirt is for me…i never feel very girly when i’m working out and i think i look cute in my workout shorts 🙂
Hmmm, too hot for Texas…maybe just right for Michigan? I’d try it for yoga, but I don’t know if it can best my capris, yes, they are thriv.
I’d probably add it to my weekend wardrobe–those not-work-clothes perfect for cleaning, grocery store, work out, hang out, etc.
I need that in my life.. I haven’t found a skirt that would fit properly.. hmmm and it’s great that it can go from the gym to fashionable in public!!!
love the pic of you & tornado in pose!
Ooh, I love this skirt. I would use it for my GOAL clothing! You know, that piece of clothing you look at and think, “Once I can fit into that, I will be at goal. That’s a healthy size.” I’d love to win the large in either color, and you can bet your fancy pants, er, skirt that I’d be tryin’ that puppy on once a week until I hit goal! After that, I’d do yoga and prolly even run in it.
i would wear it for our evening walks (hubs doesn’t like people to think we’re exercising, i know, perish the thought) AND to make dressing up a little and walking to a not-to-far-away restaurant for a little date night!
I would love a workout skirt! In the past my favorite skirts have been the kind with the secret shorts – they are comfortable & cute and of course you don’t have to worry about flashing anyone!
Thanks so much for the great review of them!
P.S. I saw that movie this weekend and laughed so much throughout it 🙂
I know moms at my old school who bought tennis clothes just to go out to the grocery store in because they wanted to fit the image. I think it’s totally fine to do the skirt (well, the skort at least)
Oooh, want want want. Probably wouldn’t wear it running/biking but dang if it’s not cute enough to wear out on the town!
Wow! I would love to own a workout skirt. I have to admit, the thought had really never crossed my mind to wear a skirt for any activities other than tennis, but I really want to try one for yoga!
I am not entering the contest but wanted to drop in to say how much I LOVE my firefly skirt and Shabby Apple in general. One of my new fave companies. Loved working with them on my blog and love their clothes:) PS> You look adorbs in that skirt!!!
I would not get it for myself. So, I will give it to MrsFatass. WHEN I win it. 🙂
I would wear it while making my muscles grow in my Muscle Blast class, and maybe even brave a Zumba class since I’d have such a cute skirt! 🙂
OOOh OOOOH sign me up – me want! I could use it on light work out days (non-cardio), I could go to the grocery store and look good, I could pull it on when I come home from work…. Many uses. Thanks Miz – very cool! So, why fewer giveaways?
Super cute! I would use it at the Y for any one of my daily work outs. I love how long the shorts are and can’t usually find work out skirts with shorts at such a nice length. Thanks for the chance to win!
think my hubby would like seeing me do some yoga or hula hooping in it!
um, I love that running skirt. I usually don’t enter giveaways…but I actually like it. I would wear that out.
so comment, comment..blah blah blah…comment.
I *love* running skirts! I would probably use it for lots of things, but definitely yoga. Of course, I would have to use it for motivation right now since it doesn’t come in my current size. Perhaps some day more companies will “get” that curvy girls like to look cute when we sweat, too! I so wish they offered this in their plus size line because I would buy it in a heartbeat. I love giving my money to companies who not only make a great product, but who make a difference, too!
ooohhh that skirt is cute! i loved it on charlotte’s blog and i love it here. i would most likely run in it … but as you say, it’s not too good for that in the heat. sooo … whatever else i felt like doing! walking! yoga! errands! date!
and if i don’t win (which i probably won’t) … i may just have to get it anyway.
I would use that skirt for running for sure. I’m training for an all women’s half marathon and think it’d be lovely to be a girly girly for it.
Hmmm…BodyPump? Beer tasting? (Hmmm…) I love that skirt, not just because it’s cute but because it looks so versatile! I’m sure I’d be doing some fabulous trail running in it but I would have no problem rocking it out and about with my favorite flip flops. What a find!
I would be daring and go for a run in it. Why not live outside the box?
The sizing makes me sad (XXS-L only) but I’d definitely love one for a “goal” item. They are ADORABLE! I wear my workout gear outside of the gym (they are comfy, dang it!) so I’d likely eventually wear it everywhere! And look precious while doing it! =)
I love running skirts! For a while I couldn’t imagine it, but two weeks ago I bought one and enjoy it! I wish I could give one away too because they are fabulous!
I’d so do my yoga or my cycling in this cute skirt….I just looove workout gear you can put on and feel cozy and confident in….me me…just loooove it, and love the company doing so much for good too 🙂
Cute skirt! I’d use it for taking the kids to the playground or Pilates probably. 🙂
would love one! for exercise walks up and down the hills so my workout gear isnt ACTUALLY shabby…
Love the skirt. Don’t love the sizing. Seriously, XXS but not XL?
I would wear it for everything, because I love skirts but I don’t love chafing. But I haven’t worn a L in pants since 5th grade, so count me out.
Love the skirt! I wouldn’t wear it for bike riding, but I thought you’d be so proud of me! We bought bikes this year so we can ride with our 9-year-old daughter. We’re child-free right now while the kids are at their grandparents, so DH and I decided to ride our bikes to our friend’s house/pool in the next town. It took us 20 minutes and 3 hills (I counted!). Only one hill beat me and I had to walk up. My legs feel awesome this morning!!!!
I love the idea of being able to run around town, looking cute and pulled together, doing errands and then being able to run to the gym or run outside without having to carry an extra bag! You are an inspiration!
I would love to run in this skirt! I live in the frosty northern Pennsylvania cold, so the warm factor is not much of an issue. I’ve also just started yoga, so, you know, I could also use it for its intended purpose.
i would do a headstand if i won this skirt. JUST BECAUSE I CAN and wouldn’t show any lady bits inappropriately. looks like a great multi-functional piece for an active woman’s wardrobe!
Shabby Apple has the cutest clothes and the Pose Skirt is no exception. I have never worked out in a skirt before but have wanted one for a while. I see women running in them all the time and think how cool they look. I would definitely rock it running, spinning, and playing around town.
I usually don’t do well in skirts….simply because either A. the liner rides up or B. they’re too short or C. they don’t fit right. That doesn’t stop me from continuing to try ’em out though!
If this fit me, I would run (or at least attempt to!), I would do errands with my little one, I would play and cavort and have all sorts of fun with it on. In short, I would probably wear it like you. 🙂
I would wear the Firefly Pose skirt everywhere. 🙂 Because that’s what I do. I find comfy clothes which allow me to be active without embarrassment and I wear them working out, doing house work, grocery shopping, lounging around my house…
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love your blog…can’t wait to look around more. While the skirt isn’t great for the TX heat, I think it would be perfect for fall and spring runs in Upstate NY! I love skirts, but they need more than a brief to wear when it turns cool outside.
I LOVE running skirts too! Naturally, I would run in mine if I won. But I also would spend time lounging around the house in it, & wearing it to the pool and beach as a swim suit cover.
I never fold laundry (everything’s either neatly on a hanger or haphazardly in a bin) so that’s out. 🙂 And I hate lunges. But I would use the skirt for conventional deads, and for hitting the heavy bag; it would make for a nice dissonance.
I would wear this to MOTIVATE MYSELF TO MOVE during my day!
you ROCK Miz.
That skirt has Brandi Power Shopping written all over it!!
I would wear it to run – I live in upstate NY. I don’t have a running skirt but I will if I win.
Getting my OM on. I laugh. I laugh.
I love running skirts, but now that I’m relegated to the elliptical or stationary bike due to knee rehab, I haven’t been wearing mine (somehow, I thought of them only for running). I’d love to give this one a try on the elliptical and lifting weights in the gym.
I am running skirt freak now… seriously I resisted them for years…but then I tried them and I finally realized the fun of feeling girlie and umm yes they feel good to run in!
Girl you are working that skirt!
I love it.
I want it.
I’d wear it for everyTHANG.
Oh… to look cute on my run. and then quickly drop kids off and still look cute.
I am OBSESSED with running skirts. I only own two – both of which I bought on clearance at TJ Maxx. Based on your review I would certainly purchase a skirt from Shabby Apple, but winning would be so much more fun.
I would clean the bathrooms, throw in a load of laundry, feed the dog, go for my 4 mile run, (insert possible/probably shower here), take the kids to the pool, make dinner, do a round of pullups and pushups and then some yoga poses – all in my brand new Firefly ubber cute skirt.
Anything that can combine the pretty with the tough girl inside of me makes me very happy.
I’d wear it to the gym for Step/Power/Zumba class 🙂
Such a cute skirt! I have been looking for the ‘perfect’ skirt like this for a while 🙂 I would wear it to run…and then run errands. I always seem to go grocery shopping after I work out, so this skirt would make me look somewhat more presentable 🙂
I’d also wear this anywhere! The gym, Running, errands, date night! Its so adorable! Ive never worn a skirt to workout in 🙂
I love running skirts and have also worn them for other activities!
I would love to start wearing workout skirts to yoga…I just love how girly workout skirts make me feel!
Shabby Apple…SWOON.
I would LOVE to win this skirt. It would be great for the park outings with the kids. I could roll and play in the grass (in my imagination) without my undergarments showing. It would be comfy for road trips and great for tennis.
Cool idea! I love skirts and NEVER thought to wear them to workout in! Just love it! Thanks for the idea!!
I would wear it to play at the park with my son.
I would totally love to try one of these skirts. How would I use the Firefly Pose Skirt should I win? Well, I’m going home to visit my parents (the first time I’ll see them in a year and a half) and my parents have joined a gym and started MOVING for the first time in, oh, about 35 years. I really want to wear this skirt while playing TENNIS with my mom…the first time I’ll EVER do anything “active” with my mom!!!
I would cycle, practice yoga, and strength train in it. I DO run in skirts and love it. No clothing is really made for running in this Louisiana heat and humidity, but sadly, nude running on public roads is against the law (and where would I carry my pepper spray?)
How cute are you in that skirt?
I would wear it to work, to workout, to garden in, to the grocery, to….
I love my running skirts and that one is pretty dang cute. It would probably be one that I wear to do everything- running, weights, walking, errands, dates…
i’d wear it to do everything! :]
I’d love a skirt to do yoga in, or to wear during my personal training sessions — I leave the gym a sweaty mess, but at least I’ll still feel pretty and cute with this!
Love your honest reviews!
I’d do everything in it, I love skorts! I’d golf, feed the horses, lunge the horses, teach riding lessons, run errands, yoga, all in the skirt!
Love their clothes – beautiful! I would love to try their fitness clothes – Pick Me!
Oh man, I would LOVE that skirt! Been looking for some shorts or SOMETHING for yoga that are more comfortable and cool without anything accidentally hanging out… tis looks made right to prevent that. I’d run in it, too, but I bet the Oklahoma heat wouldn’t be much better for it either. And I’d TOTALLY end up living in it in my goal of mostly only wearing workout clothes everywhere I go. Because I’d be in workout clothes and comfy but I’d also be CUTE! 😉
I’d use the skirt for squash, running, and tennis. It would likely also take me to the grocery store and Starbucks in a pinch.
I would wear it for Mommy and Me yoga with Seth and probably around on the playground, music class, My Gym class and anywhere else I end up with my kids. And then in Europe this summer.