Yes, People, we are 13 months old!
(Lets just gliiiide right past the fact most normal podcast-people celebrate their birthdays at year increments, ok?)
To celebrate this momentous occasion Shauna & I are talking books, life-goals, random foodstuffs, navel gazing, *whispers* Marie Claire, and, as always, celebrating YOU with Blogger News.
Please to click on the image above for this & all prior Two Fit Chicks episodes.
You know you wanna…
Happy Birthday to YOU! Can’t wait to listen.
Happy Bday!
*jumping up and down clapping (if I had braids they would bounce)*
I think the 13th month is Peeerfect!!!! WE LOVE YOU ladies BECAUSE you do “Things” a little differently!!!! 😉 Happy Birthday, Angels!!!! Cheers to MANY MORE!!!!! *Hugs* x2
Thank You for being “Our Voice”
Dr. Mo
Happy birthday to two AWESOME ladies! x
Happy birthday!
the 13th month is SO SO SO totally perfect for two fit chicks!
I happen to love the 13 and think its more perfect for you all then 12months!
LOVE you two and hope you have at least 13 more months in ya…
Happy Birthdayanniversary!
Happy Birthday, Chicks. Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s awesome!
Happy 13th-month anniversary to you both! You guys crack me up – off to listen to the podcast now…
Happy Podcast birthday! Your comment on my blog totally cracked me up
I think it’s absolutely fitting that you guys celebrate your 13 month birthday! Can’t wait to listen.
Thirteen months? How the time flies!
I really enjoy listening to your podcasts.
Thanks Mizfit commenters! I think we need to buy ourselves a calendar for a gift, mwahahha!
Happy Birthday! Congrats!
woohoo! I’m about to head ovah.
Can’t believe it’s been a year (well, 13 months) already! Great podcast – loved the quickie questions!
I’ve enjoyed all your podcasts… not only the information, but the fun and relaxed format. Happy 13 Months!
Happy birthday! I missed commenting on your Sunday blog which was so thoughtful about wearing seatbelts. I think it really comes down to what is more likely than not to be safr, and I applaud Mizfit for having the presence to change your mind on this one.
May there be many more years of 2 Fit Chicks and MizFit!
Happy 13 months… Gotta download the newest cast tonight when I get home. Gotta gotta gotta!
Happy Birthday!!! I found both of you via that very first podcast. I was looking for a little more fitness inspiration to listen to while I cleaned up the kitchen each night. While searching Itunes- came upon your podcast in the New and Notable section. Have been enjoying ever since.
Happy happy Birthday!
Going to check it out for the first time! Happy birthday!
Happy Super Hero Birthday Anniversary!
Big love and Aloha Too!!!!