If only they made tees which read PUMPING IRON IS MY PROZAC.
(seriously, why do the runners get all the good tees?!)
I’d totally buy me one.
Why? Come find out over here….
by Carla
If only they made tees which read PUMPING IRON IS MY PROZAC.
(seriously, why do the runners get all the good tees?!)
I’d totally buy me one.
Why? Come find out over here….
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I agree…
I used to be on some pretty heavy anti depressants. Working out didn’t take me off of them since I had been off of them a few years prior but I was still depressed. It wasn’t until I started to really work out (running, endurance training, weight training) that I could finally say I am no longer depressed.
Its an awesome feeling.
I need to start lifting weights.
I’d buy one! Of course that would mean that I would probably have to start lifting weights! 🙂
I need one of each tshirt 🙂 Love running & lifting. Variety is the spice..right 😉
I live for my weight lifting!!!! Had a great one this morn too! You know we are one in the same on this subject! 🙂
Weight lifting rocks! I think weights are crucial for women, just as stretching is crucial for men.
My shirt today says “just say yes to endorphins”. 😉
I’d stand next to you. My T-shirt would say: I Wanna Look Like Her —>
You should totally make your own shirt…
That was my first thought too.
Very good point! Runners do have awesome tees. New business idea, perhaps?
I’ve recently started adding weights to my workout…and this week have decided to be more serious about it.
I admit…I’m getting hooked. I can see muscles! I feel strong! I am still sort of wandering and floundering as far as what to do and when and figuring out reps and all that, but it’s FUN. It feels good to just focus on moving and strengthening my body.
Operation Uberfrau is a go 🙂
Love this! I’d definitely buy that t-shirt and sell them at my studio!
Great video – I would be too embarrassed to do anything in the grocery store, but I do use my 10 lb dumbbells at home and LOVE how they make me feel AND look!
Have you seen this shirt?
I like your content!
I love the combo. You should totally create that shirt on cafe press 🙂
Huh, I got some strange looks while walking through the grocery store curing a gallon of milk. Of course those that know me were not disappointed to hear I gave equally strange looks back. That I did for fun, the curling I did because I was in the zone you could say, and nobody was going to look me out of it.
I have been sooooo not strength-training lately. Need to get back to it!
I don’t have to join you because I’m already there, pumping iron with the men. 😀 I mean, I haven’t been lately, but I did when I had a gym membership. I love it.
When I started pumping iron I was a little intimidated. Now the “guys” and I share space. And I occasionally hear a “Whoa” from one or more when I lift.