Yes, People, the title will make complete and total sense after you listen to our new Two Fit Chicks podcast.
Episode 20 is all about finding self-love.
Today! Now! Rightinthismoment! Preciselyasyouare!
We also have a FAB special guest *almost* had a special guest (see? dont you really wanna listen now and find out what happened?!) & DO have some odd, inexplicable, screamlaughing in background provided by my child.
And get to exercising the LUUUUVE muscle.
I dunno if the title will make much sense since some moron DID NOT HIT THE RECORD BUTTON for the interview in which we discussed the love muscle. Hehehe!
I just listened to this podcast last night while cleaning my kitchen. Though the interview didn’t make it through I was already in such large agreement with your topic.
June 2008 I decided, after reading some articles by Geneen Roth, that I needed to learn to love myself as I was…even if I didn’t lose another pound. I was about 220 and even told my biggest weight loss supporter and friend that I was done dieting and was going to love myself.
I gained another ten pounds before realizing that loving myself did not equal giving myself every thing foodwise I wanted. So, a year later I began my weight loss journey.
Though I didn’t start working on my weight and health until May 2009 I know that the journey really began when I stopped hating myself for my failures and starting loving myself just as I was.
I hope you’ll get the interview in another day, or at least talk about it another day because this is a wonderful and so-true topic.
Thanks for letting me share!
p.s. LOVED the NSV letter about the moon. 😀