But whether the financial-planets align or not (Id adore showing the Tornado Colorado!)—-Im voting.
You know, because it’s what they say: I caint whine about the sessions if I didnt take part in the process.
(That *is* what they say right?)
DizClaimer: I am listed as possibly speaking. You are under no obligation to either notice or vote for me. Vote for what you’d wanna hear/see/experience from your fellow Tribe Members. There are some amazing (potential) sessions offered.
I’d never even heard of this conference. Heck yes I will vote for you!
Good to know! I’ll go vote so the attendees can have the best conference experience ever. Cause I’m helpful like that. 😉
I hadn’t head of this either and it is SO close to me!
Thanks Miz.
((putting “I voted for Carla” sticker on my shirt)).
go team.
I love Colorado! Boulder is a great place to visit.
I will vote so I can whine LOL
Could this be writtne any more vaguely?? You force us to click through just to see what the frak you’re talking about. Feels so unneccessarily “spammy” coming from you.
Or I need to go pour myself my first cuppa coffee.
nope. Not meant as spammy. Just an I’M NOT SURE WHAT I’M DOING….you?
And felt no need to promote the conf.since I’m still uncertain (hello economy!).
Never any obligation to click 😉
You got my vote. I need to go to one of these
I got an email inviting me to this but can’t afford it.. BUT, I will vote! 🙂
Yours looks the most interesting. I hope you can make it, since I live in Denver and will plan to go.
I’d prefer to go to Fitbloggin but this is so much closer to me than Maryland.
I’m not sure if I will go yet.
well, if you do end up making it out to the big c-o, hit either brandon or i up! 🙂
I wishwishwish I were going. FYI – I already voted for you a while ago.
Hoping to go and voted! 🙂
I voted. Not going. Someday spreading my way to this next level of blogging may be in the cards, but right now it is all I can do to blog a bit and keep my momentum with my mission to get healthy.
Wow! Congrats on the speaking gig! I hope the sponsor-stars align so you can go.