It’s going to be a crazybusy week here at Casa MizFit.
As a result, we are sneaking away today & snagging some familial-solitude & silence to reconnect with each other (and ourselves).
What are you doing this Sunday to set YOUR-self up for week-long success?
Meal planning!!!
I’m halfway through my Sunday already and still need to plan for my week!
Where do the days go? 🙂
I am planning my workouts and plan to stick to them this week.
Love the picture.
Today I am forcing myself to stay away from the Weather Channel. Bad weather has been screwing up my plans and stressing me out for the past few weeks but today? TODAY I will not think about it. I’m going to plan my week loosely and build in Plan B, but I will NOT waste time watching the Weather Channel and playing the what-if game. Thanks for the morning inspiration!
I started my day with Rodney Yee. Next up is church, then the grocery store to stock up on fruits and veggies and other healthy foods that I want to eat this week. Family time today will be watching football, and I think I’ll fix a big pot of (low-fat, turkey) chili for dinner (and leftovers for any meal emergencies this week).
Slightly off-topic, but not really…I have to say I love the way you model physical, mental and spiritual health for your Tornado, I truly do. I love that she is growing up with such a positive way of life. This is how you build strong, healthy children – by walking the walk and taking them with you on it. I know it isn’t always easy to convince them to go, but you model such happiness and enjoyment of it that she seems to have absorbed that attitude. Wouldn’t it be great if you could bottle that and sell it for parents everywhere? 🙂
I’m having an Unscheduled Sunday, myself – several things I need to get done, but I’m not planning. I’m giving myself one day of “flow” to try and find some inner calm and get my feet set firmly on the ground, mentally and emotionally, for the always-crazy week ahead. So if I get things done, great – but if that’s not the way the day flows, I’m not stressing over it. Also, there will be a nap involved. 🙂
Have a great day!
LOVE that, “Setting yourself up for success.” Powerful. I’ll be planning so that I know what I need to do and when; which will keep me stress free.
Winks & Smiles,
We have a packed day here with kids events.
I would love a silent Sunday.
I needed this today as I tend to plunge right into my week and then am amazed when I complete nothing.
Thank you Miz.
What a cute picture.
I am pre-making meals and salads for the week along with “scheduling in” my workouts, so I’m not tempted to blow them off!
Enjoy your time today:)
I am spending time with my best friend (Suave Slav), who ALWAYS keeps me positive. Love him.
Lists, lists, and more lists 🙂
They keep me organized.
Have a great day with your family, Miz.
Sunday’s my only regular day off, so it’s my Day of Rest. I don’t go anywhere or do anything but drink coffee and sit by the fire reading: books, blogs, newsfeeds. In summer, substitute hammock for fire.
Slept in. That’s surprise. Sat for an hour and read blogs and added a couple new ones (LOVE IT), omelet for breakfast, some more blog reading. Now it’s time to get the day going.
Plan is to work a few hours to make the work week a little easier and then it’s time to get some exercise, either skating or a run at the gym, or maybe stay home, use the eliptical and watch football.
Have a GREAT DAY, Miz!
Grocery shopping and helping the kids study for highschool exams. Cheers, Rick
Totally love this photo! Tornado looks soooo cute!
I slept in today and am taking it easy to recharge for the week.
Gorgeous photo.
I am nesting, preparing for new challenges and spending time with hunterman and manchild.
I am taking an adventure in to Yoga! I am doing a restorative/meditative yoga class for the first time ever and I cannot wait 🙂 I think a little relaxation is much needed on a Sunday
Lots and lots of sleep!
Sleep in, catch up on TV shows, read. And let’s not forget a good glass of red wine.
Carla, you know I LOVE LOVE these pics of you & Tornado!
Beautiful weather here in southern CA so started with a great sunrise run & will go out & enjoy!
I’m definetely taking today off from everything and enjoying some ME time. Long work week and physical activity.
Heading to church, watching some football, and playing with the two rug rats.
Crazy busy here, too, so I am in advanced list-making mode, sorting the ‘have-to’ from the ‘I hope I can’.
Sunday is my “unplug from the week: day…I will do a hike with friends,bbq,conversations over a glass of wine… any excuse for being outside!
Love that pic! I am contemplating what is actually important, and what can be let go this week.
Where did the weekend go???
I just finished my first 5k of of 12 races in twelve months goal! Now I am super excited to beat myself next month;)
I’m meal planning and “planning” my workouts for the week. I’m also trying to check off some of the things on my “to do” list so I don’t have to worry with them later in the week when I need to do things like. . .sleep. 🙂
Fuming over the Bears loss!
I’m going away for a vacation later this week, so instead of leaving everything to the last minute, I spent today washing & folding 5 loads of laundry. I kind of cheated by taking it all to the laundromat so I could wash & dry them all at the same time. By doing this today i leave myself with time to workout through the week. Now if only I could convince my hubby that I NEED an industrial sized washer & dryer set…
This is an incredibly awesome picture!
I spent Sunday reading, preparing for the week, and spending time just being with the family. it will be a crazy week here as well.
Hmm… missed the boat on the Sunday goals but I love this pic of you two! Gorgeous.