(Why yes. That IS me jumping for joy at the mere thought of one of YOU being the next B.L. trainer!)
OK, People.
It has happened.
Ive gotten the call from a big!tv!casting director! (waitforit) and he wants you.
The collective you.
The female personal trainer yous who have always longedΒ to get your hands on the Biggest Loser contestants for the chance to strut your stuff, git on TV, and train like the mad woman you are.
Here’s the info:
NBC’S “The Biggest Loser” is searching for female trainers.
Are you specialized in a specific field or just an incredibly qualified, certified and experienced trainer with personality?
The following types of trainers are encouraged to apply:
– Ex-professional athletes/ ex-olympians with training certifications
– Trainers with well known clientele
– Trainers who have been featured on local news affiliates
– Trainers featured in fitness magazines
– Trainers sponsored by athletic companies (Nike, Addidas, lululemon, etc.)
– Trainers who are local celebritiesTo be considered or to refer someone send the following information in an email to trainertvcasting@gmail.com:
Name of Training Certification(S):
Years as a PT:
Contact Phone Number:
BIO: short bio on training, what they specialize in, what type of trainer they are..
Brag: Any magazine you’ve been published in, if you’ve ever been on a show, radio show, etc., won any trainer awards, anything you want to put down to brag about how good you are π
LINK: Include links of any footage of them training or media they’ve done (if possible)
PHOTOS: Attach 3 photos of themselves.
Uh ok.
Whatcha waiting for?
We’ve emailed.
We’ve chatted in the comments.
We’ve texted.
We’ve tweeted.
I *know* you’ve thought at one point or another Good gosh Id be a much better trainer! Get me on that show!
This is your chance.
Get to applying.
Got any questions?Β Hit me up below and Ill try and get ’em answered for you asap.
Are you applying???
I was so excited when I saw you tweet about this yesterday!
Do you have any idea what kinds of certifications they require?
I’m applying Mizzy!
Thanks so much for the info.
Yeah, I would absolutely vote for you, Miz. Hands down.
I’d NOT vote for you for Bl, Mizzy.
You should have your own show.
Something different like MizFit PLAYouts where you drag people out of the gym and make them do stuff like yesterday’s post! π
Well since the last female trainer they hired didn’t have a personal trainer certification until after she got the gig … you probably don’t need much for certs. Pretty interesting they’d rather have “celebrity” status than, ya know, actual skills …
Just saying …
I have a few trainer friends who would rock this.
Thanks Miz.
LOL at Lindsay’s comment.
That vid yesterday was awesome.
Are you applying Miz???
Oh, I can’t wait to see which Miz reader wins! I’ll be tuning in for the rest of the story!
I hope YOU were ALL OVER THIS!!! I want to see YOU on the screen!!! You already motivate us all here, I can just imagine how you can change someone’s life in person and on national TV!
I never said *I* would be a better trainer I said YOU would be a better trainer YOU, YOU all YOU!
Uh, that would be you! π
I nominate you for MIZspiration!
That’s your TV show. Forget the Biggest Loser.
Thanks for the info!!
You sure they weren’t contacting you about applying?! π
Of course you Carla! Are you still certified? I am not so I guess I don’t qualify. I love the suggestion of you having your own show!!! I am not thrilled with the new trainers on this season so you get yourself on there ! π
The combo of your brains and you brawn is what Biggest Loser needs.
The contestents seem to spiral out of control post-production.
They need you.
Will you apply?? You were MADE for TV!
Carla, think of the changes you can make in your life, the benefits to the Tornado and Ren Man if YOU were that trainer! Have you talked about it? Would you consider it? I mean, YOU’VE been there, had to lose the weight, and have proven you can do it. What a story right there!
Sure, it would mean a big change. I’m pretty sure from what I’ve seen that you don’t currently live in LA… is it something you and Ren Man would consider?
This could be one heck of a jump in your career!
oh, and I’m guessing that Ellen would fall all over herself trying to get you on HER show then π
Um, I know this was already asked, but are you applying/ in the running for this???
MIZ! MIZ! MIZ! MIZ! You’ve got to do it!!
I love that photo of you MizFit.
You look so happy.
you all are so kind, but you know me.
I’m slow & steady wins the (longterm) weight-loss race.
Consistency. Just a little something every day. Forever.
Those poor contestants would be on the ranch for months π
I am glad you’re NOT applying Carla…like others said, you deserve your own show, where you call the shots and control the content, theme, tone. You’d help SO many more people!
Thanks MIz for that final comment, that is my thing about the weight loss shows, it takes a lifestyle change, a slow progression, an hour a day for life to stay healthy and active. Respect your comment immensely says the former thick snack who lost 55 pounds last year and continues to live an active healthier lifestyle to sustain and encourage others. π
Is there a deadline?
Thanks for this!
Well I am happy they are opening it up for all to apply!!! I cannot wait to see who we get to vote for! I wish I certified already and experienced I would love this gig!
I’d say we start a campaign to get you selected, Miz, but you’re right. Slow and steady wins the race, if not the $250,000.
And TBL drives me nuts, anyway.
So, whaddaya say we campaign to get you your own show, lol!
Awesome! Would love to see “one of our own” out there. But I was a Jillian fan. I’ll miss her.
I’m applying!!
YES MIZ! Are YOU applying?
I’m glad they are looking because I am not loving the new gal. I’ve only watched for a couple seasons but it is hard to imagine the show without Jillian. I’d watch YOU in a heartbeat! But maybe you need your own show!
Is this your secret way of telling us you applied?
no no no π Im not a secret woman. There would be rafters sung from…
I wonder if they would accept a trainer with a squish belly. Probably not.
Oh wait, I’m not a trainer anyway. π
You should do it!!! Are you?? Inquiring minds…I don’t watch it but I would if you were the trainer : )
So no?
What’s interesting to me is what’s not listed here:
Experience with clients who are seriously obese
An understanding of eating disorders
Special expertise in handling clients with serious past traumas
Physical therapy experience (for the inevitable injuries)
I really think they lucked into getting good trainers with Bob and Jillian, and with the priority on looks and fame suggested by what’s listed here, they are going to have a really hard time finding anyone even close to as good. Unless they get lucky again, of course.