ok more words.
The above does not mean my BLOG is finished (thanks for your concerns) the PROJECT is finished.
The Two Word Wednesday is clickable.
by Carla
ok more words.
The above does not mean my BLOG is finished (thanks for your concerns) the PROJECT is finished.
The Two Word Wednesday is clickable.
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Wait what?!
I don’t get it.
Never mind 🙂 It’s clicky. I get it.
I love the Turkish get-ups!
When do we find out what the project is??
I love My Trainer Fitness stuff.
I have a set of their cards for the gym.
When can we order and will there be more than get-ups? 🙂
I clicked to Facebook and you can click on the picture of you too in case you didn’t know.
I will try those today.
Three word Wednesday?
Two word Wednesday?
Mazel tov!
Many word comment LOL
I joined facebook for you Miz!
Now what is this and when can I get it?
(And do I really have to fill out my profile there?)
Are we supposed to attempt those?!
Love you!
(my 2 word wednesday response) 🙂
My two words? Bring. It.
I’m in.
I can’t wait to order mine!!!!!
You’re sucha badass!
I joined Facebook for you, now you have to friend me!
When will the cards be up for sale?
I can’t wait to see you go Global & viral! 😉
Is this a book?
I literally kept clicking on “Two Word Wednesday” instead of “Finally Finished”. I’m slow, but hey, you got a few extra page views from me today. Love the Getups. 🙂
Thanks for commenting on my blog and encouraging me in my new exercise endeavor.
Winks & Smiles,
Woohoo! So when will we see these on the market?
And you know the Gym Buddies and I are going to have to try these right???