(was this pic really taken a month ago?!)
Again with the thumbs
Im Phoneblogger McGee.
Id planned me no post
on this Monday you see.
I got up in the dark
FICTIONthoughts in my head.
Stories to write.
Could NOT stay in bed.
Now Tornado’s awake.
It’s still crack of dawn.
Im plopped on the couch.
The TV is on.
It’s tempting indeed.
To think: Man I wiped.
I’ve accomplished some stuff!
Lottsa PAGES I typed!
So I turn to all YOU.
With a check-in of sorts.
Tell me what yer up to
be it solo or sports.
Im committing today.
To hang with the Yee!
(Rodney I mean
It’s YOGA for me.)
Please hit me up
In the comments below.
You still keeping fit?
I needed this reminder as I am still Fit After Fitbloggin, but almost slacking.
You rock.
I am still on FIRE!!!
Love the tee.
Hey Miz!! If you didn’t know…I just *love* your writing style!!
I was up early today…and planning a bike ride…except there is looming thunder and lightning and rain (I think I’ll skip it!!).
Tonight, I’ll be off to rehearse for an upcoming play (hmmm…can I memorize my lines????).
I had fallen off our Fit After Fitbloggin wagon already.
I will climb back on.
Been hittin’ the weights
Doing cardio too
It’s blogging, alas,
that I’ve struggled to do.
Gonna start up again
on a limited basis
but like starting to run
Gotta relearn the paces.
Why now, one may ask
When I’ve slacked for so long?
Why to pimp my new website
Is that kosher, or wrong?
Either way, gotta say
MizFit’s a role model
Wish her talent and zeal
could be bought in a bottle.
OK, that was lame, but it’s your fault, you inspired me!
I love you.
LOVE YOUR SEUSS RHYME!! You are too funny!
OK, been to the gym already for weights & stretching – no cardio today due to my Sunday outside runs. GREAT WORKOUT!
Going to doing something outside the comfort zone today. I already started it by overcoming my fear of failure & asking for something. Will tell more if something comes of it but at least I tried!
Plugging away and my FIRM 90 Day rotation. I have one workout to make up from last week and then today’s. So it will be a doubles day for me. I <3 my DVDs.
Running Running Running…with a bit of bootcamp and strength on the side 🙂
Lovin’ It!!
Today I’m jumping Life hurdles, but that’s exercise… right? Right? (okay, I’m going to gym, too… you are such a harsh fitnessmistress).
gym 5 days a week – gonna buy a hoop today and give that a twirl….
I’m badass at body pump Miz!
Hey Miz, I just told somebody that I might try for the 5 mile walk with Noah! Okay. I’m gonna do it NOW.
I have my hip hop class tonight although that’s so fun I don’t know if counts as exercise! There will be beyonce-ified hair flipping, just saying. 🙂
Swim.Swam.Swum. Done!
Zumba: check!
I have been kicking ass!! just check the blog or my dailymile page!!
Completed my Monday workout and am now rockin’ my to-do list (yes, reading blogs IS on the list–during lunch break). Feeling tension, so I may try a yoga break myself!
I’m back on plan. An old plan, but a good plan… I exercised today!
*looks around*
Where’s my award pin?
Gym during the week for cardio and strength training in the AM. My live of morning workouts live on. Then studying rest of day. Walks with my lady on weekends!
A flat tire was trying to derail my fitness, but not gonna happen!! p.s crabby made me giggle 😉
Has it been a month? Gosh! I’m VERY happy to report that I’ve used a knife a few times in the kitchen, cooked me some fish, made GF garbanzo chocolate cookies (amazing – post tomorrow), got reacquainted with my trainer, and got in the pool (stoked that the suit covers half my arse).
VERY consistent. And even when I haven’t sweated (a lot), walking and breathing and stretching.
How are those balls anyway?
You’re doing great and motivating us all! Can’t wait to be getting settled in Austin in a few weeks and have a gym! YAYYYY 🙂 Oh and then there’s half-marathon training! eeeeek!
I was not able to attend FitBloggin this year but I will be there for sure next year. Do I get credit for walking 6 days in a row each week?
I’m doing my best to get all my training workouts in, but I’ve been having bike woes and now the kids are home all day and it’s harder to get stuff in. But I’m working out 5 or 6 days a week, and kicking ass at it, thankyouverymuch.
My life right now is all Zumba all the time.
But after this weekend, I shall be working out at the beach! 5 days with my parents. Woot!