ahh it’s a baby misfit. 35 lbs lighter & just discovering weights.
Ahh People.
The list of what I wish I’d know when I started training is huge. tremendous.
**At your seriously Woman we CANT STAND when you close the comments!! request Ive opened the comments.
If you believe it takes a fitness-village (as I do now. finally. please to see link above.) —-hit us up with your what you wished you’d known in the now open comments below.
Baby MizFit.
Girl, I love the Sears post and agree whole heartedly.
I over-trained too when I started.
Great post Carla!
I adore you. All of it.
I didn’t push hard enough do fear of turning into a man beast.
LOVE that do what works for you because that is how I feel – find what your own bod likes & learn from that.
I am different in that doing a bit more works for me. I need more cardio than a lot of people that eat clean like me & also lift weights as seriously as me. I was like this when I was younger & age makes it even more so. IT is what it is so I go with it. I guess I could eat 1200-1400 calories but I don’t want to. I eat pretty dang clean but I do want to eat more & enjoy my healthy breads & treats so I do a bit more. Heck, I love the weights so that is fine with me – the cardio is not my fave but I do it.
I always listen to the bod though! Yes to doing what is right for you!
I wish I told myself to be patient. Getting fit (and losing weight) takes time to do it right and keep it right.
Baby Mizfit 35lbs lighter? Um, WHERE? You would’ve evaporated 35lbs lighter!? 🙂
Also, YES! Thank you. I’m fumbling my way through this right now.
Kinda needed to hear that today *shame* It’s funny how I have to keep learning the same lessons over and over… yeah, overtaining. Sigh.
Uh oh, I am just going to start lifting. Will I be saying this in a few years???
I train too hard and quit too.
Can you share how you don’t do that any more?
My waistline needs you!!!
When I am setting my goals for next week (later today), I will keep this in mind. I “may” have been overdoing it.
Do you want to succeed or do you want to be laid-up and in pain for months? Huh, which one do you think I chose those few years ago.
I really really wish I had started weight training at the beginning. I waited too long (and only because I was injured and couldn’t run) and the benefits are sooo important!