(Ahh youth. Days of chipped nail polish & no fretting about candycalories.)
Im a misfit.
I may stand alone but I’ll say it: Im tired of the plethora of posts focusing upon how to have a healthy Halloween.
I liked the post the first time I read it—but after the thirtieth beating of the poor, dead, Halloween horse my brain began to whirl.
It began to rebel.
It started to obsess about craft the myriad reasons we *should* indulge on Halloween.
Please to enjoy. Please to agree. Please to disagree. Please to simply know this is what I am choosing to do on this Halloween day.
(Please to head over here if you desire a more traditional How to be HEALTHY on Halloween post)
- Life is too freakin short.ย Ive lost a number of friends since last Halloween and I guarantee they’d not recommend you pass on the snickers you love or the candy corn you covet.ย I agree they’d also concur theres no need to eat yourself into a sugar coma (as, really, who enjoys that?!), but some sugar snackage in the name of savoring and socializing?ย Life is too short to live in a constant state of longing & deprivation.ย If youre gazing lovingly at the candy bowl & indulging in a little food fantasy I’d say reach in, grab a few, and enjoy.
- It’s an exercise in mindful eating.ย Many of you have asked about my first forays into mindful or intuitive eating (my thoughts on eating this way for 10+ years are here) .ย While I can tips ya till the proverbial cows come home (as can the Tornado!) at some point it becomes all about trusting yourself, jumping in and giving it a go.ย What better night than Halloween?ย Make it a conscious/mindful choice to eat & savor candy you enjoy.ย Focus on taste sensations you experience (heck, you can even make this a journal exercise!) & how you feel physically before, during and after.ย For me mindful eating has been a journey & a learning process.ย It will be for you, too, no matter when you start.ย And it’s worth it.
- It may prevent binging later.ย A dear friend of mine has gained & lost hundreds of pounds throughout our twenty-three year friendship. One night she ordered dessert, turned to me and said: It isnt the crab-cakes or dessert I eat which causes my gain weight—it’s the large pizza & pint of Ben & Jerry’s I eat later *alone* which piles on the pounds.ย This resonated with me.ย It’s the same scenario I saw with clients.ย The weight they gained wasnt from, say, candy eating while trick or treating with their children.ย It was the sweet stuff snarfed alone later which piled on the pounds.ย Experts agree. Trying to suppress all thoughts about candy are actually counter productive. Dieters tend to eat more chocolate when they try to avoid it all together.ย (Susan Albers, Psy.D)
- We all deserve a treat.ย Now that Ive ranted & raved you MUST! EAT! CANDY! (why yes. my tongue is firmly implanted in my cheek)—allow me to veerย slightly off-course. We are a family of misfits.ย The word “treat” in our household never refers to food.ย For us treats & indulging refers to experiences.ย (going to a movie. one-on-one time with a parent etc)ย Halloween is a tremendous treat for the Tornado because she stays up late, traipses around the ‘hood with friends, & is simply a louder, more boisterous version of herself with no repercussions.ย What better day than Halloween to explore a *small* way to indulge your grown-up self, too.ย Dress up in a silly fashion you’d never attempt on a ‘normal’ day.ย Foist the children upon a significant other or neighbor & steal a quiet evening for yourself. Get creative (big or small), but get to indulging.ย You deserve it.
And there you have it.
My misfit plan for today and tonight!
Remembering life is short (seriously. you KNOW Im downing me some candy corn for a fallen homie. sound irreverent? hell yes. was she? HELL YES!), consuming mindfully, snacking socially and knowing Im worth it.
And you?
Whats your four-pronged (or one-pronged. plainolepronged) plan of ‘ween attack?
Wow – I am SO glad to see this kind of post!
Being a Brit, Halloween isn’t quite the party it is for you guys. But all the same it’s so nice to hear some-one saying that it isn’t actually the end of the world if you decide to partake in something sweet and tasty if you want.
I believe planning to really enjoy a tasty snack can really keep you on track in the long run. Abstaining from everything you love will only make you want it all the more. But knowing that on a certain day, or at a certain event you CAN enjoy something you love (but know isn’t good for you in excess) is simply being realistic, and part of enjoying life.
That said; Candy corn yuk! I’d rather have some European ultra dark chocolate instead! ๐
I don’t love candy, so it’s not such a big deal. I bought these little pretzel bags. I love them dipped in honeycup mustard. I keep track of what I eat anyway. My treat today? Too early to tell.
I am so tired of the posts too.
I do plan to stay healthy today, but will INDULGE ๐
Your point about the binging is dead on for me.
I am super strong all halloween day and end up sneaking at night.
I’m NOT sure I am strong enough for mindful eating yet.
I will think about it.
Powerful stuff about the treats.
I wonder if it is too late to try and shift the way I used the words with my girls?
I’m looking for healthy tips this year ๐ I love the other post.
I love seeing the kids out trick or treating! Alas, I shall be on an airplane tonight, missing all the fun. Maybe next year I can rent myself out to a parent who would rather stay home. I’m sure I was that parent once!
I’ve been reminded how short life is, too.
I did my indulging yesterday. That meant food and pampering myself with a day of just doing what felt good and felt right.
We all need that moment of indulgence. This year I didn’t want or need to indulge in candy. I did, however, need donuts. Delicious, fresh, Boston Kreme donuts. And they were heavenly.
Tonight I will hand out candy, revel in the sweet, creative and sometimes creepy costumes of the little ones in my area and enjoy Zumba.
Interesting perspective. I need to lose around 40 pounds and am still sick of the posts.
I find them condescending. I know they are not intended that way but the tips like brush your teeth early? Duh ๐
On one of the LoCarb forums, everyone was going on and on (and on)
about how we MUST NOT eat candy.. our kids must not eat candy…
we must not buy candy or hand it out… our dogs – our cats-
the whole world must not eat candy.
Some one (some smart daddy) said “Well – I would be happy if this was the ONLY time of the year my kids ate the stuff!”
And all the people said “Amen!”
I wonder if as the Tornado gets older if treats will become food?
I think the Tornado will grow up NOT using food for comfort or soothing.
Happy Halloween, and enjoy the trick-or-treating with the Tornado and all the kids…fun times, fun memories (for me)!
I HEAR YOU! Although I love candy corn, I don’t buy a bag cause I would want to eat it all vs. some of it AND when I think about my weekend treat cookies vs. candy corn, the cookies win! ๐ Even with all the trouble I am having with the hormones & weight & all that, I am not giving up my weekend cookie treats. I may manipulate my other food but not my weekend cookies!
When my mom was dieing & all the cancer drugs were in her, she never felt like eating, not all those wonderful foods she would have loved to have before she died – yes, life is too short. I am not saying do it all the time but do enjoy in moderation & what works for you so that we can still stay fit & healthy.
Good post Carla!
My little one wanted to share a Halloween sized pack of M&M’s the other day. Candy isn’t on my “plan” but the bigger plan of savoring little moments was more important. Besides, she didn’t “share” that well and any diet can withstand 5 M&M’s. ๐
Barbara that made me smile.
and apparently we are chatting about this over on FB too ๐
not sure if this link will work? given my computer skills methinks NOT:
Just so I’m clear, should I be eating these Milk Duds for breakfast? I added extra milk!
I definitely disagreed until I reached your point about nonfood treats.
You got me ๐
Love your approach. For me, there was a wee bit of overindulging on my recent trip so I will NOT be indulging today. Now… Thanksgiving… that’s another story!
Your words about a food fantasy hit me hard.
I do that! I watch my kids eating the candy and it becomes really a fantasy and living through them thing.
I have to admit I have asked them how it tastes some years too ๐
๐ i have been very sick ( i have sOme kind of bug/flu) for the last 24 hours. Im starting to feel human again and hope to get some gobstoppers later today ๐
So true! I feel like I do better if I can have what I’m really wanting instead of working my way through every 100 calorie snack in the house. As long as I reign it in the next day it’s all good!
I skate by Halloween pretty easily. I’m MUCH more of a salt-binger (pizza, chips, snacky things). BUT, I made it a point to buy candy that I don’t really like. ๐ That way, even if there are leftovers, I shouldn’t be too tempted!
Great post, Carla!
I LOVE THIS POST.. definitely refreshing to read this perspective vs being healthy on Halloween, which doesn’t even sound right in the same sentence.. you said it best “life is to freakin short”.. the key is moderation always on halloween and any other day.. much appreciate this post..
Yup. Agreed. Uh-huh. Spot on.
I will certainly have a few pieces of my favorites while trick or treating with my kiddos. And let my daughter have a piece or two as well. It’s that certain thing called balance. And going with the flow / enjoying life. Well put!
As long as it is a treat, i agree wholeheartedly.
It only becomes a problem when every other day is considered a day to indulge.
Terrific post on such an appropriate day. I think you have all the right ideas of being able to indulge without elapsing into that sugar coma. We all know that we fell like s#@! after consuming too much so being mindful is the way to go. I tend to load up the bags of trick or treaters’ more than the average household. that’s my way of getting rid of the extra stash. Also, I haven’t bought any yet so pre-halloween consumption is also taken care of. I will indulge and I will be fine! Thanks Miz!
I LOVE this post! Halloween is my favorite holiday! It’s actually the only one in which my family ever had tradition growing up, even though as Christians we celebrated Christmas more deeply than Halloween. But you can’t beat a day to dress up, remember childhood memories, eat FREE candy, and laugh at cute kids’ costumes, pumpkins, and be scared a little. I’m all for eating mindfully but also am for enjoying Halloween in a little more indulgant way. Great points – loved them all! Happy Halloween, misfit! ๐
I’m with you – I’m not interested in going into a sugar coma, but a few Whoppers (the candy kind, not the burger kind)and some fun sized peanut M&Ms? I can totally make room for that in my plan! I’m kind of a big kid myself, and if it were socially acceptable, I’d be ringing doorbells with my little ones with my OWN crayon-decorated paper grocery sack!
I’m with you Miz! I’ll have some unhealthy snacks today, just like I do on other days.
Are you kidding? I’ve been dreaming of this day for weeks now! I even made a handy reference chart ๐ (Still haven’t bought a bag of candy. I decided to wait for the after-sale. :))
Great post! I wish more folks could see that they DO have the power of control, but I understand (all too well) the total abstinence mindset.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people freak out about vacation/holidays/special events. The other 350 days a year are what make you unhealthy-not the indulgences on special days!!!! If we made plans to be healthy those other days the way people do for the special events, we wouldn’t have such issues!
Like PP said, awesome awesome view on a typically “guilt ridden” holiday! I’m teaching Step Aerobics and Bootcamp back to back to offset my candy consumption. I’d still probably eat the same amount even if I didn’t workout, but I figure with all this extra sugar energy, I might as well MOVE!
I think it all depends on how the candy affects you. Some people eat Halloween candy and it sets up the holiday binge cycle.
I think it is okay if you don’t want to have it in the house or have something that you don’t necessarily like so you can give it away freely.
The whole idea is a treat, which Halloween makes into a complete sugar overload!
Which is not to say that I won’t be indulging in some candy corn today ๐
I love Twizzlers. And seriously, they are far cheaper than chocolate and lower in fat. So I enjoy them. But I also get the pull apart kind that rip into long strings- it makes me feel like I’m eating more than I really am. And then, after a few strands, I am finally able to do the unthinkable…
But it’s taken me 30 years to get to that point. So Halloween doesn’t scare me. Not even a little bit. ๐
I think if you traipse around the neighborhood, scare your friends, and generally engage in the holiday, the extra treats shouldn’t be a problem. If you’re not really involved in the holiday, don’t use it as an excuse to eat junk you wouldn’t normally. For me, eating junk leads to eating more junk, so if I’m feeling extra hungry I make a deal with myself that I’ll eat a high dose of protein first.
I sort of agree and sort of disagree. I see where you are coming from. I don’t deny myself any foods really. I follow my 90/10 Rule and try to make good choices most of the time.
But on the flip side, my blog is more for people who are trying to lose weight and I think that when trying to lose it’s a better decision to resist the temptations.
I am the Halloween Grinch – I’ll admit it. But that is mostly due to my distaste for gore. And I have to say that after watching Jelly Bean go through her treats tonight, it made me remember the fun in Halloween. And yes, I indulged some tonight and enjoyed every box of Junior Mints I could wrestle away from my kids.
You rock. You just do. And more than anything – I’m sorry for anyone you’ve lost since last Halloween. xoxo
I avoided lots because I just didn’t buy it. The kids got their fair share of crap, but I’m more of a cake gal. You know what I mean?
Love this post!
I cherish my post-dinner dark chocolate every night, so Halloween is not huge on my radar anymore. But I totally indulge in treats on holidays, at parties, weddings & other special occasions. Life is about celebration as well as restraint! I think balance is important. Or else I’m just greedy & looking for rationalizations… that works too.
i like it ๐ although i don’t like my office’s candy bowl being stocked all the time… not a treat when you expect it to be refilled every day ๐
No one ‘deserves’ a treat; that’s why it’s a treat. This constant barrage of entitlement is insane.
It is unhealthy to punish or reward yourself with food. Everyone has different boundaries and you need to understand your own boundaries and not listen to some fool on the Internet telling you that any choices you make are okay. Some are, some aren’t. If there are no major health issues and you can moderate yourself, then be sensible and incorporate special occasions into your overall health strategy. But mentally trying to justify bad behaviors via these lame excuses is not a good idea. And maybe you should consider why people who decided to ‘live a little’ and had no self control are dead now…no big mystery there. ‘Living a little’ requires balance, not gluttony and constantly thinking that food is a reward/treat/distraction like an alcoholic does to drinking.
I totally agree with you. A small treat prevents a big binge. The thing to remember is to either eat accordingly around the treat during the day/week, or to be comfortable with the fact that you’ve eaten it and move on.
I completely agree, I think every holiday everyone should just relax and treat them selves to candy and cake or what ever else they please. I my self is not a fan of post on holidays that tell you to be good and not over eat.
Great advice! I no longer get uptight about overdoing it occasionally. If I overeat for Thanksgiving, I don’t eat until I’m hungry again. If I eat too much candy around Halloween, I’m oversugared, and it will be a while before the thought of sweet doesn’t make me queasy. I can’t even imagine eating candy or cake or anything sweeter than a grapefruit at the moment. But, I consider myself an intuitive eater, which is a much different place than the binger/neurotic dieter that I used to be, who could never have enough sugar.