(These days there’s a fine line between NAPPING & YOGA for me…)
A while ago I jetted off to LA to speak on a panel about branding, blogging, and making your passion your income.
(I know. That last piece was an attention grabber for me, too. I learned a TON while sitting on the panel which is the reason I want to share…)
One of you I was swamped by requests for a link to the panel, but had assumed it was something only available with a virtual ticket to the event.
Blog World was gracious enough to allow me to share the recording and I encourage you to watch it when you have the time.
There’s lots of helpful information shared by panelists and interesting audience questions addressed as well (and yeah. my name is misspelled. you’ll have that. a lot.)
[flowplayer src=’https://s3.amazonaws.com/nomorebacon/videos/F153a-findingAbetter.mov’ width=480 height=360]
Thanks for sharing! Im going to listen to this while I work later
Have you tried restorative yoga? In the introduction to it, they tell you it’s okay if you DO fall asleep!
I bookmarked this.
It’s just audio.
It is only the audio which rocks 🙂
I shall play it this morning as I make the twins their breakfast.
Have a great day, Miz!
yes Im snickering at myself. Id really thought it was the video. So it’s uh like a podcast of a panel.
And chock full of I DID NOT KNOW THAT information *especially* from Steph/Skinny Jeans.
I don’t have time to watch at the moment but I am saving this to play while I’m doing some work during naps this afternoon. Thanks, Carla!
Thank you for this!!!
bookmarking and hitting it up later when I’ve got time!
thanks for providing!!!!
I resemble that photo.
I really want to listen – have to wait till I get some snooze time & can then really LISTEN. Thx Carla!
Thanks Carla!
It’s audio with a picture! That’s pretty much video 🙂
And I had never noticed that the r and the n blend so nicely into an m before.
Great BWE panel Carla Birmberg!!
Waitaminute… I clicked the link, but money didn’t start shooting out of my computer screen. Did I do something wrong?
I’m intrigued. Unrelated to this post – guess which blogger showed up in my town in my dreams last night! Yep, you and your family and an entourage of other bloggers. We went for a bike ride:)
Im in! What time shall I be there? 🙂
Off to the gym, but can’t wait to listen–after all Carla “Bimberg” always has such great insights! (And did they get ANYONE’S name spelled right? At least you know it ain’t personal.)
Seriously, what an awesome panel line-up, wish I’d been there to see you all IRL.
i am so glad you posted this. it really gives such insight into how to start! I adore everyone on that panel. Thank you!
Bookmarked to watch tonight. Annnd… did they really spell Steph’s name wrong or have I been messing it up all these years?
And your name as well! Egads!
I no Charloootte it made me laugh, to.
Oh and I love youre blog Thee Grate Fitness Expearament.
You look so peaceful…I love that pic.
I can’t wait to watch this video!!!!
niiice! Gonna listen to this. But with the headphones on because husband is snoring like a beast.
Ummm… are you sitting outside in that picture in shorts and a tank top? Can I visit? 😉
Can’t wait to hear this! Thanks!
Thank you for sharing this. I’ve just listened whilst making dinner but feel I want to go over it again and make notes! What a Geek.
ok finally had time to listen to this and loved it!!! you all are so amazing and such an inspiration for us. we are so happy to be apart of FitFluential we learn so much from you!
This was a GREAT audio…Thank you for sharing! Heard lots of golden nuggets!