Awww. RIP Rosa!!! You were the prettiest pale goldfish I’ve ever seen!!! (and love that she got a proper, not aquatic burial)
Hugs to you and Tornado!!!
Dear Rosa, may the water be warm and the plastic mermaids plentiful where you are! Bless the Tornado’s heart I hope she’s doing okay with it. We have a fish that is shockingly still alive despite being fed 600 times a day. But I may soon be asking you for tips…
Aw. RIP Rosa.
Pouring a little outta my fishbowl in her honor…
Pouring a little outta my fishbowl in Rosa’s honor…
Sad day indeed. xo =)
Awww, quite the rite of passage. We are buying a fish this weekend actually. L got a tank for her b-day and I promised to get the fish after we moved.
Blessings to Rosa!
I’m impressed you buried her, instead of the flushing ritual. You can tell she was a very loved fish!
THANK YOU. I’m reading these to her, too.
Uh the Tornado.
Not Rosa.
Poor sentence structure 🙂
Rosa was a well-loved fish from beginning to end – she will be missed, I’m sure.
not a traditional “water” burial? I like it.
Plus one to what Cat said above–this does beat the alternative burial!
Mom used to tell me the fish had gone to live on my uncle’s farm, where there was lots of room to run and other fish to play with.
HUGS! Hardest thing as a kid – losing pets…. seems like she got to make sure she went out in style…..
She was a mighty woman among fish. xoxoxoxo to E.
Aww RIP Rosa…a lesson in the circle of life.
Farewell, Rosa. We hardly knew ye…
I really like the yellow flowers on her resting site.
Awsome lesson. I have a friend who bought a fish to teach this lesson and three years later the fish is still kicking…. 🙂
awe–cute post. RIP rosa.
Awwwww RIP Rosa
Awww. RIP Rosa!!! You were the prettiest pale goldfish I’ve ever seen!!! (and love that she got a proper, not aquatic burial)
Hugs to you and Tornado!!!
My condolences. It’s never fun to lose a well loved pet.
Condolences…A sad occasion, but a wonderful opportunity to teach (and learn) about holding memories and spirit dear.
Such a sweet memorial. No matter how small a pet may be, they are still a member of the family.
Rosa wasn’t a fish of many words, so I’m sure we would have appreciated this wordless method of honoring her memory. Clever!
So sad – may the beloved fish rest (swim?) in peace.
Here’a video of a very touching fish memorial service:
RIP Rosa. I was heartbroken when my goldfish passed when I was a kid. Hugs to you all and the Tornado.
Oh sorry Rosa–tornado looks like she’s handling it well!
Dear Rosa, may the water be warm and the plastic mermaids plentiful where you are! Bless the Tornado’s heart I hope she’s doing okay with it. We have a fish that is shockingly still alive despite being fed 600 times a day. But I may soon be asking you for tips…
Sorry about that, it’s saddening to lose someone you love.