A few weeks ago I bumped into a friend at the grocery. She glowed. She radiated energy. She exuded happiness.
After I begged her to shareShe told me why. I asked her to come here and share with you, too.
I’m 45 years old and my face has been broken out for over 9 months.
I’d been to my dermatologist and have tried a myriad of topicals and antibiotics. Nothing seemed to work.
I started wondering if my skin issues was hormone related so I decided to venture out of what I would call the main stream doctors and went to see a health and wellness doctor.
That decision took me on a journey I would have never imagined.
I was excited to have the blood work done and get on bioidentical hormones that are specific to what my body needs. In addition to the hormone testing they offered an ALCAT test which tests for food sensitivities.
I thought, “why not?” since my insurance covered it.
The results were eye opening.
On the hormones I was low in vitamin D, low on testosterone levels, and low on T3. I was prescribed vitamin D drops, testosterone cream, progesterone, and a low dosage of thyroid.
The ALCAT results threw me for a loop (MizFit note: There is more information on precisely what that test is here. It’s very interesting…to this misfit at least.)
I am highly sensitive to iceburg lettuce, oranges, cocoa/chocolate, and garlic. The test results also listed foods in which I’m moderating and mildly sensitive.
It was all so overwhelming.
While I had all this information I didn’t know how to apply it. So I decided to try a detox program my doctor had available through his office. It changed my life.
The detox program was only 28 days and told me exactly what to eat for each meal as well as snacks.
It avoided dairy, breads, sugar, and alcohol. I liked the fact the program includes meal replacement shakes for some meals. That made it easy.
Also, I was buying produce and meat at the grocery story I had never tried or prepared before. I always knew I needed to eat more fruits and vegetables, but I didn’t know how to realistically incorporate that into my daily routine.
The 28 day detox program told me exactly what to eat so I didn’t have to come up with a meal plan on my own. That’s exactly what I needed to change my eating habits.
I feel better than I have in a long time.
I have more energy. I think more clearly. I lost weight and inches around my middle area. My libido is higher than it’s been in ages. And the length of my period has cut in half. My acne is getting better. It still isn’t where I want it to be. But what was the impetus for going to the health and wellness doctor benefited me in so many ways I wasn’t expecting.
I have to admit after the diet I celebrated with an individual stuffed pizza and a few glasses of wine–but that was a treat. It’s not my norm.
Through the detox diet I have learned how to plan healthier meals and snacks for my family.
I feel good about what I put on my husband and 6-year-old daughter’s plate.
I can feel confident I’m giving them fuel for a healthy body and healthy mind.
It’s definitely an investment and takes commitment to change eating habits. But it’s so worth it.
My mom used to tell me, “You are what you eat.” She’s right.
Really interesting story. I’m only in my mid thirties but think my hormones may be out of whack.
Intriguing link to the ALCAT test.
Was it expensive to have run?
I know someone who had that done and they had a lot of health improvements.
Interesting! I have sometimes thought about doing that test since I suspect I have some odd food sensitivities.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing. My mom had one of those tests done – I wasn’t too sure what to think of it when she told me the results.
I am almost 59 and have eaten how you describe for over 40 years-so no need to “detox”. Anyway, I can’t as I am training for a 500 mile bike tour and am eating everything in site lately (that’s good for me!) Still break out occasionally as I am sweating a lot and wear tons of sunscreen-but I don’t care as I have rock-solid legs and abs at the moment. One of my students asked me to him my muscles yesterday- so we flexed after the lesson. Had to smile about this one!
At 54, I have been having trouble with my skin for years due to hormones. Worse from 50 on though… I so wish I could do bioidentical stuff but with no money right now & no insurance, I am stuck. It tells me though that maybe in the future I can check this out. Thank you for sharing this!!!
It’s always good to hear when medical things actually work out for someone. Thank you for sharing. I’m keeping that info.
(And Miss Miz…thanks for stopping by and checking up on me)
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It’s always a plus when simple things, like healthy eating and getting the right vitamins and supplements your body actually needs, result in great improvements.
That’s a very interesting test and that’s great that your doctor was able to provide it!
And what is the detox?????
Very interesting. I’m curious about the detox and what exactly it told you to eat. My husband has a lot of strange allergies (poultry, certain fruits, certain beans, etc) as well as some more common ones like seafood, fish, and certain nuts. Would love to figure this out and see if the items on the detox list are ones he could actually eat!
Thanks for sharing your story!
Getting hormone and other tests such as a fatty acid profile, chemical and heavy metal toxicity and vitamin/mineral analysis can be great eyeopener.
It was for me. It means you don’t have to flounder around in the dark wondering what to take.
Of course it’s best to try to get your body to produce the hormones but taking bioidentical ones can work wonders.
I had to do a lot of detoxing to lower the chemicals and heavy metals but I recovered from chronic fatigue so it was well worth it.