This guest post is at my request. OK I begged. Not only do I admire Christie as a woman-entrepreneur (MONKEY MAT anyone??) I’m continually inspired by her as a person. Her amazing, funny, wise mother was one of my dearest friends and, as they say, the apple has not fallen far from the tree.
Please to enjoy.
Be happy.
Own an island.
My childhood goals one of my cousins recently reminded me of. (He was even kind enough to send a link to an island for sale, unfortunately a bit out of my price range.)
Overly simplisticAND ambitious, I got to thinking about how I’m doing with respect to those early ideals.
If measured on island ownership, a total failure I suppose, so I’ll set that aside.
Be happy.
Am I? Yes. (phew, not such an utter failure as I felt with island benchmark!)
What does that mean? Different for everyone, I know.
For me – I am blessed with two beautiful girls, an amazing hubby, family and friends that ROCK, involvement in community in ways that move me deeply, and embarking on the scariest/most exciting professional venture yet (Monkey Mat is “baby” #3!).
Crazy / busy / goingmillionmilesanhourstarting new biz &launching new product / housenotcleanas I’dlike (yikes!) / sent kids to camp dressed for splash day two days early(would like to think we were just prepared in advance, but…) / to-do list seems to be breeding rampantly…but HAPPY.
(Tired too? Yes. But grew up always hearing there was a difference between good tired and bad tired…more on that another time, but I am GOOD tired.)
Not sure the answer was always such a definitive “yes”, if I look back with brutal honesty. So started pondering the unofficial “rules” I’ve adopted to get me to the affirmative.
1) Spend time and energy on what matters.
Savor experiences with family and friends. Be active to stay healthy. Try new things. Work / volunteer in fulfilling ways.
We get one life, there are no re-do’s.
2) Keep things in perspective.
I lost my Mom suddenly to ovarian cancer a couple of years ago.
Devastating is an understatement.
Amazing how that experience impacted the way I handle “problems” that arise(admittedly sometimes easier said than done, and though my hubby may beg to differ at times, I keep trying!).
Starting a biz in a totally new industry has had plenty of tough moments(fabric specs? sales tax licenses? blogging? 😉 WHAT??)…but INSIGNIFICANT compared to the loss of Mom, and I can plow through them.
Physically. Mentally. Don’t be stagnant.
Fit movement and fitness into daily LIFE however you can.
I believe so much in this premise, I launched a product around it!
The Monkey Mat is to take EVERYwhere for life-on-the-go (without having to plan in advance!).
Walks/runs/hikes/swims transition to sit-ups/yoga/butterfly watching/picnics/resting & enjoying the view. And when not out & about, dance parties are a fave at our house!
Mental and intellectual stimulation is key too.
(“Use it or lose it” – perhaps the most common phrase in neuroscience grad school days.)
After deep self-reflection followingMom’s passing, I realized I was no longer *moved* by the job I spent SO much of my days (and nights!) doing. (Extensive travel away from family didn’t help!)
SOOOO…terrifying as it was, I took the leap and jumped into new biz, but one I believe in and I am finding BEYOND stimulating (especially some days!).
I am so *happy* to realize I’ve met my simple/complex goal of being HAPPY!
Some days I feel it more than others, of course. (some days *feel*rough, in fact, but a pause allows me to remember the important things!) And, unfortunately, life sometimes brings along with the highs the life-changing lows.
BUT…I am trying to follow my passions – personally, professionally, philanthropically.
I listened to my Mom espouse this mantra for years, but it was only at her death that I realized I was not completely living it myself.
Losing her was the catalyst for me to get MOVIN’, in every sense.
Even when it’s scary. (And others think I’m crazy!)
And even though I am not yet surrounded by water on all sides.
p.s. If any leads on a discounted island, please let me know!
A wife and mom, Christie is also passionate about community, fun with fitness, and adventures! She launched her first product MONKEY MAT this past month & is terrified and excited. (MIZFIT NOTE: WHICH WE KNOW MEANS SHE’S TERRICITED!!)
MizFit note: Need some Miz on yer Tuesday? Im getting all kinds of bossy and opinionated over here. Grab some VEGGIES and stop by! Id say ‘consider yourself warned’ but you know this, uh, QUIRK about me already… (<—- ooh foreshadowing).
Love the rules Christie, particularly the first two. There are lessons for me in both – focus on what’s important and keeping everything in perspective. SO true.
YES, Deb. Sometimes sooooo hard, but I have found to be so liberating in the midst of what sometimes feels like overwhelming mayhem!
I am off to ponder this on my run.
Great post Christie.
Mentally and physically we need to move.
Both of them are equally important.
Why can HAPPY be so hard?
I like number 1. I always give all my energy to unimportant things that just increase my anxiety and decrease my happiness. I need to work on this. Awesome post 🙂
Thanks, Brittany! Astounding how easy it is to get wrapped up in the *schtuff* that drains us. We can all continue to try and get better at #1 for sure!
What a loving tribute to your mom.
thanks – she was amazing 🙂
I need to make the rest of the year the time I figure out what my passions even are!
I really liked this post. I tend to easily lose all my perspective.
Good luck with the mats!!
I can grow very obsessed LOL with my fitness and go a long time with out giving my brain any exercise at all.
Good reminder.
You’ve become a living tribute to a wonderful woman, teaching her lessons well.
Thanks for the uplifting tuesday thoughts, Christie.
I needed these 🙂
I can never be reminded too much to focus on what is important. Thank you and good luck with your new biz.
I love this post so much Christie! I think we all take happiness for granted these days. I especially love that you say to keep mentally moving…we all forget that our mind is just as important on the healthy lifestyle checklist as our gym routine!
All = speaking da TROOF. Happiness trumps everything. Smile!
Christie – First, I am so so sorry for the loss of your mom! I love the perspective you took from it though. I especially love the idea of making your own happiness and not waiting for it to fall in your lap. (Plus: as a mom of 4 little monkeys myself I think your mat is genius!)
As busy as you are, I am happy to see you placing such a large importance on staying health. Once we lose our health, nothing else can be as good as it could be….or should be. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we are useless to others. Lead on…
Such a fabulous post!!! Happiness is key! Thank you for the reminder!
Carla, thank you for sharing this lady with us! Such a great post & lots to learn & think about. Losing so many people in my life – lots to think about for sure! Great words of advice!
Cool! Happiness would always be everything! Thanks for the reminders! 🙂