Is there a way to weave the pictures in the post on the iPhone?
Ooh wait. Did that work?
I think we can blog on the go, Joyce!
But can I make links?
You’d think I’d rock this since:
Alas I’m a Luddite wrapped in a misfit swathed in a wanna be yogi body.
And with that I’m off to press PUBLISH and walk slowly and ploddingly run to the PC to see what this looks like.
Hopefully not like this:
Or at least the last pic.
HA! Love how you included the “I blog all day” shirt within a mobile post. Looks like you figured it out!
Next I’m trying to figure out how to embed video 🙂
For my next trick I mean….
Sign me:
Old Dog Learning New Tricks
I so need that shirt!
I was just thinking that!
I totally treated myself to the tee.
The husband said: it’s funny? I dont get it?
Since this is all off topic 🙂
If anyone is reading this and has seen these or the CORDUROY are they nice?
Cheap looking?
Please to advise 🙂
I just got mine too! You’re way ahead of me.
Got your what!?
OOOH phone!!!
Finally trying to blog from it not iPad which I never mastered.
Very cool. I’ve posted on the fly from my iPhone but never tried to do a link or more than one photo. You are no luddite!
Speaking of luddite…had to Google that. Had it confused with lucite (and you aren’t plastic thus my confusion). 😉
LOL. But I’ve always wanted those lucite heels for dress up. So there’s that 🙂
With live goldfish?
I have the blogger app on my phone and have done some 4 acres posts from it. For some reason the pics don’t seem as high quality when I blog that way..oh yes, and sometimes they turn out sideways. I got skillz.
Way to go! With a Bluetooth keyboard you’ll be all set! (I love mine & drag it to all sorts of places ie: gymnastics, so I can blog on the go). Congrats & enjoy your new phone!
What SOLD ME is the fact you can weave pics in the post!!!
Shocking to this ex-android user where you only had a choice of BIG ASS PHOTOS at top or bottom of post.
Yay. Fitbloggin phone-bloggin here I come!!
I’ve had an iphone forever and never blogged from it. Is there an app for that or did you just use your web browser? I wanna know!
I traded in my ipad for a macbook pro. ipad was so frustrating to blog from! Love that I can shoot video direct from my laptop; makes uploading and editing a snap!
YAY! I blog from my phone a lot especially since my computer died. I have a hard time placing the pictures correctly. I use the app and also use it to reply to comments.
Love the shirt. My husband wouldn’t see the humor either.
Its just the basic WordPress app.
Looooove the pics will go in throughout post. Yay 🙂
oh that is so cool – i have to start learning to do more with my iphone! Ditto Tamara’s question – is there an app for that? :))
I think you can use fancier apps. I’m old school WordPress app 🙂
I love when you do these “uh, is this thing on…?” posts from the mobile. 🙂
I need to learn to blog from my iphone!!
So. So. So. Easy!!!
Next stop? Uploading to here video I edited with iMovie on the iPhone!!
If you think you are non-techy, I hate to think what I am!!! 😉 I could never figure that out!!!!
I love that you tested and it works! Yay! Now I have to be brave and try it! I will call you and have you hold my non-techy hand 🙂
iPhone Test! I was so excited as a resident computer geek I have all the stats on iPhone vs Blackberry which is better. Including which survives a trip into the toilet from an executives breast pocket better. I have a fairly large sample size on that test. In case your curious the iPhone does better in the water.
I guess I will have to take my insights elsewhere! Sigh!
LOVE the photos on this post Miz!!! Also love your post about what “matters” and how we matter. Brought tears to my eyes…for Sue’s story and your message. I heart you, and your blog!!!