And, because Im a misfit, I dont view this as a ‘bad’ or ‘disappointing’ thing.
I may not be ZEN (yet!) but I am a firm believer in the notion we are always right where we are meant to be.
We may not understand the reason (Im avoiding the bigger more serious topics/implications here as I type this short post on 9/11) but Im of the mindset right now where I believe there is a purpose or reason to all things.
- Perhaps the message is I dont need to flee my day-to-day in order to discover and embrace my ONG?
- Perhaps theres a reason I dont yet know why I shouldnt be away on those specific dates? (oddly enough I received an inkling of that could-be reason just tonight.)
All I do know is Kundalini yoga is something Id never have explored without this opportunity.
All I know is since my exploration began a few weeks ago the quote below has stuck in my mind:
Kundalini Yoga is a method to become empty so that everything can flow through you. — Yogi Bhajan
Perhaps that was all I was meant to learn.
In order to have anything/everything flow through me and get “unstuck” I must first find a method to become empty.
I agree with you. We are always where we need to be.
You always find the positive.
Hi there,
I also firmly believe that we are always in the situations that we are supposed to be in. However, I do believe that there are moments when we make big or small choices that will affect our whole future…
Yet another lesson in life… 🙂
Oh darn!
J’en rigole tout le temps quand je passe par là
So wise.
I wonder if it is being a mom?
I am embarrassed to say I would have been pissed.
You always inspire me.
Great way to look at it.
I am with Runner Girl 🙂 and I am a mom.
I need the vacation!!!
and HONESTLY — Id so tell you guys if I stomped my feet, felt sorry for myself and THEN came to the post conclusion above. Im honest that way :-)— all the above musings were straight from finding out to FINGERS to IPHONE to POST.
I dont completely believe this sentiment (as I do think vacations or breaks are necessary to regenerate and plan to snag me one BEFORE the tornado hits double digits!) but it is pretty true here:
Ooooooh I LOVE that quote just above! I think I need to explore this Kundalini you speak of.
You are so wise.
Well, i hope the opportunity comes up again for you — if it is meant to be.
oh bummer. Well, there is a reason behind it. Just wait. I know things will work out some how.
I’m sorry your new experience was postponed, but I suspect something wonderful will come along to replace it. Life just happens that way sometimes.
Great perspective.
as always!
love love love your insight and outlook on situations.
See, another reason why you matter – you always make us think! You have the best attitude about life! I need to embrace! 😉
I completely agree with you – there’s a reason and purpose and while it’s definitely a bummer, I do believe that it means something else is in store for you or this opportunity will come around again when it’s right.
Great attitude.
Can I argue something? I don’t think we should ever be truly “empty” as the quote says. I sort of get what they’re saying, but…
I’m not a yoga person. (And I’ve tried it all.) But, I like some of the ideas. I don’t know that I agree about becoming completely empty but I do agree with the idea of letting things flow. I’m always working on that!
We’re always in our own place for a reason.
I absolutely believe that too. And I love that quote.
I absolutely agree with going with the signs…it’ll happen, but yeah, WHEN it’s supposed to happen.
Love your attitude. When it’s meant to happen, it will happen! Namaste!
Ok, so you are taking this pretty well. Having said that, no matter how amazing one’s life, vacations are spiffy and needed, In other words, I still hope you get to go somewhere empty of duties but full of joy. giddy up!
Sounds to me like you’ve got it figured out. Well done!
The quote in your comments is by far the best thing I’ve read in ages – creating the life we don’t need to escape from. LOVE IT!!!!
I also believe that things happen for a reason, good and bad. We learn from everything and everyone.
I agree with you – we are where we are meant to be!
Reading your posts always gives me that opportunity to stop. and reflect. Thank you 🙂
A positive spin always! I love your posts!
SUCH KIND KIND WORDS from you all today. THANK YOU.
Great positive attitude! I say the same thing to myself over and over about not being able to move to Texas yet. But I must admit that sometimes I get impatient.
I’m a firm believer in “everything happening for a reason”. Doesn’t mean you can’t be dissappointed though. And wow…I LOVE LOVE that quote. Have a wonderful Wednesday Miz.
Let me be the first to dissent…
While I understand the notion, I have to say that I, for one, have trouble blindly accepting the idea that “we are right where we need to be” as though there is some divine cosmic entity manipulating my life for a higher purpose. To me, it’s something people tell themselves to make the hardships of life more bearable.
I choose to be the creator of my future and make changes when I am not satisfied with the way things are, rather than calmly accept life’s randomness as the plan of some “thing” I cannot see.
Yes I am a skeptic, but a thinker as well. I hope this comment is taken for what it is…an opinion, nothing more. I do enjoy your writing 🙂
oh I do agree. people hit by trucks. those living where genocides occur. none of it makes sense to me in the larger grander DEEPER more philosophical sense.
and a big AMEN to being the creator of your future and your destiny.
a zen outlook for a zen postponement
You are where you are meant to be. Like Neo, in the Matrix. Sorry, that’s the nerd in me coming out. It happens.