It makes my heart happy…beyond happy…it’s a MizSplosion of joy that the apparel manufacturer of my Miz skirts is now matching my donation to Mayan Families charity.
Im giving all my proceeds.
They’re matching.
Im smiling.
Life is good.
if youre wondering WHY SKIRTS? WHY GUATEMALA? WHY FITNESS? WHY TATTOOS? WHY WHY WHY? Some of that is answered here. all except the tattoo craziness. that will be here. another day.
That is so great, Carla.
I ordered mine.
I can’t wait to get it.
(Why are you holding balloons? LOL)
I saw this on facebook.
Spread the love, Miz.
Most excellent. Mayan Families is an amazing charity, they are doing such great work in Guatemala. Thank you for doing this, Carla. YOU rock.
Yay! That’s awesome–way to go! I can’t wait to get my skirt!
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! I think the word awesome is overused, but in this case, it is PERFECT!!!! YAYS all around!!!!!
Wow… way to make me feel guilty for putting PayPal button on my blog and asking for donations to pay down my gambling debts…
That is sooo awesome. Congratulations!!
That is truly awesome! Woohoo!!!
I don’t know why people continue to surprise me (in a good way), but it’s nice that they do!
SO VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome! Congratulations ! Donating Is A Great Feeling : )
good follows good, and you’re pretty much amazing.