The Pilates Powerhouse, a crazy name that Joe Pilates used to describe the major muscles of the trunk, is used throughout all of Pilates practice.
It’s referenced in Pilates history, certification materials, and instructor cuing, but when fully explained and demystified you can see that the powerhouse can be used in any workout.
The powerhouse is the central point from where all movement and energy stems.
Many assume that this means the abdominals, but you would only be sort of right.
Think of your trunk (collarbones to hip joints) as the area where your powerhouse resides and all the major muscles in that zone comprise the powerhouse.
That includes all four layers of your abdominals (yes, there are four layers), the hip flexors, the hip extensors, the major muscles of your back and shoulder blades, and deep muscles used for side bending. All of these muscles work in tandem to create movement, radiating from the core out to the limbs.
But more than landmarks of the body, the powerhouse is a concept that embodies the Pilates Principles. If we’re able to concentrate in our Pilates practice enough to connect our body so the movement we create is done with control, precision and flow, then the powerhouse is in use and is doing its job.
Whether that last part resonated with you as a Pilates practitioner or you’re thoroughly confused, let’s bring the lofty ideas of the powerhouse back to earth and see how you can feel it in your everyday workouts. To me, the two most important things the powerhouse can do for you in any workout is keep your abs engaged and shoulders down.
Abs Engaged Instructors often use the “bellybutton to spine” cue to get their students to engage the core correctly. Many people, before they have their first Pilates experience, tend to think that the abs engage when the abs are pushed out.
Try it!
-Do a crunch and hold it.
-Look to your abs and then pull your bellybutton down. -When you’re in this crunch with the bellybutton pulled down, you should feel engaged from the ribs all the way to the pubic bone and there should be a sensation of the belly scooping in.
If you do your crunches or any ab work with that concept always in mind, you will strengthen your core and create a more slimming waist since your abdominal engagement is getting into the deeper layers of the core. Pushing the abs out when you crunch will only build a core that superficially strong and thick in the waist.
Bring this “bellybutton to spine” idea into any workout or movement. You will feel like your spine is more supported (preventing injury!), and you will feel the core take some of the burden off other muscles.
Shoulders Down
It would be hard to find a person in today’s society who doesn’t hold tension in his or her shoulders. When seeing slightly raised shoulders in a Pilates class and the “shoulders down” cue is used, students release their shoulder tension momentarily only for the shoulders to inevitably creep back up. Keeping the shoulders down isn’t just about releasing tension, but it’s also about actively engaging other muscles of the powerhouse to keep the shoulders down.
Try it!
-While in a crunch, hover your hands off the mat and reach your fingertips long to the wall in front of you. Feel your shoulders pushing down. -Feel the shoulders push down so much that you feel underneath your armpits engage. That’s your latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior working (as a result of other shoulder depressors engaging as well.)
Finding this engagement in all workouts will not only allow you to work these muscles for a nicely sculpted back and strong side body, but it will also create a long neck and wide chest. These muscles (along with other shoulder depressors) take the burden off your upper trapezius, preventing injury and a Hulk-ish looking shoulder and neck area.
If you think of these two things in any workout, you will perform any workout reps with more control and precision.
You will be able to hone in on the targeted muscles of any exercise while also ensuring that the movement involves many more muscles of the body. So go ahead and use the Pilates Powerhouse in any workout!
I’m sure good ole Joe would be proud.

Kara is an Instructor and Marketing Director at Plank Pilates Studio in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
She has lived, worked and danced in Manhattan since Summer 2011. She completed her initial Pilates certification in 2009 and was the first instructor to be certified in Plank’s Progressive Pilates Certification Program. Going beyond classical and contemporary Pilates training, she has also studied dance, anatomy, somatic theories and nutrition.
Hi Good one :). I love your points that brought up to the site and for every one very useful.
Great tips – sounds so simple and easy to implement. Just gotta remember to do it 🙂
I love this because like you MIz I am trying pilates this year.
Pilates really did change my core and my life. Love this.
My core needs this. It lacks power 🙂
I want to try pilates but not sure how I can fit it in. Those kinds of crunches are killer though!
Great advice–time for me to concentrate more and get more out of my workouts!
What is a good Pilates DVD?
I would always recommend working with a certified Pilates instructor for the best understanding of the exercises and results. If you don’t have any Pilates studios in your area try “10 Minute Solution: Pilates for Beginners.”
Wow… I even understood this!!
Question: can you suggest what might cause charlie horses/muscle cramping in the abdominal muscles?? Either high up, or mid, or lower, but in the front somewhere, most every day when I am using them? Soooo painful. Any thoughts/suggestions most appreciated!!
I’m not positive what is causing this. Many muscle cramps are caused by fatigue or dehydration. If you’re overworking your muscles, try to give them some time off to rest, and always make sure you’re drinking lots of water. If this continues and it’s affecting your daily life and workouts, I would consult a physician.
Thanks for the suggestions, Kara. I’ll work on the water, and if don’t see a difference, I’ll bring it up at my next dr’s visit. 🙂
Now that i don’t have an instructor, remembering these two key components will help me greatly, thank you.
I have always wanted to try but nothing affordable near me.. I love your examples in the post – gonna try!
THank you for this post. More people need to do PILATES!!!!!!!
Excellent post. Great tips for all kinds of workouts. I need to do more Pilates.
The belly button to spine and shoulders down aspect of Pilates sounds just like the cues I give in my yoga classes. I suppose that there are a lot of similarities between the two, which is why so many studios offer both and so many yoga teachers also get Pilates certified. I’ve never taken a class in Pilates, but I’m liking the familiarity I hear and am actually really interested to try it out now. Thanks for clearing up and explaining a bit more about what Pilates is and the main area of focus.
Great advice! Love the term ‘powerhouse’!
IT’s called a “boat pose”- yoga steal…
There are three important factors involved to become healthy and fit that includes healthy diet, proper exercise and right attitude. If you have positive attitude you are more likely going to succeed in your fitness plans.
Great tips buddy .Thanks for posting health and fitness factors.which are compulsory to follow a human being why because we are not effecting from any diseases
Awesome. My thanks for posting that. I’ll return back to find out more and inform my neighbors about you.
I sign up for Yoga, I Love it I need to try Pilates. Thank You for sharing
It informational resource, I’ll bookmark it and visit it again!