winner winner chicken dinner!
Kim of Day with KT!
Email me (carla at carla birnberg dot com) and I shall connect you with your FITBLOGGIN ticket!
by Carla
winner winner chicken dinner!
Kim of Day with KT!
Email me (carla at carla birnberg dot com) and I shall connect you with your FITBLOGGIN ticket!
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[…] The winner of the FITBLOGGIN TICKET! The winner of the FITBLOGGIN TICKET! […]
[…] I was going through my Bloglovin’ feed and when I got to MizFit I clicked on the first unread post and saw – “winner winner chicken dinner! Kim of Day with KT” […]
Yea for Kim!!!!!
Congrats Kim see you there! I barely if ever eat processed white starches/sugars…if I do, it’s a treat and I TREAT is as such 😉 Eventually I have to say NO, but …
I just did a happy dance all around my dining room/office!!!
And then after my happy dance, I cried because I looked up the dates of the conference and I don’t think I can go – my husband found out this weekend that he is going to be out of the country that week and I’m pretty sure there are rules about leaving my boys home alone.
I’m so bummed and sorry – but I don’t want to take the ticket when I know I probably can’t make it happen.