Hello fellow Mizfit fans!
My name is Lindsay and I’m a Registered Dietitian who blogs over at The Lean Green Bean.
I’m so excited to be making an appearance over here today to chat about one of my favorite activities- jumping rope!
(MizFit note: I begged her to come. I love me some Lean Green Bean.)
I used to think jump ropes were nothing more than a childhood throwback….a tool used by gym teachers and parents to help children burn of some of that excess energy they always seem to have. Over the past couple of years I’ve rediscovered my love of jumping rope and I think you should too!
Here’s 5 reasons why:
- It’s a simple activity that burns a lot of calories. There’s no way around it. Jumping rope with get your heart pumping and your blood flowing!
- It’s inexpensive and can be done almost anywhere. A basic jump rope shouldn’t cost more than $10. You can jump at home in your basement, at the gym or at the park while your kids are swinging. Hitting the road? Throw your rope in your suitcase and jump in your hotel room!
- It’s a full body workout. You might think of it as a leg workout, but jumping rope works the muscles in your shoulders and abs as well!
- It enhances your coordination, timing and rhythm.You could even use it as a tool to help kids work on their counting!
- It can fill the gaps. Try jumping rope in between weight lifting sets instead of just standing around or use it as an activity break if you sit a lot during the day.
A few things to remember:
- Choose the right rope length. If you step on the rope and pull the handles up, they should come approximately to your armpits
- Find a forgiving surface to jump on (ie not concrete if possible)- try a wood floor, gym mat, track, etc.
- Wear shoes. Jump ropes are kind of like a whip and it will hurt if you whip your bare feet.
- Ease into it! If you’re not used to jumping rope, you’ll probably feel it in your calves, even your shins, the next day. Start small and let your body get used to jumping rope. Remember that you don’t need to jump super high off the ground…just high enough to clear the rope! And spend some time with the foam roller on those calf muscles!
Want to take it up a notch?!
- Try double unders! This means you have to spin the rope fast enough for it to go around your body two times for every one jump you take. You’ll have to jump higher than you do for single unders. It takes practice and coordination so don’t give up if you don’t get it right away. There are endless ways to jumprope! You can also try criss-crossing your arms while you jump, jumping on just one leg, spinning the rope backwards instead of forwards, running in place while spinning the rope instead of jumping…get creative!
- Try intervals: Jump rope for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, repeat. As you get better, try jumping super fast for 30 seconds and then doing an easy recovery jump for 1 minute and repe
Most importantly, have fun!
Jumping rope is a simple, effective exercise that is great for your whole body, including your heart… so grab a rope and start jumping today!
Every time I pick up a jump rope, I feel like a kid again! Great guest post Lindsay!
Thanks Angela! Nothing beats feeling like a kid again!
Fun! Wish I was coordinated enough to string together double unders . . . ahhh, a new goal!
They’ll come together eventually. It might be your rope. Certain ropes are better than others. I think it’s actually pretty hard to find a good rope.
Anyway, a jump rope is one of my favorite things to take with me traveling if I’m not able to get any fitness in.
They definitely take some practice…but once you get them, it’s awesome!
Great tips! We have a jump rope but I can’t remember the last time I used it. Great point about easing into it. I’ve definitely had shin pain from too much jumping (plank jacks, burpees, etc) and I’d imagine jump roping would be similar.
I am very uncoordinated. I find jumping without the rope works just was well. 🙂
Absolutely! Just as effective in my opinion! They also have weighted jumprope handles without the rope!
i love jumping rope between sets!
LOVE jumproping – double dutch anyone?!
LOVED double dutch when I was a kid!
I actually LOVE jumping rope, but it has gotten lost in the shuffle with marathon training. I gotta do more of that in a couple of weeks
I love me some lean green bean, mizfit, and any activity that makes me feel like a kid again. Great post Lindsay!
I haven’t jumped rope in years. Sounds like I need to try again!
I love mixing jump rope into my strength training sessions! It really is an awesome workout. I forgot how sore it makes my calves though!
I love the suggestion of jumping rope between sets. In a workout program I did about a year ago it called for this instead of doing cardio. It was effective.
It’s been years but maybe I should try it! Sounds like a lot of great benefits.
Now, I just want to jump….rope!
Great post Lindsay! Inspires me to give jumping rope a try!!
I was jumping rope between sets in the gym earlier this year, it’s a tough addition & very effective! I actually did mine without the actual rope, just to make it easier in a small gym space. 🙂
I need to add this to my exercise routine. I’ve been kind of bored lately and this would add fun variety.
Love all the jump rope tips and ideas. I enjoy jumping but tend to go in spurts with jumping – I should do it more often!
I skip rope as part of my boxing exercise. It is good for building stamina and overall coordination.
Got to love some Lindsay!! I wonder if I can do this in my Hoka shoes!!! 🙂 I still am careful with my no fat pad feet! 😉
up to armpits.
i thought it was lower than that. i’ve been wanting to attempt jump rope but it never worked well! i have an 8 year old daughter who’s really gotten into jumping rope at school at recess, and with friends, so i thought it would be a great thing we could do together, and all.
It’s an exhausting workout but an excellent one!
The elementary school where I worked for 15 years had a “Jump for Heart” club. The kids got really good and all the teachers were practicing with them at recess/lunch. We had an end of the year “jumprope” party.
My pet peeve were those who call it “jump roping” instead of “jumping rope”-
We were not “roping”-although our school mascot was a “Wrangler”!
this past summer i rediscovered the beauty and benefit of jumping rope. Since then jumping rope is a part of most of my outdoor workouts and sometimes in my house as well if my daughter isn’t around 🙂 if she’s close by she wants to jump to but she’s only 2.. i am a huge advocate and fan of jumping rope. it’s simple, easy and cheap! my three favorite things.
What a wonderful thing to share! I love easy and fun things that burn lots of calories and don’t really feel like work. This one even makes you feel younger. Really can’t beat that!
Thanks for reminding me my childhood .. It’s fun :))
I used to love jumping rope when I was a kid and even now it’s still fun. I just need to get a rope that’s meant for someone a bit taller!
I LOVE jumping rope! I really appreciated this post! I’m a volleyball player, and I’ve always loved a lightweight jump rope as a warm-up, and a weighted jump rope as part of jump training. What an awesome post!
I just know that doing this also good for our body, i thought it’s just for leg work out.. thank you.. 🙂
I love jump roping, makes me feel like a kid again. The best part is the kids like it to so I’m setting a good example for them! Lately we have been adding new nutrition into our diet. You can find it here: http://poncewraps.myitworks.com/shop/product/309/
Jump ropes are one of my fave tools – I love using them for interval cardio burst, a la your suggestion, but also for strength training kind of like a cheap-o TRX?
Jump rope is a great exercise to include in your workout routine. The benefits are phenomenal.
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This is the best thing if we remain fit as it covers all part of the body and it makes all the parts active..