This post was sponsored by Nutiva®. While I was compensated to write this post, all opinions are my own.
I’ve been a coconut oil puller for about three years now.
I discovered the concept accidentally (thank you Facebook) and, although it sounded a tad icky, was intrigued enough to give it a try.
Here’s the short version of exactly what oil pulling is (longer version here):
- Swishing oil in mouth to relieve body of toxins.
- Toxins are released due to stimulating effect swishing has on the body’s “eliminatory system.”
- Oil pulling (supposedly) heals individual cells & cell conglomerates (lymph nodes/internal organs) simultaneously.
- Oil pulling (supposedly) keeps gums exceedingly healthy and prevents Alzheimers.
It was the last bullet point which snagged my attention and solidified my trying.
Poor genetics make for an adventurous Carla and I figured it couldn’t hurt me—so why not?
For years I gagged, swished and spat, barely tolerating the coconut taste, as my daughter watched in horrified fascination.
Do you like doing that? She’d ask periodically.
It’s fine. I’d respond. It’s good for my body.
I never offered her the chance to oil pull with me nor did I ask if she wanted to give it a try.
As the way I approach the rest of my mothering, I chose to practice what I longed to preach and say not a word.
Flash forward to a few months ago when I received an email from Nutiva asking if I wanted to try/write about their Organic Refined Coconut Oil.
I leaped at the chance to fuel my habit nonchalantly accepted Nutiva‘s offer and a few weeks later a jar arrived in the mail.
Alas, the skull is filled with Nutiva Organic chia not coconut oil.
Are we going to bake with the coconut oil??? the child asked in excitement.
I shook my head no.
Huh. Well, I want to try it. I want to try it now even though I don’t like the taste of coconut at all.
Here’s where I will forever be indebted to the people at Nutiva.
Before they educated me I had absolutely no idea virgin coconut oil (which I’d been using) tasted like coconut while refined did not.
For years I’d swished (beginning with 1 minute and recently verging on 10) with a taste I disliked completely unaware I had options.
I shared this new tid-bit with my coconut-disliking child.
I informed her the refined coconut oil was sent to me for oil pulling.
She announced she was ready to be like mama and give coconut oil pulling a try for herself.
She readied the jar and grabbed a spoon.
She readied herself and scooped out a more generous spoonful of the oil than I’d anticipated she would:
She hesitated only briefly as she placed the scoop of coconut oil in her mouth:
She closed her lips, paused and PULLED!
She swished the oil in her mouth for about 2 minutes (hardcore oil pullers aim for 20!) and I readily admit she lasted about two minutes longer than I did my first time!
After she emptied her mouth of the swished oil I asked her what she’d thought.
I was really excited! It felt like an adventure. It was solid in my mouth and then it melted to liquid and oily. It was weird having the oil in my mouth, but it was fun.
Since that first try she’s oil pulled with me a few other times.
I love I can trust Nutiva to create an organic product I’m confident letting her “use.”
I love how mothering can, some days, feel as simple as practicing what I long to preach.
I love I’ve bought us another jar (unbeknownst to her) downloaded Nutiva’s cookbook e-book and have a surprise baking with coconut oil adventure planned for us this week.
And you?
- Have you considered giving coconut oil pulling a try?
- Did you already know the difference between virgin and refined coconut oils?
You were the first to introduce me to oil pulling a few years ago. I was faithful for a bit and then forgot about it. I need to start up again. My teeth and gums looked so much better when I did!
I feel like your daughter is challenging me to try.
I have thought about giving it a shot but hate coconut, too. Thanks Nutiva for cluing this clueless girl in about the no coconut taste in refined!!
I just started oil pulling a few weeks ago. It is really disgusting, but I’m sticking with it to rid myself of toxins.
Nope. Not at all. And I’m a skeptic on the health claims. But I’m happy to see how it works for you. I assume “refined” means “processed” (i.e., purified) which (imho) proves that “processed” food isn’t always a bad thing. 😉
I did oil pulling for awhile then stopped for some reason. I really do need to start again. Had no idea about the refined vs virgin thing.
I tried oil pulling a few times and it just made me gag. I HATED it. But I didn’t try with coconut oil… I think I did it with EVOO. And I strongly dislike the taste of olives so maybe it, uh, wasn’t the right option for me? 🙂
I think I still have some Nutiva coconut oil around so I might have to give oil pulling another shot! Thanks for this info.
(And can’t believe she lasted 2 minutes. She’s a rockstar. I’m pretty sure I lasted like 2 seconds the first time and I don’t know that I ever got past about 30 seconds before quitting altogether, ha).
I have been thinking about this oil pulling thing for a while but I am scared to take the leap. I have the jar of nutiva – never knew the difference between refined and virgin.
I feel like I need instructions or something. Since I am home with a sick kick maybe I’ll try it today.
I use coconut oil for everything from an essential oil carrier to skincare to oil pulling. I keep one in my kitchen and one in my bathroom medicine cabinet!
I have honestly never tried it but it sounds intriguing!
invite me over tomorrow! i love a good PULL! haha, nutiva coconut is like crack. YUM!
I still have not tried this, but I should. Years ago I thought maybe it was just another fad, but the concept is still going strong.
I will have to try oil pulling. I have gum issues and didn’t know oil pulling could help. I also didn’t know the difference between refined and virgin coconut oil so I’ll make sure I get the refined because I also don’t like the taste of coconut. What a great tip!
So interesting, Carla! And I loved how you interwove the whole parenting thing in there! Way to go!
I haven’t tried it because I hate the taste of coconut. I had no idea refined had a different taste. I do use coconut in all of our baking and it’s terrific for sauteing vegetables as well. Thanks for the tips and for teaching me what coconut oil pulling is about!
I’ve never heard of using coconut oil this way Carla. Interesting!
I use coconut oil to make popcorn.
Yes, I have actually tried pulling. I inherited gum challenges from my family history and it’s a constant struggle.
Thing is, it really makes me gag. I haven’t been able to get used to it and then, with the big move and summer reno project, such things were happily pushed to the side.
Perhaps I should try again? Has your dentist noticed a difference?
Ahhh, so THATS why my Trader Joes (virgin) jar tastes like coconut while the Spectrum (refined) does not.
So it tastes better when doing this. I have not broken down but I just might if you find it easier with this one. I have BAD GENETICS for teeth, gums & that dreadful disease!
Thx for sharing!
I’ve tried it, usually with cold-pressed sesame oil. I love the taste of that. While it may seem like a fad, it’s an ancient Ayurvedic practice with a lot of research behind it in India. You’ve inspired me to get back into the habit!
Never liked coconut, and I avoid oils so I’ll save this for someday.
I just have to say, Tornado is the cutest! And the whole idea of “pulling” has never appealed to me but I’m thinking if your little doll can do it, then maybe I can, too! Thanks for sharing the tip between virgin and refined coconut oils, who knew…
i had NO idea the difference! i tried oil pulling a couple years ago and wasn’t into it… i thought you HAD to do it for 20 minutes. maybe i’ll try it again for just a couple…..
Love that your daughter is willing and open to things like this.. Most kids would run away from it! I’ve thought about trying it, but have yet to take the plunge. Have you noticed a difference in your gums/how you feel?
Yah one of my friends showed me this a number of years ago. I never thought to do it with coconut oil. Thanks Clara.
So here’s my dumb question. Is this before or after teeth brushing, or in place of? I recently had really expensive gum surgery (as in a wonderful vacation to Europe’s worth of surgery) and have a pretty extensive routine now…wondering how this cooperates with that?
Yes, i oil pull, but since i love the taste of coconut, i just go ahead and use the raw organic stuff. Glad you’ve found a brand you like!
My problem is … When I put coconut oil in my mouth, I want and …. DO… SWALLOW! ha ha ah ah aha! The gents love it?
OKAY – raunchy!
Interestingly enough, I’ve never heard of this! I actually thought your daughter was going to swallow it. I’m glad you explained that you only “swish” then “empty”. I can see the benefits of doing it. Maybe I might have to take the plunge and give it a shot. 🙂
OOOH I have been wanting to try this. every time you post about it, I want to try it. I think now is the time!
I actually have tried oil pulling and I actually did it with “Farm to Gold” Ghee Mouthwash…It was interesting and my morning oil pulling ritual lasted for a week. 🙁
I used to oil pull religiously about a year ago and then the habit kind of died. I was never able to just scoop some from the jar and place directly in my mouth. I would, instead, melt the oil in the microwave. It seemed a lot more tolerable to me. I need to start pulling again – my teeth felt so healthy and white. 🙂
To be honest, I never tested. Still I will test.