Once upon a time I met a boy.
He was different from others I’d dated (in myriad ways) with one being the fact he frequently told me he couldn’t wait for our “honeymoon period” to be over.
I like the time when I’ve heard all the other person’s stories and begin to hear them for a second time.
For him the second telling-time wasn’t an internal eye-roll I’ve heard this before experience, but an I love this. I know you. I know this story. comfy time.
I share this tidbit as disclaimer of sorts.
He heard this story a hundreds of times and, toward the near-1000th rendition, I have to believe he was rethinking his stance on that honeymoon period.
I share this story a lot.
I’ve stopped strangers in drug stores and foisted the story upon them.
I’ve over-shared with disinterested shoppers as we waited in grocery checkout lines.
I’ve absolutely no recollection of telling the Child my tale, yet she saw a Cadbury Creme Egg commercial, paused the TV and shouted:
Hey Mama! Come quick! You brought those to this country!
And now I can’t stop myself from sharing here.
Quite frankly, because I believe it all to be entirely true.
It’s become our family lore.
Once upon *another* time I lived in Oxford, England for a year.
I was eight, many facets of the year sucked were a challenge, but come Easter time this little Jewish misfit fell in love.
Wholly, utterly, and fake-yolk’y center in love.
It was 1977.
Barely anyone outside of the UK was familiar with Cadbury and, upon discovery,ย my third grade sweet tooth ravaged all they offered with wild abandon.
Until they released this:
I lost my mind.
I bought, I ate, I bought, I froze for later months, I ate the frozen within days, I bought more, I froze…it was a never-ending cycle.
Until the Easter season ended and, not long after, so did our year in Oxford.
After I re-acquainted myself with American culture (Wendys?! What was that?!) I told my mother—in the inimitable way of eight year olds then and now— I’m ready for next Easter now! I’m buying all the eggs!
Ever tasked with the hard stuff conversations—my mom sat me down and broke it to me gently:
The Cadbury products are only sold overseas. They wont be here next Easter.
I refused to believe her.
I was devastated.
I was angry.
I attemptedย the 5 stages and yet couldn’t find my way to emerge ready for acceptance.
So I did what we all did in the age before email: I hand-wrote a letter to the company.
I detailed my sugar love, I pontificated about my Creme Egg passion—-I received a curt, kiss-off letter from legal detailing the fact they’d never, ever, ever take suggestions about product from outsiders.
Within a year my beloved Eggs of Creme were sold in the United States.
She’s bought into the family lore!
And really.
From either perspective:
Crazy then-nine year old?
Freak flag flying now-forty-six year old?
It all adds up–right?
It all makes sense.
I introduced Cadbury Creme Eggs to the USA.
Please to enjoy my gift.
LOL!!! Thank you!!…Is it wrong if I tell you I’m happier about the Mini Eggs?? They got me though a rough stage in my twin pregnancy and I will be forever grateful!
I love your daughter now believes this, too.
We will celebrate you today and EAT THEM ๐
It is funny, I didn’t really grow up eating the Cadbury eggs, so I don’t get all that excited about them. Now, Girl Scout cookies… THAT is another story!
I love mine dipped in coffee.
Have you tried that?? YUMMY.
What a wonderful story! I believe you too. You must be famous now!
It’s funny how we take things for granted – Cadbury’s in Australia is the main chocolate provider. We almost take ownership of it! I only realized a few years ago how little a part of American culture it was. You’ve all been missing out! The other funny thing is that I hear Americans rave over the creme eggs and yet they’re nothing special over here. It’s a strange world, but I’m glad you were so influential in the sharing of this Easter treat ๐
Can I confess that I’m not so fond of American chocolates having grown up on Cadbury’s in India and get some great ones brought over by generous relatives from Australia and the UK. In fact, my aunt worked for Cadburys in Australia, so we really got the best.
You did your country a great service! ๐
I love this story and the picture of your daughter is so delightful!
Well Thank You! They are pretty awesome!
Hehe what a fun story!! I’m all about Reese’s eggs…
Thank-you Carla, you are an American treasure!I like their advertising that they are here and then they are gone. I will just assume you had a part in their American advertising as well. Your Child is just too adorable!
I brought Nutella and Toblerone chocolate! I tried to get the chocolate eggs with the little toys inside for the U.S. but sadly our kids are silly enough to try and eat them and then choke so they are bannedโฆ
I too like the dark chocolate Cadbury without that gooey mess inside…
Loved this story Carla! I would claim it too! Thank you for your dedication to chocolate!
Clearly, “thank you” is insufficient for the depth of our gratitude.
How weird is it that I spent a year in England with my family as a kid, and it was also 1977!
But we were from Canada, where we’ve had the eggs for, like, ever!
What a fun story! My mom’s side is from England and all I have to say is that they have some FANTASTIC candy offerings. They have the currant candies that I was obsessed with.
I had the same thing happen with mini Twix bars. I wrote to the company that they should make fun size ones and they wrote me back a thanks, but no thanks letter and sent me some coupons, then started selling fun size Twix. I still have that letter to this day. So basically I started tiny Twix bars.
You have brought much joy to your country! I salute you! Since I’m an Aussie all we really had was Cadbury and the first time I tried Hershey’s chocolate I was like, “what IS this?? Is this supposed to be chocolate?” I will say, I think the cadburys you get here tastes different than it did when I was growing up, but maybe that’s kid-to-adult memory lapse.
I used to love the Cadbury Creme Eggs, so I thank you for the many years of enjoyment they brought me. ๐
I confess, I have not bought one since hearing they changed the chocolate the use for the shell. It was a sad day, but I am probably better off without the addiction.
I used to love these, almost as much as Peeps. (I can’t do sugar any more, so must simply enjoy them in photos from afar, as a sweet, sweet memory.) Great story!
I have never had me one of those eggs ever in my life. Such a strange little woman I am .
I had no idea you were a demon pusher.
Oh man, I love those sickly sweet eggs… Comfort food.
Carla, you’ve got me all worked up — I want one now!! Thanks. Beth
I love this every year!!!!! I am sure you brought it here! You are due millions!!!!
These are my favorites and I stock up at Easter!
Well…I appreciate it.
I really love the part about your husband and the second-telling of stories. What a wonderful way to look at that. Also, congratulations on your candy coup. ๐
Oh my gosh! My son adored them at Easter time. In fact, he still does love them. What great memories your post gave me. I have to get some for his this Easter for sure!
Thank you very much! One of the most delectable sweet treats on the planet! ๐
hehehe, that’s awesome!! ๐ Is it terribly strange that I’ve never had one? :O Maybe this Easter…
Cadbury Easter Cream Eggs are my FAVORITE Easter treat! I’ve been obsessed with them since I was a wee one. And I still eat them today. I think their marketing scheme that they are only here for a short time really works for me. I get my fill in while they are out in stores. Only, they changed the packaging here in Canada, it’s a plastic shell, and they are smaller. Both of those facts are so disappointing.
I am eternally, forever, grateful!