(click on the box of SNACKWELLS in my lap to read more) Disclosure: I’m an Attune Foods Ambassador and am compensated for my efforts on their behalf. Mo’ disclosure: I consumed Attune Foods' REAL FOODS as some of my "starting down the healthy living path." Long, long before being compensated for my efforts. ... Continue Reading
I can lie to YOU, but I cant lie to myself.
Although lord knows I tried...and Im talking about it over at Attune Foods. Disclosure: I’m an Attune Foods Ambassador and am compensated for my efforts on their behalf. Mo' disclosure: I consumed Attune Foods products years & years before being compensated for my efforts. ... Continue Reading
My first experience with adult peer pressure.
In an effort to keep comments & thoughts in one place I'm not going to add much more here except the fact it was a brow-furrowing encounter. It did, as the Tornado has taken to saying, blow my mind out. Have you confronted adult peer pressure? ... Continue Reading
Im living the s-l-o-w life.
(click on my face to get to my post. I'm the big one.) It's who I am. I know what's important to me & Im savoring every minute of it. If you have a moment please read this post. If you dont think you have the time---then you need the post even more. ... Continue Reading
The accidental informerical.
Your fitness rewards You shared. En masse. From cool fitness TREATS To a new knitting class (!). And then I shared mine. Some creative (some not). So many are FREE! And some are store bought. I do veer offtrack In just a small way. Attune Foods I HEART YE. (And was NOT asked to say!)* *YES I am an attune foods brand ambassador but the yammers ... Continue Reading
I know we’re not supposed to say this…
but I really like this post. I'd feel embarrassed & prideful, but the more I thought about it (& the more times I wrote and deleted *this* post) the more I realized I liked what writing it made me do. I like how I was compelled to stop, step back, and assess how Ive gotten where I am today. Please to enjoy. I know I enjoyed & learned (about myself) from writing it. ... Continue Reading
A glimpse into my packpack**
Click the broccoli! Click the broccoli! Before I write many of my posts I talk them through with the 5 year old. It helps me to clarify my thoughts when I hear them said out loud. 90% of the time she tunes me out, but there remains that 10% where she's not only interested but ADDS her two cents into the mix. This is one of those posts. The photo above was taken after I asked her what ... Continue Reading
*Please* to E.A.T. breakfast!
Eat me! EAt me! Click me! Cick me! Before I send you on your breakfast-eating way I wanted to take a moment and share a thought with you. It's question I ask myself every time I link to a post and close my comments (I'm doing that less & less as Ive heard your we'd rather comment *here* cries): SERIOUSLY. This is a favor I am asking of my readers. To click. To head over to another ... Continue Reading
It’s time to CHEER ON OUR TRIBE!
As most of you already know Im a huge fan of Attune foods. Huge. It's a longtime love affair (we were eating Uncle Sam's back in the 90's) & one which I like to think led to my working with them as a brand ambassador. (<----- Tip alert! Tip alert!!) I love their products, but more than that I adore how invested the brand is in us bloggers. Attune actively sponsors ... Continue Reading
The body and its wisdom.
OM listening to my body. Join me? Click me. ... Continue Reading