Once upon a time, as a practicum during my Master's degree, I worked with college students. Mainly freshman women, but as word spread of our chats & hangouts (oops) I often ended up with a mixed aged group all chatting about the same thing: Food & body image. Years later, in a land far away where I was still paying off my degree yet not utilizing it, I opened a boutique training ... Continue Reading
What would Tami Taylor do?
(my wine) To know me is to be aware of my fondness for the television. To have seen evidence of my complete and utter adoration of the trashtastic TV shows. For me the consumption of popular culture is virtually the same as snacking on processed foodstuffs: Some, in moderation, is fine. Making it forbidden only sparks binges and obsession. To know me offline (or on the Book of the Face) ... Continue Reading