Once upon a time I shared the story of The Walking Princess. like this...but much different. I draped the tale in lighthearted prose, but underneath the levity it saddened and disturbed me. The story's short version is there once was a woman who walked our Austin neighborhood. She paced our 'hood all day, every day. Literally all day (not in the figurative sense the kids are using ... Continue Reading
Should we blog about our kids?
I've blogged though the Tornado's entire life. I blogged before her (2001. We didn't have a name for what we were doing.) and, while I imagine it will be called something else, I'll blog long after she's moved out of the house. My first blogging gig was paid and had nary a reference to anything familial. I was hired by a website (Muscle Journal) to post solely about my workouts. Type. ... Continue Reading