Or so we like to tell ourselves when we're falling. And bouncing. And it's definitely what we like to tell ourselves when I am, in fact, the WE. CLICK MY POMS CLICK MY POMS! ... Continue Reading
I’ve judged you.
I've never considered myself judgmental. Heck, these days more than even being supremely liberal--I'm a libertarian. Autonomy. Freedom of choice. If you're not hurting anyone then do what you want and hold your beliefs close. Judgmental was not a word in my self-definition. Until recently. And, even though my year of living what would happen if one woman told the truth... are ... Continue Reading
Six life-lessons gleaned from the Petulant Preschooler
photo taken by aforementioned 'schooler notorious for chopping off heads. After a jam-packed, nonstop, hotter than the proverbial mother f*cker July spent with my Tornado of a pre-schooler Ive learned a few things. Stuff which is New!Different!Shocking! (Perhaps not.) Tidbits which left me thinking GoodGoshINeededThatReminder? (Always.) I give you what is pretty much an outgrowth of the ... Continue Reading