httpv:// I love it. Kim Kardashian loves it (I know ---what is UP with her sisters' new reality show? please to discuss.) Our own Dr. J loves it. What more do you need? OH. A chance at a free one? Your wish is this MizFit’s command. Please to select an exercise you would hate love do should you win the Equalizer, name it, & hit us ... Continue Reading
KettleBell workouts–MizFit style (giveaway post).
Subtitle: The real title of this should have been 'Allow Myself to Plagiarize Myself.' Portions of this originally appeared in post & in a magazine. All of today's post was inspired by this blogger's tweets. Writing a fitness column means my inbox overflows with opportunities to review health-related products. Most of these solicitations I delete knowing that, although they claim to ... Continue Reading
Outdoor Exercise & Return of the Ren Man (video/giveaway post).
Subtitle: Im going all 30 Rock on your collective arses (minus the money). Part One: MizFit waxes eloquent about biceps, triceps, shoulders & legs. You may need to jack up the computer volume as the great outdoors refused to be quiet. httpv:// Part Two: Ren Man pontificates on how one mightcould work the back & chest whilst ... Continue Reading